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"How to Spook Your Raw Food Fears Away"

28m · Wellness With Rose Radio · 28 Oct 19:00

Eating “Raw” unheated foods have become all the craze, so we couldn't have chosen a better guest with Halloween right around the corner then The Raw Foods Witch, Nathalie Lussier. As many of you know, I am an advocate of using “raw” foods to boost metabolism and have beautiful skin, and this radio program with Nathalie will help us learn how to get healthy and energetic using raw foods, and help you overcome any unknowns or misconceptions you may have around eating raw food. We'll discuss the 2 necessary ingredients to making the transition to raw food as easy as waving your magick wand. (Hint: It’s got nothing to do with the food!) We'll also uncover how getting clear on your raw food stumbling blocks is the key to overcoming them. Lastly, we'll look at the 5 most common raw food hurdles and why we have them. The benefits of going raw are endless and we'll uncover those with Nathalie!

The episode "How to Spook Your Raw Food Fears Away" from the podcast Wellness With Rose Radio has a duration of 28:32. It was first published 28 Oct 19:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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