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(Bonus Episode) 7 Reasons Why Things Aren't Working

26m · Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall · 19 Apr 10:00

When we understand that life is emergent, that life is not happening to us, but it’s happening through us and as us, that whatever’s missing is what we’re not giving, that if we want more to come into our life we have to let more life come out of us, or as the poet Browning said, “We must find a way to release this imprisoned splendor.”

We’re talking about today the seven reasons why things aren’t working, or just why aren’t things working? This is such a common experience, of course, and we bang our head against the wall, and we get depressed and disillusioned, and it’s important to understand so we can begin to diagnose why aren’t things working? What’s going on when things aren’t working?

Listen in now for the full explanation and support your personal development and spiritual growth and start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help – you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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The episode (Bonus Episode) 7 Reasons Why Things Aren't Working from the podcast Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall has a duration of 26:29. It was first published 19 Apr 10:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Emergence: A Revolutionary Path For Radical Life Change - with Derek Rydall

(Bonus Episode) Killing Us Softly

There's a story in the Bible about Jesus cursing a fig tree, because it wasn’t bearing fruit. The fig tree dies.

Seems kind of out of character for the Christ, doesn't it?

But it's a cautionary tale for all of us; if we don’t produce the fruit of our kind, if we do not allow that which is our nature to come to fruition, then Life will get rid of our current forms and circumstances.

We live in a culture that seems to have been built on a single main thrust of, "Buy more! Get this!"

The promise of these advertising messages is that you'll gain more comfort, convenience, safety and security by these external means.

But this comfort and convenience is holding you back from bearing the fruit of who you really are.

If you want to be free, fulfilled, progressive, innovative and creative, to live a life of true vision and purpose, you have to grow and bear creative fruit. You must allow your evolutionary impulse to have its way with you.

By prioritizing comfort or convenience and avoiding growth, you're in opposition to Life itself, and you will experience crisis, stagnation, and - like the fig tree - death in some form or fashion.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived. Understand that the pursuit of comfort and convenience at the expense of the emergence of your soul's purpose will you back every time, and, ever-so-softly ...kill you.

Listen to "Killing Us Softly," to see what's holding you back, discover how to become unleashed again, and allow yourself to finally rest in the part of your being that's on the emerging edge!

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(Bonus Episode) The End of Fear

Every day, we experience thoughts and impulses that bring about a sense of joy, creativity, and inspiration.

We want to move in the direction of these desires, be guided by them, because these are the soul's expression. This is the emergence of your higher vision.

But then you're stopped short by fear.

Yes, there is healthy, protective fear: the kind that makes you pull off the road when you sense dangerous driving conditions ahead.

But the kind of fear that stops you from coming into alignment with your higher self, stops you from saying "yes" to your Yes ...this fear prevents you from moving the edge of your own self-concept.

Fear and its cousins: struggle, anxiety - even frustration and anger - come upon you like an electric fence. The more energy you put into moving in the direction of your desires in the "greener pastures" beyond the fenceline of your current state, the more energy you'll have to put into protecting yourself from this terrifying, painful threshold.

Until you break down.

Tellingly, this is just when most of our breakthroughs occur, and the reason is that those limits must be broken through in order to grow into our fuller selves.

So, how do we live in a world in which fear is a regular occurrence that's never going away?

The end of fear comes at beginning of our understanding what fear is.

Every poker player has something called a "tell." This is the twitch or quirk, change in body language or tone of voice or focus of the eyes, some signal that lets other players have an idea what you've got in your hand.

Fear is your ego's "tell." It's your personal twitch or quirk that signals you are coming up against your ego's limited self-concept. Your old, limited way of being is cracking open, breaking down, and giving way to something much bigger, bolder, and better.

Listen to "The End of Fear" now to recognize what your fear is really signalling, to end your fear of fear, and to transmute your fear into excitement about what is about to emerge in your new life of unstoppable courage and confidence!

Want more free trainings? Check out myfree training page:

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(Bonus Episode) The End of Tomorrow

There is no such thing as a future. The past is a memory, the future is a fantasy. Even the present is in your imagination. The 'now' moment, is the only thing that's real.

The essence of the Law of Emergence is that everything is now. Everything that will be done, is already done. Everything you could be, you already are.

All the joy and the happiness and fulfillment you will ever experience as the result of what you want is already here.

Check in with yourself. Any time you are anticipating, ask yourself, if I already had this, how would I behave or react differently? Let this define your actions to bring the desired outcome forward rather than acting from a place of ‘want’.

Listen to this episode now to support your personal development and spiritual growth and so you can start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help - you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

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(Bonus Episode) The End of Yesterday

What does it mean to you to be free of letting your past determining your future?

How much are you letting your past determine your future?

It's not the past that's problem, it's your present. If you are letting your past emotions determine your current state, you are determining your future based on that.

Your current circumstances are the result of your past but they do not determine the circumstances of your future.

As a visionary you have the capability of imagining and thus creating a more abundant, vibrant and fulfilling future.

What is emerging requires more focus on roots than the fruits coupled with a knowing that your harvest is already and always here.

This requires the development of a new set of skills and, in some ways, to 'not be of this world' of circumstances.

In this episode Derek uses the analogy of financial debt to describe this new skill and how you can shift your relationship to the future.

Listen to this episode now to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help - you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Want more free trainings? Check out myfree training page:

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(Bonus Episode) The Right Questions to Ask

There's a reason why the word 'Quest' is in 'Question.' If you want to live a great quest, live with great questions."

A question is not something that is seeking to get something we don’t already have. From the Emergence model, the question is something that’s trying to emerge. Every question is answered. As the principle says, “Ask, and you shall receive.”

It’s not just the good questions, or the helpful questions, or the “positive” questions, but every question. It’s not personal, it’s principle. Every question is answered. If you ask, “Why doesn’t anything work for me?” You’ll get an answer. The answer will be plugging you back into all the reasons things don’t work for you, and bringing up a lot of new discoveries of why things don’t work for you.

That’s why things don’t work for me. You plug into the database of all of these patterns, but it doesn’t necessarily bring you any close to having things work for you better, because that’s not the question you asked. You didn’t ask, “How can things get better?” You asked, “Why don’t things work?” You get it?

The key principle here is ask the questions the answer of which is the actual result you want.

In other words, if you want more abundance, you don’t ask, “Why am I always broke?” Right? Why is the economy so bad? Why can’t I find a job? No, because you’ll get a whole litany of answers for why. You’ll see later it’s not just answers you’re going to get in the sense of just ideas in your head.

Listen to this episode now to support your personal development and spiritual growth and to start participating in your future good NOW.

And remember, self-help is shelf help - you have everything you need already!

Stay inspired!

Want more free trainings? Check out myfree training page:

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