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Episode 108: Writing the Breakout Novel and the Tricks of the Breakout Novelist

1h 11m · Upgrade Your Story · 12 Apr 07:00

We're moving into The Breakout Novelist recap in this episode, and it's just as powerful. The focus in the second book is all about *how* to get through the publishing process. Lots of great nuggets, as well as some deep diving techniques for writing even more intense stories.
Plus, updates and more about what's happening with UYS and The Cerulean Project!
Join us live for Periscope episodes M-F at 2ish PM EST, and check out the archived episodes over on Katch!

The episode Episode 108: Writing the Breakout Novel and the Tricks of the Breakout Novelist from the podcast Upgrade Your Story has a duration of 1:11:59. It was first published 12 Apr 07:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Upgrade Your Story
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