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Equinox Equanimity

25m · Meditista · 26 Sep 10:50

This 25 minute meditation was sponsored by our weekly meditation group. If you enjoy it, I invite you to join us live online or offer a donation. When traversing the inner landscape, there are places bright with light and colour and places that feel quieter. Dropping deeper, what do we hear and see? In the silent spaces, can we get to know ourselves with more clarity? Knowing ourselves means knowing when we are reactive. When a trauma response might derail a balanced view. Coming home to our deep okayness, we learn to ground in a place where response is measured. More equanimity is possible. Less drama happens. Life is still real, but we are able to deal with events from this place of balance. It takes practice, but it's worth it. Image by Johannes Plenio

The episode Equinox Equanimity from the podcast Meditista has a duration of 25:07. It was first published 26 Sep 10:50. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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