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Google Wave Network Age Briefing

59m · Supernova · 15 Oct 23:00

Google Wave is this year’s most anticipated new product. On Thursday, October 15 at 4pm PT / 7pm ET, Google Wave lead developer Lars Rasmussen will join us from Sydney, Australia, for our weekly Supernova Network Age Briefing Call. Is Wave a revolutionary development, or has it been overhyped? You decide — Join the conversation on the web or by phone at (347) 945-6578.

Google has generously agreed to provide our Supernova network with a limited number of Wave priority beta invitations for briefing call participants. To be eligible, join our opt-in list to be notified about future Network Age Briefings.

The episode Google Wave Network Age Briefing from the podcast Supernova has a duration of 59:16. It was first published 15 Oct 23:00. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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danah boyd on Class and Connection in the Network Age

danah boyd is a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society. She recently completed her PhD in the School of Information at the University of California-Berkeley.

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At the Berkman Center, danah co-directed the Internet Safety Technical Task Force to work with companies and non-profits to identify potential technical solutions for keeping children safe online. This Task Force was formed by the U.S. Attorneys General and MySpace and is being organized by the Berkman Center.

Dr. boyd received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Brown University and a master’s degree in sociable media from MIT Media Lab. She has worked as an ethnographer and social media researcher for various corporations, including Intel,, Google, and Yahoo! She also created and managed a large online community for V-Day, a non-profit organization working to end violence against women and girls worldwide. She has advised numerous other companies, sits on corporate, education, and non-profit advisory boards, and regularly speaks at industry conferences and events.

danah maintains a blog on social media called Apophenia.

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