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PPP 351: The Value of Reading to Your Piano Kids with Author, Vicky Weber

42m · Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons. · 18 Sep 05:20

Vicky Weber is a musician and an elementary educator with a love for children’s literature. All her current titles are based on her background in music education or her heritage. While she has taught a variety of grade levels, primary-level education is where her passion lies. It has long been a dream of hers to teach children through the magic of books and she hopes you love reading her works as much as she loved writing them.

Learn more at www.PianoParentPodcast.com/351

The episode PPP 351: The Value of Reading to Your Piano Kids with Author, Vicky Weber from the podcast Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons. has a duration of 42:25. It was first published 18 Sep 05:20. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » Piano Parent Podcast: helping teachers, parents, and students get the most of their piano lessons. » PPP 351: The Value of Reading to Your Piano Kids with Author, Vicky Weber