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Ep. 3 - 'Poopity Scoop' w. Mack Jamieson & Joseph Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie

1h 9m · Off Record · 10 May 04:00

We back in the most amazing way! This week I am joined by the two knuckleheads Mack Jamieson and Joe Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie, who truly tested my skills as a podcast host. We answer the shows first ever questions from the audience, chat a bit about the recent passing of Avicii, what being a musician in London is like and got into Kanye's recent madness. If there is anything specific you want us to answer or any topics you want us to talk about, shoot me an email at [email protected]! Poopity scoop!

The episode Ep. 3 - 'Poopity Scoop' w. Mack Jamieson & Joseph Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie from the podcast Off Record has a duration of 1:09:18. It was first published 10 May 04:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Ep. 3 - 'Poopity Scoop' w. Mack Jamieson & Joseph Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie

We back in the most amazing way! This week I am joined by the two knuckleheads Mack Jamieson and Joe Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie, who truly tested my skills as a podcast host. We answer the shows first ever questions from the audience, chat a bit about the recent passing of Avicii, what being a musician in London is like and got into Kanye's recent madness. If there is anything specific you want us to answer or any topics you want us to talk about, shoot me an email at [email protected]! Poopity scoop!

Ep. 3 - 'Poopity Scoop' w. Mack Jamieson & Joseph Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie

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Every Podcast » Off Record » Ep. 3 - 'Poopity Scoop' w. Mack Jamieson & Joseph Stoodley aka Raincloud Ollie