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Being Spiritually Prepared for Raising Kiddos With Trauma Histories And/Or Neurodiversity

40m · Trauma-Informed Parenting · 27 Sep 07:00

What about being spiritually prepared? Although the emotional and spiritual components are often intertwined, there is an aspect of spiritual preparation that stands alone.

When a Christian decides to become a missionary or start a ministry, training takes place. Often it involves Bible college or leadership training at church. Missionaries study the culture of the people they are going to serve. They learn the language, habits, and customs of the people. Why? Because we understand that no one should ever enter the mission field without being thoroughly prepared.

Most of us entering the adoption/foster care world and/or raising a kiddo with neurodiversity do not receive this type of spiritual training unless we seek it out.

Grab a cup of coffee and join Kathleen as she digs into this topic and shares some answers from a survey on this topic!

The episode Being Spiritually Prepared for Raising Kiddos With Trauma Histories And/Or Neurodiversity from the podcast Trauma-Informed Parenting has a duration of 40:30. It was first published 27 Sep 07:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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What that meeting gave me was the information that my kiddos had experienced trauma in their childhood. What I didn’t know yet was how it affected them. I learned that later and it’s one of the major reasons I run this site and podcast. What I’d like to talk about today is why parents don’t invest in a trauma education and remove some of those roadblocks. Once those roadblocks are removed we can find some tools that help us heal.

Six Tips For Teaching Social Media Safety

Teaching Social Safety Media With A Tween Novel – The Case Of The Missing Person

While I know today kids think that owning a device and having social media accounts is a right, not a privilege. It’s our job as parents to set limitsto make sure our kids are emotionally mature enough to navigate having a device.

The truth is lots of damage has been done to kiddos seeking connection, comfort, and encouragement on social media.

Everyone wants their child to practice social media safety but how do you teach it?

Sitting your kids down for a frank discussion about it is one option and one I’ve used myself.

But there is an additional way you can open the conversation -Through a novel.

Really? Yep. You can read a tween novel with your tween and follow the instructions in a free pdf – Social Media Safety which you can grabHERE.

3 Biblical Promise About Recovering From Trauma

When it comes to healing from trauma, the first step is acknowledging the trauma.

When we acknowledge the trauma -whether it is caused by one of the six risk factors or due to being neurodivergent in a neurotypical world, we can begin to heal.

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Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I share 3 Biblical promises about healing from trauma!

Who is Trauma-Informed Parenting For?

Ever wonder exactly who trauma-informed parenting is for?

Or what it is all about?

If you raised your hand, this is the episode for you!

In this jam-packed episode, I share who trauma-informed parenting is for, what it is all about, a list of resources, and some of my personal story (that led me to start Trauma-Informed Parenting). Grab the show notes here and save them and this episode to share!

Grab a cup of coffee and join me.

Trauma-Informed Parenting Podcast Trailer

Wondering if the Trauma-Informed Parenting Podcast is for you?

How do I parent kiddos with a trauma history?

How do I become a trauma-informed parent?

What about kiddos with neurodiversity?

How can I not take my kiddos' behaviors personally?

How can I make peace with my past and be a more present parent?

How can I leave the traditional parenting model behind?

And the biggest question of all is, can I *really* parent the way my kiddos need? Whether you’re parenting kiddos who came home to you through adoption/foster care, or kiddos with a neurodiversity(or both), this is the show for you.

Every Podcast » Trauma-Informed Parenting » Being Spiritually Prepared for Raising Kiddos With Trauma Histories And/Or Neurodiversity