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315; On Behaviour change, motivation & mindset barriers that keep us where we DONT want to be. Navigating change w/ Ella Whitcomb-khan

1h 4m · 100% Real With Ruby; no #BS health, fitness & mindset · 15 Mar 18:29

Ella: @thefitnesspsych_

Me: @transformxruby

Fearful that they are never going to change

Communication; with ourselves & others -

People think they SHOULD know how to do things

External goals

Both sides of motivation

Do we need to listen to ourselves and actually rest

Or do we need to act to build momentum

I know what to do but im not doing it


Saying yes to something = no to other things as well

Everything serves you in some way

Flexibility VS restrained/rugged flexibility

i never had it to start with but thats where social media c


Helping clients tap into intrinsic motivation

Why the groundwork is so important

.. motivation

When we don't enjoy something (which we need to do things we don't enjoy to get to where we want to be in the sense that its so different from where you were, of course you wont like it at first - but thats the identity piece and then realising that it can be something you do enjoy (like i hated exercise to start with and then that all changed as i realised the benefits and saw it changing me physically and etcetc

I feel this is where alot of people slip up because they failed in the past before bc they are the ones doing it to themselves

Or even with a coach they feel like this is how it SHOULD be

So they don't open up that they need to slow down

All or nothing thinking

Being self critical in the process

How this holds you back

How to navigate it and move forward from it

Mindset barriers

Feeling like they should have their shit together and it should be easy

i want to talk about ways to build up our confidence bucket and finding proof & our track record of the past times we did well and how to approach it then if we havent got one in the way that we would like to proceed forward - when there really is alot of change into the new identity

and also how at times its a fear but not knowing that its a fear because we cant recognise the emotion

for example a client comes to mind: she started a deficit and she already preempts falling off and sabotaging and the whole idea of being in a deficit she feels hungry just from that!

You arent going to love it all the time

You will always come across resistance hard doesn

Not being so focused on our body means letting ourself go

CHANGE in itself

process of Change



Communication comes in there again

There is no normal

compartmentalizing VS catastrophizing and blending it all together

- duality of thinking

2 things can exist


It is AND

------ that was perfect --- WHY was it? --- i didnt p

Change not being linear and different for everyone if its something we want to last because theres usually alot of work to do and how our past experiences shape our process - ie belief in ourselves. Belief in general

Needing to fail and fail to get there and reframing failure

how to breakfree from cycles,

When life disrupts you

When clients only do something for the outcome, what happens when they get the outcome

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The episode 315; On Behaviour change, motivation & mindset barriers that keep us where we DONT want to be. Navigating change w/ Ella Whitcomb-khan from the podcast 100% Real With Ruby; no #BS health, fitness & mindset has a duration of 1:04:40. It was first published 15 Mar 18:29. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from 100% Real With Ruby; no #BS health, fitness & mindset

325- ANTI WELLNESS WANK3RY- what phase am I in and YOUR MAINTENANCE is NOT the amount of calories you are struggling to lose weight on

how to create an INDOMITABLE LIFE

fat loss phase? what phase?

the reality of the journey, progress, expectations


what coaching is

what you should be considering for your journey and self

how to get permanent results and set you up for progressing to your best

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#324;- almost half way through the year; how are your habits? helping behaviour change. How to become a NEW version of you /Karin Nordin

REPLAY of #222




To become a new version of me i have to make different decisions


Embracing the HARD

Facing resistance, its normal

Main specific i think theres something wrong with my body

evidence in the past

Self belief




You will never have evidence in the past for something you want to create (thats new)

Intrinsic motivation

Its hard to care about our aging self etc

Its easy to be motivated by the now

“I can never follow through with anything”

“People who have a heap of things on their list

Re-framing the way we think

tangible things you can do to create these shifts and discipline vs. skill development.

Learn to like it

Right now we may not -

Mind management


Alot of people find this hard with a new way of eating

And then continuing it on

Same with waking up and showing up to the gym and keeping consistency

Because yeah cool we can start a habit do it for a while and then fall off

Cognitive awareness & flexibilityPOWER OF ACCOUNTABILITY

how and why to embrace failure.

how our mindset on behavior is often black and white, how to change the way we view this, and how behavior change actually works.

procrastination / self-talk that stops the acting part

Snakes and ladders


I love how you said that so excited - people don't

People don't understand what they need

And tune into their feelings

What they want to feel or run away from

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Hard reality check

Let me know if you relate --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/transformxruby/message

#323; Iris Deadlifts - the answers to what you want with your physique, takes THIS!!!



if you want to look toned outside the gym you have to look jacked inside the gym, and that’s more muscle than people think

Body change

Numbers on the scales

Thinking we will be happy when

Take the OUTCOME off the pedestal

The process is where it happens

People think all the answers are in getting lean

What it takes to get toned

What the body takes


We arent anti fatloss

But right context

Right mindset

Do the work before it so you make it easier

So you can get in and not struggle so much and see better results

Have a better

people think dieting is always the answer to what they are feeling or struggling with

When thats all they did they usually come to us

Fuel for fatloss

Don't starve it

When life is crazy, we take the toll on our bodies

When we feel out of control of life we take the toll on our bodys

Reactive living

that they will only get bulky if they do anything else or they are afraid MOSTLY for clothes to get tigher, pants to get tighter

progress is only about getting leaner - they havent expandded their meaning of that nor phsyqiue

they dont realise toned bodies have way more muscle

that as you get older its even more important

and that theres more to all of this than chasing fatloss

beyond all its damn fucking patience

People thinking bodies don't jiggle

Lifestyle bodies vs what we think we should be looking like

What the lean hard tight body requires

Your body isnt a passport photo either

6 months building

I've been doing this for a year and it's like I know that feels like it's a long time but really and I look back at pictures of myself after like a year and I I don't look like I'm really in shape at all you know so it's like it just takes a long time like years upon years of going through this and it doesn't mean that nothing is happening along the way it's just it's it's slow

You don't need to look at the photos you take. Its data. Stop over analyzing

Take the photos, store them, leave them

Then compare year after year and see it in a zoomed out perspective

The aging body and still comparing yourself to your 30s

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#322; Bet on the future version of who; invest in the PHASIC process. Youre focused on the wrong things/ ben Maysfield smith




Building from a more empty canvas, its a different dragon to fight - #

You cant keep trying to lose the last couple kgs or get to the lean without going through the other phases

The end physique needs to be built

If this is you, my biggest tips to help this period:

1- Focus on performance metrics

2- Accept bodyfat is part of the process

3- Understand scale weight is only data and not reflective of you are a person

4- Constantly check in with yourself, remember you’re more than the scale or photo

5- To build a dream physique, accept being uncomfortable

6- Journal your thoughts to prevent negative self-talk and challenge irrational thoughts of self.

# Doing hard things…”balance cant coexist when trying to change who you are”

Everything is phasic

Balance does NOT co exist with fatloss

With extreme goals

But its also not forever

Playing too comfortable can hold you back… we went from one bro extreme of hard core bodybuilding bro shit;... to now resisting the work - resisting things of like having


Sometimes its not in pushing harder but in taking an alternative approach

Sometimes you need to do unsustainable things to get to a place where you can find a new level of normal

But this is where social media lets you down

they always preach leaning down weight loss ove rand over

They each you ohw to lose weight and speak of that but hardly anything else

The 12 week transformations

Noone has patience for anything else

People hire coaches or do things only to lose weight

They wont subscribe or anything else


Trying to build muscle but be as lean as you can

Wanting to build muscle but refusing to eat enough because you are scared of the scale or gaining more weight

Your pants feeling tight when you say you want more defined legs which demands building muscle

People are mentality resistant to dieting

Unable to give a fatloss phase what it takes

Because despite not physically seeing results - theyre living in a limbo because they attach themselves so much to this lean

Waiting for the next fat loss phase

Wanting to cut calories

Scared to eat more

Scared to allow themselves more flexibility or to focus on a new direction

The why and the how. The answers arent always known at first

You need to have a flexible identity a flexible mindset that you allow to adapt, to pivot to evolve

As you go along it


Your balance and success criteria can evolve and change as you do and thats ok

Sometimes we don't slow down enough to realise our initial goals arent the now

We need to let go of obsessing over losing weight and what a scale says or these quantitative checkins

To allow us to understand HOW we geel, WHAT we need to focus on

How we can build a lifestyle we truly love

A live we can sustain any results we get

But also keep achieving more

Like it might be more obsessive to start with

I take that back

You may need to obsess more over prepping, planning, dealing with the discomfort of maybe eating the same thing every day and dealing with some reheated food

But it gets easier


Most of those people didnt start that way with being so flexible either

Saying no to things means your saying yes to less desirable things you don't want

Isnt better if you choose your fuck yesses

the process so so important

You need to nail the basics and build the bricks

Going from really overweight to “lean” if you do it right in the sense that you are doing some form of resistance training

You will appear as though you lost fat and built muscle

Yeah you probs built some… but most was what that heavy body was already carrying around under it - if you really took it home with a coach, yes you will reveal a better physique but that works til it doesnt.

Instant gratification Why you will never get your goal in 12 week challenges; how a 12 or 16 week minimum is really only starting ground because of the complecxities of being human, behaviour and beliefs

---The identity of a dieter

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Every Podcast » 100% Real With Ruby; no #BS health, fitness & mindset » 315; On Behaviour change, motivation & mindset barriers that keep us where we DONT want to be. Navigating change w/ Ella Whitcomb-khan