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40m · Doug Morneau · 05 May 10:30

The benefits of hiring an online business manager with Anja Riemer-Grobe Most business owners really underestimate how much work it is to do a launch or to create a program, right? An online business manager can help. The first thing people need to learn is to get into the habit of protecting their time. We practice time chunking. I ask people to put categories in their calendars instead of timeframes. For example, this is my two hours where I'm working on my emails. Follow-up is oftentimes what people forget to schedule. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER [just click to tweet] THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER Most business owners really underestimate how much work it is to do a launch or to create a program, right? An online business manager can help.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug: Welcome back, listeners, in the episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. I think you're going to enjoy our conversation today with my guest. She's somebody I've gotten to know through a mastermind that we're both parts of. Her name is Anja Riemer-Grobe. I'm so excited to have her join us on the show. It's amazing hosting a podcast being able to speak to people all over the world. She's joining us live from Germany. Now Anja is the founder and CEO of a company called Management Made Easy. It's an online business management service on OBM, and she focuses on building trust in client relationships. And she does this by leveraging virtual tools, remote work, and then online operations, which helps to create a consistent client-focused service experience for her clients. Doug: Her business motto is that "We take care of managing your business so you can keep doing what you're an expert in." With her unique approach, she combines well-organized structures, processes at the back end, and strong trust-building client experiences in the front end of the business. She inspires and supports her clients to bring more authentic humanness into the business world. So I'm super excited to welcome Anja to the real marketing real fast podcast today. Hey, Anja, super excited to have you on the show today. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast. Anja Riemer-Grobe: Yeah, hi, Doug. It's great to be here. Doug: So I'm really excited to talk to you today and let you share with our audience. I've got my notepad [inaudible 00:01:31] you take a lot of notes because you have a superpower of organizing and helping people get things done efficiently and staying on schedule. Is that about right? Anja Riemer-Grobe: Yeah, that sounds right. Doug: So why don't you share in your own words, instead of my made-up introduction, what it is exactly that you do? Anja Riemer-Grobe: Oh, well, I'm an online business manager. And that basically means I'm in the back end of a business. Hopefully, an online business but a local business is also fine. The main thing is that they are doing their daily operations, virtual in some form or another. And I'm really helping the business owner to streamline it, to set everything up to manage the projects and the tools and the people behind that. So just to make sure that the business owner doesn't get dragged down and all the daily operational, technical, and whatever tasks, and instead has time to focus on their expert work. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER [just click to tweet] THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER Most business owners really underestimate how much work it is to do a launch or to create a program, right? An online business manager can help.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug: So you said a couple of things I just made note of. One is that you helped manage the projects. So you're kind of like the project manager.

The episode THE BENEFITS OF HIRING AN ONLINE BUSINESS MANAGER from the podcast Doug Morneau has a duration of 40:53. It was first published 05 May 10:30. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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How nonprofits can make better videos with Doug Scott Video is such an important tool for nonprofits period. And for-profit companies as well because it's such a powerful communications medium. Facebook's research division says the experiments they've run on Facebook and Instagram show that videos are looked at 5 times longer than static content and they generate more engagement.  If you are looking to do a mix of creating your own organic content and then doing paid content, only ever pay for content that organically works well. Release it first, organically through your channel, and see if it starts to actually have organic engagement from it. Going back to what works on social.  The most engaging videos are under a minute on every platform.  With a virtual event now, pretty much anybody can attend your fundraiser from virtually anywhere in the world whenever they want to.  _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: HOW NONPROFITS CAN MAKE BETTER VIDEOS [just click to tweet] HOW NONPROFITS CAN MAKE BETTER VIDEOS Facebook's research division says the experiments they've run on Facebook and Instagram show that videos are looked at 5 times longer than static content and they generate more engagement. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug Morneau Well, welcome back listeners another episode of Real marketing real fast. Today in the studio I've got joining me, Doug Scott. Now he is the founder and CEO of a company called tectonic video. They are a leading video agency for not for profits, and we had an amazing conversation around video, video strategy, what works, what doesn't work, what you should hire an agency for, what you should be doing in house user-generated content. And then we finished off our conversation today, talking about remote and online fundraisers for not for profits and how this is working for businesses as well. So taking these big goals and events and what happens now that we're not gathering in large groups. So Doug and his team have worked with not for profits all across the US and around the world to create award-winning videos that drive massive results for the nonprofits and charities that he works with. He's been featured in The New York Times, NPR CNN, and ad week and he is a frequent guest lecturer at Stanford University on the power of storytelling for not for profit organizations. So join me in welcoming Doug Scott to the real marketing real fast podcast today. Doug Morneau Well, hey, Scott, super excited to have you on the podcast today. So welcome to the real marketing real fast podcast. Doug Scott Hey, Doug, great to be here. Doug Morneau Well, you're working in an area that's got a number of things that really piqued my interest. One is video so people have finally woken up to the importance of video for marketing. And the third or second one strategy in the third is not for profits. And I like all those spaces on those topics. So do you want to share with our audience system overview of the kind of what you do and how you help people? Doug Scott Of course, my pleasure. tectonic video exists to help nonprofits realize the power of video to accomplish their mission. And that could be through marketing or for fundraising, but also for other things. internal communications, training, hiring, even their programmatic work. So we are a video agency for nonprofits. So we start with strategy. It could be an organization-wide or a campaign-specific video strategy. Then we implement that strategy from concept all the way through filming through post-production, then we can advise on distribution and measurements. And we're humbled to work with some of the world's most amazing nonprofits. I'm a little biased because I love our clients so much. But we make PSA's for the American Lung Association. We do fundraising videos for World Relief, branded content for Mutual Rescue,


Risk-free advertising online with guaranteed ROAS with Cooper Harris  So rather than just showing a consumer cool pictures, we actually show them viable ad units from which they can actually purchase. And then we do that on a pure performance basis for our brands. We're a tech platform behind the scenes and looking at things and making optimizations. It is literally an algorithm that uses its own learning to make decisions. We are super conversion focused. So we really want to show the right product, the right person at the right time. Brands are way overly dependent on Amazon. They don't own their customer, Amazon owns them. I think it is so much more powerful and empowering for brands to have a service or a platform that helps them actually use the data to do something. And that something should be to drive sales. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: RISK FREE ADVERTISING ONLINE WITH GUARANTEED ROAS [just click to tweet] We're a tech platform and we're behind the scenes. It is performance-based, risk-free advertising, and it is literally an algorithm that uses its own learning to make decisions. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug Morneau 0:01 Well, welcome back listeners another episode of Real marketing real fast. Today we are going to talk about risk-free in your advertising. So commission-based agency that will go out there and spend money talking about your products, your services, your brand, and they don't get paid unless they generate sales. So my guest today in the studio to kind of dive into this and reveal how they're making this work for their clients is Cooper Harris. Now she is a California based entrepreneur. She is the founder and the CEO of a company called KLICKLY. It is a data-driven impulse payment platform that powers headless e-commerce. So they have emerged as a pivotal figure in the West Coast tech scene here. Cooper has been nominated for Google's young Innovation Awards. L'Oreal's digital Woman of the Year and she won information age is Women in it, as well as Entrepreneur of the Year and named by Adobe as a top thought leader at canes. Cooper's a favorite speaker at international summits, including CES canes lion shoptalk, s x s. w. Sundance, Los Angeles tech week London tech conference. And more speaking on the advances of e-commerce in retail, FinTech, and fostering women in STEM and disrupting the status quo about technology and innovation, we had a great conversation. I think you're really gonna enjoy this show. There's lots of information here. So I'd like you to join me in welcoming Cooper Harris to the real marketing real fast podcast today. So hey, Cooper, super excited to have you on the show today. So welcome to the real marketing real fast podcast. 1:46 Thanks, Doug. I'm super excited to be here. 1 Doug Morneau 1:49 While there were so many things in your background that you know, that piqued my interest, and obviously the big most important one is how you guys are helping come To increase their revenue through your system, but also the wonderful places that you've lived, a couple of my favorite cities visit Santa Monica and are in New York. Welcome to the show. Why don't you give us a little bit of background little oversight on what you're doing and how you're helping people? 2 Copper Harris 2:20 Yeah, absolutely. So, I, as you know, and maybe the listeners don't I am currently obsessed with tech, I did not start here. I started as an actor in film and TV. But then I got kind of obsessed and interested in technology and how it changes the world. So this is my second tech company. It is called Klickly like quickly spelled with a K. And we are a SaaS platform that helps over well over 1000 brands now, promote to the right consumer in the right channel at the right time with the right product, right. So advertising, but we do it in a really different way. So rather than just showing a consumer cool pic...


The customer journey map, why they do or don't buy with Bob Berry That basic phenomenon of simply not being able to complete the task is one of the major things that we encounter. The vast majority of what happens on the customer journey is based on individuals, making individual choices within the experiences that we provide them. You have to find some way to be with them and observe them experiencing all of those things or any one of those things as they experience it. So you get to be inside their heads, inside their hearts, understand their motivations, understand where they're succeeding, where they're failing.  One of the great benefits, the beauty of digital marketing is that we collect all this data and over the last 20 years, we've gathered a tremendous amount of information about our clients. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP, WHY THEY DO OR DON'T BUY [just click to tweet] Customer journey success factors have two dimensions. It's what is the customers or users or prospects success factor, and what is your success factor as a business? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug: Well, welcome back. This is just another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today's guest is Bob Berry. He is a principal at a company called AnswerLab where he's guiding companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, and many others to create new optimal online experiences. He's also the founder of a company called the Human-Computer Mastermind Academy. I had such a great conversation with Bob. You're going to want to listen because he's going to help you understand and answer the question of why. Why do people engage with your brand? Why do people engage through social media, why don't they? Why do they buy, why don't they buy it? What experience are they having when they're interacting with you? Bob's experience is helping businesses confront the world-changing pandemic shock that's happening, that's rocking the world, but he teaches you how to relearn what your customer's experiencing, what your customers want and what your customers expect and how do we as business owners create this optimal online experience as fast as we can to make sure that we're able to compete and win in our business. I'd like to welcome Bob to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Hey, Bob, super excited to have you on the show today. Welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast. Bob Berry: Thanks, Doug. Glad to be here, looking forward to having a chat with you. Doug: Well, you might be, and this isn't a comment on my other guests, but you might be the smartest academic person that I've had on my show. I was looking through all the details and what you do, but what I really admire is that you apply it to help your clients move the dial, increase their business efficiency and make it more profitable. Do you want to share with our listeners just a little bit about what it is that you do and how you make that happen? Bob Berry: Yeah. I appreciate that. Yes. My expertise is user experience and we define that pretty broadly. We look at the full context of what prospects customers, users are doing in their lives, whether they're a B2B for a personal perspective, or B2C from a business perspective. We really want to understand who these people are as purchasers, as potential clients, as collaborators, whatever role we see them and we really want to understand what their lives are and really understand how they make decisions.  What is it that motivates them? What are their needs, their interests, their passions, how are they going to engage you as a business? How are they going to respond to whatever marketing programs you have? At the moment in my professional world, that takes two forms. I'm a principal researcher for AnswerLab, which is the premier user experience research company in the US. We work with a lot of major clients but right now I'm doing simultaneous ...


The best webinar platforms reach your audience everywhere with Casey Zeman  The whole premise of our products is that we want to help people sell better, leveraging webinar experiences. You can see a level of commitment when someone shows up to a webinar, whereas someone just comes, they opt into a freebie, and then go to a sales video, they can leave at any time. A webinar can have much higher results than a pre-polished, what is considered a perfect webinar, or a really well-scripted webinar. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: THE BEST WEBINAR PLATFORMS REACH YOUR AUDIENCE EVERYWHERE [just click to tweet] In Todays Podcast Episode We Discuss The Best Webinar Platforms, Webinar Software, And The Growth Of Online Webinar Platform Functionality. Webinar platforms can be used as a funnel to reach your audience. Create authority before the webinar starts. Share content like a testimonial video. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today my guest in studio is Casey Zeman. He is the founder and CEO of a popular webinar platform called EasyWebinar. It's a software that has both live and automated webinars. With over 13,000 customers, Casey has figured out what works and what doesn't in the way of webinars, live broadcasts, and videos for engagement, and how to sell better and engage stronger with your audience and your customers.  On average, his clients are generating 10 to $20,000 a day or 300 to $600,000 per month in recurring revenue. Casey's superpower is providing sales and scalability systems to business owners so they can work less on creating and more on impacting and making more money. He has consulted to companies such as Harper Collins, Estee Lauder, and Dell on video marketing strategies and lead nurture funnels using webinars. He's built his own multimillion-dollar software company, info product company through the power of live video and webinars.  He's passionate about bringing these same strategies to your business and mine. Casey is also the best-selling author of a book called Build Your Audience With Live Video, and the creator of TribeMinded Systems, which combines the smart art of automation and engagement to scale a business. So I'd like you to join me in welcoming Casey Zeman to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today. Well, hey, Casey. Super excited to have you on the show today. So welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast.   Casey: Thank you, Doug. Thanks for having me.  Doug: I'm super excited to learn more about you, your platform, and how you're helping your clients grow their business, generate leads, and increase their sales. Do you want to just give us an overview of your role and what you guys do and how you serve your clients?  Casey: Yeah. I'm the founder of a webinar platform, EasyWebinar, and we have a couple of other software platforms that are going to be rolling out soon. The whole premise of our products is that we want to help people sell better, leveraging webinar experiences. EasyWebinar was designed to be a holistic webinar platform that does live webinars. And then going beyond live webinars into like-live experiences, and also what we consider evergreen webinars, which are webinars that can run 24/7 without you being there, basically just leveraging your best show and across multiple time zones so that no matter where someone is in the world, they can watch it and experience it in a real-time effect, and then take action and get to know you without you always having to be there running a live webinar. So yeah, that's what we do for our customers. A lot of our customers are our course creators. Many of them are coaches and consultants. We also have service providers that use our system as well. Anyone who basically is trying to position, and know, like, and trust to sell their programs and their products,


Build your influencer marketing hub with Magda Houalla  The big evolution is it's less about working with these massive superstars on social media as the only influencer marketing strategy. It's about expanding who you consider being influential to your brand and evolving the ways in which you're interacting with them. You can loosen the restrictions with your influencer marketing and allow access to your brand to anyone who is a loyal fan, a customer, even an employee who could have an impact on their business and work with them in a really flexible way. One thing that we look at a lot when it comes to creating an influencer marketing hub is companies that invest in their customers first and foremost and because of that, they are retaining customers at a higher rate. When we think about the future of where influencer marketing and where community intelligence marketing is headed, I think it really is headed in a way where people will want to see data behind the work that they're doing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SHARE THIS POST: BUILD YOUR INFLUENCER MARKETING HUB [just click to tweet] BUILD YOUR INFLUENCER MARKETING HUB It's less about working with superstars as the only influencer marketing strategy. It's about expanding who you consider being influential to your brand and working with them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Doug Morneau: Well, welcome back, listeners, to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. Today, we're going to talk about all things, influence, and community. So, influencer marketing will be one of our topics. So, just before you say, "Hey, I know a lot about that," we're going to share some new insights, some new directions from a company that's taking this platform and this whole community engagement to a whole new level. In-studio today, I've got joining me as my guest, Magda Houalla. And she is the director of marketing and strategy for a company called AspireIQ. And they are one of the leading influencer marketing platforms that empower businesses and brands like you and me to generate creative scale. So, Magda plays a pivotal role in ensuring that all the existing and new brands using this platform are set up for success by aligning their needs and best practices and world-class strategy. We're going to talk a lot about analytics and getting ROI and measurement as well. Her guidance has helped several big brands like CVF, Freshly, Bed Bath & Beyond, L.L.Bean, and Walmart both expand their influencer marketing programs, but also to increase ROI. So, stay tuned. Listen in. And I'd like to welcome Magda to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today. Hey Magda, I'm super excited to have you on the show today. So, welcome to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast. Magda Houalla: Thank you so much for having me. Doug Morneau: Well, I mean, I don't often get the opportunity to talk to somebody that's working in the influencer space, and I'm super excited to let you share with our audience. So, do you want to give us just an overview of what you do and what your company does so our audience has a full understanding? Magda Houalla: Yes, absolutely. So, I am the director of marketing strategy at AspireIQ. And we actually have gone through a bit of an evolution as a business. We really started as an influencer marketing platform in a very organized way to help brands connect with social media influencers, manage their relationships, and analyze all of the results. But right now, really where we're headed is in this new space of community intelligence. So, we are a community intelligence platform that empowers brands to build, manage, and grow relationships with anyone who they consider to be influential in their community. So, it could be brands wanting to connect with social media stars. It could be loyal fans. It could be employees, industry experts. There are lots of different people that can have an influence on a brand...