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Ep 34: Waiting Until Marriage with Holley Brick

34m · Moms, Coffee and Chaos · 09 Oct 02:44

This is our story but it's on a topic that I think is needed in today's society. We are told that Waiting Until Marriage is either old fashioned, impossible or silly because you will want to know what you're getting into when it comes to the intimate part of marriage.

Well, Jonathan and I, By God's Grace, were able to save ourselves for each other on our wedding night and I don't regret it one bit. So I go through our story about dating, engagement, obstacles, temptation, grief and loss but ultimately we came out on the other end so much stronger for it.

So give it a listen! Available on all your podcast platforms!


The episode Ep 34: Waiting Until Marriage with Holley Brick from the podcast Moms, Coffee and Chaos has a duration of 34:48. It was first published 09 Oct 02:44. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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I also love her approach as she is all about Realistic Minimalism. Something that works for you and your family, not rules but a way to have more freedom and enjoyment in the things you do have and love. So just hear us out and see if you think it's for you!

Find her on instagram @minimalish.desirae

Her minimalism course at or

PS If you love the podcast and want to support it and help cover production costs, go to

Thank you so much for listening! Have an amazing week!


Ep 34: Waiting Until Marriage with Holley Brick

This is our story but it's on a topic that I think is needed in today's society. We are told that Waiting Until Marriage is either old fashioned, impossible or silly because you will want to know what you're getting into when it comes to the intimate part of marriage.

Well, Jonathan and I, By God's Grace, were able to save ourselves for each other on our wedding night and I don't regret it one bit. So I go through our story about dating, engagement, obstacles, temptation, grief and loss but ultimately we came out on the other end so much stronger for it.

So give it a listen! Available on all your podcast platforms!


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