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Ep. 8 - Creating Virtual Reality for Bees with Gregory Lafon

23m · Behind the Veil · 27 Nov 13:50

What does it take to create a virtual world for bees that lets us study how they learn? Gregory Lafon is at the forefront of using this technique to study honey bee cognition. In this episode, he discusses the challenges involved in building VR for bees and what we stand to learn. Gregory Lafon is a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Toulouse.

Read his full paper and see photos of the VR setup here:

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The episode Ep. 8 - Creating Virtual Reality for Bees with Gregory Lafon from the podcast Behind the Veil has a duration of 23:49. It was first published 27 Nov 13:50. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Ep. 8 - Creating Virtual Reality for Bees with Gregory Lafon

What does it take to create a virtual world for bees that lets us study how they learn? Gregory Lafon is at the forefront of using this technique to study honey bee cognition. In this episode, he discusses the challenges involved in building VR for bees and what we stand to learn. Gregory Lafon is a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Toulouse.

Read his full paper and see photos of the VR setup here:

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Look inside of a nest:

Every Podcast » Behind the Veil » Ep. 8 - Creating Virtual Reality for Bees with Gregory Lafon