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Understanding the 12 universal laws and how to implement them in our lives with your host Carla Maree

36m · Get Happy Hour · 29 Aug 00:42

EPISODE – Carla solo episode: The 12 Laws of Living


  • The Law of Divine One – everything and everyone is connected. Every thought, action etc affects everyone else. We are all connected subconsciously. We are a part of One and we all want to see others thrive.
  • The Law of Energy/Vibration – everything moves as frequency/vibration and each action and thought has its own frequency. Think positive then more positive things come.
  • The Law of Action – each action will provide a different result. Each action must support our thoughts, dreams and goals for the world.
  • The Law of Correspondence – we are in control of our life, every action we make will be reflected in our outer world and our inner world. Make the internal changes so that the external changes.
  • The Law of Cause and Effect – it is each of our action that creates a reaction. Every statement you make is an example of this Law. What goes around comes around, there is karmic retribution
  • The Law of Compensation – Blessings will come in various forms, money, gifts, friendships etc. Generosity and donations will come back to you.
  • The Law of Attraction – This Law will bring people of things into our life by actions, thoughts or emotions. We use this energy to attract more energy. Once you start to raise your vibration, this will help to raise vibration of things that improve life on your own frequency.
  • The Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy – this law states that higher vibrations can transform and uplift the lower energies. If you want to create change, you vibrate higher and you let go of the lower energy that keeps you stuck. We want to create the life we desire.
  • The Law of Relativity – in order for us to develop, we have to go through problems while keeping connected to the heart. Whenever we are facing challenges, there are other people worse off.
  • The Law of Polarity – everything has an opposite. We have to experience the ups and downs of life, we have to feel to be sad, so we know what happiness feels like.
  • The Law of Rhythm – everything has a different rhythm in each cycle so it’s about getting ready to face the negative part of each cycle so you can recognize some of the things that are negative and then focus on seeing the benefits of this and looking at the positives and also recognizing that this is a cycle.
  • The Law of Gender – this is about yin/yang and masculine/feminine energies. We all possess this. Energy, logic, husting, intellect = masculine energy. Love, patience, gentleness, nurturing etc = feminine energy. Showing and understanding where we can balance this.


The episode Understanding the 12 universal laws and how to implement them in our lives with your host Carla Maree from the podcast Get Happy Hour has a duration of 36:52. It was first published 29 Aug 00:42. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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How Traditional Hawaiian Spirituality relates to these changing times with Kumu Pa’a Kawika Foster

Kumu Pa'a Kawika Foster is a 51st Generation Traditional Cultural Practitioner & Teacher from Halawa, Molokai. His sharing style combines Ancient Wisdom with a Modern Approach. Through straight forward talks and real world applications, Kumu demonstrates how Traditional Hawaiian Spirituality relates to these changing times.

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Facebook: Mana O Kahiko

Instagram: Mana O Kahiko

Youtube: Mana O Kahiko

Twitter: Mana O Kahiko


· Kumu’s cultural heritage came from being born in the Hawaiian Islands and learnt at 23 his background of culture and Hawaiian spirituality. He met his teacher in Molokai and had a commitment ceremony to become the 51st generation of a cultural practitioner.

· His Hawaiian spiritual background has around 4000 deities and has numerous pillars of focus including love “Aloha”, “Pono” – alignment about things being in the rightful place and how it relates to your “Ohana” – your family/community.

· Kumu says that people come to seek happiness and Kumu teaches the wisdom from his ancestry to help people find the change in order to create and maintain happiness.

· Understanding that breaking the confines of how to get out of the things that make people feel stuck is what Kumu helps people with and creating the change that is required.

· If we find ourselves unhappy, we have to create change. Look to the source. That source is in our ancestry, our wellbeing to our higher power is a way of nurturing that special relationship. This includes communicating through prayer, chanting, meditation etc and requires discipline.

· The wind, trees, land, the moon are all examples of the ancestry we can source for our wellbeing.

· The light and warmth of the Sun are one of the most healing and growing energy powers and plays an important role in the duality with the cooling, feminine energy of the moon.

· Kumu’s definition of happiness is stillness in silence and being in complete and total alignment with what you are born with and what you aspire to be in the future. It is all the time and is a state of being.

· Kumu’s morning routine is giving thanks and prayers to his family and ancestors.

· The top things that make Kumu’s heart sing is singing, spending time with his family, making space/design for how things look/make him feel around him

· Kumu’s fantasy meal is tacos

· Stories from Molokai and Darkness of Night are amongst Kumu’s favourite books.

· Forgiveness and surrendering are one of the best things we can do for our health

· The things that make Kumu laugh are comedy jokes, flatulence, the stuff we tend to hide as humans that when it occurs it’s a relief to acknowledge its presence.

· Kumu’s gratitude practice includes chanting and shares a chant with Carla


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simple principles to live your life by with your host Carla Maree

 Principles that I live by


Carla talks about her recent time in Bali from yoga, to ice baths. She’s enjoyed reading and taking some time out to work on herself, her business and to relax.

· Principle 1: Exercise and Movement

Walking and moving the body to keep the energy moving. This includes walking the dog an hour a day whilst trying to get 7000-10000 steps per day and having a regular yoga practice daily and doing a weight-based practice three times a week.


· Principle 2: Meditation

This has been a game-changer. This includes mantras, transcendental meditation, breathwork and stillness. This allows intuition to come through and ideas for things to listen too.


· Principle 3: Lots of fluid

This includes a green juice; a celery juice has been part of a daily practice from learning about this from the medical medium. Drinking a lot of water to help through the day is key to hydration. Magic Mike drinks also helps to combat lethargy.


· Principle 4: Laughter

Big belly laughs, and entering into that childlike energy brings so much joy.


· Principle 5: Being social with friends and family

Whilst being introverted, it is important to maintain connections that you are surrounded with people that uplift you and make you be a better person.


· Principle 6: Do something every day that brings you joy

Make a list and every day do something that brings you joy.


· Principle 7: Spend time in nature

Especially for those that work indoors, in front of a computer etc. Spending time outdoors reminds you how restorative it is for your soul


· Principle 8: Get enough sleep

This is so important to priortise as this helps to restore and recover at night time.


· Principle 9: Make time to read

Leaders are readers. Anything to develop your skills, and higher thought processes.


· Principle 10: Know your values

This is great as a tool to help with decision-making to lead from the heart not the head. This helps to navigate what is important to you.


· Principle 11: Setting goals and self-development

Being a student of life and learning new skills and adapt to new situations helps you grow as a person.


· Principle 12: Travel

This helps me broaden my horizons and helps me learn about my place in the world.


· Principle 13: Have a gratitude practice

When we have that time to realise the things we have to be grateful for we are able to be blessed with more things coming our way too.


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Understanding the 12 universal laws and how to implement them in our lives with your host Carla Maree

EPISODE – Carla solo episode: The 12 Laws of Living


  • The Law of Divine One – everything and everyone is connected. Every thought, action etc affects everyone else. We are all connected subconsciously. We are a part of One and we all want to see others thrive.
  • The Law of Energy/Vibration – everything moves as frequency/vibration and each action and thought has its own frequency. Think positive then more positive things come.
  • The Law of Action – each action will provide a different result. Each action must support our thoughts, dreams and goals for the world.
  • The Law of Correspondence – we are in control of our life, every action we make will be reflected in our outer world and our inner world. Make the internal changes so that the external changes.
  • The Law of Cause and Effect – it is each of our action that creates a reaction. Every statement you make is an example of this Law. What goes around comes around, there is karmic retribution
  • The Law of Compensation – Blessings will come in various forms, money, gifts, friendships etc. Generosity and donations will come back to you.
  • The Law of Attraction – This Law will bring people of things into our life by actions, thoughts or emotions. We use this energy to attract more energy. Once you start to raise your vibration, this will help to raise vibration of things that improve life on your own frequency.
  • The Law of Perpetual Transformation of Energy – this law states that higher vibrations can transform and uplift the lower energies. If you want to create change, you vibrate higher and you let go of the lower energy that keeps you stuck. We want to create the life we desire.
  • The Law of Relativity – in order for us to develop, we have to go through problems while keeping connected to the heart. Whenever we are facing challenges, there are other people worse off.
  • The Law of Polarity – everything has an opposite. We have to experience the ups and downs of life, we have to feel to be sad, so we know what happiness feels like.
  • The Law of Rhythm – everything has a different rhythm in each cycle so it’s about getting ready to face the negative part of each cycle so you can recognize some of the things that are negative and then focus on seeing the benefits of this and looking at the positives and also recognizing that this is a cycle.
  • The Law of Gender – this is about yin/yang and masculine/feminine energies. We all possess this. Energy, logic, husting, intellect = masculine energy. Love, patience, gentleness, nurturing etc = feminine energy. Showing and understanding where we can balance this.


A inspiring conversation with the beautiful Sarah Grynberg

This week I chat with Sarah Grynberg 

With her warm, relatable, and personable demeanor, Sarah Grynberg’s passions lie in teaching people of all ages how to adopt the habits and strategies of life’s greatest leaders – to help them live their most inspired lives.

Sarah is the current host and producer of one of Australia’s most top-rated self- improvement podcasts, A Life of Greatness. It is here where she’s personally interviewed some of the world’s biggest celebrities: including Matthew McConaughey, Wim Hof, Jay Shetty, Daniel Ricciardo, Simon Sinek, Sadhguru, Dr Joe Dispenza, Robin Sharma, Dr Gabor Mate, Mark Manson, Tara Brach as well as many others.

Through her decades of experience working with some of the world’s biggest names, and her own ongoing research studying the lives of the world's most influential people, she has formulated her own blueprint to achieving greatness. Via these practices and techniques, her ultimate goal is to impart this wisdom and knowledge via her talks, podcasts, books & tv to anyone who may need it, so they too can lead their own lives of greatness.

Sarah’s continual research of great thought-leaders, strategic mindsets, and the practices and habits that cultivate greatness, has led her to create a secondary podcast series, Unlock the Greatness Within. It is here she sheds light on topics like The Power of Kindness, How to Find Purpose, Habits for Achieving Greatness, Stop Caring What Others Think Of You, and Following Your Intuition.



  • Sarah started her career as a producer on breakfast radio and found that with the long hours, and negative environment, it started to affect her and then question is there something better than this. This led her onto a spiritual path and her delving into self-improvement.
  • Law of Attraction and manifestation is something that led her to create her own podcast and had Hamish Blake and Joe Dispenza in the first season and it grew from there.
  • Sarah talks about the most memorable guests she has had on her podcast.
  • Carla and Sarah discuss playfulness in adulthood.
  • Sarah’s definition of happiness is about finding joy within yourself
  • Sarah’s routine involves manifestation meditations and vedic chanting and saying the prayer of St Francis.
  • The top things that make Sarah happy is her family, and her friends.
  • Her all time favourite food that she enjoys making is pizza
  • Her all time favourite book that she goes back to in times of need is The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra and has currently finished reading How to be a Triangle by Lily Singh
  • Gratitude through prayer is Sarah’s gratitude practice
  • Pearl Jam songs from the nineties is a reflection of her personality
  • The best thing that the listeners can do to support Sarah is to listen to her podcast.

Find out more about Sarah at

the place to get all her meditations and recourses

Step into the life you love with Lauren Krasnodembski

This week i chat with the awesome and fun Lauren  Krasnodembski who is the creator of the Mind Muscle Motivator, LLC a transformational wellness

company that helps busy driven women step into their life filled with passion and purpose through her creative writing, speaking, coaching and retreats. She advocates that your mind is like a muscle and you get to exercise it regularly until it begins to serve you. Lauren is a thought provoker, and is passionate about helping other busy driven women discover themselves on a deeper level so their passions and purpose discover them, and they design a life they love!


She is married to her high school sweetheart, Brian and has two beautiful gifts, Brody and Maya. By day, she is a full-time healthcare attorney at a fortune 10 company, and spends her free time spreading light and love to herself and others through her words and daily actions.

Lauren wrote this book to help other busy driven women create more fulfillment and zest for their own life. She trusts that her book Reclaim Your Power will motivate you to begin or deepen your own self-discovery so your passions and purpose discover you. 


In her free time, you can find Lauren in the bath, by the fire or in her hammock reading. She enjoys riding bikes and having hot tub dates with her kids and husband. She is a sucker for all water related activities and eating yummy food is her second hobby!


  • Lauren didn’t know what her calling was in life despite thriving in her job, her dream home and family. She went on a quest to find what fuels her passion for life.
  • She found that on a conscientious level that she wanted to be in service to herself and others and continues to work as an attorney, building retreats for women and self-discovery.
  • Lauren has written a book about reclaiming your power and started out not knowing what she is passionate about and delves into personality tests and astrology as a way of starting to find out about her strengths.
  • Exercising your mind like a muscle helps to strengthen it and also to deepen the connection between mind and body is important.
  • Getting clear on values can help you identify how to make decisions based on these and where to find inspiration to help with self-motivation.
  • Giving back to yourself and others by creating harmony Is Lauren’s definition of happiness.
  • Lauren’s morning routine power involves 5 minutes of quiet time and sets up her idea of success for the day.
  • Lauren kids, water-based activities and trying new things make Lauren’s heart sing.
  • Lauren’s all time favourite book is anything by Louise Hays
  • Lauren looks up to her boss, her parents, her children that help shape her values and personality.
  • Lauren talks about a chapter in her book about the healing power of laughter.
  • Her gratitude practice involves using “joy jars” as a way of helping her kids and family feel gratitude into the day.
  • Her fantasy dinner guests include: Oprah, Louise Hays, and Lizzo
  • This Girl is on Fire by Alicia Keys is her theme song



Every Podcast » Get Happy Hour » Understanding the 12 universal laws and how to implement them in our lives with your host Carla Maree