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The unknown of learning to know

15m · Adia’s way · 22 Dec 23:02

What type of effect do you want to place upon your child, to be able to be proud of the outcome that you put into them? If you don’t provide a certain background towards or for a child, what type of background would they gravitate towards if you didn’t pull it on top of them? Strong enough to see it, feel it, and have the opportunity to possible pull the cover back, and follow the foot steps of the cover that was presented over their body. Not even realizing that a generational curse is in motion without even knowing that, that’s the motion that was place upon 3 generations ago. Learn about your past, so you’ll be able to determine a future that belongs to 2 generations ago. Break the cycle. Gravitate away, in order to gravitate towards the unknown that you made known.

The episode The unknown of learning to know from the podcast Adia’s way has a duration of 15:38. It was first published 22 Dec 23:02. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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What are you addicted to that’s addicted to you that’s beneficial? Or harmful ?

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The unknown of learning to know

What type of effect do you want to place upon your child, to be able to be proud of the outcome that you put into them? If you don’t provide a certain background towards or for a child, what type of background would they gravitate towards if you didn’t pull it on top of them? Strong enough to see it, feel it, and have the opportunity to possible pull the cover back, and follow the foot steps of the cover that was presented over their body. Not even realizing that a generational curse is in motion without even knowing that, that’s the motion that was place upon 3 generations ago. Learn about your past, so you’ll be able to determine a future that belongs to 2 generations ago. Break the cycle. Gravitate away, in order to gravitate towards the unknown that you made known.

Brokenness equals wholeness

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What will you attract into your life?

Your thought process is involved in everything you do. Sometimes we want better, to do better, and different results but we don’t change our way of thinking or our actions to get us to that point. Being your biggest critic can sometimes lead you in your own ditch, I want to be successful but I’ll just lay here and complain about not being successful. I want happiness but I’m constantly speaking negativity in my life. Is it easy for you to think yourself in a bad mood, or harder to think yourself in a good mood? Try to reverse your way of thinking and see how far you go with your thoughts, your faith, Your built up courage and energy, and the amount of love you poured in yourself to be able to pour into the universe. Fill yourself up with the fruits and labor of your thoughts and the laws of what you attract in your mind will produce itself with the right seed in your life. But you have to plant the right seed, don’t expect someone else to plant the right seeds in your garden when you can’t even describe what type of seed you would like to start with first. Live your dreams in your head and produce everything you see, your way or no way. Even if you change your mind a million times, plant your seeds and watch how it grows

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