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33. 12 Minute Crown Chakra Meditation

12m · Reclaim Your Power · 01 Aug 15:30


*Listen to 5-7 days for optimal results*

  • The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit) This chakra is located just above the head or the top of the skull. Just like the third eye, there is actually no element associated with this chakra because the energy of it is so high that it goes beyond any material thing. The vowel sound "EEE" is also associated with the crown chakra. When this center is balanced ALONG with the root being balanced and grounded, that is when we can get in touch with a pure state of meditation: non-attachment. The crown is the center where we take in our own understanding of knowledge and values on all levels. With this taking in, it allows us to filter through any "noise" and stick true to what we truly believe and know to be true for ourselves, not others. Which is why it is oh so important to balance blockages in the lower chakras first because, how would we even know WHAT we value or is true for our whole being. The crown chakra is truly where we break down toxic beliefs from society and our family and go our own way. We can still be out in the world but, when the crown is balanced we aren't influenced by others opinions too much. True inner freedom and the will to bring your heart's desires, not your mind's (solar plexus) into reality.

-The function of this chakra is autonomy. Some other associations with the crown chakra are connection to a higher power, breaking free from false beliefs, manifestation, spiritual growth, power, freedom, exuberance, vision and wisdom.

-When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are being influenced negatively by institutions, opinions and familial beliefs and getting too focused on material possessions with no interest in the energetic world.

The episode 33. 12 Minute Crown Chakra Meditation from the podcast Reclaim Your Power has a duration of 12:37. It was first published 01 Aug 15:30. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Reclaim Your Power

34. Sound Healing Session to Meet You Where You're At


It's been quite awhile since I shared a recording with you all but I am so happy to be back with this creative sound session to meet you where you're at now. We are living in some very uncertain and quite frankly, misleading times. I hope that these frequencies can bring you closer to God during this time and allow a sense of deep peace and hope  to wash over you. Thank you for being here and following my journey. I see you!

Keep a look out for more information on an upcoming sound healing coaching offering that I've been playing with. It will combine using sound healing, in particular the voice, to assist in your connection with The Divine to deepen your healing journey. Reach out to me on Instagram or email to be added to an email list to be the first to know when I release this offering! 

Ways to contact me/my website:

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  • Instagram: gabbyssoulfoodd
  • Email: [email protected]

33. 12 Minute Crown Chakra Meditation


*Listen to 5-7 days for optimal results*

  • The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Crown Chakra (Sahasrara in Sanskrit) This chakra is located just above the head or the top of the skull. Just like the third eye, there is actually no element associated with this chakra because the energy of it is so high that it goes beyond any material thing. The vowel sound "EEE" is also associated with the crown chakra. When this center is balanced ALONG with the root being balanced and grounded, that is when we can get in touch with a pure state of meditation: non-attachment. The crown is the center where we take in our own understanding of knowledge and values on all levels. With this taking in, it allows us to filter through any "noise" and stick true to what we truly believe and know to be true for ourselves, not others. Which is why it is oh so important to balance blockages in the lower chakras first because, how would we even know WHAT we value or is true for our whole being. The crown chakra is truly where we break down toxic beliefs from society and our family and go our own way. We can still be out in the world but, when the crown is balanced we aren't influenced by others opinions too much. True inner freedom and the will to bring your heart's desires, not your mind's (solar plexus) into reality.

-The function of this chakra is autonomy. Some other associations with the crown chakra are connection to a higher power, breaking free from false beliefs, manifestation, spiritual growth, power, freedom, exuberance, vision and wisdom.

-When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are being influenced negatively by institutions, opinions and familial beliefs and getting too focused on material possessions with no interest in the energetic world.

32. 15 Min Third Eye Chakra Meditation


*Listen to 5-7 days for optimal results*

  • The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Third Eye Chakra (Ajna in Sanskrit) This chakra is located in the center of the eyebrows, a little bit above them. There is actually no element associated with this chakra because the energy of it is so high that it goes beyond any material thing. The vowel sound "AYE" is also associated with the third eye chakra. The third eye is a mystical center and is discussed in many different religions, philosophies and spiritual texts. It allows us to remove the "veil" from our perception and to see beyond the surface of things, beyond what things seem to be. And when I say "see" I don't mean with your two physical eyes, I mean well, with your third eye! Many people refer to this center as the sixth sense and believe that it is just as important if not more than our other 5 senses.  This center opens us up to universal consciousness and compliments the solar plexus' rational and logical thinking mode. Here we have inner knowings beyond reasoning.

The function of this chakra is clear perception. Some other associations with the third eye chakra are truth, clarity, timing, perception, intuition, breaking illusions, wisdom, foresight, acceptance, objectivity and discernment.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are denial, going against our sixth sense or what we feel is true and right and a lack of clear perception on issues or obstacles in life.

31. 15 Min Throat Chakra Meditation


-Listen for 5-7 days for optimal results-

  • The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddah in Sanskrit) This chakra is located in the center of the throat and the color associated here is a sky blue. The element of ether and the vowel sound "EYE" is also associated with the throat chakra. First and foremost, Let's talk about what the element of "ether" is exactly. After journeying through the 4 elements from the most dense to the most subtle: earth, fire, water and air; we reach an element called ether. Ether is essentially space in a sense. It is the essence of all other 4 elements. 

  • Indian philosophers said that ether's quality is that of sound and in yogic tradition it is thought that all original elements came to be through sound. This is one important reason why sound/frequency healing is so impactful. Sound and vibration are the building blocks of life and when working with sound or mantras, the throat chakra is always activated no matter what chakra you may be working with at the time. The throat chakra is here to allow ourselves to take up space but to also allow others to take up space and express as well. The throat is similar to the pelvic chakra as the both involve space in relation to others. Often people dealing with reproductive organ issues, have blocks in both the pelvic and throat

The function of this chakra is self-expression Some other associations with the throat chakra are communication, identity, organization, extroversion, leadership, impact, wisdom, expression, being seen and listening.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are fear of being seen or heard, low self-worth/self-image, hiding behind a lot of talking by not letting others speak up, not fully listening to oneself and others, and trouble communicating effectively.

30. 15 Min Heart Chakra Meditation


  • The chakra we'll be connecting with in this meditation and email is the Heart Chakra (Anahata in Sanskrit) This chakra is located in the center of the chest and the color associated here is green. The element of air and the vowel sound "AH" is also associated with the heart chakra. This energy center is what makes life worth living and many believe it's actually our intuition center rather than the third eye. You know that saying, "Lead with the heart"? Well it has some truth to it. The heart center is our compass to guide us to our most fulfilling life and potential. The path there may very well rip your heart open/metaphorically speaking so one can really understand what it means to love and trust. 
  • When we are deeply loved and respected, we feel safe to deeply love and respect ourselves. And the ironic part of it all is that in loving ourselves, I mean truly and unconditionally loving oneself, we are able to more readily love and feel loved by another. It all bounces back on one another. The heart chakra is a mirror to see what connection of all kinds, really feels like.

The function of this chakra is connection to self, others, nature and Spirit. Some other associations with the heart chakra is love, knowledge, inspiration, trust, hope, joy, empathy, confidence, forgiveness, passion, abundance, truth and desire.

When this chakra is blocked or unbalanced some common issues that can occur are sadness of any degree, loneliness, lack of enthusiasm, self-esteem and trust.  Blockages in this center and in addition the solar plexus, can push people to justify hurting one another.

The heart chakra, when balanced creates a constant state of bliss and inner trust in each and every moment. We feel supported, guided and connected to something much greater than we can imagine.

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