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Natasha Harris - Activate Your Soul Power and the Wisdom of the Akashic Records

1h 10m · Birthing In New Earth Podcast · 02 Feb 14:42

I just loved this conversation with Natasha. She is an amazing woman, a ray of sunshine. We took a deep dive in this conversation and so much relevant wisdom came through. Natasha Harris is an intuitive business coach, healer and supports conscious business owners to powerfully step into their next level of impact and leadership. She works with the ancient wisdom of the Akashic Records to support her clients to overcome the energetic blocks of many lifetimes, especially those around financial abundance. In this episode, Natasha shares her story and what has led her to do the work she does. We dive into what is happening on the planet at the moment and how many people are feeling overwhelmed. She shares how important it is that we take care of ourselves and stay centred during these times in order for us to be able to shine our light and be the wayshowers to the New Earth. She also shares tips on how we can do this. We talk about the importance of conscious community and the shift of focus from the individual to the collective in business. We talk about how many people are being called to step up into their life's purpose and share their gifts with the world. Natasha explains to us what the Akashic records are and how she connects to this ancient wisdom to support her clients. And at the end she takes us on a beautiful deep meditation journey to the Akashic records. This meditation was amazing and can be used over and over. This conversation is uplifting and full of wisdom. Not to be missed! Connect with Natasha and all the beauty she is sharing: Instagram: Find out more about: Birthing in New Earth - Website: Instagram: New Earth Stewardship Program: The host Samantha - Instagram: Website: Email: [email protected]

The episode Natasha Harris - Activate Your Soul Power and the Wisdom of the Akashic Records from the podcast Birthing In New Earth Podcast has a duration of 1:10:07. It was first published 02 Feb 14:42. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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