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#153 The only barrier to success is you

13m · Powerful Presenting For Leaders · 03 Jan 18:27

David was ill over Xmas and had to cancel everything. His mate reframed it by saying that Xmas was just a refence point and he could see all the people at some other time over the coming weeks.

David was not happy with this.

It was at this point that he realised that the barrier to managing being ill at Xmas was him.

In this episode, David talks about how we can all improve our chances of success in 2023 if we learn to discover what is within us that is holding us back.

The episode #153 The only barrier to success is you from the podcast Powerful Presenting For Leaders has a duration of 13:27. It was first published 03 Jan 18:27. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Powerful Presenting For Leaders » #153 The only barrier to success is you