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Understanding the POWER (power = energy) Failure Triggers With Ravin Papiah

12m · Building YOU to build YOUR BUSINESS by Ravin S. Papiah · 13 Jun 15:11

Most of us don't set out looking to fail at anything. And we especially don’t want to be labeled as a failure. But maybe that is a mistake.

Failure can be useful. We can learn from it, gain new insights, and do better next time. The right kind of failures give us new information and teach us something that gets us closer to our goals.

Some live by the motto: If you aren't failing you aren't taking big enough risks. Said another way, if everything you try turns out exactly as planned and feels very comfortable, you probably aren't stretching yourself. And if you aren't stretching, you aren't growing.

A fairly common understanding of failure is setting a goal, but not achieving it. We tend to believe that knowing whether or not you achieved a goal is fairly simple and straightforward. It’s often based on data. But in truth, failure is often in the eye of the beholder.

Imagine yourself in each of these three scenarios and whether you'd consider yourself to have failed:

An experienced marathon runner sets a goal to run her next marathon in under three-and-a-half hours. This goal is a full 15 minutes shorter than her prior best time. She completes the marathon in 3 hours and 36 minutes. Besting her prior record by nine minutes.

A director seeks a promotion to EVP and competes against other internal and external candidates. He receives positive feedback. But He gets told that the leadership team felt that hiring an external person would demonstrate their commitment to innovation. A top young professional at an organization gets asked to prepare a presentation for a high-profile meeting. He submits what he considers to be an excellent presentation to his boss. The boss praises the work but substantially changes the slides before the big meeting.

Notice that the differentiator in all three of these failure analysis examples is an ideal we've set in our minds.

Measuring goal achievement can be a subjective and political activity. And in each of these examples above, you can sense that the individuals tried hard and performed well in their efforts.

Perhaps that common definition of being in failure mode as "not achieving a goal" isn't so accurate and straightforward, after all.

I can help you to put your desire to work. IF you are willing to join my coaching, whether group coaching or one on one coaching, please e-mail me at [email protected], or watsapp me on +23052507999

If you are not aware, you are nowhere! So, pick up your smartphone, AND watsapp me NOW to change your life forever! Ravin

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The episode Understanding the POWER (power = energy) Failure Triggers With Ravin Papiah from the podcast Building YOU to build YOUR BUSINESS by Ravin S. Papiah has a duration of 12:59. It was first published 13 Jun 15:11. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

More episodes from Building YOU to build YOUR BUSINESS by Ravin S. Papiah

How Network Marketers Ignore the Negative Voice Within With Ravin Papiah

E25 How Network Marketers Ignore the Negative Voice Within We all have a voice in our head – a combination of an internal dialogue and a narrator that not only tells our story but also comments on it. Often it is a positive voice, something that we rely on to help give us direction. But when we are struggling with negative thoughts and mental health issues, such as depression and/or anxiety, that voice can guide us down a slippery slope if we’re not careful.

If left unchecked, that voice in our head will become louder and louder – practically shouting negative thoughts at us. And those loud thoughts can become more and more negative, making them increasingly more difficult to ignore. As time passes, our mental health issues can become worse and lead to a plethora of symptoms that can affect our overall physical health too.

So, what can we do when those negative thoughts start to overpower the more positive ones? Let’s look at some tips for combatting negative thoughts:

Recognize Your Negative Thoughts Those voices in our heads just seem to appear out of nowhere. You can’t control them by turning them off, so you need to do the next best thing – identify them as the intruders and flag them for further evaluation. Notice and name them. Once you label these thoughts as negative thoughts you can then begin to evaluate them.

Evaluate Your Negative Thoughts Take a moment to replay that thought in your head. Then try to evaluate it by asking yourself these questions: Is it realistic or irrational? Is it based on a fact or on an opinion? What evidence do you have that supports your determination?

Most of the time you will find these negative thoughts to be unrealistic opinions. Plus, you will have little to no supporting evidence. And if you can’t remember what questions to ask, then refer to the following quote: “that voice in your head, that says, ‘you can’t do it’, is lying.” – Unknown

Adjust Your Perspective or Reframe Your Thoughts If you are still having trouble evaluating your own thoughts, try to adjust your perspective. If a friend came to you with this thought and list of reasons why they believe it is true – what would you say to them? You would likely be able to counter their argument and win the debate.

And if that doesn’t work, try reframing your thoughts into something more realistic. Think about how many times that voice in your head has been wrong. Think about how many times that voice has lied to you. Try to remember the last time that voice told you that “you can’t do it.” Did you fail? And if you did fail, how bad was it? Did the worst-case scenario happen?

What if Your Negative Thoughts About the Worst-Case Scenario Do Come True? Ask yourself: How bad would the worst-case scenario really be? Would it be life altering? Would you be able to recover from it? Do you see a path to recovery? In the vast majority of situations, the worst-case scenario wouldn’t drastically alter your life. And even if it does, there is an even more likely path to recovery.

And here is another important question to ask yourself. When was the last time the worst-case scenario you imagined in your head came true? Did it ever turn out as bad or worse than that negative voice in your head predicted? And even if it did, were you able to recover from it over time?

I can help you to put your desire to work. IF you are willing to join my coaching, whether group coaching or one on one coaching, please e-mail me at [email protected], or watsapp me on +23052507999

If you are not aware, you are nowhere! So, pick up your smartphone, AND watsapp me NOW to change your life forever! Ravin

It Never Goes Away – How Network Marketers put limiting beliefs to work for them With Ravin Papiah

E 26 It Never Goes Away – How Network Marketers put limiting beliefs to work for them

Have you ever thought to yourself, I’m not good at something and therefore I should avoid that thing? These beliefs often come from a place of negativity and fear that keep us from experiencing new opportunities.

Why do we have limiting beliefs? Limiting beliefs, in most cases, are unconscious thoughts, which appear as defence mechanisms to avoid possible frustrations, failure and disappointment. At a time in the past, you may have suffered from something specific, and now when you come face-to-face with a similar situation, your subconscious finds a way to try to block it. A good starting exercise to counteract limiting beliefs is to look for the root of the problem by finding the agent causing such negativity.

So, how can you overcome your limiting beliefs?

1. Identify one of your limiting beliefs

The first step to overcoming your limited beliefs is in identifying what they are. If you fear there may be multiple limitations, then start with the largest one and then repeat this step with each limiting belief.

2. Recognise that it is just a belief Recognize that your belief may simply be a belief founded on falsities. It is likely to be completely untrue and is just a belief, not a fact.

3. Challenge your own belief Now that you have recognised it is just a belief, rather than a grounded fact, question your belief. Question it by raising such questions as: • Is this belief really grounded? What are the supporting facts? • Did I always think that way? If not, what has changed? • Is there evidence counteracting my belief? • What would it be like to think of the opposites to my belief? • Is this belief helping me to progress towards my goals? • How would I think about this belief if I were someone else (Eg. an entrepreneur, a doctor, a lawyer, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson…)

4. Recognise the potentially damaging consequences What are the consequences of holding on to your limiting belief? Holding on to the belief that you are not able to reach a next level RANK because you failed your first attempt can deprive you of reaching it in the future and have a better life.

5. Adopt a new belief Choose something new to believe in, something that will help to improve your life. This transition may not be easy. Depending on how long you have thought and lived through what led you to believe what you believe, it may have created an extraordinarily strong emotional bond and rooted the belief very strongly. If you want to go ahead and change you will need to have the strength and courage to make that change in thinking and adopt the new belief.

6. Put it into practice Take action and start implementing things that support your new belief. If your limiting belief told you that you were "too old to start exercising", instead start to adopt an "It is never too late to start" belief and then, today, go for a 15-minute walk to start exercising and create a habit from there. Conditioning yourself to your new beliefs means creating the reality you want for yourself in your mind, visualising the results you want to achieve. Visualisation is a great way to create anticipation. You will mentally experience result you want to achieve. With this, you will be sending congruent signals to your brain, making it work for you.

I can help you to have massive success in your life, both personal and professional. IF you are willing to join my coaching, whether group coaching or one on one coaching, please e-mail me at [email protected], or watsapp me on +23052507999 E 26 It Never Goes Away – How Network Marketers put limiting beliefs to work for them

How Network Marketers Eliminate Roadblocks to Remain Consistent With Ravin Papiah

E27 How Network Marketers Eliminate Roadblocks to Remain Consistent Are you consistent in your daily business activities or is the only thing you’re consistent with is being inconsistent? If you’re like most network marketers, consistency is not a strength, at least not yet.

Many network marketers are only somewhat consistent, meaning they go through spurts. For a few weeks, they connect with their network and send follow-up messages to everyone they’ve connected with in the last few months. Then, they’ll miss a day or two – perhaps something else comes up or they go on vacation or they’re just feeling a bit under the weather. However, those few days off from connecting with their networks slowly turns into weeks. Before long, they’ve fallen off track and are left wondering what happened.

By this time of the year, the motivation that carried you all through January has faded. However, being hopped up on motivation will only get you so far; it’s essential to create a successful routine.

The term “routine” is not one that inspires millions. In fact, you may have read the word and immediately groaned or made a sour face in response. Routine takes planning. It also takes work and commitment. None of these things elicits excitement. When successful people recount their journeys to success, their routines hardly get a passing mention. That’s unfortunate because routines are the source of any success. Those tasks and activities that you commit to completing daily – no matter what – turn into habits. The habits become a routine. And, once it become a routine it become part of you – like brushing your teeth.

“It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives. It’s what we do consistently.” – Anthony Robbins

Of course, you have bad days along the way, or days when you just don’t feel like working on your business. But, a funny thing happens when your business activities become a routine – you don’t have to think about doing them anymore. It becomes automatic. So, while you may have a fleeting thought of passing them up for a day, you don’t. To you, it feels as if it takes more effort to NOT connect with your networks and do your other activities than it does to skip it. And that’s often why some are so successful – they have no choice but to succeed!

How to cultivate consistency If you’re eager to achieve success, first you have to build the successful habits that are required to reach it. It’s not flashy, but it’s necessary to reach your goals in your business and outside of it.

Cultivate the right mindset As with most things, good habits start in your head first. It’s all about your mindset. If your go-to excuse is that you’re just not good at being consistent, then you’re right. Your thoughts can limit how far you’ll go. If you use negative or limiting language, you’re sure to fail before you even start. Your thoughts become your reality so if you say you just can’t get it together enough to become consistent then it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.

However, if you turn your negative thoughts into positive ones, then you’re more likely to build good habits and become consistent. You have faith in yourself and your abilities to follow through with your intentions. This is the perfect setup for success.

Make it easier to be consistent It takes time to be consistent in your actions, especially those that pertain to your business.

Belief + Desire + Faith + Potential + ACTION + Empowering Beliefs With Ravin Papiah

E28 – Belief + Desire + Faith + Potential + ACTION + Empowering Beliefs Many people dream of being their own boss. Perhaps they are currently working in an office and feel as if they’re not fulfilled by the work they do. Or maybe they’re stay-at-home parents who want to contribute to the family’s finances. A few take the plunge into network marketing. They dream of making loads of money and living the lifestyle of the most successful network marketers. They see people they know and admire who have become successful network marketers and want to slay every day like them. But it’s often not that easy. You see, success relies upon good habits. I love this article from Eric Johnson, that I am sharing with you. The reality of network marketing What most people don’t see is the hard work it takes to achieve success. Although the most successful business leaders make it all seem effortless, you can bet they experienced a variety of challenges and setbacks along the way. They surely had feelings of doubt and frustration as they plugged away toward their goals. There’s more to achieving success than deciding to start a business. Once you start a business it’s your habits that keep you going and dictate whether or not you succeed. The thing with network marketing is you may be inundated with stories of people who have achieved success using your products or services; however, you don’t have to opportunity to see how they got there (and the habits that got them there). If you have friends who are successful network marketers and you’re struggling, you may wonder why you’re not achieving the same level of success. Again, you’re not there to see what’s going on behind-the-scenes. Often, we hide our struggles from those around us due to shame, embarrassment or fear. Since we typically only see the positive parts of the journey to success, we may feel that it’s abnormal to experience struggle along the way. It’s not abnormal to experience struggle; that’s all part of achieving success! The habits of success Success begins with good habits. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t born with these habits. They don’t automatically populate our bodies once we declare we’re going to start a business (although wouldn’t it be great if they did?). Instead, it takes time, effort, and energy to build these habits and make them part of us. Here are the habits to cultivate to achieve success. Discipline If you want to succeed you have to commit to doing whatever it takes to do so. Commitment takes discipline. Discipline is doing your daily Power Hours and working on your business during that time. This includes following up with customers and prospects, checking in with your team, or watching a short training video to sharpen your skills. Basically, anything intended to move your business forward and grow your network. How to develop the skill: Make a date with your business every day. Choose a time that works best for you so you can be sure to stick with it. Block it out on your calendar and make no other appointments during this time (unless it’s an absolute emergency). Set reminders to help ensure you’ll stick to the time you’ve set. After a few weeks, it’ll begin to become a habit; you’ll just do it automatically. However, those first few weeks, set alarms and reminders to help you succeed in building this habit Focus

How Network Marketers Use PERSISTENCE to advance forward With Ravin Papiah

The majority of people are ready to throw their aims and purposes overboard and give up at first sight of opposition or misfortune. The very few who carry on despite all opposition until they attain their goals are the Carnegies, the Fords, Rockefellers, Edisons, the Gates….

Napoleon Hill says that fortunes gravitate to men whose minds have been prepared to attract them, just as water gravitates to the ocean. To get results you must apply all the rules until their application becomes a fixed habit with you. Occasional effort will be of no value. The lack of persistence (common to the majority of men), may be conquered only through the intensity of the desire.

For Network Marketers, this notion of persistence from Think & Grow Rich resonates totally with their work of keeping the burning desire burning. Some people were born with the quality of perseverance. But for most people (including famous businessmen ) it is not innate, it is acquired through training and drilling.

There are four simple steps leading to the habit of persistence: Definite purpose backed by burning desire. Definite plan expressed in continuous action. A mind closed tightly against all negative and discouraging influences. Friendly alliance with the people who will encourage you to achieve. I can help you to put your desire to work. IF you are willing to join my coaching, whether group coaching or one on one coaching, please e-mail me at [email protected], or watsapp me on +23052507999

If you are not aware, you are nowhere! So, pick up your smartphone, AND watsapp me NOW to change your life forever! Ravin

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