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Earth Day

47s · Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras · 22 Apr 10:00

Morning Mantra: “The Earth is what we all have in common.”

Humans are the only species that can do anything about saving our planet. The fact is that no species has ever had such control over everything on earth, and whether we like it or not, this lays upon us an awesome responsibility.

In our hands now lies not only our own future, but that of all other living creatures with whom we share the earth.

We must each do our part to respect, treasure, and protect our planet and everything that she offers. Our lives depend upon this.

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The episode Earth Day from the podcast Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras has a duration of 0:47. It was first published 22 Apr 10:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Horse Hippie’s Morning Mantras

Not Perfect

Morning Mantra: “Don't try to be perfect. Just be an excellent example of a human being.”

If you feel “off track”, please remember there is no track. This is your life. It ebbs and flows and twist and turns and slows and speeds up. It all belongs. Stop trying to be a robot who is productive and perfect all the time. You’re not a robot. You’re a human. Be alive to it all.

At its root perfectionism isn’t really about a deep level of being meticulous. It’s about fear. Fear of making a mistake. Fear of disappointing someone. Fear of failure. And fear of success too.

It’s about trying to be accepted, trying to be better than, trying to impress, and trying to control things. Guess what, you will never have control of everything. You’ll just always feel “off track” because some area of your life won't be perfect.

Lighten up on yourself and your life. When you stop expecting yourself and your life to be perfect, you can appreciate everything for what it is. And it’s a big, beautiful life meant to be appreciated.

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Morning Mantra: “What screws us up the most is the picture in our head of how we think it’s supposed to be.”

You thought you knew best, but things don’t always happen the way YOU think they should. So now you’re disappointed, in the situation, or in the outcome, or in life. It can be very frustrating, or even heartbreaking, when you are disappointed. Negative thoughts will swim in your mind.

It helps to remember that the feeling of disappointment is temporary. Only you can decide if your thoughts about it are permanent and if you are going to let those thoughts control you.

Disappointment is a part of life, but it’s how we choose to handle it that determines our happiness. You can either expect less, or let disappointment roll off you.

Disappointment is a tricky one. Because no one can steal our joy, contentment, gratitude, or peace – those we have to give away to lose.

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Heart Light

Morning Mantra: “Keep shining, beautiful one, the world needs your light.”

You may ask yourself, ”who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous”? And I would ask you, who are you NOT to be those things? When you play small, or dim your heart light, it does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightening about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are ALL meant to shine. And when we shine our light, we unconsciously give people around us permission to do the same.

And please don’t ever dim your heart light because someone has hurt you, you are far too beautiful to diminish such a glow. There will be others, who will not only need your light, but will be forever grateful for it. Wait for them. And remember, if you don’t shine your light bright, they won’t know how to find you.

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Be Changeable

Morning Mantra: “Change is not an event, it’s a process.”

Everyone understands that if you don’t like something you should change it. And if you can’t change it, you have to accept it. It’s easy to think that once you make the difficult decision to change something in your life that it’s done. Now, everything is different, better, fixed.

The decision to change is only the first step. There are a million small steps that are taken to achieve big change. There will even be sone steps in the wrong direction thrown in. Just remember, your desire to change isn’t going anywhere unless you keep moving towards your goal.

Compassionate self-awareness will guide you; harsh self-criticism will only hold the pattern in place. Every day adjust and take a step in the right direction. Then another. Honoring the process and yourself along the way.

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It’s Ok to Crumble

Morning Mantra: “Feelings are for feeling. Even the hard ones.”

Your mind may be confused at times, but your emotions don’t lie. You don’t always have to put on a brave face and hold yourself together. You don’t have to be that kind of strong every single day. The more comfortable you are expressing negative your feelings, the easier it is to let them go.

It’s perfectly acceptable to drop the armor and crumble however you please. If you need to scream, scream. If you need to curse, do it with all your heart.

And if you need to cry, cry as hard as you need to. The sky does it all the time without apologizing and still shines the next day. You can too.

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