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EP. 138 Prioritizing Care in the Local Church Miniseries: Equipping Local Churches to Counsel in Their Communities W/Emily Dempster

23m · Speak The Truth · 06 May 06:00

In this episode Michael and Shauna are joined by special guest, Emily Dempster from Salem Heights Church in Salem Oregon discussing the importance of equipping local churches to provide biblical counseling in their communities. They talk about their experiences in training and supporting other churches, emphasizing the significance of starting small and growing over time. They share insights on the duration of training, the impact of care ministry, and the transformative nature of learning to apply the gospel in practical ways.

The episode EP. 138 Prioritizing Care in the Local Church Miniseries: Equipping Local Churches to Counsel in Their Communities W/Emily Dempster from the podcast Speak The Truth has a duration of 23:01. It was first published 06 May 06:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Integrating Biblical Counseling in the Local Church

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Episode Links
Jonathan's Books

EP. 138 Prioritizing Care in the Local Church Miniseries: Equipping Local Churches to Counsel in Their Communities W/Emily Dempster

In this episode Michael and Shauna are joined by special guest, Emily Dempster from Salem Heights Church in Salem Oregon discussing the importance of equipping local churches to provide biblical counseling in their communities. They talk about their experiences in training and supporting other churches, emphasizing the significance of starting small and growing over time. They share insights on the duration of training, the impact of care ministry, and the transformative nature of learning to apply the gospel in practical ways.

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In this episode Michael is joined by special guest, Pete Potloff, executive pastor at Salem Heights Church, discussing the growth and impact of the counseling ministry within Salem Heights Church. They emphasize the importance of intensive discipleship, one another care, and how the ministry has transformed both individuals and the church community. They encourage starting small to initiate change and build a culture of care within the church.

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Episode Mentions
Episode 30 W/Pastor Justin

EP. 135 Prioritizing Care in the Local Church Miniseries: Caring for the Care Givers W/Dave & Tara from Salem Heights Church

In this episode Michael is joined with special guests, Dave Hamlin and Tara Cox, Counseling Care Coordinators at Salem Heights church. They discuss their individual journeys leading to their current roles, the challenges and rewards of counseling ministry, and the importance of supporting and encouraging counselors. They emphasize the need to start small, adapt over time, and provide a space for counselors to process and connect with each other. The script aims to encourage and inspire other church leaders to prioritize care for their counselors.

Episode Mentions
Salem Heights Church

Every Podcast » Speak The Truth » EP. 138 Prioritizing Care in the Local Church Miniseries: Equipping Local Churches to Counsel in Their Communities W/Emily Dempster