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Gemvision Matrix Dead or Alive?

0s · DanaArts Podcast · 07 Nov 12:00

What is Matrix?

Matrix is a plugin for Rhinoceros software geared toward the jewelry industry. It has been around for many years now and I got involved and started using this CAD program in 2004 or 2005 when version 4 was out. It was a tough learning curve at first, but once learned it only got easier. Each version had it’s ups and downs with the software developers introducing new tools to make building rings easier. Sometimes the new tools were only half developed and probably never got popular because of that. Other tools had more time spent on them and became the strengths of the program that has made life a whole lot easier bugs and all.

Community & Culture

So I always enjoyed being apart of this growing community of Matrix users. I had learned how to use CAD and I love sharing what I have learned with others. GV (Gemvision) always brought an excitement for new versions of the program. My favorite to this day was the day we received the newest upgrade in a sphere. The CD inside and the coolness of it. Then comes the GV symposiums. I was fortunate enough to attend a few of them. It’s always fun and exciting to learn better tips and tricks, be with fellow jewelers, and to meet new people. One of the highlights to me was always the CAD contest which we could enter a design into one of three categories. What a great and enjoybale times. It was like magic. They did a great job of creating this community of fellow like minded people that could share and have fun together. After a training or symposium we had the forums to reconnect and continue our new found relationships and share knowledge as we learned the program together helping one another along the way.

Big company buys Little company

Matrix has been around for a while and has helped the jewelry industry immensely.

I never thought that would happen. I’m very sad about it, but should have seen it coming once Stuller bought it.

Stuller is the big company. A great place to buy tools, metals and findings, etc for the jewelry industry. I’ve used them over the years and am glad to have had them to purchase what I’ve needed for my artwork. So the big company takes away the magic. It’s too corporate to make it have the same feel as a small close company. I think of it as a big pool absorbing a drop of water. The big company only getting bigger while the small one disappears. So sad!

The Future

What does the future look like? I can only give my opinion here, but it’s promising even with all the craziness that’s happening.

I totally disagree with the way Stuller is going about the death of Matrix. They sent out emails for users to upgrade before they can’t anymore (users not knowing if Matrix’s death). Then they announced that there will be no more upgrades or future development of Matrix. They closed their user forums too. Just like that years of knowledge gone.

They came out with a new software called MatrixGold Essentials. The pro version in the future. What does that mean for us? Bad news. I can only speculate, but I already see them treating users unfairly. So will they offer an upgrade price to the new program? Or only offer the new price? It’s not right to scam us into upgrades and then cancel the program. Full price? Will they stop our Matrix key from working so we have to buy an $8k program? Who knows. I do know that we don’t know. Lol

So the future regardless of feelings. There is a future. We will have to get on board somehow and evolve. I’m sure the new program will be awesome. We will continue to grow, learn and develop. As you can see though, they have lost the small business magic and it’s all gone to money and who cares about the rest. Let’s force the money out of them. hahahaha.


In all seriousness I’m hoping they will care for the old user base and work on keeping us happy instead of pushing us away. I’m hopeful for the future and know it will bring some amazing new tools for us users to keep creating and making a living. So the real answer is that yes, Matrix is dead, but alive until further notice.

The episode Gemvision Matrix Dead or Alive? from the podcast DanaArts Podcast has a duration of 0:00. It was first published 07 Nov 12:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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