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Day 3: Walking Challenge - Setting Intentions

20m · Walking & Talking with Helen - Walking Workouts · 03 Jan 09:00

Power Up Your Walk with Intentions

Ready to turn your daily stroll into a superpower session? Slip on your walking shoes for Day 3 of the Walking Challenge, where we're all about setting intentions for a walk that rocks.

Before you lace up: Blast "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen (seriously, it works!) to get you motivated to walk. Get that pep in your step and feel the rhythm ignite your walking vibe.

Visualization magic:

  • Visualize your ideal walk: Want a walk that makes you feel strong, calm, accomplished? Picture it. See yourself conquering that hill, soaking in the sunshine, or simply enjoying the peaceful rhythm of your steps.
  • Craft powerful affirmations: "With every breath, I welcome calm," "My steps lead me to happiness," "I'm creating ripples of positivity with each stride." Repeat these mantras as you walk, fueling your mind and body.

Goals for motivation:

  • Baby steps are your best friends! Set daily milestones like 15-minute walks. Consistency is key, even if it's just five or 10 minutes a day.
  • Milestone magic: Think long-term. Where do you want to be at the end of this challenge? Stronger, fitter, stress-free? Break it down into weekly achievements and watch your progress snowball.


  • Build it and they will come. Don't be shy! Use the hashtag #walktalkwithhelen to share your goals, experiences, and tips with fellow walkers. We're in this together.
  • Check-ins: Reflect on your progress. Adjust your goals, celebrate wins, and get inspired by others. Did you walk somewhere new? Find a hidden park gem? Share it with the world.

Be accountable but realistic:

  • Create a back-up plan: Even if weather throws a curveball, have a backup plan. Get on the treadmill, spin bike, or even dancing around your living room counts.
  • Remember, progress, not perfection. This is your journey, your pace. Every step is a victory, so celebrate them all.

Join in on our walking challenge wherever you fancy – outside, at home, strolling through the mall, or hitting the gym.

If you're walking outside, there's a bell at the halfway mark, so when it rings, you'll know it's time to turn around.

This walking challenge is for all levels:

Whether you're just starting out or a seasoned pro, this walking challenge is here for you.

Take a peek at:

Day 1 - The perks and benefits of walking
Day 2 - Get tips on keeping it zen with mindful walking


To get motivated before your walk: Boost your mood with the jam "Don’t Stop Me Now" by Queen.

P.S. Don't keep the fun to yourself – share it with your fam and friends.

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Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

The episode Day 3: Walking Challenge - Setting Intentions from the podcast Walking & Talking with Helen - Walking Workouts has a duration of 20:03. It was first published 03 Jan 09:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Walking & Talking with Helen - Walking Workouts

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Hey Walkers!

Ready to get some steps in? Here's a walking workout that not only gets your heart pumping, but also gives you an energizing boost... in 10 minutes or less.

Get moving during lunch, after dinner, or during a break. This podcast for walking has upbeat background walking music to keep you on tempo.

And guess what? You don't have to walk outside. You can walk at home, stepping in place or moving side-to-side. You can also head to your local mall to walk, or even get your steps in at Costco.

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Quick daily walks:

•Boost your alertness and energy
•Help reduce stress (yay)
•Puts you in a better mood

Plus, walking is completely free and doable most people.

There’s a bell at the halfway point so you can turn around and head back.

So, lace up your walking shoes, shake off any tension, and see how many steps you can do.

Support the Show.

Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

34A (w music): 10-Minute Quick Refreshing Walk

Hey Walkers!

Today’s coached walk is quick and energizing and short. Improve your mood, laser focus, and feel more creative, all in just 10 minutes.

Walking is like a natural espresso shot for your mind and body– minus the caffeine crash. Whether you're squeezing in a walk during a break or just before a presentation, or while your kids are doing their homework, this short walk will make you feel amazing.

And look for more of these quick “lunch time” walks that help you feel great and oh so happy.

  • Short walks give huge boosts to your energy and focus
  • Have some fun with it and make up stories about things you see on your walk – like, those shoes hanging from power lines? Why?
  • Get fresh oxygen and reduce stiffness from sitting all day

Walking is totally free and doable for most people.

This podcast for walking episode has background walking music to keep you on beat and moving to the tempo. If you prefer no music, check out episode 34B. There’s a bell at the halfway point so you can turn around and head back.

So, grab those walking shoes, shake out any tension, and let this walking podcast give you the mood and energy boost your crave.

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Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

34B (no music): 10-Minute Quick Refreshing Walk

Hey Walkers! Today’s coached walk is an energizing and short. Boost your mood, get focused, and start those creative juices flowing… all in just 10 minutes.

Walking can be your brain's espresso shot – minus the caffeine crash, of course. Whether it's squeezing in a walk during lunch breaks, just before that big meeting, or after your kids go to bed, you’re going love how this fits into your busy day and how a quick walk makes you feel.

And guess what? I’m going to do more quick “lunch time” walks to give you a mental refresh whenever you need it.

  • Little walks are giant leaps for your energy and focus.
  • You get to have fun and make up stories about wacky things you see on your walk – like, why are those shoes hanging from power lines?
  • And shake off that sit-all-day feeling and get moving.

Walking is for everyone – no gym membership required. It’s a total mood booster and brain clearer.

This podcast for walking episode has no background walking music. If you want to some beats, listen to episode 34A. There’s a bell at the halfway point so you can turn around and head back.

So, grab your walking shoes, take a deep breath, and let this walking podcast give you the energy boost you need.

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Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

33B (no music): Banish Fatigue and Boost Energy the Easier Way

Feeling drained and unmotivated? Join me for a refreshing, information-packed coached walk where we'll uncover simple hacks to zap fatigue and boost your energy.

This walking podcast episode gives you real life, practical tips to help you get more energy including:

Energy boosters

  • Movement moments: Small bursts of movement throughout your day can unlock endorphins, your body's natural happiness chemical. Even the shortest time can leave you feeling more energized and focused.
  • Hydrate the smart way: Ditch fatigue and keep your energy flowing with simple hydration hacks.
  • Better snacks: Ditch the sugar crash and fuel your day with power snacks that keep you going without the dip in energy.

Recharge & Refocus

  • 5-minute recharge: Give your mind and body a quick reset with 5-minute mindful breaks during the day.
  • Energy vampires vs. enhancers: Who is the Colin Robinson (energy vampire) that drains you, and who lifts you up? How does eliminating your energy vampires improve your life?
  • Healthy desk habits: Break free from the chair. Defy the energy slump with simple desk exercises and stretches.
  • The coffee secret: Uncover the surprising energy boost from a glass of cold coffee (caffeine oh how I love thee) after a workout or walk.

These simple hacks (and more - have a listen) will make a big different in your daily life, health and energy levels.

This coached walk episode is the no background walking music version. If you want to walk to a beat, listen to episode 33A. There’s a bell at the halfway point so you can turn around.

So, grab your shoes, take a deep breath, and let this walking podcast give you the energy boost you need.

Support the show

Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

33A (w music): Banish Fatigue and Boost Energy the Easier Way

Feeling unmotivated and drained? Head out on a coached walk with me, where we'll chat about practical hacks to banish fatigue and bring up your energy levels.

In this walking podcast episode, discover real-life tips to give you an energy boost, including:

It’s all about the burst:
Experience the power of small bursts of movement throughout your day, letting those awesome endorphins—your body's natural happiness boosters—give you a renewed lease on life. Even brief moments can leave you feeling more energized and focused.

Hydration strategies: Say bye bye to fatigue with these simple hydration hacks to keep your energy flowing all day.

Smart snacking: Stop the sugar crash and embrace power snacks that fuel your day without the energy dip.

Recharge & refocus: Take a 5-minute recharge to reset your mind and body during the day.

Ditch the vampires: Who is the Colin Robinson in your life (energy vampires)? Who lifts you up? Why should you ditch the vampires and spend more time with the enhancer?

Healthy habits at work: Break free from the chair-induced energy slump with easy “no show” desk exercises.

The coffee secret: Get a surprising energy boost from a glass of cold coffee (caffeine, my true love) after a workout or walk.

These straightforward hacks, along with more tips, will make a big difference in your daily life, health, and energy levels.

This coached walk episode is the version with background walking music. If you prefer no background music, head over to episode 33B. Look out for the bell signaling the halfway point if you want to turn around.

So, lace up your shoes, take a deep breath, and let this walking podcast be the catalyst for the energy boost you've been searching for.

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Thanks for listening. Stop by https://walkingandtalking.show to grab your free guide to fitting walking into your busy day.

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