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Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 043: Writing is Hard

33m · Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick · 24 Jul 22:52

In this episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, we examine the claim that if a writer isn't enjoying the act of writing, the reader will know it... and we declare shenanigans. Writing is hard. If, as a writer of fiction, you're enjoying the act of writing -- if it's not challenging you, pushing you, changing you -- you're not doing your best work. Let me tell you why. Listen! Links and topics mentioned in this episode include...

  • My day job is providing a variety of creative services (like my writer's coaching service and my beginning indie author consulting) to authors, podcasters, and other creative professionals.
  • My next book is a work of non-fiction. Pre-order Indie Author Marketing Infrastructure today, help push the book up the charts, and be among the first to read it!
  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started"  is my free serial available via email subscription
  • I mention the particularly challenging writing session that inspired the discussion that inspired this episode... the session in question became part of my novelette "The Perfumed Air at Kwaanantag Bay," a follow-up to my novel Light of the Outsider.
  • Two examples of a reading experience well worth having even though you might not enjoy them in the usual sense of the word: Ulysses by James Joyce and Moby Dick by Herman Melville.
  • Sometimes we want our entertainment to blatantly manipulate us. The movie Forrest Gump from director Robert Zemeckis is an example.
  • Get to Know Your Worst Self and become a better writer and maybe even a better person.
  • Saltine crackers. You know. Those things we use to make soup less flavorful.
  • Frank Norris is the first to have expressed the sentiment, "I don't like writing but I love having written."
  • Responding the question of whether writing was a chore, Red Smith first said, "Why, no. You simply sit down at the typewriter, open your veins, and bleed." Before him, Paul Gallico wrote, "It is only when you open your veins and bleed onto the page a little that you establish contact with your reader." Explore the origins of this quote.
  • Do you want to write Fun With Dick and Jane, or The Wind in the Willows?
  • How's your creative week going? Tell me about it in the comments.
  • Want uncut, unedited episodes of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, e-books, audiobooks, music, and more goodies? Become a patron and help support this podcast.
This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including J. C.  Hutchins . Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron! Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.

The episode Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 043: Writing is Hard from the podcast Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick has a duration of 33:39. It was first published 24 Jul 22:52. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 062: How to Fix the Amazon Bookstore

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick episode 062 revisits my infrequent rant against genres and nested categories, especially on -- but this time, I present a way to fix it -- a way that improves discovery of authors and brings readers more of what they'll love. Also, an update on my creative endeavors, observing eleven years since I had a regular full-time job for someone else, and new patron-only additions to my website!

Links and Topics Mentioned in This Episode

  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started" is my fiction serial set in the 1980s and delivered weekly, for free, to subscribers. Get in on it and start at the beginning! Or, read every installment to date when you join the member community!
  • My wiki is the storehouse of all my notes and "behind the curtain" information regarding my fiction, non-fiction, worldbuilding, songs, poetry... all of it, and I'm adding to it all the time. Access is another perk of community membership!
  • Speaking of: the patron community receives the uncut, unedited version of every episode. For this episode, they're privy to almost nine minutes (another 20%!) of extra content! Want in on that? Become a patron for at least $5.00 per month (cancel any time) and get a bunch of other perks and special access, too.
    • Around thirty people listen to each new episode of this show during the first week it's released. Every month the member community has at least twenty members, I will donate 10% of net patron revenue to 826 National in support of literacy and creative writing advocacy for children. Let's go!
    • Oh, and speaking of patronage: This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including Ted Leonhardt and Chuck Anderson! Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron with a $5 monthly pledge!
  • I'm renewing my interest in computer graphics, environment design, and related stuff. The best free tools are Blender and Unreal Engine.
    • The course I'm taking for Blender is Complete Blender Creator 3.2: Learn 3D Modelling for Beginners.
    • The Unreal Engine course I'll be dipping into later this month is Unreal Masterclass.  The instructor, Unreal Sensei, has a ton of free YouTube resources and tutorials, too.
  • My Shaper's World storyworld, which I dream of creating in an immersive 3D environment, so far includes the novel Light of the Outsider and the novelette "The Perfumed Air at Kwaanantag Bay."
  • Not just science fiction: Ray Bradbury's period mysteries, Death is a Lonely Business, A Graveyard for Lunatics, and Let's All Kill Constance, are simply delightful. How many readers of The Martian Chronicles even know they exist?
  • The works of Ursula K. Le Guin.
Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 061: An Audacious Aspiration

In this episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick , I break down all the details of the newly revised, revamped, simplified, and improved member community supporting authors and other creators who are fans of the podcast and my creative endeavors. Listen to learn all about it, and how you can become a Multiversalist , too!

Links and Topics Mentioned in This Episode

  • Nearly everything I talk about in this episode is spelled out on the Member Community page. Click to get the whole story!
  • I also mention the day job, which is helping authors, podcasters, and other creators bring their creative endeavors to fruition, to market, and to an audience. Can I help you?
  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started" is my fiction serial set in the 1980s and delivered weekly, for free, to subscribers. Get in on it and start at the beginning! Or, read every installment to date when you join the member community!
  • Speaking of: the patron community receives the uncut, unedited version of every episode. For this episode, they're privy to almost thirteen minutes of extra content! Want in on that? Become a patron for at least $5.00 per month (cancel any time) and get a bunch of other perks and special access, too.
    • Around thirty people listen to each new episode of this show during the first week it's released. Every month the member community has at least twenty members, I will donate 10% of net patron revenue to 826 National in support of literacy and creative writing advocacy for children. Let's go!
    • Oh, and speaking of patronage: This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including J. C.  Hutchins, Ted Leonhardt, and Chuck Anderson! Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron with a $5 monthly pledge!
Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 060: One Writer’s Toolkit

This episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick is chock full of recommendations straight from my writer's toolkit: the software and services I use day in / day out in my creative endeavors and in my work helping other creative writers. Also in the episode: more hints at what's to come for my patron member community, and a bit more on the situational depression that still lingers since the previous episode.

Links and Topics Mentioned in This Episode

  • Dynalist is my offboard brain, as well as my to-do list keeper and an excellent outliner. Simplicity makes it as complex as you want it to be. First on the list because it's my most valued tool.
  • Notepad++ is a plain text editor on steroids... it's really "double plus good."
  • Scrivener is accepted as the standard writer's outliner, word processor, asset organizer, and formatter... but its "everything and the kitchen sink" nature is exactly why I use it -- and recommend it -- only grudgingly. A free, much lighter, and more focused program is yWriter, which I find almost just right for the way I like to write. Here's an article I wrote about yWriter, especially as it compares to Scrivener. Try them both. Use them both! You may find one or both are just right for you.
  • The free Q10 is my favorite full-screen, distraction-free plain text editor and the one writing tool with which I can most often slip into the coveted flow state. Highly recommended!
  • There are many mind-mapping software options, some free, some not. None of them offer the simplicity and flexibility I find with Mindomo.
  • Do you use a whiteboard? Do you wish you had a whiteboard with functionally infinite space and deep zoom? How about one on any of your devices? How about for free? Check out Excalidraw.
  • Microsoft Word (and its attendant Microsoft Office suite, which apparently is now called Microsoft 365 or some such), is synonymous with word processing (and spreadsheets and so on). Did you know there's a completely free alternative that's also compatible with the offering from Redmond? Check out LibreOffice. You might not ever pay Microsoft a subscription fee again.
  • Speaking of icky software-by-subscription attempted monopolies: When it comes to image creation and manipulation and desktop publishing, the Adobe suite of Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign are the assumed defaults. They can also be expensive..! While there are free alternatives for bitmap image editing and creation, vector image creation, and desktop publishing (GIMP, Inkscape, and Scribus, respectively), in my experience they're not quite ready for prime time. I use a for-pay suite of products that give the Adobe programs a run for their money... and cost far less of your money, too! Check out the Affinity applications Photo, Designer, and Publisher, and cancel your Adobe subscription!
  • I use Affinity Publisher to design the interiors of paperback and hardcover books for myself and for clients. For e-books? While there are a number of "meatgrinder" solutions out there, I prefer the free, open source Sigil to create industry-standard EPUB e-books (suitable for any e-book reader / device / marketplace except Amazon, and capable of perfect conversion to the format(s) Amazon does use).
  • We're in an era when being a writer also means being... a content creator. And that usually means recording, and editing, video. You can get away with the basics using the programs that came with your computer, or even simply using your phone. But when you want to take it up a notch and create professional grade, high definition videos... did you know there's a free tool that will let you do just that? Once again: there's no need to turn to an Adobe subscription or pay hundreds of dollars for a software license. The free version of DaVinci Resolve gives you everything you need... and lots of features and capabilities you might not realize you need to make really good looking videos.
  • My latest non-fiction book is Indie Author Marketing Infrastructure, a distillation of some of what I teach when I coach new writers considering self-publishing.
  • I mention the day job, which is helping authors, podcasters, and other creators bring their creative endeavors to fruition, to market, and to an audience. Can I help you?
  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started" is my fiction serial set in the 1980s and delivered weekly, for free, to subscribers. Get in on it and start at the beginning!
  • My patron community receives the uncut, unedited version of every episode. For this episode, they're privy to almost fifteen minutes of extra content! Want in on that? Become a patron for at least $5.00 per month (cancel any time) and get a bunch of other perks and special access, too.
    • Around thirty people listen to each new episode of this show during the first week it's released. If most of the listeners became Exceptional patrons ($5.00 per month), patron revenue would surpass $100 per month, and I could begin donating 10% every month to 826 National in support of literacy and creative writing advocacy for children. Let's go!
    • Oh, and speaking of patronage: This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including J. C.  Hutchins, Ted Leonhardt, and Chuck Anderson! Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron with a $5 monthly pledge!
Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 059: Up from the Valley

Your host comes from a week with the case of the Blahs in episode 059 of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick.  Sometimes, it goes down like that. Not every week is a good one; not every week is productive. We roll with it; we look ahead. Also in the episode: musing about ways to craft a patron member community that emphasizes value for everyone.

Links and Topics Mentioned in This Episode

  • Andrew Solomon, author of The Noonday Demon, provides his definition of depression.
  • I mention the day job, which is helping authors, podcasters, and other creators bring their creative endeavors to fruition, to market, and to an audience. Can I help you?
  • Work continues, piecemeal, on Shadow of the Outsider, the follow up to my previous novel Light of the Outsider and the novelette "The Perfumed Air at Kwaanantag Bay." Huzzah!
  • My latest non-fiction book is Indie Author Marketing Infrastructure, a distillation of some of what I teach when I coach new writers considering self-publishing.
  • The story of bottom line ads in Marvel comicbooks from the seventies... and Scott Edelman, the host of the Eating the Fantastic podcast, who just so happened to write most of the bottom line copy I saw as a kid!
  • The WordPress plugin I'm using to insert random "top line" copy on my site is Random Content.
  • The episode of Sonitotum about storyworlds and creative franchises is number 058.
  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started" is my fiction serial set in the 1980s and delivered weekly, for free, to subscribers. Get in on it and start at the beginning!
  • My patron community receives the uncut, unedited version of every episode. For this episode, they're privy to about ten minutes of extra content! Want in on that? Become a patron for at least $5.00 per month (cancel any time) and get a bunch of other perks and special access, too.
    • Around thirty people listen to each new episode of this show during the first week it's released. If most of the listeners became Exceptional patrons ($5.00 per month), patron revenue would surpass $100 per month, and I could begin donating 10% every month to 826 National in support of literacy and creative writing advocacy for children. Let's go!
    • Oh, and speaking of patronage: This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including J. C.  Hutchins and Ted Leonhardt. Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron with a $3, $5, $10, or $20 monthly pledge!
Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.

Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick 058: And / Or: Design a Creative Franchise Around Your Fiction

Episode 058 of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick examines how and why you should design a creative franchise around your fiction. There's some discussion / opining online regarding the Disney+ show Andor ... specifically, complaints that, while it's excellent TV, it's "not Star Wars ." I'm here to tell you why that's a narrow-minded perspective to adopt, especially for creators... and how you can, and should, emulate the same approach as huge media properties with your own fiction, no matter where you are in your creative career.

Links and Topics Mentioned in This Episode

  • There are new words written on Shadow of the Outsider, the follow up to my previous novel Light of the Outsider and the novelette "The Perfumed Air at Kwaanantag Bay." Huzzah!
  • I mention the storyworlds I work in that are specifically designed from the ground up to be creative franchises: The Shaper's World, the Sovereign Era, Daikaiju Universe, and the Protector Cycle. Check out what I've released so far.
  • My latest non-fiction book is Indie Author Marketing Infrastructure, a distillation of some of what I teach when I coach new writers considering self-publishing.
  • I mention the day job, which is helping authors, podcasters, and other creators bring their creative endeavors to fruition, to market, and to an audience. Can I help you?
  • Have you checked out my resources page? It describes many of the software and hardware tools and services I use every day to make things and help others make things.
  • Hazy Days and Cloudy Nights: "How It All Got Started" is my fiction serial set in the 1980s and delivered weekly, for free, to subscribers. Get in on it and start at the beginning!
  • My patron community receives the uncut, unedited version of every episode. For this episode, they're privy to about ten minutes of extra content! Want in on that? Become a patron for at least $5.00 per month (cancel any time) and get a bunch of other perks and special access, too.
    • Around thirty people listen to each new episode of this show during the first week it's released. If most of the listeners became Exceptional patrons ($5.00 per month), patron revenue would surpass $100 per month, and I could begin donating 10% every month to 826 National in support of literacy and creative writing advocacy for children. Let's go!
    • Oh, and speaking of patronage: This episode was made possible in part by the patronage of listeners like you, including J. C.  Hutchins and Ted Leonhardt. Want to support the show and be listed in the credits, plus get lots of other goodies, perks, and exclusive access? Become a patron with a $3, $5, $10, or $20 monthly pledge!
  • The creator / showrunner of Andor is Tony Gilroy, who wrote and / or directed the Bourne franchise of movies and the best of the latest Star Wars movies, Rogue One.
  • I reference an article I wrote about the Lucasfilm sale to Disney, back when. You can read it here.
Love Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick and would like to make a one-time donation in support of the show? Donate via PayPal or leave a tip via Ko-Fi , with my grateful thanks.
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