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False Prophet

3h 47m · Boiled Frogs · 01 Nov 23:00

This podcast tells the story of the Bride of Christ cult that operated in the United States from the late 1970’s to 2000.It began as a conservative Christian church in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ran by pastor Thomas Clyde Smith Jr. A man guilty of incest and rape, who, upon finding his faith while in a mental institution, began having visions that led him to believe he was a prophet being called by God to start “the true church”.

What could go wrong…

The episode False Prophet from the podcast Boiled Frogs has a duration of 3:47:16. It was first published 01 Nov 23:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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False Prophet

This podcast tells the story of the Bride of Christ cult that operated in the United States from the late 1970’s to 2000.It began as a conservative Christian church in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ran by pastor Thomas Clyde Smith Jr. A man guilty of incest and rape, who, upon finding his faith while in a mental institution, began having visions that led him to believe he was a prophet being called by God to start “the true church”.

What could go wrong…

Every Podcast » Boiled Frogs » False Prophet