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Moving the Mind to Push the Divine Light Spark into the Outer Regions

40m · After the Ego · 26 Dec 15:11

When a spiritual group forms, or really any kind of group, there will be difficulties that must be overcome. These are an expression of the sum total of beings making up this “body”. For any created entity has its own spiritual body. And this body will consist of many different aspects—which are each aspects of the divine spark—the same way an individual person consists of many different aspects.

We are all aspects, then, of the greater consciousness, which is all one. These are nice sounding words, but they are not just words. If we open to them inwardly, we may be able to sense the truth that, in consciousness, we are one. We will start to get a glimpse of this as we make our way along our spiritual path, learning to recognize various aspects of our personality and dealing with them.

Some parts of us, we will find, are out of step with our conscious goodwill. Meanwhile, other parts are working in harmony. At the deepest level, there is an aspect of our consciousness that surpasses in many ways—in beauty, wisdom, love and strength—even the very best of our intentions and abilities to bring all our parts back into harmony.

One by one, we learn to identify each part of the self. And we learn to see when we are identifying with each of them. In this way, we get a glimpse of who we are. When we spot parts we don’t like, we can work to accept them and thereby transform their energy. This is how we restore negative qualities back to their positive form. We want to restore them rather than separating ourselves from them, which causes them to manifest out there in the world where we can see their destructiveness.

What we are talking about applies to all of creation. Just as we have parts that make up our total personality, we are part of the make-up of the universal consciousness. Yet we all fear bridging the gap between our separated ego—our own little consciousness—and the big all-encompassing consciousness. We operate out of the misguided notion that if we do so, we will lose ourselves. But this is completely untrue. It can’t be true. For the more we come to realize all that we are—the more we become our Real Self—themorecomplete we will be, notless.

What is the aim of creation? Why are we here? Exactly to bridge this gap, establishing the all-in-one consciousness everywhere. “But why does this gap exist?” is a question we repeatedly ask ourselves. There are many explanations, including the story of the Fall which, in religious terms, refers to the fall of the angels from grace. Now let’s explore another version of this same process with

The episode Moving the Mind to Push the Divine Light Spark into the Outer Regions from the podcast After the Ego has a duration of 40:00. It was first published 26 Dec 15:11. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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17 Inner space, focused emptiness

At this point in time, many people are as comfortable with the term “inner space” as they are with outer space. But most people think of inner space as merely a symbol of a person’s state of mind. This is not the case. Inner space is actually a real world—a vast reality. This in fact is the real universe and outer space is a mirror image of it—a reflection. This is the reason we can never quite grasp outer reality. We can’t be truly absorb, experience and understand life when we only view it from the outside. That’s why life is so frustrating—and often so frightening—for so many.

It’s not easy to understand how it’s possible that inner space could in itself be a world—the world. The difficulty lies in the limited time/space continuum of our three-dimensional reality. We perceive everything we touch, see and experience from a limited perspective. Our minds are conditioned to perceive things a certain way and at this juncture, we’re not capable of perceiving life another way. But that doesn’t mean our current way is the right way, the only way, or complete way.

The goal of any spiritual path is to perceive life in a way that goes beyond the outer reflection. Our aim is to focus on the new dimensions we discover in inner space. In some spiritual disciplines, this may be clearly stated as the intention, and in others it might never be mentioned as such.

But when we reach a certain point of development on our path of purification, a new vision wakes up, sometimes gradually and sometimes more suddenly. Even when it seems to happen suddenly, this is only an illusion. All awakening happens as a result of taking many steps on a spiritual path and fighting many inner battles.

Scientists have discovered that each atom is duplicated in the outer universe, as we know it. This is an important recognition. As we have come to understand, time is a variable that depends on the dimension from which it is experienced. It’s the same for space. In the same way that there isn’t an objective, fixed time, there isn’t an objective, fixed space. So our real being can live, move and breathe—and cross vast distances—within an atom, according to our outer system of measurement.

Just as the relationship to time changes in different dimensions, the relationship of measurement changes when a spirit withdraws into the inner world. This explains why we seem to lose contact with what we call “dead” people. Our awareness changes because they now live in the inner reality, which for us, can only be an abstract idea. And yet the thing that is really abstract is outer space.

Listen and learn more.

Read: Inner Space, Focused Emptiness

16 Three aspects of the divine new influx

The term New Age has been used a lot. Some people have used it with the correct understanding, others have managed to turn it into a cliché. This is unavoidable. It happens with truthful concepts due to people’s tendency to be lazy and glib. They use a label so they don’t have to feel the reality of a certain truth. But for those who can avoid this trap, they should not give up altogether on using a term that conveys a true idea. It is due to this tendency that different words these teachings use different words to express the same truth.

Also, from time to time, the true meaning of a particular word is given in an effort to keep its true concept alive. As far as the New Age is concerned, it has been stated already that at various intervals in history, our world is swept with a new influx that comes streaming in. When this happens, it is because humanity has grown enough to be ready for it. This is what is happening now.

As we enter fully into this new era, the consciousness of the Christ spirit is now permeating this world. It is attempting to penetrate each person’s consciousness to a greater and greater degree. When this powerful new influx arrives, it is accompanied by certain things that may not be pleasant, agreeable, welcome or even constructive. Events happening on Earth right now that most people consider to be downright undesirable are a direct result of the influx of this energy. But in truth, without this, the expansion and growth in consciousness inherent in this new era couldn’t happen.

Our minds are still very much geared to the immediate future. We believe that what is right and good in this moment will also be right and good in the ultimate end. If something appears right now to be evil, it must also be evil in the long run. This, however, is seldom the case. Sometimes, what appears to be an outright negative manifestation was actually needed for full development to happen. This applies to each person as equally as it applies to humanity as a whole. Or to put it another way, to the entity that is Earth.

Listen and learn more.

Read: Three Aspects of the Divine New Influx

15 Cause and effect on various levels of consciousness

It’s not easy to talk about cause and effect on this three-dimensional level. But let’s try. We can start by saying that at the lowest level of development—on the scale of consciousness—there is no cause and effect. Or at least there doesn’t appear to be any. As we raise our level of consciousness, we are able to see new horizons. From our new perspective, we are able to see how effects are connected to causes we previously didn’t even know existed. When we crest the hill and reach the point where consciousness becomes completely God-infused, cause and effect will no longer exist.

Here we see that, once again, the lowest forms of consciousness have something in common with the highest forms. But there’s an enormous difference in what they hold, in terms of attitudes and underlying feelings and thoughts. We can easily understand that primitive consciousness sees the world as an unconnected series of events that are unrelated to cause and effect. It may be harder for us to understand how in the highest realms it doesn’t exist at all. And this reality is nearly impossible to convey using human words.

Here on Earth, every act has its consequence. That’s not so hard to realize. It’s not quite as easy to see that the same relationship exists between our thoughts or our subtle inner attitudes and the overall circumstances of our life. But the more developed we become, the more we will be able to perceive cause and effect on these less obvious levels of consciousness. On this spiritual path, such perceptions gradually become more acute, and in fact this is very strongly emphasized.

If we commit some overt act—let’s say we kill another person—the consequences will be obvious. But we are also killing another person when we malign them. We do this through our questionable accusations, blindness, stubbornness or ill will; when we refuse to give another person the benefit of the doubt; when we don’t try to use honest communication or openness to create a different reality. Such secret “killing” has consequences that are just as severe as physical killing.

At first, the effects of this kind of action might be hard for us to perceive. But as we raise our consciousness, we will start to see there’s a definite connection between cause and effect. This exists even if the cause was not an overt act but a hidden thought we had previously ignored.

In our current state of consciousness, living in this three-dimensional world, we often find ourselves to be, in many ways, halfway. Our world is not all bad, but it’s also not all good. Our personalities too are not all bad, but also not all good. We don’t live in heaven, but we also don’t live in hell. Our lives represent both extremes.

Listen and learn more.

Read: Cause and Effect on Various Levels of Consciousness

14 The pulse of life on every level

A new era has begun. It is, among many things, a time of linking and connecting in many areas, on many levels, in many ways. The primary place to connect is on the inner levels, within the personality. But we must also connect on the outer levels. Then eventually the differences between religions, nations and the like, will disappear. Does this mean that individuality will go away? Absolutely not. Just the opposite will happen.

In a very practical sense, we are now moving out of duality. During the era of duality, there was a lot of diversity on the outer levels. Meanwhile, conformity and unity was more often within a person. This had a way of wiping out true individual expression. The age of unity now ushers in a different picture. Outer differences will go away as they lose their importance. We won’t attach our personal identity to our nationality or our religion. As such, we won’t block ourselves from finding our soul’s oneness with the All because of a rigid focus on differences.

What will gain importance in the new era will be our diverse divine expressions. From unified groups, a group consciousness will arise that will allow clearly defined individuals to evolve. And these people will be able to bring an even greater unity to the group process. Let’s now turn our attention to how the pulsation of life and consciousness works behind the scenes to support such an unfolding.

Everything in the universe is divine pulsation. As the universal spirit pulsates into matter, matter becomes enlivened by the pulse of the divine. The movement of the divine, as it expands and contracts, pushes its way into the void. Eternal life advances with each expanding move, enlivening the void, or vacuum, with spirit. At the “momentary” meeting of the void with divine substance, matter is created.

This pulse we are speaking of is an aspect of life we’re well aware of on this physical plane. Our own physical bodies are alive and we have a pulse. The heart, the lungs and the bloodstream all pulsate. We are quite familiar with this phenomena. What we are not so familiar with are the more finely calibrated pulsations. These happen in the mind, in our feeling self and in the body. In addition, there is a pulsation of life that is a spiritual push. It reaches out into the void, turning the void into life.

Each manifestation of life—whether it’s a person or a different kind of organism—is itself, a pulse beat. For life penetrates everything that is, so it is in all organisms. As long as a being is alive, this pulse of universal life expands into it. It’s one single pulse. But the pulse rate is not always the same. According to the rhythm of the entity, there will be a particular pulse beat that follows particular laws.

Listen and learn more.

Read: The Pulse of Life on Every Level

13 Changing from outer to inner laws in this new era

This planet and the people on it are going through a growth process. Every seed that this plan of ultimate self-evolution contains, carries its own plan for fulfillment. And each seed will unfold in its own organic way, following its own inner laws. We experience this phenomenon when we do our work of personal growth and healing, the way this path guides us to do.

Again and again, we watch as an organic process unfolds that operates independently from our conscious mind and our expectations. A plan like this goes in stages, with new energies released each time we transition to a new stage.

Let’s take a look at how this phenomenon manifests on the material level, which is the most superficial level. For example, what happens in the outer growth of a person as they go through very distinct growth phases. For a baby, when they are ready to learn to walk and talk, dormant capacities unfold in them. In order for this to take place, new energies must become available to them.

On the physical level, this is the first major change that takes place after we incarnate. The next major phase of expansion happens when a child leaves home and goes to school. This big step is not just a physical one, but also involves an inner expansion. This is a step out into the world that involves unfolding the child’s built-in potential to cope with other people who live outside the home. Growth continues in this way throughout the span of a person’s entire life.

After a person becomes fully physically grown, it’s harder to notice these transitions. Nonetheless, they are just as real and distinct. Each new phase involves changes, growth and the ability to express oneself more creatively so one can better deal with the world—both the outer world and the inner one. Physicians know that there are changes in our cellular system every few years. In fact, the chemical components of the outer structure change completely. And even though we may not notice this happening, it’s real.

The changes that happen on the other levels of our being—mental, psychic, emotional and spiritual—are even more dynamic. During each stage, we take an orderly step to fulfill the plan of the seed. And the seed plan releases new energies automatically. When we are following our plan, these energies provide us with just the boost we need. They help us expand and change and grow, so we can reach a new dimension. This motion starts from within and moves outward, reaching to embrace more of reality. After all, the aim of inner reality is to reach out and transform outer reality, following its own unlimited beauty, perfection and infinite possibilities for expression.

But when the outgoing movement is obstructed—such as when the ego-consciousness hinders the process, ignoring its urgings and acting insensitive to them—then the energies can’t unfold in their natural, harmonious way. This is when these energies, which are originally constructive, turn destructive according to our human view of things.

Listen and learn more.

Read: Changing From Outer to Inner Laws in this New Era

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