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EP43 - Waking up with Yoga Nidra: A Conversation with John Vosler

1h 4m · Live Like You Love Yourself · 04 May 11:00

What if the most powerful tool for waking up is sleep itself? Chara and Lucy chat with Lucy's dear friend, John Vosler, holistic wellness educator, conscious coach and yoga nidra guide and deeply wise soul about his practice of Yoga Nidra “Yogic sleep” and its potential to transform the way we relate to ourselves and the world around us.

John Vosler’s passion is providing education on how thoughts, emotions and physical being are connected.

As an energetic bodyworker for more than 25 years, John is able to assess each client and determine the best modality or combination of modalities to help them connect with their divine consciousness and inner healer.

Through meditation, movement, holistic bodywork and Conscious Coaching, John’s Los Angeles-based wellness practice has empowered countless clients to improve their lives. Executives, athletes, celebrities, busy moms and burnt-out professionals are attracted to his intuitive awareness and vast knowledge of the science of meditation. And, his infectious humor and compassionate heart make working with him a joy-filled experience.


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The episode EP43 - Waking up with Yoga Nidra: A Conversation with John Vosler from the podcast Live Like You Love Yourself has a duration of 1:04:28. It was first published 04 May 11:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Resources & Mentions:

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Michelle Boulé’s website:

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Dr Lauren Tober’s website -

iRest Institute -

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Every Podcast » Live Like You Love Yourself » EP43 - Waking up with Yoga Nidra: A Conversation with John Vosler