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Multi-Generational Friendship: Guest Gillian Fritzsche

35m · Hi Mom, Let's Talk! · 20 Oct 12:00

Learning is often far more cyclical than it is linear - at that goes from relationships as well as timelines. This week we interview Gillian Fritszche, a director/writer/producer in the film and tv industry who also happens to be a lifelong friend to both Mom and Me. She tells her story of creating an adult relationship with her Mom and we get to learn from her experience and wisdom. There is something special, important, and celebratory about multi-generational friendship.

The episode Multi-Generational Friendship: Guest Gillian Fritzsche from the podcast Hi Mom, Let's Talk! has a duration of 35:08. It was first published 20 Oct 12:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Hi Mom, Let's Talk! » Multi-Generational Friendship: Guest Gillian Fritzsche