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SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake

1h 5m · Sasquatch Chronicles · 10 Mar 01:50

Drew had an encounter in 1996 here in Washington up in Snohomish county. Drew describes a creature with an odd movement come out of the ditch into the road. The encounter still bothers him today. We will also be speaking to Chuck. Chuck had an encounter in 2015 at Diablo Lake. The lake is in WA state. Its a glacial-fed lake and in the summer turns a turquoise color because of fine rock particles that refract sunlight. Crater lake in Oregon has that same appearance during the summer. Chuck describes several creatures vocalizing and then it came into camp.

Chuck writes "In 2015 I spent the day on a motorcycle ride over SR20 in WA State. We rode around Winthrop and Twisp, then broke up and went our separate ways. I had made plans to camp with another group of friends that night at Colonial Creek Campground at Diablo Lake.

I had spent plenty of time in that area and was very comfortable there. After a day of riding with one group of friends I was excited to meet up with my other group of friends. We had a great time hanging out. Eventually we went to our own tents and went to sleep. I guess I laid down around 12:15am. It took me a bit to get comfortable and doze off. I think I fell asleep around 1am. Around 1:45am I heard a call, much like the Ohio sound from across the lake. I estimated it was four or five miles away, but the sound filled the entire valley and woke me up. I smiled, chuckled, and told myself that it was Bigfoot.

This call went on for about five to ten minutes, when all of a sudden there was a return call on my side of the lake. I felt like the return call originated about three miles uphill, coming from Pinnacle Peak or Colonial Peak. I felt a sense of surprise, and was taken back by the volume and duration of the return call. This call started out low and soft then crescendo to very loud and bellowing. The sound resonated through me in a way that it instantly woke me up and I became alert. Before I could fully comprehend the return call there was another call from across the lake. This call had a shorter duration, my instincts told me that the call from across the lake was a female and the call on my side of the lake was a male. This went on for about 20 minutes, back and forth. I was in disbelief. I thought of every animal sound I knew and there was nothing like it.

The duration and volume was beyond any wildlife’s capabilities, not to mention any human’s ability. It was fascinating to listen to and was an experience all on its own. Then things got terrifying. What happened next still causes me anxiety just thinking about it. What I will call the male, calling from my side of the lake started coming down the hill. It would stop to call back to the female on the far side of the lake. Each time it called the intensity of the volume became increasingly more intense. I typically carry protection when out in the woods. Mostly for a noise maker, my theory is that the biggest barks wins most of the time. I’ve had to scare off cougars using this method in the past. Regardless, I white knuckle gripped that 44 magnum and was convinced it was not enough firepower to stop whatever was coming down the mountain, much less a bigger bark. I laid there in my flimsy tent, tucked into my mummy bag, grasping my 44 as I cowered with each return call getting closer.

At some point I started hearing footsteps. With each step the ground shook with a vibration that resonated through the ground. I could feel each step getting closer. What was hard to comprehend was the gait between steps. In my mind I envisioned this thing as “jogging”, not walking. I estimated the distance between each step to be 9 to 12 feet. This thing was now in the campground and still returning calls. The terror I felt was indescribably. I was literally frozen with fear. I didn’t dare make a sound, I couldn’t if I wanted to. My body went into an involuntary flight mode. I could not function my body, meaning I could not get out of my sleeping bag if my life depended on it.

I was frozen in fear. My heart was racing, I was uncertain what was going to happen next. Not knowing was the worst part. And wouldn’t you believe it, this creature ran right through my campsite, only feet from my tent. It let out a call that sent me into a state of shock. The volume, the duration, the resonating force of sound, I was defeated and terrified. As quick as it came into my campsite it left, and without hesitation it jumped into the lake.

Which in my mind sounded like an elk being dropped from 20 feet into the water, there was a huge splash. If you have ever been to Diablo Lake you know it's glacier fed. That water is extremely cold. This didn’t even faze it, much like a dog chasing a ball in to a cold lake, it didn’t hesitate. This behavior suggested to me that this was some type of animal or “primitive”. Not many humans would jump in that water at night, and if they did you would hear them screaming in shock, it's freakin’ cold!

The moment it jumped into the lake and started its way across the lake I started to feel some relief. However, I lived in terror for years. I believe I suffer from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

After that event I listen to your shows and use them as a type of therapy. I am able to relate to others and their experiences. Knowing that I am not alone gives me a sense of relief. I have told many people about my experience. I often encounter people who are dismissive, but this doesn’t faze me in the least. Once you know, you know. And for anyone who says they want a Bigfoot experience, I would caution them against it. It will change your life and most likely not in a positive way.

It’s been many years now and I have not tent camped since. I have hauled my travel trailer to a State Parks, but I am not comfortable remote/primitive camping anymore. I could not bring enough fire power, nor do I think I am smarter than these things in their environment. I would not have a chance if they decided to harm me. I do go out on day hikes, but I am armed and I’m constantly looking for signs. I have turned around on trails before for no other reason than my gut told me something isn’t right. That being said I love the PNW and will continue to push myself back into the beautiful areas that this State and BC has to offer. However, I’m no longer naïve."

The episode SC EP:1038 The Creature At Diablo Lake from the podcast Sasquatch Chronicles has a duration of 1:05:39. It was first published 10 Mar 01:50. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Kelley writes "We spoke a few years ago briefly. The Squatchwatchers made an introduction for me. At that time I was beginning the process of working on a documentary about Bigfoot. But since then things have gone a bit crazy! The path I started to go down led me into places I never expected and I’ve been able to document some truly amazing stuff! The story became so huge that its just too much for a movie. I am now releasing it as a series on YouTube and Rumble."

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SC EP:1053 Never Going Back To That Area

Kip writes "I guess I’ll get right to it. Back in the late 90’s I had 3 separate terrifying encounters with some type of large black creature over 3 years. The first two encounters were roughly in 1997 & 1998. I was in high school at the time and 16-17 years old. And the 3rd was in late 1999 so I was just about 18. I can honestly say that they were so disturbing that I have thought about them often ever since. Two of the encounters I had multiple buddies with me and the most disturbing encounter I was alone exploring the mountain behind our home on our 4 wheeler.

I grew up in a Southern California city called Corona. Its roughly 1.5 hours north of San Diego and next to Riverside. At this time the upper portion of the city had miles of orchards extending from the edge of the housing developments all the way to the base of the mountains that separated us from the coast and Orange County. As a kid myself and my family spent a significant amount of time on this mountain range hiking, mountain biking, exploring the various canyons, and a few of the abandoned tin mines. Although there were known predators such as mountain lions and coyotes that we would see from time to time, I never felt scared being in this area but always knew to be cautious.

At the time of what I would consider my first encounter our town was changing a lot. Hundreds of acres, if not thousands, of the orchards were being leveled to build more homes. At this time being of high school age this was a total bummer. All of the cool places we would explore or hang out were going away every week and being replaced with massive housing developments.

Because of the size of one of the housing developments, there was a large storm drain project that the army core of engineers was in charge of. This project was situated near the mouth of one of the larger canyons and was intended to divert stormwater underground to who knows where? This area was completely fenced off with barbed wire fences and they even had an on-site security guard at night. This entire area was surrounded by thick orange groves and also avocado groves. Knowing that there was a massive underground tunnel being built and also being obsessed with exploring abandoned mines, there was no choice but to explore this.

I did some recon during the daytime hours and figured out the best way to sneak in at night hopefully without being detected by their on-site security guard.

Late on a Friday evening my buddies and I drove my truck on a dirt road deep into the orange groves and parked it behind a large pile of dead orange trees that they had ripped out of the ground. This was an area that I was very familiar with. In this area, they also had bulldozers, graders, and loaders parked near a water tank. We snuck through the trees, scaled a barbed wire fence, and at this point the Avocado Grove began. We easily made it in and explored these tunnels which were kind of a disappointment because there was really nothing to them other than concrete and scaffolding. Feeling somewhat underwhelmed we decided to head back to the truck which was roughly a half mile from the tunnel. Upon exiting the range groves we saw headlights coming our way so we quickly jumped behind some of the heavy equipment thinking the security was coming to bust us. To our surprise, it was a two-door Honda Civic with two chicks. Being curious teenage boys we were immediately wondering if they were hot. Lol. After spending some time checking out all of the cool heavy equipment we made it back to my truck. Knowing that the road they were driving on was eventually a dead end we were surprised to see that they still had not come back out. We decided to investigate to make sure they were ok. We assumed the girls were probably drinking or smoking weed because this was not a well known place and was quite creepy especially at night due to how secluded it was. The three of us piled back into my single-cab Chevy truck and started heading in their direction. As we rounded a sharp turn on the dirt road we could see their car parked at the dead end off in the distance. As we got within 100 yards of their car we could see something black crouched down behind the car. The first we thought we had was that maybe one of them was behind the car but as we got closer we could see that it was definitely not a girl and appeared to be completely black and hunched over as if it was hiding and watching them. I had one of those Walmart special 12 million candle spotlight that plugged into the cigarette lighter in my truck. My buddy Aaron turned that on and hung out the window shining it down the road. We then thought that it must be a bear of some other creature but it was not looking like anything that we were familiar with which was kind of a weird sensation seeing something that we were not even sure what it was. As we were now within 50 yards or less, to our horror, this creature slightly turned to look towards us and stood up. This was nothing that we recognized. We immediately began freaking out yelling at one another "what the hell is that thing?!!" I hit the gas and we accelerated towards their car while keeping the light on it!

To the south of where the girls were parked was another barbed wire. (To clarify, all of these fences were roughly 7' tall chain link fences topped with like 18" of 3 strands of barbed wire. A sizeable fence). The fence was within 15 feet of the edge of the road only separated by a small ditch that may have been 2' deep. Beyond the fence was a wide open field that had already been scraped of all vegetation. The base of the mountain was probably 400-500 yards away from this location. This creature which I would estimate was between eight and 9 feet tall took two steps towards the edge of the road and literally vanished before our eyes. We saw this happen from maybe 50 feet away. I slammed on the brakes and we slid on the gravel road stopping about 10 feet behind the girl's car. We jumped out paying no attention to them and immediately started shining the spotlight into the field. When the creature vanished we could not understand what we really just saw. Our minds were thinking of rational explanations like maybe it dove into the small ditch just out of sight and squeezed under the fence somehow. Or, maybe it climbed over the fence really fast and somehow we didn't see that which makes no sense. We were grasping for any explanation besides it literally vanishing into thin air. In reality, we should have seen the creature maybe 20 feet away on the other side of this fence running across the wide open field if it had somehow jumped this fence but like I said it had vanished. We had all become very animated at this point yelling and freaking out at what we had just seen. Probably thinking we were absolute psychopaths, the girls in the car immediately started the engine lipped around and just took off. I did hear one of them yell "what's your F-ing problem???" Rightfully so. We calmed down after a few minutes and started to collect ourselves. There was no sign of the creature at all, and because it was a gravel road there were no visible footprints. We stayed shining spotlight for probably a half hour, absolutely shaken by what we had seen. We saw nothing, absolutely nothing. It was now close to 1 am and we rushed back to my house and immediately woke my dad up from a dead sleep and told him what we had witnessed. A little back story on my Dad, he grew up in Starvalley Wyoming. He spent most of his years as a youth as a youth and teens in the mountains hunting. In his late teens and into his 20's he was a hunting guide. He guided hunters from all over the world into the backcountry on horseback. My Dad was tough and fearless, and if anyone would have encountered something like this before it was him. He immediately got out of bed and once we settled down a bit he wanted to entire story, every detail. After listening to our story he became very quiet and serious. He sat down at the table and said "Boys, I have no doubt that what you saw tonight was real. I do not think this was any type of animal but rather a being. Sometimes we are allowed to see things from the other side of the veil or maybe even another dimension. I don't know why we do but I think this is what you experienced tonight. I do not want you going up to that area anymore." after that he told us this was nothing to mess with and not to ever pursue it.

It was so unsettling and still to this day I could call either one of my two buddies and have them recount the exact same story word for word. This creature was not how I pictured the typical sasquatch. it did appear to have a shorter sleek jet black fur. Its fur almost absorbed our light and was almost difficult to distinguish any facial features at all. It was almost like a 3 dimensional shadow if that makes sense somehow? It was very tall and athletic-looking. It did not have a massive hulking build but rather a very sleek, powerful, and fast type of build if that makes any sense. Think fairly jacked sprinter instead of a giant bodybuilder. That experience has bothered me ever since. Monday came around and we thought we had the craziest story that we could ever tell at school. To my dismay, people thought we were so full of crap and honestly did not believe us. That really pissed me off but also disappointed me. We didn't really tell anyone else after that reaction from a few people in fear of being seen as weird or just lying.

Second Incident

This encounter still scares me to this day and I still have so many unanswered questions. This took place maybe 8-9 months later. maybe a year. My parents had sold our boat and bought some 4 wheelers instead. I loved this option! I spent everyday after school enjoying this amazing new found sense of freedom and exploring the mountain behind our neighborhood which was about 1/2 mile away. There were fire roads

SC EP:1051 Sasquatch And The Missing Man

As I mentioned on last night's show, I would be doing a swapcast for Merkel Media's new film Sasquatch And The Missing Man. I told Tony he could ask me anything he wants. I hope you enjoy our hour long conversation.

Check out The Confessionals here:

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