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Love, Believe and Dream, Again!

59m · Gain Wealth, Power, & Influence · 16 Dec 18:00

Amanda Graybill is a Speaker, Author, and Founder of The Little Black Dress Society®, a service organization she founded in 2009 that is committed to ending the abuse of women. It is a classy organization representing a classic dress. Wearing little black dresses, women work and play together to build awareness, raise funds, and impact the lives of women touched by abuse. Amanda is personally committed to ending the abuse of women while encouraging other women to join her in this worthy cause.
For over 20 years, Amanda has touched the hearts of women through her passion of empowering them to live their life to the fullest. She is a contributing author of two books and in 2007 her inspirational novel, The Little Black Dress, was released exploring the power of forgiveness and bringing hope to its readers.
Her driving force in creating the Little Black Dress Society is to give women of all walks of life the ability to join hearts and hands in order to make a difference in their community. The magic is women in little black dresses with willing hearts, compassion and hands that reach beyond pettiness and competition.
Amanda believes the vision is global. Through the combined efforts of women forming “societies”, the innate beauty of a woman’s heart can be changed. The blindfold women wear to hide their shame can be removed returning their hope to…

The episode Love, Believe and Dream, Again! from the podcast Gain Wealth, Power, & Influence has a duration of 59:49. It was first published 16 Dec 18:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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