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Jenny Goldfarb, Founder & CEO of Unreal Deli

46m · Real Women's Work Podcast · 13 Jan 15:09

Shark Tank may have been your introduction to Mrs. Goldfarb, too!

As an avid watcher of Shark Tank I specifically remember when Jenny appeared. I was so excited to see a vegan deli meat on the show!

Jenny's energy, passion, commitment and joy burst throught the screen. I found myself not only cheering her on but thrilled that she got a deal with one of my favorite Shark's; Mark Cuban.

A couple of months ago Jenny's name popped up in a bunch of my vegan Facebook groups- turns out, Unreal Deli was launching in the service deli of Hannaford Supermarket! Do you know what the service deli is? It's the counter where you take a nubmer and order your deli meat and cheese. And a vegan deli meat was launching!

From rolling a suitcase of samples into a local deli to the ailsles of Whole Foods, in this episode Jenny walks us through what it was like to get started in this space and bring her product mainstream. It's a remarkable story that goes back to Romania over a hundred years ago.

In addition to sharing what her days are like, how she knows how much product to send to Whole Foods, and what it's like to work with a co-packer, Jenny also shares with us inspiraiton, wisdom, and belief in every one of us. This is an episode you do not want to miss! 

Click here to find your nearest Hannaford Supermarket

Click here to order your Unreal Deli directly!



The episode Jenny Goldfarb, Founder & CEO of Unreal Deli from the podcast Real Women's Work Podcast has a duration of 46:44. It was first published 13 Jan 15:09. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Real Women's Work Podcast

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What if you never, ever had to think about calories or carbs or had to check your watch to see if it was a time of day when you are "alowed" to eat?

What if you could stop obsessing about food? Whether it's ogling the ice cream instead of eating it, berating yourself for bingeing on cookies, or promising yourself that tomorrow you will go the whole 16 hours without eating, what if you never, ever had to think about those things again?

What if food were just a normal part of your life? Just like driving to get the kids, reading a book, or watching your favorite show?

Do you believe that's possible?

It is.

Would you like to know how?

First, we have to understand Diet Culture. You might think it sounds like a goofy philosophy that doesn't apply to you but I promise it does. How do I know? It permeates every part of our culture. It tells us we are only worthy if our bodies are a certain size and if we look a certain size.

It keeps us focused on what we look like instead of moving forward.

It causes us to miss out on important medical care.

It makes us believe that if we eat certain things -or at certain times- our bodies will look a certain way and our health will improve.

This is a lie.

It's not a miscommuncation.

it's not a misunderstanding.

It is a lie. And the more of us who understand it, the less Diet Culture is able to keep us down.

If you've ever tried Noom, Atkins, WW, Intermittent Fasting, or any other "program" the promises a particular body shape by restricting food this eipisode is for you.

If you've ever refused to by the size clothes that fit you because you are ashamed, this episode is for you.

If you've ever skipped going to the doctor because you know they are going to prescribe weight loss, this episode is for you.

If you have ever gone to the gym to burn off the dessert you had last night, this episode is for you.

Give it a chance. I know it's hard to believe.

But if you open yourself up to understanding, your whole life might change.

And it's all thank to people like Debbie Lesko who puts on her cape of bravery every single day to spread this message and empower women in droves. Debbie has found recovery from over sixty years with an eating disorder. Now she devotes much of her life to educating others about Diet Culture so they can find joy, happiness and freedom.

You can find Debbies Facebook page, Diets Don't Work, by clicking here.

You can access the book Debbie references, by clicking here.

Confidence Coach & Psychotherapist with Anna Marcolin

Is there a little voice that nags at you? Does it grab at your shoulder and pull at your sweater and say "come here! come here! Look! This is the thing you want to try! This is the thing you want to do!"

Do you want to listen to it? To go where it leads you and jump all in to try the thing that seems to exciting- the thing that feels like it's meant for you to do?

Every once in a while do you think you really can do it only to snap out of the "daydream" and realize the life you are dreaming of is only meant for special people? 

What if the thing that is stopping you is a lack of confidence? 

What if there were a way to build it? 

Can I Build My Confidence?

Acquiring confidence is harder than it seems- if it weren't, more of us would be doing the things we long to do. Maybe it's training for a marathon, going back for a degree, starting a bakery, or submitting that piece for publication- whatever it is, something stops us from pursuing it.

We may tell ourselves it's laziness or that we just don't have what it takes to live the life we want. We might find it easier to stay small and quiet and keep doing the things that do not draw attention to ourselves. 

But still... every now and then... that little nagging voice reminds us of what we really want- and for just a brief moment we believe it's possible. We can see the life we desire so clearly it feels like we already have it. But the moment passes and we get back to the business of living the lives we are "supposed" to live. 

We might become depressed, lethargic, or acquiesce ourselves to the lives we seemed doomed to. A life full of humdrum, boredom, and living it in a way that utilizes none of our skills or talents. 

If only there were a way to find the confidence to take action toward the life we want...

Good News! Confidence can be Acquired!

Confidence is not something we are either born with or without- it is something we can acquire at any point in our life. Developing our confidence is an actionable practice!

But most of us have no idea where to start. This is where Anna Marcolis, Psychotherapist and Confidence Coach comes in. 

From taking action regardless of feelings to building our comptence to create our confidence, in this episode, Anna shares real and proven ways of developing our confidence so we can create the life we want. 

If you long to have a life that is fuller, richer, and utiilzes your unique gifts, listen in as Anna and I have an honest and candid conversation about confidence. 

You can Find Anna Marcolin Here:

On her website

On Instagram




Writer, Writing Coach, Author of "Writing that Gets Noticed"

Have you ever wondered who writes the articles in your favorite magazines? How do they know what to say? What makes you read it? Where do they find the courage to be vulnerable and how do they know where to draw the line?

Are you yourself a writer (maybe even secretly)? Do you want writing be your work? Do you wonder how to effectively pitch a publication, how to submit, and how to get your writing noticed? 

If any of these strike a chord you do not want to miss today's episode!

Estelle Erasmus found herself fired from her first job. Want to guess why? She was caught reading at the library (true story!). This was the beginning of what would turn into her life's work; surrounding herself with words and stories, turning them into music on a page, getting paid for it, and helping others learn how to do the same.

It's not all business, though. Estelle also shares personal and professional experiences -such as becoming a mother during midlife and guesting on the soap opera Guiding Light- as they relate to her life and career. 

In her recent release "Writing that Gets Noticed", Estelle gives us access to the information she shares with her students at Writers Digest and New York University School of Professional Studies. She explains both the business and craft of writing. From what makes a pitch effective and how to tighten up our work to explaining the different genres of essays, Estelle reveals a path flooded with light and support for those of us who have always dreamed of getting our writing noticed. 

Where to Find Estelle:

Click here to learn about and order "Writing that Gets Noticed: Find Your Voice, Become a Better Storyteller, Get Published"

Click here for Estelle's website. 

Click here for Estelle's Online Pitching Class with Writers Digest. 



Weight Inclusive Physical Therapist & Anti-Diet Health & Body Image Coach with Dr. Lisa Folden

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Do you step each leg into your shapeware shoving in as much of your body as you possibly can thinking it is just a normal part of being a woman?

What is it like when you are on the playground with your kids? Do you laugh exubererantly while you run around chansing them? Or do you worry about what is jiggling- convinced it should cause you shame? 

How about at the beach? Or the pool?

Is swimsuit shopping a time for you to find something to swim in? Or is it a time when you speak the meanest to yourself?

Do you search desperately for an option that will hide as much of you as humanly possible while still being able to cool down in the water? Or maybe you skip the water all together because wearing a bathing suit is almost the deepest shame of all?

How do you eat? Do you count calories? Intermittent fast? Have you been on a diet for decades only to gain weight? 

Have you been prescirbed weight loss by medical professionals? 

Are you sure to get in an extra 30 minutes at the gym so you can enjoy dessert on date night?

Do you loathe exercise but believe it is necessary if you want to "manage your weight"?

What if all of that is a narrative we have been fed for a purpose that does not serve us? What if it actually harms us?

What if we spend most of our days berating ourselves, beating ourselves up, starving ourselves, missing out on life with the people we love and more for science that doesn't exist? And we do it all in exchange for advnacing our careers, living fully with our families, building the business we have always wanted to build and exploring the things that bring us joy so we can do more of them.

Join us as Dr. Lisa Folden, Weight Inclusive Physical Therapist and Anti-Diet Health & Body Image Coach, helps us understand Diet Culture, moving joyfully, health, lazy medicine, health vs. weight, taking up space, and learning to live this one beautiful, precious life out loud!

Find Dr. Lisa Folden here:



Other References mentioned in show:

No Weigh

Association for Size Diversity & Health


Speaking Confidence Coach with Linda Ugelow, Author of "Delight in the Limelight"

Does it happen to you, too? Forehead dripping with sweat, hear trate reaching 180, hands so clammy you cannot hold the ice cold water glass you desperately want to sip from to get rid of the cotton that somehow found its way to lining your mouth?  And then it's time for you to speak... in front of other people... and the whole world around you begins to spin...

It's called Glassophobia and it's believed to affect more than 75% of people. But it's not just speaking in front of large groups that affects many of us, it's speaking up at PTA meetings, in social situations, and even at family gatherings.

We women have been conditioned to shrink and quiet ourselves- not only when public speaking but in every element in our lives. When it comes to advanacing our career, sharing messages of impact, and participating in the conversations happening around us, getting comfortable speaking matters.

In this epsiode, Speaking Confidence Coach and author of Delight in the Limelight Linda Ugelow digs into the root circumstances that cause us to fear showing ourselves and making ourselves heard. Through her diverse background with music, movement, psychology, and more Linda takes us down a path to help us become confident showing up, speaking up, and going after the things we want.

Linda's book; "Delight in the Limelight" is indeed an incredible tool for those who want to get over their fear of speaking in front of others. Its message is also invaluable for helping each of us get back to who we are so we can be comfortable showing up and creating the life we want.

Listen in as Linda and I talk about healing, speaking, being visible, and rewriting the rules in a real and practical way. 

Where to find Linda and Delight in the Limelight:

Linda and Delight in the Limelight

Linda on Instagram


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