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Episode#6 (PL🇵🇱) Życie w ruchu; łączenie półkul i czas spędzony w przyrodzie

11m · 90% · 04 Jun 08:00

(OSTROŻNIE - warto rozpocząć nagrywanie na małej głośności!) To jest kolejne nagranie spontaniczne z lasu. Jakość dźwięku jest różna. Dzisiaj, o ruchu i trochę o tym jak my się ruszamy, gdzie, kiedy i po co. Tak, gramy w hackysack (Zośka). Jak można mieć ruch pracując przy komputerze? To istotne pytanie bo również sporo czasu spędzamy przy kompie. Komary tu nas bardzo motywują do stałego ruchu. Jak zawsze, konstruktywne komentarze i feedback są bardzo mile widziane! Można pisać na: [email protected]

The episode Episode#6 (PL🇵🇱) Życie w ruchu; łączenie półkul i czas spędzony w przyrodzie from the podcast 90% has a duration of 11:05. It was first published 04 Jun 08:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from 90%

#13 - How to calm down the "puppy dog" crazy mind

mindfulness practices, breathing exercises, ramblings and discussions + music and laughter.

#12 - Birches are our "now" teacher

🎤Sharings about the fulfillment gained from tangible, useful work in the material world (as compared to computer work); more gentleness and insights as we observe the birches outside our living room window swaying with the wind and putting up no resistance to that which is right now. We hope this will be a nice podcast to listen to if you're having an active-mind or crazy-emotions kind of a day. May it be a breath of fresh air and a returning back to yourself and the here and now. Enjoy!

We welcome feedback, as always, to [email protected] 

☀️Photo by Corina Rainer on Unsplash


#11 - "No" and "Maybe" are always valid answers to a request

What are the 4 possible answers that you can make to a request?

#10: Abundance through fasting?

What does abundance and true wealth mean to you? We’re musing here today on how the happiest people we know (and some of the happiest experiences of our own lives) have been in the context of material humility, not abundance. How can we be materially wealthy and happy, long-term, at the same time? Do we have the role models to show us the way?

Your feedback is welcome to [email protected] <— as always!

Shout out to Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash for the cover photo😃🌻

#9 - You are bigger than your thoughts

“I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.” - Mark Twain

Today we dive deeper into what’s going on inside of our minds. How do we get distance from these thought patterns and stories that grip our attention so persistently? Are you your thoughts…? Maybe dis-identifying with thoughts is the first step we need to take. Let’s explore self-observation and why G. is convinced that self-observation is one of THE most important personal practices of his life. There will also be more on how to “play” with thoughts in a light, fun way, and how to actually stop worrying all the time. Do we dare to believe that it’s possible to keep this wild mind on a short leash? Absolutely we do, or, in any case, we’re 90% sure 😃 Yes, it takes a lot of practice, but it’s also really worth it.

Which tools work best for you when you're dealing with your wild mind? We'd love to hear from you: [email protected] 

📷Photo by Céline Haeberly on Unsplash

Every Podcast » 90% » Episode#6 (PL🇵🇱) Życie w ruchu; łączenie półkul i czas spędzony w przyrodzie