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Are your sleep habits slowing your progress?

16m · Who Gives A Fit · 11 Feb 00:00

In this episode we talk about why sleep is so important for any goal whether it's fat loss, building muscle, or just living a healthier lifestyle. I give you six tips for making sure you get a good night's sleep feel energized to crush your goals and anything life throws at you with confidence!

Find me on Instagram: @whogivesafit

Tired of spinning your wheels on your fitness journey and ready to start feeling like a strong, confident, badass ASAP? Apply for 1-1 coaching: https://forms.clickup.com/f/87jej-1027/XO6ICPJ6U7WY93WJVG

The episode Are your sleep habits slowing your progress? from the podcast Who Gives A Fit has a duration of 16:14. It was first published 11 Feb 00:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Who Gives A Fit » Are your sleep habits slowing your progress?