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3 Major Roadblocks to Finishing Your First Draft | #119

18m · The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast · 01 Mar 13:00

Welcome back, sunshine, to another fun-filled episode of the Neurodivergent Creative Podcast!

As we dive into the complexities of writing and creativity, remember this - YOUR story is meant to be told authentically FOR YOU, and not to appease someone else's ego or somebody else's expectations.

Tune in to this episode, where we'll expand on how you can uncover the 3 major roadblocks that are stopping you from finishing your first draft. So, buckle up, neurosparkly storytellers, you’re in for a wild (and necessary) ride!

Episode Highlights:

✅ The importance of writing for yourself, not for the imagined expectations of others.

✅ Strategies for navigating the roadblocks of comparison and distraction on your creative journey.

✅ How to embrace the chaos of your first draft and turn it into a stepping stone towards your ultimate storytelling goals.

Noteworthy Quotes:

💬 “You gotta get over the fact that not everybody's gonna like your book. You're not gonna impress everybody. You're not gonna be the genre for everybody. You're not gonna be the style or the voice for everybody… but people-pleasing is what’s gonna cock block your book.”

💬 “If you write a book for somebody else, it's gonna fall flat. It's not gonna feel good, and people are gonna be able to tell that it's fake; that you wrote it with somebody else's experience in mind, as opposed to writing it because you had to write it. So, remember, first draft, you're telling YOURSELF the story!”

💬 “YOUR story's not for other people. You gotta say, ‘The story's for ME, gotta write for ME!’”

💬 “There is one thing that I want you to take with you: The fact that your story matters and YOU deserve to write it down!”

💬 "Wherever you start is good enough to begin."

Cool resources we think you’ll love:

📌 Neurodivergent Creative Writing: How to Outline Your Novel

📌Neurodivergent Creative Writing: Allow Your Shower Thoughts to Do Magic!

📌 Resources for Building Your Anti-Diet Support System

📌 Healing from People Pleasing Trauma

📌 You Are Enough - The Power of Self-Compassion

More super epic resources to go check out:

✨ Working Title Writing Incubator (Creative Writing Program)

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ Novel Parkour Challenge (FREE)Unleash your creativity in our Free 5-Day Novel Parkour Challenge — a high-octane writing adventure designed specifically for ADHD and AutieHD writers. Fast-paced and fun, this challenge will help you outline your novel without getting bogged down by perfectionism or overwhelming details. Sign up now using the link below and revolutionize your storytelling process!

✨ F*ck New Years Resolutions Workbook at


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by subscribing to The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖

Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

The episode 3 Major Roadblocks to Finishing Your First Draft | #119 from the podcast The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast has a duration of 18:30. It was first published 01 Mar 13:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast

You Are Allowed To Change Over Time | #129

“Change is inevitable,” they say, but it’s really one of those easier-said-than-done kind of deals. Sometimes you get the exciting change, sometimes you get the heartbreaking ones, and sometimes you are dealt with those that leave you feeling meh. So, let’s talk about it! Let’s talk about why you are 100% allowed to change over time and advocate for your own character development.In this episode, Caitlin Liz Fisher opens up about their own experiences with change, from navigating the depths of depression to rediscovering their true passions and purpose. Caitlin reminds us that we don't have to follow a predetermined script – we're allowed to forge our own paths, make mistakes, and start over whenever we need to.

You Will Learn:

  • The importance of advocating for your mental health and trying different medications if necessary.

  • The benefits of maintaining consistent self-care routines, such as journaling and spiritual practices, and how these can impact your well-being.

  • Why it’s never too late to start over and pursue new passions or paths, regardless of age or past experiences.

  • Understanding and navigating the dangers of self-judgment and the importance of reconnecting with your values and purpose.

Episode Wisdom Nuggies:

💬 "Even what you really deeply want is allowed to change over time, because you are allowed to change over time."

💬 “And so many societal expectations stop us from deciding that we can do something different, and that we can go off the script handed to us.

💬 “There is not just one opportunity to try and then stick the landing. You can do new things or old things or whatever thing you want. Basically whenever you want to! And believing that it’s available to you is the first step.”

💬 “If I can be that patient with plants. Can I be that patient? Can I be that patient with myself?“

💬 “You can start over at any time. You can replant yourself. You can do it. Okay? I love you. And there's nothing you can do about it!”

Super epic resources to check out next:

✨ Join us in the Working Title Writing Incubator:

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ What’s it like inside the Working Title Incubator:

More cool resources we think you’ll love:

🎁 FREE CHALLENGE: Novel Parkour

🎉 PAID COURSE: You Should Write That Novel


📌 Embrace Your Autistic Joy

📌 Healing from People Pleasing Trauma

📌 You Are Enough - The Power of Self-Compassion

📌 Are You Suffering from Eldest Daughter Syndrome?


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by joining The Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖
Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

5 Reasons for Your Writer's Block | #128

Have you ever sat down to write and felt like your brain just froze in buffering mode? Or maybe you have tons of ideas and then out of nowhere it gets sent to the abyss, and now you’re staring at a blank page, unsure of what to do next? THAT, my friend, is writer’s block and it’s more common than you think! Don’t worry though, coz in this episode, we'll be going full nerd on what’s writer's block, why it happens, and share some practical (yet fun) ways to overcome it. So, whether you're struggling with fear, overwhelmed by ideas, or battling perfectionism, we've got you covered. Tune in for all the juicy details and start kicking writer’s block a$$ today!

You Will Learn:

  • How to recognize and embrace the natural cycles of creativity in your life.

  • Ways to maintain productivity and motivation during periods of creative blocks.

  • The importance of self-compassion and realistic goal-setting in creative endeavors.

Episode Wisdom Nuggies:

💬 "Not everybody produces the same level all the time. It's like flowers; nothing blooms consistently 365 days out of the year."

💬 "If we think of writing your word count as the blooms on your plant, then maybe writer's block is just a period where you are not in bloom and that's okay!"

Super epic resources to check out next:

✨ Join us in the Working Title Writing Incubator (Caitlin’s Signature Writing Program)

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ What’s it like inside the Working Title Incubator:

More cool resources we think you’ll love:

🎁 FREE CHALLENGE: Novel Parkour

🎉 PAID COURSE: You Should Write That Novel


🤳 My Dad Wrote a Porno

📌 Executive Dysfunction: Is your brain getting stuck buffering?

📌 How to Combat Internalized Ableism in Your Writing

📌 What Makes An Aspiring Writer vs A Real Writer

📌 It’s Okay to Be A Beginner


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by joining The Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖

Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

FOREVER is not equal to SUCCESS | #127

In today’s episode, Caitlin dives deep into the myth of "forever" as a measure of success, encouraging us to embrace change and pivot when necessary. Caitlin's candid sharing inspires a movement towards self-love and understanding that allows room for change and growth. Join the conversation on how to celebrate life's transient phases and liberate yourself from the weight of "forever."

You Will Learn:

  • Understanding why not all aspects of life are meant to last forever and why that's okay.

  • How repairing your relationship with yourself can redefine your interactions and expectations with the outer world.

  • How changes and endings aren't failures but part of a natural and healthy journey of self-discovery and growth.

Episode Wisdom Nuggies:

💬 " Fixing the relationship that you have with yourself will fix how you allow those outside influences to treat you. Not fix, per se, but shift. You need to get so clear on what it means to love yourself that when other people are doing it wrong, you know it.”

💬 "The idealization of something lasting for the rest of your life as the marker of success can be really harmful.”

💬 “How am I supposed to stay forever where I'm not being appreciated? That's not how that works. The only thing in my life that lasts forever is my relationship with myself. And so, like, that's my top priority is my relationship with me.”

Super epic resources to check out next:

✨ Join us in the Working Title Writing Incubator (Caitlin’s Signature Writing Program)

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ What’s it like inside the Working Title Incubator:

More cool resources we think you’ll love:

🚂 FREE TRAINING ALERT: Art is Revolution


🤳 Simone Seol

📌 Unlearning Self-Loathing and Embracing Self-worth

📌 Translating the Job Search Process for Neurodivergents

📌 Healing from People Pleasing Trauma

📌 Normalizing Asking for Help (as a Neurodivergent Person)

📌 It’s Okay to Be A Beginner

📌 Demystifying the Glorification of Busy

📌 Quiet Quitting: Reclaim The Bare Minimum

📌 Linear Careers are a Myth


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by joining The Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖

Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

Designing, Organizing, & Maintaining your Creative Workspace | #126

Welcome back, Creatives! In today’s episode, your host Caitlin Liz Fisher dives into the nuances of crafting a workspace that not only fosters creativity but also suits the unique needs of neurodivergent individuals. After taking a much-needed mental health break, Caitlin returns with fresh insights, sparked by a listener's query about organizing a conducive creative environment.

Tune in to transform your creative chaos into a curated corner of inspiration and productivity, specially tailored for the neurodivergent creative!

You Will Learn:

  • Tips for customizing your creative space to support your neurodivergent traits.

  • Practical advice for organizing and maintaining an inspiring workspace amidst everyday chaos.

  • How to choose auditory environments that boost rather than stifle your creative flow.

Episode Wisdom Nuggies:

💬 "I haven't been as creative because my table for creativity is covered in stuff that I need to deal with. That would probably take me 10 minutes to deal with. Maybe I'll do that after this episode. Wish me luck! If in the next episode, that table is clean. I want you to leave me a comment and say, good job. Cause I need that... to live, okay? Thank you. We now have a social contract. Praise me if I clean that desk. Thank you!”

💬 "There's operations happening in our brain, and standards of what a workspace should look like and function like. So that's part one, is identify those standards and assumptions. And then, step two of creating your neurodivergent, friendly, creative workspace is what are your patterns and habits?”

💬 “You will not be creative as much as you want if you're holding yourself to a standard that is very hard to achieve.”

💬 “Anything that is going to like distract you out of having the enjoyable experience you want because of a bad sensory input, go make accommodations for yourself.”

Super epic resources to check out next:

✨ Join us in the Working Title Writing Incubator (Caitlin’s Signature Writing Program)

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ What’s it like inside the Working Title Incubator:

More cool resources we think you’ll love:

🚂 FREE TRAINING ALERT: Art is Revolution, May 4 @ 4PM EST


📝What Organizational Style Are You

🎶 Mind Amend with Jason Lewis

📌 Executive Dysfunction: Is your brain getting stuck buffering?

📌 Harnessing Your Hyperfocus to Be More Creative

📌 6 Ways to Prevent Hobby Hibernation

📌 How to Create Your Creative Space


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by joining The Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖

Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

Executive Dysfunction: Is your brain getting stuck buffering? | #125

The relentless pursuit of productivity, driven by unreasonably high societal standards, often leaves us trapped in a mental fog - making it doubly hard to enjoy our creative pursuits.

In this episode, Caitlin Liz Fisher talks about how the pressure to constantly mask our neurodivergent traits can stifle the natural ebb and flow of our creative energy. They also dive deep into the importance of setting realistic goals, the value of rest, and the power of reframing our relationship with productivity.

You Will Learn:

  • Strategies to recognize and combat executive dysfunction, including how to challenge the norms imposed by internalized capitalism.

  • Practical tips for starting and sustaining creative pursuits even when your brain is stuck "buffering."

  • Understanding how unrealistic expectations of self can lead to burnout and exacerbate executive dysfunction.

  • The importance of self-compassion and understanding that needing rest and recovery is not only human but necessary.

  • FREE TRAINING ALERT: Art is Revolution, April 23rd @ 7PM EST (

Episode Wisdom Nuggets:💬 "What sucks about productivity culture is that we prioritize productivity, profit, and perfectionism over our human needs."

💬 "When in doubt, I write a list of 20 things, roll a 20-sided die, and let that decide where I start."

Super epic resources to check out next:

✨ Working Title Writing Incubator (Caitlin’s Signature Writing Program)

Your story deserves to be written, messy drafts and all! Join me in turning your authorly dreams into reality with the Working Title Writing Incubator. Dive into the world of storytelling and make your book inevitable. Your story belongs in the world—let's make it happen, one chapter at a time.

✨ What’s it like inside the Working Title Incubator:

More cool resources we think you’ll love:

🚂 FREE TRAINING ALERT: Art is Revolution, April 23rd @ 7PM EST


📌 Embrace Your Autistic Joy

📌 You Are Enough - The Power of Self-Compassion


Are you a neurodivergent creative aching to dismantle societal myths and pave the way for more inclusive, flexible, and fulfilling experiences through artistic expression?

Join the conversation and connect with others like you by joining The Neurodivergent Creative Pod, where folx make weird art AND talk about it! 💖

Hang out with us on Facebook in the Neurodivergent Creative Pod:

Every Podcast » The Neurodivergent Creative Podcast » 3 Major Roadblocks to Finishing Your First Draft | #119