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Hadil Kamal describes the beauty of living in Palestine and the brutality of Israeli occupation

1h 4m · Pretty Heady Stuff · 29 Dec 17:19

Hadil Kamal works as a surgeon at Al Quds University in Ramallah. For years, Hadil has been lecturing and practicing in Palestine. In this conversation, she offers a brilliant account of why she feels an intense moral obligation to oppose the oppression of Palestinian people. Ramallah is at a unique vantage point when it comes to understanding and resisting Israel's occupation of Palestine. As the central city in the West Bank and the administrative capital of Palestine, it is at a certain distance from direct occupation. Hadil describes the labyrinth of military checkpoints that she has to navigate within Palestine, and what she contemplates during those long, circuitous journey through the countryside. At the core of the conversation is the question of how Palestine can be free and how Hadil experiences everyday life in the context of Israel’s illegal occupation. We also discuss the ways that Israel has codified its callous indifference to Palestinian life in laws that enshrine the expansion of settlements and Islamophobia as core parts of the Zionist nation-building project. October 7th and coordinated attack on Israel by the paramilitary wings of Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, is a globally misunderstood event. This is largely because of the layers of propaganda and political polarization that are screening the reality on the ground from view. That event, with its deplorable acts of violence, should be seen as a response to violent subjugation. As Hadil points out, Gaza is a concentration camp where human beings are denied rights and deemed disposable by an oppressive regime. The right to resist an occupying force is a human right, even if it is controversial to say so. Only 42 countries recognize the right to resist oppression. Since 2004, the African Union has identified the right to resist as a basic human right in the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights. From everything I have learned, read and seen secondhand, those of us who have not experienced the violence of Israeli apartheid directly cannot legitimately condemn the right of Palestinians to resist this violence. Palestinians have, in the words of Andreas Malm, “tried every conceivable form of resistance. They’ve tried peaceful marches, in the Great March of Return in 2018, which only resulted in Israeli snipers killing 223 unarmed demonstrators, they’ve tried strikes and boycotts. They’ve tried writing poetry and posting on social media. They’ve tried throwing stones. They’ve tried diplomacy, including recognizing the state of Israel and giving it all it demands without getting anything back. They tried to go to court. They tried the international community endlessly and, yes, they have tried various forms of armed resistance.” So what are the people supposed to do? When the IDF announced that it was launching a ground invasion of Gaza, it ordered over a million people to evacuate, adding that they will “be able to return to Gaza City only when another announcement permitting it is made.” As Ian Parmeter told Al Jazeera, Israel “is under no illusions” that one million people can simply move within 24 hours. “It’s simply a warning that they’re coming in.” So now, one million Palestinians are faced with a petrifying situation. As Nebal Farsakh, the spokesperson for the Palestinian Red Crescent in Gaza City, expressed it: “Forget about food, forget about electricity, forget about fuel, the only concern now is just if you’ll make it, if you’re going to live.” This tyranny is completely unacceptable. We should all be ashamed that it has gone on this long and that the situation has become apocalyptic. Hadil offers an extraordinary message of hope and resilience by emphasizing that Palestinian people continue to create and connect while devoting themselves to the preservation of Palestinian culture in an extremely hostile world.

The episode Hadil Kamal describes the beauty of living in Palestine and the brutality of Israeli occupation from the podcast Pretty Heady Stuff has a duration of 1:04:36. It was first published 29 Dec 17:19. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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