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Scott Macindoe: The Future of New Zealand fish. Numbers have fallen. What are we leaving our children?

59m · GreenplanetFM Podcast · 17 Jun 00:00

New Zealand with the fourth largest economic zone on earth is facing a major dilemma with its vast fisheries.  Being now essentially run by a handful of fishing families. That as an industrial fishing machine it still controls the narrative regarding fishing in NZ waters. There is a dimension of Maoridom who are responsible for managing Treaty of Waitangi Settlement assets, but regrettably the NZ Government's Ministry of Primary Industries - 'is captured' due to their inability to manage for example red snapper in NZ. But the whole much lauded 'Quota Management system, is a major failure. 

Scott clearly states that for change to really happen - is that we need a crisis. This will then pull us all together to solve this huge out of control quota management system and all its attendant challenges. Quoting Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics 1976 - who declared - "Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change."

He said that though the recreational fishing lobby took the establishment to the HighC, the Appeals Court, the Supreme Court winning each time - and being awarded costs and yet 'there was still no apparent change.'

He said that the recreational fisherfolk were learners in how to deal with the well financed fishing lobby - that it was just a battle!  

In this interview we learn that fishing rights are now 'property rights', they are eternal.

Those who did the most damage to the fisheries - got the most reward. 

This is totally incongruent with a democracy. NZers are being sold a lie. 

Fishing companies are today getting poor economic returns. Poor returns for whanau and Maori Families.

No businesses have been established for Maori to be engaged in, since 1992 when the treaty settlement was signed. Only a handful of Maori businesses have come out of this - actually the system has gone about disestablishing small businesses and small scale anything. 

This Scott says is the problem of this Neo liberal circus that is happening.

Scott encourages us to see YouTube - price of fish video - it's only 15 minutes - very important.

Precautionary approach to NZ fish stock is imperative 

He states that we must now take on the precautionary principle in relation to fish stocks and that we can not go below 50% of the fish species that are being fished. Meaning 50% of the unfished biomass. That future generations are depending on the fidelity of the fishermen of today, be it Government, commercial or recreational.  

He says that what is happening is that we 'manage' our fisheries - the 4th largest area on Earth and that it is based on computer models and on maximum sustainable yields. He says it's a fantasy and an illusion. (listen) - He says that as a country we have to find a way to replace these destructive fishing methods and management systems, as 'they' have had 40 years of opportunity (plunder) - but their days are over - they have taken the best that was and they have left the fisheries in a very sorry state. - listen.

Respect for all of nature

He further states - it is time now for us to have respect for these animals, respect for the environment, respect for our communities, we have to have employment in our regional areas, yet we need to have commercial fishing - but not in the senseless way is is exploiting the fisheries, the ocean and our collective future. Scott gives the two main supermarkets chains here in NZ a towelling for selling fish that is dead, ageing and devoid of life force. That we in NZ fool ourselves into thinking that we are eating fresh vibrant food from the marine environment.

Aquaculture - not necessarily a burgeoning industry.

It is not saving wild fish - but quite the reverse ... listen he will school you yet again. It's very polluting and the food the caged salmon is not wild, but processed food from man - with a smattering of wild fish thrown in to make it sound more legit. Green lip mussels in Scotts opinion is a very good choice - even though under the mussel farms there is a lot of excretions from the mussels on the seafloor.

Bottom trawling comes in for a hammering as well. 

Tarikihi, Gurnard, and John Dory in the North island waters have been basically fished out and are no longer available to recreational fisher folk. - essentially gone ...

But snapper are a tough customer - they also spawn for months - they will eat anything - even themselves. They are fast, strong and robust.  Scott says that fishermen often go out and if they catch 7 snapper - they are happy with that - but there are no other species - so if you are snapper centric - there are still a lot of them about - but that is it - only snapper - what's down beneath is very sparse when it comes to the other species ... where once had a wide variety of tasty fish.

No champions in the Government or Councils for the future of fish?

His question is - where  have all the other fin fish assemblages gone?  How come? They are definitely in trouble - and where are the defenders of all these disappearing fish. They too have gone? They are not in the Auckland Council ...

Where is our trevally?  This story is a farce - they are 'dumping' hundreds and hundreds of tonnes of trevally into Saudi Arabia, France and the UK at $3.00 a kilo whole - and until recently the return was $2.00 a kilo. All (in Tim's opinion) under the auspices of an inept Department of Primary Industries aided and abetted by an unconscious Parliamentary process. That though they are our paid servants they have run away with their own Agenda ... (now what could that be?).

Cameras on trawlers ... is basically a non starter - the situation is not clear - poor focus - (have a listen). Observed behaviour is modified behaviour -   but with no cameras they steam out of port over the horizon and they are a law unto themselves.

The Lobbying and power of the industrial fishing machine reaches deep down into NZ's Parliament and nullifies the idea of cameras and what we call - decent behaviour.

Daniel Pawley - from Canada and his offering - "the sea around us" - found that trawler skippers were not telling the truth and that catches were 3 times or 2.5 times more that were reported.

Scott calls for a total closure of the intertidal zone - between high and low tide. A total Closure ...DO NOT TAKE A SINGLE LIVING ORGANISM in the area. That means nothing off the rocks or out of the sand for at least 5 years ...

The protection of the fragility and vulnerability of the intertidal zone requires some real leadership.

A rahui is the only way we can stop the killing of any sea animal in this zone!

Rahui is only a stop gap measure though. 

Scott says he has far more faith in mana whenua and community working in cooperation than in any Governmental intervention.   Means the indigenous people (Māori) who have historic and territorial rights over the land. It refers to iwi and hapū (Māori tribal groups) 

This will have the full backing of the recreational fishing lobby, the NZ Angling and Casting Association, is 65 years old  The NZ Underwater Association - 68 years old  - Yachting NZ - Spearfishing NZ this is larger than one would think. With the NZ Sport Fishing Council there are 57 clubs with 37,000 members - is embedded in all of this. - where unwanted fish parts after they have been caught. Left over heads and frames that are healthy and edible and then finding a home for them where other people can cook and eat them so that no part of the fish will go to waste.  See last interview.

So far 150,000 kilos over the last 5 years have found their way freely to welcome homes and families to eat. = no waste.

Moana Fishing company - - shares their off cuts of fish to the under-resourced and now Sanfords is coming on board ...  -  in Henderson is h

The episode Scott Macindoe: The Future of New Zealand fish. Numbers have fallen. What are we leaving our children? from the podcast GreenplanetFM Podcast has a duration of 59:43. It was first published 17 Jun 00:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Tim Lynch: Awakening NZ Farmers & Ethical Doctors - Push back NZ Government - And Media Silence

Never has New Zealand been so divided as of now - not since the ‘racially selected’ white South African rugby tour of NZ of 1981.

This was when thousands of very courageous New Zealanders, especially the young, in their 20’s, 30’s and 40’s donned crash helmets, padded clothing and made wooden shields and went into battle for the black and coloured South African’s.

Who could never vote or represent their country. These principled NZers went against the Conservative ‘National’ Government of the time and were prepared to blockade rugby stadiums around the country. This was a battle for justice and the right for self determination due to people being judged by the colour of one's skin.

With this week’s show Tim started off with greeting all breathers out there across Auckland's greater region and further out within the teaming biosphere of our sacred planet - where he mentions that all animals, trees, plankton and humans  - share the one breath - as of this moment.

Stating that we are immersed in momentous times - all of us - and we are unknowing of the outcome … 

Saying  - that he sincerely wishes you all well as we revitalise ourselves for the future that we didn’t plan on - but intuitively many knew could come to us - in one way or another.

We are the 5% of this planet's awakening population that could be far more than 7% or even 10% of people engaged in this Great Awakening.

With 7.8 billion souls sharing the invisible breath during this time - he said we must remember that we have been given a free body in which to live and he trusts - prosper and experience moments of joy - which is our birthright.

As you very well know we as a humanity are realising that we have to come together in ‘unity consciousness’ to create a new way of breaking out of the hypnosis that MainStream Media has used to capture our mind, close down our heart and in some clever ways - control our very thought process.

We are surrounded in possibilities 

The imperative for us at this moment on this magnificent planet - we call home - is to realise that we are all surrounded in possibilities, and that we must start with our inner self and make sure that every thought and every word stated and each action we take is going to make us - at heart - a more honest, courageous and forthright human being that at soul level resonates with service to the greater good. 

Service to self in these times is not an option. Yes, many of us are even challenged by our family members - so if you find yourself at odds with your family - still keep your love strong for them and our neighbours in the neighbourhood and community that we live in.

Becoming Aware ASAP

Education and sharing of empowering knowledge is more than important - it is imperative - if we are to gain a foothold in the narrative that has been censored by MSM and has kept our citizens in the dark 

Note that there is a chance that GreenplanetFM could find itself de platformed and taken down - like the hundreds of thousands overseas - due to the controlling hitech corporates in Silicon valley and beyond - wanting to interrupt our narrative that questions not only their ethics and motives - but also why are they stifling free speech?.

New Zealand’s Birthright is Free Speech 

Fortunately coming from New Zealand where free speech is a foundation stone of our country and as long as it is not slanderous and obscene or extolls acts of violence - will always be able to broadcast - even as in the case of an interview with Lynda Wharton, a natural healer here in Auckland being taken down and deleted by YouTube - we trust that we will continue to freely express ourselves as we work to emancipate humanity from the malaise that has fallen over a large percentage of our world.

Planetary Power Struggle of Freedom and democracy - versus Control

However - Tim draws our attention as we explore the deeper implications of losing the importance of our freedoms and he reiterates that there’s a planetary power struggle happening that has been going 24/7 - silently in the back ground - as certain power players wield their influence over an unsuspecting humanity -  we, who have been doing our best to survive, have a family, work to finance ourselves and have time off for rest and recreation and learn what it is to be human.

This too was covered to a degree in last week's excellent interview on - of Joe Rifici - who talked about many of these main points.

Saying that his power game is known by those like myself who have been quietly researching the ‘pyramid of power’ for 45 years  - a structure that basically the elite occupy - and at all levels of power - from the apex at the top to virtually the bottom of this pyramid. I give you one guess as to where we are, in this structure. Yes, the great mass of humanity, the 90% plus - we ordinary citizens - are at the bottom, holding up this multi layered bloated structure that we are financially indebted to … and that syphons off money from us to feed them all - further up the system.

However - their corrupted system is coming apart - it can no longer sustain them for much longer - because we have come to a limit of growth - we have reached multiple tipping points be it environmental, economic and societal. 

Plus, ‘we are waking to their game …’

As you very well intuit our whole way of life within the biosphere is now under threat and I ask you what country on earth has a government of integrity and is loved by its people? This is where we have come to - as a humanity. 

Our elected representatives of all political parties have run away with their own agenda and in many ways - not listening to us - have gone rogue. 

With a global population of 7.8 billion souls, yes souls - we have become too many for them to control - and … wait for it - there are too many of us awakening at the same time as more and more conscious researchers and activists are calling out truthfully - that - Covid has been deployed - yes that’s right - deployed to take down the global public to more manageable numbers. The horror is - that we are learning that there is a depopulation agenda being actively pushed. Why are the Governments especially in the Western Hemisphere in lockstep in wanting all of us, including children to be vaccinated before the year is out? Where on this planet are children going down with Covid? The stats say that all children have a 99.99% recovery rate. 

Yet - the vaccination is actually the greater problem by far - because it is not a vaccination - but an injection.

Tim then states - Now as you listen to me dear listeners I am communicating to you today - from my heart - there is no anger being transmitted - Please note this.

What I am asking New Zealanders is this - how many babies have had covid? How many infants, children, teenagers and twenty somethings? These apparently are not vulnerable groups and have never been. The vulnerable people are those my age in their 70s, 80s and 90’s - who have immune systems that are tired, due to possibly eating factory or industrial food, and drinking chlorinated and quite possibly fluoridated water, with little sunshine and little to not enough exercise.Are lonely and lack social support and love.  No wonder the elderly are susceptible. 

Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc - Work

But to get to the point - it’s a straight out fact that ivermectin is a proven safe alternative that is exceptionally cheap - as it is not Patented and cannot be turned into a cash cow for any corporations. Note that in the Dominican Republic just recently - 6,000 people were treated with Ivermectin — but as MSM does not know where the Dominican Republic is - they ignore this struggling but resourceful island nation in the Caribbean.

Most remarkable is this statistic on Ivermectin used as prophylaxis. In a randomised, controlled trial of prophylaxis in hospital staff in Argentina, it yielded a 100% protection against covid19.

If ivermectin was taken, no one developed the illness.

Rob Wilson: Farmers across NZ Protest Government Regulations, Non Consulting, Water Rights, Land Grabs

NZ Farmers are pushing back against bureaucratic Government and Local Council regulators (especially land grabs) due to no open communication, or open meetings and sharing of information and genuine consultation.

Rob sees the farming sector throughout rural NZ being challenged like never before. Yes, there is water pollution, chemicals on the land, (huge stocking numbers - Corporate farms) and health issues that need to be continually addressed. However, what farmers have been experiencing though is escalating Governmental regulations, plus local Council intrusions into their lives by a hive of unknown bureaucrat regulators pushing an agenda, that in many ways is - one size fits all. 

The United Nations Agenda21 and Agenda2030. 

This adds to the recent - interview of Heather Meri Pennycook - where we cover many of the same issues - but worded differently, especially the expanding nation wide push back that continues to grow, via Groundswell, but with a very defined focus.   

Yet, what’s getting under the ‘farming sectors’ skin is the extreme lack of face to face consultation and communication. especially the sharing of information at local gatherings, town hall meetings and villages. For the farmers it’s just more paperwork, and compliance. Like the Emperors of the past exacting tribute from the peasants  and having an intermediary, the Governor collects taxes and that one follow ‘dictats’ - without human contact and open discussions.

This has resulted in the Groundswell uprising and farm tractors descending on villages, towns and cities across NZ with a follow up statement that this will occur again mid August if the Govt and local Councils do not front up.

Yes, it’s about the pace of change - on the back of climate change - increasing storms, encroaching sea levels and weather*events but it’s being run by bureaucrats - who have no skin in the game - with  no financial risk involved making demands on a map somewhere. Plus, most bureaucrats have never been out in stormy cold weather - in the wind and the rain, helping cows calve or sheep stuck in a drain, or dealing with a flood, fallen trees etc etc.

Yet it’s about SNA’s. What is an SNA? SNA stands for Significant Natural Area and they are becoming  important whichever way you look at them. Forest and Bird says they are "New Zealand's most important remnants of native habitat - places where rare or threatened plants or animals are still found". However  after the signing of the United Nations Rio’ Agreement in 1992 - NZ committed to Agenda 21 and more lately, Agenda2030 - so as to impel environmental and ecological change by 2030. Hence the ’so-called’ hurry’.  

However the fine print and the detail is all hidden in plain sight. 

Like the 17 United Nations sustainability development goals - they look and sound wonderful - we are going to eradicate poverty and have equality - have a sustainable future and look after our environment.  

But, if you go to  - and download the fine print of what that Agenda actually is - and it’s a 352 page document - it virtually covers every aspect of our lives - healthcare, education  - and a stock take every single living being and resource and mineral on the planet - so that ‘they’ can ‘stock take’ everything thing - eventually right across our country - and more and more are saying - control it.

From your reading you will see that the Agenda wants to eradicate that which is not sustainable - and that is - the private ownership of land. i.e. farming - private ownership of motor vehicles, roading, irrigation, ski fields, golf courses - even the family unit - in their eyes is listed as unsustainable. That this is something that ‘bureaucrats’ want to eradicate. So once we read the fine print we become aware of where our Government is taking us, Be it National or Labour (Greens) - that due to no consultation that this ‘unconscious’ legislation is crippling our agricultural sector - starts to make sense.

That everyone has to do their own research - bypassing Google and using because if you are not aware of what’s in the fine print - and you learn this for the very first time - it will sound quite bazaar - so the imperative is for all NZers to see what is being planned for our future - and if you are a parent - your children’s future. (and that you have been cut out of the dialogue with zero say).

Note, that anyone who criticises the Govt narrative is deemed by the Govt as a ‘conspiracy theorist’ - however when you read the fine print you realise that this is ‘not theory.’

On the web site you can see the video for yourself of the NZ Prime Minister stating that this Labour Government is going to carry out all the contingencies of the Agenda2030. Plus the link to the UN Agenda document.

Many NZ farmers, contrary to common belief, are not farming for the money - it’s the lifestyle they love and they wish to hand their farm on to their children and future family generations. However certain contingencies within the UN Agenda2030 - make their plans basically unobtainable. 

Now - this has never even been a serious discussion with NZ farmers. 

This is a far ranging plan that in essence wants to do a full stock take on all biota within the biosphere and all inanimate things as well. For example, on the microcosm - a corporation completes an annual ‘stock take’ of everything that corporation incorporates. 

For example: Land - buildings, automobiles, trucks, bulldozers, (aeroplanes, ships) office equipment stationary, stock - be it live stock, (animals) and product (wheat, soy, maize - iron ore, oil, etc) and what monies they have in the bank, stocks, shares, gold, silver, bitcoin, IOU’s, sureties etc.

What the Agenda2030 does - is stocktaking of everything in every country so that countries assets are known by the bureaucrats in a UN building somewhere and they then command how a farm shall be run and governed on a planetary scale. 

Yet, that bureaucrat may not know squat about farming and the culture - and especially the prevailing weather, climate etc of that particular farming region. 

It is this macro managing from afar that is disturbing. Just have a look at how the WHO - the World Health Organisation acted over the last 18 months to see how their edicts are given out.       

This is where Agenda21 is leading us. So that those ‘who make the decisions’ can see what is happening on our whole planet at any time, but with a limited understanding of how farmers may live.

To them they do not want to distinguish countries as such - but see just ‘trading blocks’ - North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe etc. At this moment they are still piecing together how these so-called Trading blocks will fit. Or at least make it public.

Though National Party Leader Jim Bolger signed the 1992 Rio de Janeiro Agenda2, it was John Key who signed Agenda2030 - so for the farmers of NZ - they have to realise that a huge percentage of them voted for the National political party run by these two Prime Ministers. - that in many ways is aiding and abetting the  silent, stealthy and hidden program that is being rolled out now.

This is where there is a gigantic gap between the Agriculture Action Group and Groundswell - have a huge chasm to cross. see the global clamp coming on fast whilst the Groundswell supporters basically think that getting rid of the Labour Party will save them.

This is where they have been hoodwinked by National Party politicians not telling the truth or saying that the UN Agendas are conspiracy theories - when in fact - National are basically as donkey deep into the take over of NZ as Labour and the rest of the political apparatus.

There were a number of National Political Party representatives in the crowd at the NZ wide Friday Groundswell even

Joe Rifici: COVID Tyranny and 5G RADIATION Two Boots For Eight Billion Faces

None of us would have thought that humanity - especially in the Western World would be cowered and on the back foot as we are today. Disunity across Nations. Particularly, Australia, Canada, the disunited Kingdom and the Un-united States and here in NZ as well.

That has finally caused farmers to descend on our towns and cities. There is an underlying unrest and social/psychological turmoil.

What we have found ourselves in - is a hybrid version of a non-physical civil war of the spirit - between those who question virtually everything - versus those who obey the Government narrative - parroted verbatim by subservient 'bought and paid for' - MSM - tools of the Globalists at the apex of the pyramid of power.  

Great Reset - World Economic Forum.      

The global elitist and their political puppets 'have made their move on humanity' and the method is based on the Great Reset out of Davos, the World Economic Forum in Switzerland. It will be a cashless society where everyone will be surveilled and with your name attached to a number. It is not coming, it is here - having been enacted by gradualism and progressive - little by little, bit by bit - movements. It could be a matter of months - or by Christmas and into 2022 - but it will be 5 years earlier than (Agenda) 2030.

Joe, when going to university in the USA saw the US Govt toppling elected governments in South America and Central America and also the invasion of Vietnam and says that corruption has been in the USA - since the virtual beginning. But, in the last 60 years it’s accelerated and he says it's coming to the culmination of what we witness today. Secrecy and Covert operations and ‘black’ operations and false flag operations have been the hallmark for the last 60 years. Saying that if people are not aware of this history and the Assassination of John F Kennedy and his brother Robert as well as 911 in New York etc etc, – they are not getting the picture. Particularly of what we are seeing today and that it is actually happening.

So besides intelligence operations, the military industrial complex has been instrumental – furthering their own interests and the money to be made with war and invasions etc. But more so - the development of technology – and essentially in the US, technology starts with the military.  

The US takes public tax money and funds and then does the research and development of most technologies – and in this interview – microwave technology – which they started – and digital technology as well. They have been doing this at the public expense – and eventually they will commercialise what they want to make money from and after the Research and Development has been completed will release these technologies for military applications  and the rest into the consumer market. Like microwave ovens for example. and sonar for war ships and fish finders for recreational fishermen etc.

This is where we are at today 

Mass Media – Tyranny

Which has been totally taken over – by the Corporate world - ‘and captured’ – so today we have just a handful of networks in large countries controlling all of the media – newspapers, television, radio etc. Plus much of the internet  - so again, it’s a centralisation of power and a total takeover of communications – news and media. 

Again by a handful of corporate networks. This has never happened in history before. There have been over this time some journalists and journals endeavouring to get to the truth – and were instrumental in stopping the Vietnam war – and if it was not for courageous journalists that war would have carried on for who knows when?

Pharmaceutical – Medical Tyranny

This has come about in many ways by people becoming disempowered and the abnegation of personal responsibility for their own health. That humans have gradually - and slowly over time, abrogated responsibility to take care of their ‘sovereignty of their body’ and all that entails. They gave themselves away – lock stock and barrel to a medical establishment that is part of the Pharmaceutical medical industrial complex and just 'believe in that authority and science and medicine to the point that it has become the new religion.' It has become a church. (but it can’t heal cancer, baldness or the common cold).    

The High Sacraments of that church today is - vaccines

The other is the Digital High Tech Corporations – Silicon Valley – who control all of the internet – media – social media – it’s  totally controlled once again by Alphabet – Google – YouTube – Facebook – Twitter etc. etc. Just a handful of people who are controlling the narrative and censoring everything outside the Government and Corporate interests. Where we now have the Covid and ‘Quaccine’ with 5G wireless as the end game. 

This is Joe’s viewpoint, based on decades of research and looking at where this end game would come to a culmination point. You must listen.

Stating that we now have a multi-pronged full spectrum asymmetrical covert war. Happening as you reread this - NOW. 

Its biological, its chemical – by meaning chemical he says fluoride and chemtrails – radiological – Fukushima Japan and the collapsing of the Northern Mid Pacific ocean ecosystems and all of the ionising radiation that is being leaked into the environment.

Including energy weaponry – dews and propaganda used as weaponised propaganda. 

We are in an end game that is inconceivable if we have not been following what has been happening over the last 60 years.      

Joe states it’s not a judgement and it is not to blame - (yet it is to a certain extent) because you have your old maxim such as: 

‘Democracy means you have to be eternally vigilant.’

Joe then goes on to talk about freedoms and the discipline that is needed when we as free beings living in a democracy need to be aware of.

That the United Nations Agenda21 and 2030 must be seen for what they are. 

That it is a top down agenda that has never been taken to the people of any country and discussed openly – and talked through and agreed to – but is being applied across the board by Councils in secrecy and it is this secrecy that is eroding our cherished democratic process.

Joe mentions that the land that the United Nations building is situated comes from the Rockefeller family –  this as the story unfolds - being part of an elite plan for One World Government, or more latterly – the New World Order.

The Rockefellers are the ones who control Big Pharma globally and all that it represents. (Note – That both John D Rockefeller died at 97 and David Rockefeller died in 2017 at 101 – that their choice of medication was homeopathy)

Parts of the UN’s plan is around Agenda21 and Agenda2030 having sustainability goals that have never been debated, discussed, argued or agreed upon and these are to be integrated into the NWO – the 'New World Order.' 


See  - interview of Heather Meri Pennycook of 'Significant Natural Areas' - of significance, SNA's - land being locked away over the objections of landowners.

The Agenda on Sustainable Development has been rolled out globally to local governments – they have 'infiltrated' every Local Government (Remember – Infiltration as against Invasion)  - as a strategy.

This all comes from the power elite at the top of the pyramid of power – from the World Economic Forum, in Davos Switzerland – the Bilderberg’s, the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Codex Alementarious -  all these Clubs – they are all involved – they are the 0.1% of the 1%  - and it’s all coming into focus in what we are facing - now.


Finally, Joe states that he will be blunt that what we are facing now with 5G and Covid and the injection' reg

Ray Broomhall: Global Deployment of 100,000 5G Satellites Continues, What Are The Health Effects?

What people may not know is that the current roll out of the 5G telecommunications network, is a massive undertaking being coordinated around the world and pushed by the corporate elite.

Engulfing the entire planet via 100 thousand satellites, millions of telecommunication towers, small cells and billions of 5G connected devices flooding the world with invisible electro smog pollution in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

The 5G rollout will increase man-made electromagnetic radiation at unprecedented levels with little to no concern for the safety and wellbeing of the humans who will be exposed to it.

In Australia concerned citizens have formed a political Party called the ‘NO 5G Party’ - that will be in every state across Australia.  Ray is the president of it at the moment and they have a thousand members and at the next General Election they will be running candidates in every State, specifically on electro magnetic radiation issues. Also, its a Party to educate people that there has been a unprecedented upgrading and building of Mobile telephone towers and ‘small cells’ for 5G across Australia - saying it has been happening here in NZ and that most people have no idea that this is happening as we read to this.

That in Australia all the Telcos are eagerly waiting the Australian Govt’s 5G 26 Gigahertz frequency sale. We know that the 26 Gigahertz band is a frequency that is billions of times higher than the frequencies that we have been exposed up to now. Thus is very problematic health wise. The will come to NZ too.

This will mean that 26 Gigahertz Non ionising electro magnetic radiation penetrates our bodies.

26 Gigahertz Non ionising electro magnetic radiation penetrates our bodies. Through both skin and tissue at 26 billion pulses per second. 

Compared with only 50 pulses per second as found in the 50 hertz frequency - as irradiated by many of the electrical appliances around the home.

Vodafone in this interview admits that the radio wave penetrates the skin - listen. And Ray says that he is sure that people do not consent to that.

Some frequencies penetrate the skin to a depth of 8.1 millimetres. - the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency  - listen toabout Dr Ken Karipidis - is an expert on jopw tradition affects the human body.

What this has come os that humanity is being assaulted  

These wireless frequencies are an assault on the human body.  This is where the battle lines are.

The Crimes Act in NZ 1961 - Under Section 2 - gives an interpretation - An assault means the act of intentionally applying or attempting to apply force to the person of another - directly or indirectly  or threatening by any act or gesture to apply such force to the person of another.

Electro magnetic radiation is a force and if you do not consent to it - then who ever is touching you or penetrating you - must stop. Otherwise it is an offence under the Crimes Act 1961.

Listen to this interview: Of Dr Bruce Hocking’s research with children in Australia in 1996   - irradiated from 3 broadcast towers in Sydney NSW.  LISTEN - he found that there was a 60%  increase in childhood deaths from childhood lymphatic leukaemia in the immediate vicinity of those towers. His was a time when the frequencies were far lower than todays frequencies.

Listen to 19 children dying with lymphatic leukaemia in Rome Italy when the Italian supreme court found them guilty due to them living in to closer proximity to the Vatican radio station.

An Italian court has found a Roman Catholic cardinal and a director of Vatican Radio guilty of polluting the atmosphere with powerful electromagnetic waves from a radio transmission station.

Note that today - Leukaemia is now the most common cancer in Australian Children 

Mobile phones were introduce in 1981 and the sharp increase in childhood leukaemia is no coincidence. Have a listen.

Ray also mentions that a sleeping virus that is dormant in a human body can be reactivated when exposed to non ionising radiation .  This is important information.

Healthy Heavens Trust in Australia  

This is about regarding Satellites in low geo stationary orbit. Ray’s team have filed against Elon Musk and other satellite providers in exposing Australians to electromagnetic radiation from satellites - because they do not know what degree of exposure Australians will be exposed too.

Bodily Affects.

Synapses and nerves are affected as well as cardiac muscles. There appears to be no cure for exposure to non ionising radiation.

Ray says that the new wireless towers are pumping out very powerful radiation - have a listen.

Stopping this radiation in Australia is schools is becoming very concerning in schools - a duty of care issue - if wifi is throughout schools - they are technically assaulting the children. 

Thousands of Satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

100,000 SpaceX lanced satellites will be up above our head in the next 5 years - plus high altitude platform stations. (see previous interview of Ray) mostly launched from Australian soil - at Wyndham launched into the stratosphere - they are like a giant drones that can stay up there for months.

Get this! - Each Orbiting Platform is going to be the equivalent to 1,800 base stations, each … they will circulate in a 200 kilometres circumference and they will have a seamless connection to earth base stations. They are designed to connect to high altitude satellites as well as our basic telephone towers,

There is another  reason why this is all happening - your mobile phone will be able to be charged from these flying platforms and you will never have to plug your mobile phone into the wall to get it charged - ever again . Note, there is no mention of the health effects from all the electrical charges and frequencies that we find ourselves immersed in. 

No health affects have been factored in. The flying wing will via wireless electricity charge your phone from then on.

Ray further says that it’s planned that all your appliances in your home will be powered this way -  TV - radio, toaster you name it.  Even your electric car is supposedly planned to be automatically charged (what a fantasy). Wireless power transfer has been around for a long time. Nikola Tesla was planning to do this over a hundred years ago and had completed the preliminary testing and it worked. But, in those days, there was no way to ‘monitor it’ and ‘charge for it’. So JB Morgan, Tesla’s financier not wanting people to have free transport and pulled the plug on Tesla. The battery powered Tesla cars of today - are a compromise.

Listen to Ray, mention that in Australia they have the worlds largest database on health affects. That the scientific consensus states that there is ‘wireless’ data that states 68% of all studies - show adverse health affects. Only 24% of all studies show no effect. I did not ask him about the other 8% 

Even high voltage powerlines - have affected the birthing rate of cows and Ray on behalf of some pastoralists - have taken the Power companies to court and won - Have a listen.

Tell the Telcos that you do not consent to being touched by wireless radiation - and then communicate with these and other Telcos about it - and to stop.


OTHER Subjects Covered.

Heather Meri Pennycook: Are Councils Applying United Nations Agenda’s throughout New Zealand?

This is a whopper of an interview, I can see why people in the rural sector of NZ are flocking to hear Heather Meri (and Rob Wilson) lay out the UN Agenda 21 and 2030. Plus, the planned addition of the ‘Great Reset’ that the World Economic Forum from Davos in Switzerland is going to superimpose over our planet and civilisation.

This new economic model will cover every survival contingency regarding the well being of the 7.8 billion souls on this planet, including all biota within the biosphere. 

Heather Meri says that there is more legislation coming out of Parliament that is going to affect us. However she has addressed about 80 meetings around the country over the past 6 or 7 months - 37 in the North Island. Encouraging groups to form so has to assist in educating their community, but in particular, to do their own research. Some weeks ago she had about 250 people show up to a talk in the Nelson area of Moutere - because people are waking up to what is being planned for them. That there are SNA’s being ‘Significant Natural Areas’  - and the local Council has just sent out letters to people who have land holdings with circles around huge areas of their land saying that this area is going to be designated an SNA a ‘significant natural area’. This may or may not include natural bush or anything that you recognise needing protection - some people had an area of gorse … but what Heather Meri says - it's a blatant land grab …  that once this land is designated an SNA you still pay rates on it - but you have to fence it off - you have to do the weed control, but you are not allowed to put animals on it or to use it.

Land owners are aware of the need to protect special areas in NZ, and people that Heather Meri knows, are already availing themselves of Queen Elisabeth 2 Covenants and Riparian planting - and fencing off native bush. People are proud to take care of our environment here in NZ - she says there may be a very, very, small minority of people who are not playing by the rules and this needs to be addressed - but you don’t blanket legislate the entire country and treat everybody like a criminal and cripple their viability on their farm. 

People are losing between 30 to 90% of their land use.

This is shocking … in Kaeo in Northland, we have heard at a people's meeting that 42% of the land in Northland has been claimed as a SNA - that there were a number of people at that meeting who said their entire land holding was designated SNA other than where their house presently stood and with only one meter from the house. Everything else had been designated SNA.  ( in a later text to Heather Meri, I said have them photograph that letter and share it with - and build up a file.

Sometime this July, legislation is coming on a National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity - and in this the Government is going to take the criteria for allocating SNA’s - and make it even more wide spread. Heather Meri says now they are including mobile fauna - for example the native falcon - if a native falcon flies over your property and decides to nest in your pine forest - the authorities are going to put a circle around your pine plantation and make it an SNA.

So once you can’t use it or harvest it or plant or run livestock on it - most of the time you are destroying the viability of one's farm.

To the layman this makes no sense - but when you look at the big picture and ask where this is coming from? It’s further up the pyramid of power. You get a crystal clear understanding.

In August 2019 the Prime Minister of NZ was the keynote speaker at the Goal Keepers Conference in New York - a Bill and Melinda Gates initiative where our PM stood up and told the audience how NZ was achieving the goals of implementing Agenda 21 and 2030. Saying that these agendas had already been integrated into our legislation. Though this has been enacted through Parliament basically no-one - meaning ordinary NZers has any idea of what this is all about. It’s - Hidden in plain sight.

Like the 17 sustainability development goals - they look and sound wonderful - we are going to eradicate poverty and have equality - have a sustainable future and look after our environment.  

But, if you go to  (Agricultural Action Group) and go to the link and download the fine print of what that Agenda actually is - and it's a 352 page document - that covers every aspect of our lives - healthcare, education  - that stock takes every single living being and resource and mineral on the planet - so that ‘they’ can control it.

You start to get the picture, because we have not been consulted or involved. 

That ‘they’ want to eradicate that which is not sustainable - and that is - the private ownership of land. i.e farming - private ownership of motor vehicles, roading, irrigation, ski fields, golf courses - even the family unit - in their eyes is listed as unsustainable. That this is something that they want to eradicate. So once we read the fine print we become aware of where our Government is taking us - she says that the insane legislation that is crippling our agricultural sector - starts to make sense.

Heather Meri says that everyone has to do their own research - because if you are not aware of what’s in the fine print - and you hear her for the very first time - it will sound quite bizarre and crazy - so the imperative is for all NZers is to see what is being planned for your future - and if you a parent - your children’s future. (and you have been cut out of the dialogue, with zero input).

She says that anyone who today criticises the Government narrative is deemed by the Government to be ‘a conspiracy theorist’ - however when you read the fine print you realise that this is ‘not theory.’

Saying that on the web site you can see the video for yourself of the NZ Prime Minister stating just what you have read. Plus the link to the UN Agenda document.

The World Economic Forum of Klaus Schwab from Davos in Switzerland and the ‘Great Reset’ - is coming - and Heather Meri says once you destroy the agriculture industry in NZ our economy crashes and then the World Economic Forum will step in.

Listen - dear reader if you do not click and listen to this interview - and grok what is being explained - you will be forever struggling to understand what is being planned for you. Because this is too much of an effort for me to convey the contents of this interview.  ( I too have to have good sleep and a life - Tim)

We hear that Agenda 21 is based on the Communist Chinese model - per David Rockefeller - Per the Rothschilds. Do you connect the dots?  We are moving towards the State controlling everything … coming down from the top of the global pyramid of power. 

We also hear in this interview:

There is supposed to be a new Act (or an addendum coming before NZ’s Parliament  - called the Domestic Terrorism Act - which is going to come into force very soon and it will give NZ Police unprecedented powers equal to those that were seen in Nazi Germany, or by the Stasi in Communist East Germany.  Facism and Communism joined at the hip.

That our police (who are compelled to obey orders) can come around to our house - without a warrant, do a search, take anything that they want and arrest you on suspicion that you are going to be anti Government or, say something to the NZ public that would be detrimental to the Government narrative. Who we have been told “that, they are the only source of truth.” (Shades of Orwells 1984 ) Because, YOU are now wanting to become a - 'whistleblower or a truth teller.’

Like checking your facebook or youtube comments - checking your emails (note if you have a Google email address or a hotmail Microsoft email address - these emails will pass thr

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