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Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter on learning to program with LLMs

1h 0m · Software Sessions · 20 Sep 19:07

Dr. Daniel Zingaro and Dr. Leo Porter are co-authors of the book Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming.

Leo will teach an introductory computer science course this quarter at UCSD using this book. We discuss how tools like GitHub Copilot let people new to programming focus on breaking down problems instead of language syntax.

Dr. Zingaro is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at University of Toronto Mississauga and Dr. Porter is an Associate Professor at University of California San Diego.

This episode was originally posted on Software Engineering Radio.

Topics covered:

  • Making programming more accessible
  • Teaching problem decomposition instead of language syntax
  • The importance of reading and testing untrusted generated code
  • The rise of throwaway or one-off code
  • Concerns about relying on commercial tools
  • Rethinking how to assess students

Related Links

  • Learn AI-Assisted Python Programming
  • Leo Porter
  • Daniel Zingaro
  • GitHub Copilot


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Note the timestamps and audio for this transcript will not completely match.


[00:00:00] Jeremy: Today I'm talking to Dr. Leo Porter. He's an associate teaching professor of computer science at the University of California San Diego, and he co-founded the computing education research laboratory there.

I'm also joined by Dr. Daniel Zingaro who is an associate teaching professor of computer science at the University of Toronto. And he's also the author of the book, learn to Code by Solving Problems and the Book, Algorithmic Thinking. They are co-authors of the book, learn AI Assisted Python programming.

Leo and Dan, welcome to Software Engineering Radio.

[00:00:37] Leo: Thank you for having us, Jeremy. I really appreciate your podcast, so thanks. Great to be here.

[00:00:41] Dan: Thanks Jeremy.

Writing a book for Leo's CS1 class

[00:00:43] Jeremy: The first thing we could start with is, is why this book? And, and why now? How did you decide on like, okay, this is the thing we need to do now.

[00:00:51] Leo: So, uh, this is Dan. Uh, so Dan, um, like really early when LLMs first kind of were coming out and being seen on the scene for programming, uh, he started playing with them, uh, for programming projects. And I think Dan really quickly realized that they'd had this, a big impact on how we teach programming. so he reached out to me, uh, and said, I really need to give em a try.

And, uh, after I played with them for a little while, I had the exact same realization that this is gonna change, uh, how we teach programming, uh, in a pretty dramatic way. So having realized that, having realized that we had to change our, uh, introductory CS1 courses, we knew we needed to do that, but in order to teach that class, we'd have to have a book that we could assign our students that that would go along with the class.

And so we knew we had to change the class, but we also knew we had to have a book for it. And given the, the timeline to write books, we started in the book first. Um, and so that's how it got started.

LLMs for Syntax, Humans for breaking down problems

[00:01:45] Dan: I guess we figured out that our course had to change first, before we knew exactly, um, how it had to change. One thing we, um, learned early on was that the kinds of assignments we give in our introductory courses, they're just solved by, by these tools like ChatGPT and copilot.

So, uh, we knew something had to change, and then it is just a matter of figuring out what. And so we spent, um, quite a bit of time with these tools and we started to realize that what's gonna change is the skills that our students need to learn, uh, to be effective using these tools. So like b before these tools, we would spend a lot of time teaching syntax.

Um, and students struggle quite a bit with learning syntax, which I mean, it's very, it's, it's very frustrating, right? Cuz you can't even do anything until you get the syntax right? And you're getting all these errors like missing colons and, you know, mismatched braces and stuff like that. Uh, so it's actually good, that, the LLMs are doing the syntax for the students.

But you know, just because that skill's, uh, not needed as much, uh, doesn't mean that there aren't still skills for students to learn. So instead of syntax, other things become more important. Uh, so for example, uh, Leo and I, realize that reading code is gonna be extremely important even more so than before.

I think if, if that, if that's even possible. Uh, and that's because sometimes you're gonna get back code that just doesn't work. And so we realized that students are gonna need to be able to read, the response that they get to see if the code looks reasonable, or not, right? And then if the code, uh, I is unreasonable, then they need to read more code, uh, and look at other solutions, right, that they get from the, uh, LLM.

Uh, there are other, uh, things they can do as well, like messing around with the prompt and so on. But they're gonna need to be able to read code, uh, throughout the process. And then, so we just kind of kept on using these tools and documenting the skills that students are gonna need.

And we just kinda realized that all the skills students are gonna need are skills we would want to teach anyway. So like, uh, one more example is testing, right? So, students may now not have, uh, an understanding of every last detail of, you know, the Python language like they would before. And so then that makes testing even more important, right?

Than it was they need to verify that the code they're getting is correct. And so they have to be very good at writing test cases. and, and, you know, similar, similar for debugging, we need our students to have strong debugging skills, again, even potentially stronger than before, right? Because if the code isn't working, they need to first determine what the code is doing to be able to fix it. And then I guess one more I'll mention is problem decomposition. And this is a big one. I think this is gonna come up a couple times probably in our talk today, but LLMs struggle when you give them tasks that are too large and students need to know how to break problems down into small components so that, that, LLM can solve each one and, you know, have a good chance of getting it right.

[00:04:56] Leo: Yeah, I, I think, um, kind of to, to piggyback off of that, you, you may be hearing these skills and saying, oh, these are absolutely essential skills. Every software engineer should know, uh, these are being taught right now. Right? Um, and the answer is not really, like these aren't core topics in a lot of introductory CS classes because so much time is spent on syntax.

And so fairly early on when we kind of realized these skills would be so essential, Uh, we got really excited because these are skills we want to teach in our classes, and the LLMs are now giving us the ability to do that more.

[00:05:27] Dan: Mm-hmm.

[00:05:28] Jeremy: I think that's interesting about the syntax comment because you were saying how reading is gonna be more important than ever because you have LLM generating the code. Um, and you need to understand that code that's being generated and understand that it does what it, uh, you think it does.

And so I wonder if when you say you spend less time on syntax, is it because you feel like they're gonna generate this code and they're sort of organically gonna pick up syntax that way versus having to focus on it at the start? I'm just trying to picture what you see changing there.

[00:06:05] Dan: Yeah, Jeremy. So, uh, I, I was, I guess speaking specifically about syntax errors, which don't generally happen when you're using LLMs, and I also agree with you, you need to know what the code is doing, but, um, you can do that without worrying about each specific piece of syntax. Like, um, you're gonna need to know what the keywords do for sure, but, missing, you know, brackets and colons and, uh, oh, there needs to be like a blank line here.

indentation, uh, a lot of this kind of thing. Is done for the most part, correctly by the LLMs. So yeah, I agree with you. You need to be able to identify the structures. So in our, in our book actually, Leo and I have, um, a couple of chapters on reading code and, I don't think we ever break breakdown, a line of code into its individual tokens.

We do talk about the main structures, like ifs and loops and functions and all that. but compared to other books, I, I think or other, uh, other ways of teaching where you would focus on the micro level, we try to focus on the line level now, cuz we want our students to be able to grasp what each line is doing, I guess more than each token.

[00:07:27] Leo: Yeah, maybe to, to add to that a bit, it's almost, uh, if you think about the advent of block-based languages, it was to make sure that the, essentially the, the author can't make syntax mistakes, right? Is the whole purpose of kind of block-based languages. And they're, they're huge for introductory programming, especially in like K through 12.

in a sense, LLMs do this because they'd never give you back wrong syntax, or they almost, almost never give you back wrong syntax. And so it takes away that kind of cognitive burden of making sure you handle the, the token level. as uh Dan was saying

LLM generated code needs test cases to catch logical errors

[00:08:00] Jeremy:

The episode Daniel Zingaro and Leo Porter on learning to program with LLMs from the podcast Software Sessions has a duration of 1:00:46. It was first published 20 Sep 19:07. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Software Sessions

Mayra Navarro on Getting to RubyConf (RubyConf 2023)

Mayra Navarro is an organizer of WNB.rb and Ruby PerĂº.

Mayra shares how the Ruby community helped her get to RubyConf, going from project manager to developer, and the different ways people learn and communicate.

This is the final interview recorded at RubyConf 2023 in San Diego.


  • Mayra's Github
  • Peruvian Digital Platform
  • Codeable bootcamp


  • Ruby PerĂº
  • WNB.rb
  • Atlanta Ruby


  • Cody Norman
  • Stefanni Brasil of hexdevs
  • Dave Kimura of Drifting Ruby


  • RubyConf
  • RailsConf



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[00:00:00] Jeremy: I hope you've been enjoying the conversations from RubyConf. Before we get started. I just want to say thank you to everyone. I met at the conference, all the guests who were so generous with their time. And to Irene from RubyConf for arranging a space and helping me connect with guests.

[00:00:16] This final interview is with Mayra Navarro. She's an organizer of the Ruby community in Lima, Peru and a member of the women and non-binary Ruby online community. She's going to tell us how the community pulled together. Both friends of hers and strangers she had never met. To get her to RubyConf this year, we start the story in April where she's just finished attending the Ruby on rails conference, RailsConf in Atlanta.

Getting to RubyConf

[00:00:44] Mayra: So the thing is, in the last RailsConf, the last day that I was in the US, um, the day that I was returning to Peru, I got fired. (laughs) Yes. So I was with all the stress.

[00:01:01] All the luggages that I had to pick or maybe overweight or something like that. And then I received that

[00:01:08] Jeremy: Oh my gosh.

[00:01:09] Mayra: And I, oh my gosh, what I can do?

[00:01:13] Jeremy: That's terrible.

[00:01:15] Mayra: It was awful. Since that, I think it was May 1st or something like that. And I was looking for job like everybody else who were fired all these times It was a difficult time for me. my plan was just before September I get a job so I have enough money and not using my, my savings for, for going to the RailsConf. Sorry, the RubyConf. but, uh, eventually at the end of September, October, I didn't get anything.

[00:01:44] I'm Christian. So I, well, God doesn't want me to come here.

[00:01:50] it there must be a reason, but there was something inside me that. I just to have to do something else. and I thank to my mom because she's someone that is always fighting for what she wants.

[00:02:02] So I say, okay, I went to sleep that day that I say, okay, maybe I don't want to go. So next day I have the idea. Maybe you didn't use your last card. There is something else. That is something that I have from my mom. I can feel that. I say, what if you ask for money? Well, like a fundraising, I learned about that word later, and I say what, what else could you lose you don't have anything to lose right now.

[00:02:30] So I say, okay, I'm going to write something. I asked Cody Norman, that is someone that I really appreciate right now. I asked him about suggestions, if that's a good idea or no, maybe not. He said, yes, you can do it. Uh, and I asked him if he could help me with the speech because I tried to write something and also I'm not good at writing things on Twitter and especially asking for money because I had to be open myself and be vulnerable to do that.

[00:03:02] And it was like, uh, the last break for myself

[00:03:05] a... I sent the speech to Cody, he helped me to update some things that I have to just improve. And I did it. I, also, I didn't know how to open a GoFundMe campaign because that's only for the US and Mexico. I think it doesn't exist in Peru.

[00:03:23] So he said, Oh, there is another page that you can go.

[00:03:27] I did it. So I just published that. I didn't open that until three, four hours later, because I was like, no, I don't want to see. And then I, I open it and I started to contact with the people who.

[00:03:44] Well, who knows me because I like to be connected with a lot of people. I'm part of the FL RB even being in Peru, I am part of the FL RB. I go attend to the Atlanta Ruby Group. I go, I, I know a lot of people because of the conference. I try to help to the woman and non binary community also. I am organizer of the Ruby Peru, but I didn't want to ask them money for them, but I have some close friends from the conference that I, that I go for all.

[00:04:13] All these two years. So they helped me to share that. And in two days, I got the money.

[00:04:20] It was like a, I can't believe it. It is what, and I'm not good open myself for things like that. I love helping people, but it's difficult when I, you have to help yourself. So. All these people who I could see their names because it's, it's transferred to PayPal.

[00:04:39] So I could see their name is like, uh, I really appreciate the thing that they don't know me. Some people, they don't know me, but, but I know them. I know who you are, if you're listening to this and I thank you appreciate for doing that. I also had the opportunity because I need to talk about this. I got a ticket from HexDev, uh, from Stephanie.

[00:05:01] Jeremy: Oh... Hexdevs. Yeah.

[00:05:02] Mayra: Yes. And, also I applied for the volunteer positions, just in case But I got the volunteer position. So what I did is, besides all my expense, I mean, that trip and also the hotel, expenses, I don't know, does it work? I, I said, I'm going to give this ticket that I have left to one of the women in the wnb community.

[00:05:25] So I did that and say, I have a ticket and also I can share the room. I don't want to say her name because She's trying not to be too connected to social media, but she, she accepted sharing the room with me.

[00:05:40] Jeremy: Yeah.

[00:05:43] Mayra: So she's already here with me and I feel so happy because People not only helping me, they helping me to help and it feel like, wow.

[00:05:53] Yeah. And that is, that is my story. And I still, well, I accepted to come to talk about this today because I received a job offer in the morning that I accepted.

[00:06:06] So I wanted to. Send a happy ending for all my story about this. Yeah. And especially because I know that in the next conference I'll be with my own money, I could say, expenses.

Asking for help

[00:06:20] Jeremy: So was this all this year, the RailsConf? That was this year where you, you went to the conference, you enjoyed the talks and you were employed. And so it was the day that it was over that you, you found out that you got laid off. Wow. it's this, you have this high, right, you've met all your friends and, you know, you're learning all this stuff and you're really excited.

[00:06:42] And then you get this notice and it's like, what, what happened?

[00:06:47] Mayra: Yeah. That is what's happening.

[00:06:50] Jeremy: then you, you kind of, like you said, you opened yourself up but yeah, it takes courage to say like, Hey, I need, you know, I need some help.

[00:06:57] Mayra: Yeah, it's, this is something that I learned about this is always asking for help. This is something that I have been I bring into my life is always asking for help. I know as a woman, uh, as a woman, I have the thing that Try to be strong sometimes. I can do it by myself. I don't need help.

[00:07:16] I don't need help, but sometimes you need, as human, you can open yourself. It's not something related to

[00:07:23] gender it's more like humanity. That's how I feel right now. That is the feeling that I have and that is what is going to keep with me. For the rest of my life, I know. (laughs)

[00:07:33] Jeremy: Yeah. Cause I, I think when, when people don't know, they, they might assume because you're so involved, right. With your, your local community and then the community internationally where people just assume that, Hey, Mayra is doing great. Right? She's, she's got no problems, no issues, and, there's just no way for people to know unless, you know, you, you share, and then that way people can help you,

[00:07:58] Mayra: Yes.

[00:07:59] Jeremy: That's a great story. I'm, I'm, I'm glad that, like, getting laid off is never good, right? That's never fun. But at least... Uh, things positive came out of it in terms of people coming out to support you, but also like you said, being able to support another, you know, another member of our community,

[00:08:19] Mayra: And I would do it, and I would do it again.

[00:08:21] I know that.

Attending conferences

[00:08:23] Jeremy: You know, now that you've gotten to come out, how, how has the, the conference been for you? Like,

[00:08:29] Mayra: It was really good. I feel less insecure than the last time that I was here. (laughs) Actually, my first RubyConf was RubyConf Mini in Rhode Island. So this is like a, the Ruby real not the real one. It's just my more it's different.

[00:08:48] Mayra: But, uh, the same time is. It's closer. That's how I feel it. I mean, this is my fifth conference. My first one was in Colombia. RubyConf Colombia. And I got a ticket as a scholarship. but until now I can say that it's like a, the feeling of the Ruby community, no

Mike Perham on Keeping it solo (RubyConf 2023)

Mike Perham is the creator of Sidekiq, a background job processor for Ruby. He's also the creator of Faktory a similar product for multiple language environments.

We talk about the RubyConf keynote and Ruby's limitations, supporting products as a solo developer, and some ideas for funding open source like a public utility.

Recorded at RubyConf 2023 in San Diego.


A few topics covered:

  • Sidekiq (Ruby) vs Faktory (Polyglot)
  • Why background job solutions are so common in Ruby
  • Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)
  • Ractors (Actor concurrency)
  • Downsides of Multiprocess applications
  • When to use other languages
  • Getting people to pay for Sidekiq
  • Keeping a solo business
  • Being selective about customers
  • Ways to keep support needs low
  • Open source as a public utility


  • Mike's blog
  • mastodon
  • Sidekiq
  • faktory
  • From Employment to Independence


  • Ractor
  • The Practical Effects of the GVL on Scaling in Ruby


You can help correct transcripts on GitHub.


[00:00:00] Jeremy: I'm here at RubyConf San Diego with Mike Perham. He's the creator of Sidekiq and Faktory.

[00:00:07] Mike: Thank you, Jeremy, for having me here. It's a pleasure.


[00:00:11] Jeremy: So for people who aren't familiar with, I guess we'll start with Sidekiq because I think that's what you're most known for. If people don't know what it is, maybe you can give like a small little explanation.

[00:00:22] Mike: Ruby apps generally have two major pieces of infrastructure powering them. You've got your app server, which serves your webpages and the browser. And then you generally have something off on the side that... It processes, you know, data for a million different reasons, and that's generally called a background job framework, and that's what Sidekiq is.

[00:00:41] It, Rails is usually the thing that, that handles your web stuff, and then Sidekiq is the Sidekiq to Rails, so to speak.

[00:00:50] Jeremy: And so this would fit the same role as, I think in Python, there's celery. and then in the Ruby world, I guess there is, uh, Resque is another kind of job.

[00:01:02] Mike: Yeah, background job frameworks are quite prolific in Ruby. the Ruby community's kind of settled on that as the, the standard pattern for application development. So yeah, we've got, a half a dozen to a dozen different, different examples throughout history, but the major ones today are, Sidekiq, Resque, DelayedJob, GoodJob, and, and, and others down the line, yeah.

Why background jobs are so common in Ruby

[00:01:25] Jeremy: I think working in other languages, you mentioned how in Ruby, there's this very clear, preference to use these job scheduling systems, these job queuing systems, and I'm not. I'm not sure if that's as true in, say, if somebody's working in Java, or C sharp, or whatnot. And I wonder if there's something specific about Ruby that makes people kind of gravitate towards this as the default thing they would use.

[00:01:52] Mike: That's a good question. What makes Ruby... The one that so needs a background job system. I think Ruby, has historically been very single threaded. And so, every Ruby process can only do so much work. And so Ruby oftentimes does, uh, spin up a lot of different processes, and so having processes that are more focused on one thing is, is, is more standard.

[00:02:24] So you'll have your application server processes, which focus on just serving HTTP responses. And then you have some other sort of focused process and that just became background job processes. but yeah, I haven't really thought of it all that much. But, uh, you know, something like Java, for instance, heavily multi threaded.

[00:02:45] And so, and extremely heavyweight in terms of memory and startup time. So it's much more frequent in Java that you just start up one process and that's it. Right, you just do everything in that one process. And so you may have dozens and dozens of threads, both serving HTTP and doing work on the side too. Um, whereas in Ruby that just kind of naturally, there was a natural split there.

Global Interpreter Lock

[00:03:10] Jeremy: So that's actually a really good insight, because... in the keynote at RubyConf, Mats, the creator of Ruby, you know, he mentioned the, how the fact that there is this global, interpreter lock,

[00:03:23] or, or global VM lock in Ruby, and so you can't, really do multiple things in parallel and make use of all the different cores. And so it makes a lot of sense why you would say like, okay, I need to spin up separate processes so that I can actually take advantage of, of my, system.

[00:03:43] Mike: Right. Yeah. And the, um, the GVL. is the acronym we use in the Ruby community, or GIL. Uh, that global lock really kind of is a forcing function for much of the application architecture in Ruby. Ruby, uh, applications because it does limit how much processing a single Ruby process can do. So, uh, even though Sidekiq is heavily multi threaded, you can only have so many threads executing.

[00:04:14] Because they all have to share one core because of that global lock. So unfortunately, that's, that's been, um, one of the limiter, limiting factors to Sidekiq scalability is that, that lock and boy, I would pay a lot of money to just have that lock go away, but. You know, Python is going through a very long term experiment about trying to remove that lock and I'm very curious to see how well that goes because I would love to see Ruby do the same and we'll see what happens in the future, but, it's always frustrating when I come to another RubyConf and I hear another Matt's keynote where he's asked about the GIL and he continues to say, well, the GIL is going to be around, as long as I can tell.

[00:04:57] so it's a little bit frustrating, but. It's, it's just what you have to deal with.


[00:05:02] Jeremy: I'm not too familiar with them, but they, they did mention during the keynote I think there Ractors or something like that. There, there, there's some way of being able to get around the GIL but there are these constraints on them. And in the context of Sidekiq and, and maybe Ruby in general, how do you feel about those options or those solutions?

[00:05:22] Mike: Yeah, so, I think it was Ruby 3. 2 that introduced this concept of what they call a Ractor, which is like a thread, except it does not have the global lock. It can run independent to the global lock. The problem is, is because it doesn't use the global lock, it has pretty severe constraints on what it can do.

[00:05:47] And the, and more specifically, the data it can access. So, Ruby apps and Rails apps throughout history have traditionally accessed a lot of global data, a lot of class level data, and accessed all this data in a, in a read only fashion. so there's no race conditions because no one's changing any of it, but it's still, lots of threads all accessing the same variables.

[00:06:19] Well, Ractors can't do that at all. The only data Ractors can access is data that they own. And so that is completely foreign to Ruby application, traditional Ruby applications. So essentially, Ractors aren't compatible with the vast majority of existing Ruby code. So I, I, I toyed with the idea of prototyping Sidekiq and Ractors, and within about a minute or two, I just ran into these, these, uh...

[00:06:51] These very severe constraints, and so that's why you don't see a lot of people using Ractors, even still, even though they've been out for a year or two now, you just don't see a lot of people using them, because they're, they're really limited, limited in what they can do. But, on the other hand, they're unlimited in how well they can scale.

[00:07:12] So, we'll see, we'll see. Hopefully in the future, they'll make a lot of improvements and, uh, maybe they'll become more usable over time.

Downsides of multiprocess (Memory usage)

[00:07:19] Jeremy: And with the existence of a job queue or job scheduler like Sidekiq, you're able to create additional processes to get around that global lock, I suppose. What are the... downsides of doing so versus another language like we mentioned Java earlier, which is capable of having true parallelism in the same process.

[00:07:47] Mike: Yeah, so you can start up multiple Ruby processes to process things truly in parallel. The issue is that you do get some duplication in terms of memory. So your Ruby app maybe take a gigabyte per process. And, you can do copy on write forking. You can fork and get some memory sharing with copy on write semantics on Unix operating systems.

[00:08:21] But you may only get, let's say, 30 percent memory savings. So, there's still a significant memory overhead to forking, you know, let's say, eight processes versus having eight threads. You know, you, you, you may have, uh, eight threads can operate in a gigabyte process, but if you want to have eight processes, that may take, let's say, four gigabytes of RAM.

[00:08:48] So you, you still, it's not going to cost you eight gigabytes of RAM, you know, it's not like just one times eight, but, there's still a overhead of having those separate processes.

[00:08:58] Jeremy: would you say it's more of a cost restriction, like it costs you more to run these applications, or are there actual problems tha

Sara Jackson on Teaching in Kanazawa (RubyConf 2023)

Sara is a team lead at thoughtbot.

She talks about her experience as a professor at Kanazawa Technical College, giant LAN parties in Rochester, transitioning from Java to Ruby, shining a light on maintainers, and her closing thoughts on RubyConf.

Recorded at RubyConf 2023 in San Diego.


A few topics covered:

  • Being an Assistant Arofessor in Kanazawa
  • Teaching naming, formatting, and style
  • Differences between students in Japan vs US
  • Technical terms and programming resources in Japanese
  • LAN parties at Rochester
  • Transitioning from Java to Ruby
  • Consulting
  • The forgotten maintainer
  • RubyConf

Other links

  • Sara's mastodon
  • thoughtbot
  • This Week in Open Source
  • testdouble
  • Ruby Central Scholars and Guides Program
  • City Museum


  • International College of Technology Kanazawa
  • RubyKaigi
  • Applying mruby to World-first Small SAR Satellite (Japanese lightning talk) (mruby in space)


  • Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Electronic Gaming Society
  • Tora-con
  • Strong National Museum of Play


You can help correct transcripts on GitHub.

[00:00:00] Jeremy: I'm here at RubyConf, San Diego, with Sara Jackson, thank you for joining me today.

[00:00:05] Sara: Thank you for having me. Happy to be here.

[00:00:07] Jeremy: Sara right now you're working at, ThoughtBot, as a, as a Ruby developer, is that right?

[00:00:12] Sara: Yes, that is correct.

Teaching in Japan

[00:00:14] Jeremy: But I think before we kind of talk about that, I mean, we're at a Ruby conference, but something that I, I saw, on your LinkedIn that I thought was really interesting was that you were teaching, I think, programming in. Kanazawa, for a couple years.

[00:00:26] Sara: Yeah, that's right. So for those that don't know, Kanazawa is a city on the west coast of Japan. If you draw kind of a horizontal line across Japan from Tokyo, it's, it's pretty much right there on the west coast. I was an associate professor in the Global Information and Management major, which is basically computer science or software development. (laughs) Yep.

[00:00:55] Jeremy: Couldn't tell from the title.

[00:00:56] Sara: You couldn't. No.. so there I was teaching classes for a bunch of different languages and concepts from Java to Python to Unix and Bash scripting, just kind of all over.

[00:01:16] Jeremy: And did you plan the curriculum yourself, or did they have anything for you?

[00:01:21] Sara: It depended on the class that I was teaching. So some of them, I was the head teacher. In that case, I would be planning the class myself, the... lectures the assignments and grading them, et cetera. if I was assisting on a class, then usually it would, I would be doing grading and then helping in the class. Most of the classes were, uh, started with a lecture and then.

Followed up with a lab immediately after, in person.

[00:01:54] Jeremy: And I think you went to, is it University of Rochester?

[00:01:58] Sara: Uh, close. Uh, Rochester Institute of Technology. So, same city. Yeah.

[00:02:03] Jeremy: And so, you were studying computer science there, is that right?

[00:02:07] Sara: I, I studied computer science there, but I got a minor in Japanese language. and that's how, that's kind of my origin story of then teaching in Kanazawa. Because Rochester is actually the sister city with Kanazawa. And RIT has a study abroad program for Japanese learning students to go study at KIT, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, in Kanazawa, do a six week kind of immersive program.

And KIT just so happens to be under the same board as the school that I went to teach at.

[00:02:46] Jeremy: it's great that you can make that connection and get that opportunity, yeah.

[00:02:49] Sara: Absolutely. Networking!

[00:02:52] Jeremy: And so, like, as a student in Rochester, you got to see how, I suppose, computer science education was there. How did that compare when you went over to Kanazawa?

[00:03:02] Sara: I had a lot of freedom with my curriculum, so I was able to actually lean on some of the things that I learned, some of the, the way that the courses were structured that I took, I remember as a freshman in 2006, one of the first courses that we took, involved, learning Unix, learning the command line, things like that.

I was able to look up some of the assignments and some of the information from that course that I took to inform then my curriculum for my course,

[00:03:36] Jeremy: That's awesome. Yeah. and I guess you probably also remember how you felt as a student, so you know like what worked and maybe what didn't.

[00:03:43] Sara: Absolutely. And I was able to lean on that experience as well as knowing. What's important and what, as a student, I didn't think was important.

Naming, formatting, and style

[00:03:56] Jeremy: So what were some examples of things that were important and some that weren't?

[00:04:01] Sara: Mm hmm. For Java in particular, you don't need any white space between any of your characters, but formatting and following the general Guidelines of style makes your code so much easier to read. It's one of those things that you kind of have to drill into your head through muscle memory. And I also tried to pass that on to my students, in their assignments that it's.

It's not just to make it look pretty. It's not just because I'm a mean teacher. It is truly valuable for future developers that will end up reading your code.

[00:04:39] Jeremy: Yeah, I remember when I went through school. The intro professor, they would actually, they would print out our code and they would mark it up with red pen, basically like a writing assignment and it would be like a bad variable name and like, white space shouldn't be here, stuff like that. And, it seems kind of funny now, but, it actually makes it makes a lot of sense.

[00:04:59] Sara: I did that.

[00:04:59] Jeremy: Oh, nice.

[00:05:00] Sara: I did that for my students. They were not happy about it. (laughs)

[00:05:04] Jeremy: Yeah, at that time they're like, why are you like being so picky, right?

[00:05:08] Sara: Exactly. But I, I think back to my student, my experience as a student. in some of the classes I've taken, not even necessarily computer related, the teachers that were the sticklers, those lessons stuck the most for me. I hated it at the time. I learned a lot.

[00:05:26] Jeremy: Yeah, yeah. so I guess that's an example of things that, that, that matter. The, the aesthetics or the visual part for understanding. What are some things that they were teaching that you thought like, Oh, maybe this isn't so important.

[00:05:40] Sara: Hmm.

Pause for effect. (laughs) So I think that there wasn't necessarily Any particular class or topic that I didn't feel was as valuable, but there was some things that I thought were valuable that weren't emphasized very well. One of the things that I feel very strongly about, and I'm sure those of you out there can agree. in RubyWorld, that naming is important.

The naming of your variables is valuable. It's useful to have something that's understood. and there were some other teachers that I worked with that didn't care so much in their assignments. And maybe the labs that they assigned had less than useful names for things. And that was kind of a disappointment for me.

[00:06:34] Jeremy: Yeah, because I think it's maybe hard to teach, a student because a lot of times you are writing these short term assignments and you have it pass the test or do the thing and then you never look at it again.

[00:06:49] Sara: Exactly.

[00:06:50] Jeremy: So you don't, you don't feel that pain. Yeah,

[00:06:53] Sara: Mm hmm. But it's like when you're learning a new spoken language, getting the foundations correct is super valuable.

[00:07:05] Jeremy: Absolutely. Yeah. And so I guess when you were teaching in Kanazawa, was there anything you did in particular to emphasize, you know, these names really matter because otherwise you or other people are not going to understand what you were trying to do here?

[00:07:22] Sara: Mm hmm. When I would walk around class during labs, kind of peek over the shoulders of my students, look at what they're doing, it's... Easy to maybe point out at something and be like, well, what is this? I can't tell what this is doing. Can you tell me what this does? Well, maybe that's a better name because somebody else who was looking at this, they won't know, I don't know, you know, it's in your head, but you will not always be working solo.

my school, a big portion of the students went on to get technical jobs from after right after graduating. it was when you graduated from the school that I was teaching at, KTC, it was the equivalent of an associate's degree. Maybe 50 percent went off to a tech job. Maybe 50 percent went on to a four year university.

And, and so as stude

David Copeland on Medium Sized Decisions (RubyConf 2023)

David was the chief software architect and director of engineering at Stitch Fix. He's also the author of a number of books including Sustainable Web Development with Ruby on Rails and most recently Ruby on Rails Background Jobs with Sidekiq.

He talks about how he made decisions while working with a medium sized team (~200 developers) at Stitch Fix.

The audio quality for the first 19 minutes is not great but the correct microphones turn on right after that.

Recorded at RubyConf 2023 in San Diego.

A few topics covered:

  • Ruby's origins at Stitch Fix
  • Thoughts on Go
  • Choosing technology and cloud services
  • Moving off heroku
  • Building a platform team
  • Where Ruby and Rails fit in today
  • The role of books and how different people learn
  • Large Language Model's effects on technical content

Related Links

  • David's Blog
  • Mastodon


You can help correct transcripts on GitHub.


[00:00:00] Jeremy: Today. I want to share another conversation from RubyConf San Diego. This time it's with David Copeland. He was a chief software architect and director of engineering at stitch fix.

And at the start of the conversation, you're going to hear about why he decided to write the book, sustainable web development with Ruby on rails. Unfortunately, you're also going to notice the sound quality isn't too good. We had some technical difficulties. But once you hit the 20 minute mark of the recording, the mics are going to kick in. It's going to sound way better.

So I hope you stick with it. Enjoy.

Ruby at Stitch Fix

[00:00:35] David: Stitch Fix was a Rails shop. I had done a lot of Rails and learned a lot of things that worked and didn't work, at least in that situation.

And so I started writing them down and I was like, I should probably make this more than just a document that I keep, you know, privately on my computer. Uh, so that's, you know, kind of, kind of where the genesis of that came from and just tried to, write everything down that I thought what worked, what didn't work.

Uh, if you're in a situation like me. Working on a product, with a medium sized, uh, team, then I think the lessons in there will be useful, at least some of them. Um, and I've been trying to keep it up over, over the years. I think the first version came out a couple years ago, so I've been trying to make sure it's always up to date with the latest stuff and, and Rails and based on my experience and all that.

[00:01:20] Jeremy: So it's interesting that you mention, medium sized team because, during the, the keynote, just a few moments ago, Matz the creator of Ruby was talking about how like, Oh, Rails is really suitable for this, this one person team, right? Small, small team. And, uh, he was like, you're not Google. So like, don't worry about, right.

Can you scale to that level? Yeah. Um, and, and I wonder like when you talk about medium size or medium scale, like what are, what are we talking?

[00:01:49] David: I think probably under 200 developers, I would say. because when I left Stitch Fix, it was closing in on that number of developers. And so it becomes, you know, hard to...

You can kind of know who everybody is, or at least the names sound familiar of everybody. But beyond that, it's just, it's just really hard. But a lot of it was like, I don't have experience at like a thousand developer company. I have no idea what that's like, but I definitely know that Rails can work for like...

200 ish people how you can make it work basically. yeah.

[00:02:21] Jeremy: The decision to use Rails, I'm assuming that was made before you joined?

[00:02:26] David: Yeah, the, um, the CTO of Stitch Fix, he had come in to clean up a mess made by contractors, as often happens. They had used Django, which is like the Python version of Rails.

And he, the CTO, he was more familiar with Rails. So the first two developers he hired, also familiar with Rails. There wasn't a lot to maintain with the Django app, so they were like, let's just start fresh, fresh with Rails. yeah, but it's funny because a lot of the code in that Rails app was, like, transliterated from Python.

So you could, it would, it looked like the strangest Ruby code in the world because it was basically, there was no test. So they were like, let's just write the Ruby version of this Python just so we know it works. but obviously that didn't, didn't last forever, so.

[00:03:07] Jeremy: So, so what's an example of a, of a tell?

Where you're looking at the code and you're like, oh, this is clearly, it came from Python.

[00:03:15] David: You'd see like, very, very explicit, right? Like Python, there's a lot of like single line things. very like, this sounds like a dig, but it's very simple looking code. Like, like I don't know Python, but I was able to change this Django app.

And I had to, I could look at it and you can figure out immediately how it works. Cause there's. Not much to it. There's nothing fancy. So, like, this, this Ruby code, there was nothing fancy. You'd be like, well, maybe they should have memoized that, or maybe they should have taken that into another class, or you could have done this with a hash or something like that.

So there was, like, none of that. It was just, like, really basic, plain code like you would see in any beginning programming language kind of thing. Which is at least nice. You can understand it. but you probably wouldn't have written it that way at first in Ruby.

Thoughts on Go

[00:04:05] Jeremy: Yeah, that's, that's interesting because, uh, people sometimes talk about the Go programming language and how it looks, I don't know if simple is the right word, but it's something where you look at the code and even if you don't necessarily understand Go, it's relatively straightforward.

Yeah. I wonder what your thoughts are on that being a strength versus that being, like,

[00:04:25] David: Yeah, so at Stitch Fix at one point we had a pro, we were moving off of Heroku and we were going to, basically build a deployment platform using ECS on AWS. And so the deployment platform was a Rails app and we built a command line tool using Ruby.

And it was fine, but it was a very complicated command line tool and it was very slow. And so one of the developers was like, I'm going to rewrite it in Go. I was like, ugh, you know, because I just was not a big fan. So he rewrote it in Go. It was a bazillion times faster. And then I was like, okay, I'm going to add, I'll add a feature to it.

It was extremely easy. Like, it's just like what you said. I looked at it, like, I don't know anything about Go. I know what is happening here. I can copy and paste this and change things and make it work for what I want to do. And it did work. And it was, it was pretty easy. so there's that, I mean, aesthetically it's pretty ugly and it's, I, I.

I can't really defend that as a real reason to not use it, but it is kind of gross. I did do Go, I did a small project in Go after Stitch Fix, and there's this vibe in Go about like, don't create abstractions. I don't know where I got that from, but every Go I look at, I'm like we should make an abstraction for this, but it's just not the vibe.

They just don't like doing that. They like it all written out. And I see the value because you can look at the code and know what it does and you don't have to chase abstractions anywhere. But. I felt like I was copying and pasting a lot of, a lot of things. Um, so I don't know. I mean, the, the team at Stitch Fix that did this like command line app in go, they're the platform team.

And so their job isn't to write like web apps all day, every day. There's kind of in and out of all kinds of things. They have to try to figure out something that they don't understand quickly to debug a problem. And so I can see the value of something like go if that's your job, right? You want to go in and see what the issue is.

Figure it out and be done and you're not going to necessarily develop deep expertise and whatever that thing is that you're kind of jumping into. Day to day though, I don't know. I think it would make me kind of sad. (laughs)

[00:06:18] Jeremy: So, so when you say it would make you kind of sad, I mean, what, what about it? Is it, I mean, you mentioned that there's a lot of copy and pasting, so maybe there's code duplication, but are there specific things where you're like, oh, I just don't?

[00:06:31] David: Yeah, so I had done a lot of Java in my past life and it felt very much like that. Where like, like the Go library for making an HTTP call for like, I want to call some web service. It's got every feature you could ever want. Everything is tweakable. You can really, you can see why it's designed that way.

To dial in some performance issue or solve some really esoteric thing. It's there. But the problem is if you just want to get an JSON, it's just like huge production. And I felt like that's all I really want to do and it's just not making it very easy. And it just felt very, very cumbersome. I think that having to declare types also is a little bit of a weird mindset because, I mean, I like to make types in Ruby, I like to make classes, but I also like to just use hashes and stuff to figure it out.

And then maybe I'll make a class if I figure it out, but Go, you can't. You have to have a class, you have to have a type, you have to think all that ahead of time, and it just, I'm not used to w

ChaelCodes on The Joy of Programming Games and Streaming (RubyConf 2023)

Episode Notes

Rachael Wright-Munn (ChaelCodes) talks about her love of programming games (games with programming elements in them, not how to make games!), starting her streaming career with regex crosswords, and how streaming games and open source every week led her to a voice acting role in one of her favorite programming games.

Recorded at RubyConf 2023 in San Diego.

mastodon twitch Personal website

Programming Games mentioned:

  • Regex Crossword
  • 7 Billion Humans
  • One Dreamer
  • Code Rom@ntic
  • Bitburner


You can help edit this transcript on GitHub.

Jeremy: I'm here at RubyConf San Diego with Rachel Wright-Munn, and she goes by Chaelcodes online. Thanks for joining me today.

Rachael: Hi, everyone. Hi, Jeremy. Really excited to be here.

Jeremy: So probably the first thing I'll ask about is on your web page, and I've noticed you have streams, you say you have an interest in not just regular games, but programming games, so.

Rachael: Oh my gosh, I'm so glad you asked about this. Okay, so I absolutely love programming games. When I first started streaming, I did it with Regex Crossword. What I really like about it is the fact that you have this joyful environment where you can solve puzzles and work with programming, and it's really focused on the experience and the joy. Are you familiar with Zach Barth of Zachtronics?

Jeremy: Yeah. So, I've tried, what was it? There's TIS-100. And then there's the, what was the other one? He had one that's...

Rachael: Opus Magnum? Shenzhen I/O?

Jeremy: Yeah, Shenzhen I/O.

Rachael: Oh, my gosh. Shenzhen I/O is fantastic. I absolutely love that. The whole conceit of it, which is basically that you're this electronics engineer who's just moved to Shenzhen because you can't find a job in the States. And you're trying to like build different solutions for these like little puzzles and everything.

It was literally one of the, I think that was the first programming game that really took off just because of the visuals and everything.

And it's one of my absolute favorites. I really like what he says about it in terms of like testing environments and the developer experience.

Cause it's built based on assembly, right?

He's made a couple of modifications. Like he's talked about it before where it's like The memory allocation is different than what it would actually look like in assembly and the way the registers are handled I believe is different, I wouldn't think of assembly as something that's like fun to write, but somehow in this game it is. How far did you get in it?

Jeremy: Uh, so I didn't get too far. So, because like, I really like the vibe and sort of the environment and the whole concept, right, of you being like, oh, you've been shipped off to China because that's the only place that these types of jobs are, and you're working on these problems with bad documentation and stuff like that. And I like the whole concept, but then the actual writing of the software, I was like, I don't know.

Rachael: And it's so hard, one of the interesting things about that game is you have components that you drop on the board and you have to connect them together and wire them, but then each component only has a specific number of lines. So like half the time I would be like, oh, I have this solution, but I don't have enough lines to actually run it or I can't fit enough components, then you have to go in and refactor it and everything. And it's just such a, I don't know, it's so much fun for me. I managed to get through all of the bonus levels and actually finish it. Some of them are just real, interesting from both a story perspective and interesting from a puzzle perspective. I don't wanna spoil it too much. You end up outside Shenzhen, I'll just say that.

Jeremy: OK. That's some good world building there.

Rachael: Yeah.

Jeremy: Because in your professional life, you do software development work. So I wonder, what is it about being in a game format where you're like, I'm in it. I can do it more. And this time, I'm not even being paid. I'm just doing it for fun.

Rachael: I think for me, software development in general is a very joyful experience. I love it. It's a very human thing. If you think about it like math, language, all these things are human concepts and we built upon that in order to build software in our programs and then on top of that, like the entire purpose of everything that we're building is for humans, right? Like they don't have rats running programs, you know what I mean? So when I think about human expression and when I think about programming, these two concepts are really closely linked for me and I do see it as joyful, But there are a lot of things that don't spark joy in our development processes, right? Like lengthy test suites, or this exhausting back and forth, or sometimes the designs, and I just, I don't know how to describe it, but sometimes you're dealing with ugly code, sometimes you're dealing with code smells, and in your professional developer life, sometimes you have to put up with that in order to ship features. But when you're working in a programming game, It's just about the experience. And also there is a correct solution, not necessarily a correct solution, but like there's at least one correct solution. You know for a fact that there's, that it's a solvable problem.

And for me, that's really fun. But also the environment and the story and the world building is fun as well, right? So one of my favorite ones, we mentioned Shenzhen, but Zachtronics also has Exapunks. And that one's really fun because you have been infected by a disease. And like a rogue AI is the only one that can provide you with the medicine you need to prevent it. And what this disease is doing is it is converting parts of your body into like mechanical components, like wires and everything. So what you have to do as an engineer is you have to write the code to keep your body running. Like at one point, you were literally programming your heart to beat. I don't have problems like that in my day job. In my day job, it's like, hey, can we like charge our customers more? Like, can we put some banners on these pages? Like, I'm not hacking anybody's hearts to keep them alive.

Jeremy: The stakes are a little more interesting. Yeah, yeah.

Rachael: Yeah, and in general, I'm a gamer. So like having the opportunity to mix two of my passions is really fun.

Jeremy: That's awesome. Yeah, because that makes sense where you were saying that there's a lot of things in professional work where it's you do it because you have to do it. Whereas if it's in the context of a game, they can go like, OK, we can take the fun problem solving part. We can bring in the stories. And you don't have to worry about how we're going to wrangle up issue tickets.

Rachael: Yeah, there are no Jira tickets in programming games.

Jeremy: Yeah, yeah.

Rachael: I love what you said there about the problem solving part of it, because I do think that that's an itch that a lot of us as engineers have. It's like we see a problem, and we want to solve it, and we want to play with it, and we want to try and find a way to fix it. And programming games are like this really small, compact way of getting that dopamine hit.

Jeremy: For sure. Yeah, it's like. Sometimes when you're doing software for work or for an actual purpose, there may be a feeling where you want to optimize something or make it look really nice or perform really well. And sometimes it just doesn't matter, right? It's just like we need to just put it out and it's good enough. Whereas if it's in the context of a game, you can really focus on like, I want to make this thing look pretty. I want to feel good about this thing I'm making.

Rachael: You can make it look good, or you can make it look ugly. You don't have to maintain it. After it runs, it's done. Right, right, right. There's this one game. It's 7 Billion Humans. And it's built by the creators of World of Goo. And it's like this drag and drop programming solution. And what you do is you program each worker. And they go solve a puzzle. And they pick up blocks and whatever. But they have these shredders, right? And the thing is, you need to give to the shredder if you have like a, they have these like little data blocks that you're handing them. If you're not holding a data block and you give to the shredder, the worker gives themself to the shredder. Now that's not ideal inside a typical corporate workplace, right? Like we don't want employees shredding themselves. We don't want our workers terminating early or like anything like that. But inside the context of a game, in order to get the most optimal solution, They have like a lines of code versus fastest execution and sometimes in order to win the end like Lines of code. You just kind of have to shred all your workers at the, When I'm on stream and I do that when I'm always like, okay everybody close your eyes That's pretty good it's Yeah, I mean cuz like in the context of the game.

Jeremy: I think I've seen where they're like little They're like little gray people with big eyes Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, so it's like, sorry, people. It's for the good of the company, right?

Rachael: It's for my optimal lines of code sol

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