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009: The Church Has Left The Building

43m · What Is Really Important · 25 Aug 08:30

Join hosts Kirk White and Christina Sheer as they discuss Christina’s experience moving to a new town and her feelings about pursuing a new church. Many churches have switched to online services now, which has allowed churches to be more accessible than ever before. A lot of churches aren’t offering in-person services at all right now, and the major ministries have announced physical closures until 2021.

Christina talks about how many ministries aren’t set up to deal with providing online services. How are they supposed to integrate into a new church experience without any outreach initiatives? How will churches move forward without having four physical walls? Kirk and Christina are interested to see how the impacts of COVID-19 will impact individual churches and church funding.

Online service can actually benefit churches as some have actually received more churchgoers than usual, given the fact that the capacity for attendance is unlimited. This has also allowed those who are afraid or are uncomfortable attending church to participate in services. A data research showed that the percentage of people discovering Christ outside of the physical walls of church has multiplied tenfold.

Going forward, the church is going to have to adapt and change. Kirk and Christina talk about how this can potentially be a good thing as this may cause the churches to forego the typical “Sunday service” and focus on an around the clock, community initiative. What’s really important to you in a church? Pursue that and live life based on what’s really important to you.

The episode 009: The Church Has Left The Building from the podcast What Is Really Important has a duration of 43:54. It was first published 25 Aug 08:30. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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010: Daily Devotionals to Grow

Today’s discussion is about daily devotions and how they always seem to relate to what you’re going through. Renew your mind and begin your day with a daily devotion before diving into digital distractions.

Mind, soul and spirit are a big part of being a devoted Christian and it’s important to not get caught up in ignoring your soul during these difficult times. They all must be calm and present, and you can get back on track if needed by focusing on surrendering to God. Peace is always available.

If you want to grow, you have to water the plants every day. Think of your devotions as the water. Kirk talks about how COVID-19 has brought on a lot of anxiety and how it’s important to focus on getting the truth from God amidst all of the negative news on the media.

Kirk reads “Our Daily Bread” and Christina shares a list of her go-to devotionals. Devotionals are readily available on your mobile devices now so it’s really easy to set aside the time each day to focus on them and Kirk suggests listening to them via an audible app. Christina shares her scripture for the day to close out the episode and Kirk shares his favourite verse.

Christina and Kirk’s Devotional Recommendations:

Our Daily Bread Devotional Bible

Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Streams in the Desert by Charles Cowman

Unshakeableby Christine Caine

Sparkling Gems by Rick Renner

The Circle Makerby Mark Batterson

You can get a free copy of Christina’s book, Missionary on the Go, here.

009: The Church Has Left The Building

Join hosts Kirk White and Christina Sheer as they discuss Christina’s experience moving to a new town and her feelings about pursuing a new church. Many churches have switched to online services now, which has allowed churches to be more accessible than ever before. A lot of churches aren’t offering in-person services at all right now, and the major ministries have announced physical closures until 2021.

Christina talks about how many ministries aren’t set up to deal with providing online services. How are they supposed to integrate into a new church experience without any outreach initiatives? How will churches move forward without having four physical walls? Kirk and Christina are interested to see how the impacts of COVID-19 will impact individual churches and church funding.

Online service can actually benefit churches as some have actually received more churchgoers than usual, given the fact that the capacity for attendance is unlimited. This has also allowed those who are afraid or are uncomfortable attending church to participate in services. A data research showed that the percentage of people discovering Christ outside of the physical walls of church has multiplied tenfold.

Going forward, the church is going to have to adapt and change. Kirk and Christina talk about how this can potentially be a good thing as this may cause the churches to forego the typical “Sunday service” and focus on an around the clock, community initiative. What’s really important to you in a church? Pursue that and live life based on what’s really important to you.

008: From Rushing to Resting

On today’s episode of What Is Really Important, the focus is self-care and the importance of making time for yourself. Kirk talks about the importance of making daily space for self-care and doing what he loves. Christina tells us that she has been struggling to get back to her self-care routine during her time of transition.

When practicing self-care, it is easy to overlook soul care. Christina talks about how the two are often interchanged but they are different. It is important to make time for yourself and your spirituality. Christina recognizes that she finds it difficult to unplug and is trying to improve. Kirk tells us that he believes if something is not working right, you should unplug it.

It is important to slow down and make the time for self-care and creativity. Kirk reminds us that Jesus did not rush; He walked and made time on His journey for others. Both Christina and Kirk believe in the importance of the Sabbath as a time for us to reflect and meditate on God’s word. Think of the Sabbath as a gift of rest from God.

With technology and notifications always within reach, it is necessary to take breaks and refocus your purpose. Christina offers some advice for those of us wanting to take time away from social media. Being mindful of what you are doing and for how long can help you to step back from the constant noise.

To finish off the episode, Christina and Kirk take a moment to rest their mind and bodies.

007: Coaching vs. Mentoring

In today’s episode of What Is Really Important, Kirk and Christina talk about coaching versus mentoring. Christina has always been interested in gaining a mentor that benefits her life in a positive way.

A mentor is someone you are willing to dedicate time to in exchange for learning skills from their expertise. Kirk then talks about the first mentor he had through property management. As Kirk is a coach himself, he points out that the difference in coaching is that clients pay for consistent meetings and may or may not take your advice. With a mentorship, your opinion is valued more as you share a strong interest in learning from said mentor.

Christina talks about how people approach her in terms of coaching them in social media guidance, and discusses how the music industry is suffering due to COVID-19. No matter where you are in a business, you can always benefit from having a coach. Christina explains that coaching businesses are booming and that coaching is a 7.5 billion dollar industry in the US. Furthermore, it is expected to grow to 20 billion by 2022.

The desire Christina had for a mentor became greatly satisfied by turning to God and getting her own coach. Kirk tells us the importance of having someone close to you who can help you along the way, especially in business and your personal life.

When starting a business, having a coach can help you achieve more in less time in addition to bringing out your best self. If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, you can find more information here.

006: 3 Keys of Social Media from Sheer Wisdom

Welcome to the What is Really Important podcast, hosted by Kirk White and Christina Sheer. This is the show that hopes to bring you engaging conversations about life changing transformations.

Today’s episode includes all things social media. Its importance, engaging your audience, and targeting leads are all discussed. Christina recently quit her job, started a new business, and moved across the country during a pandemic. She is able to provide unique insights as Kirk discusses how God’s economy provides.

Kirk touches on how churches are struggling with the social media aspect of the pandemic and asks Christina how her business could help with promoting businesses online. Christina tells us a big culprit is “posting paralysis”.

Christina brings up the importance of having inclusive content and her “PIE” formula for engaging content, including which industries it can be effective for. Social media marketing can take up to 50 hours per week and Christina dives into how a simple content calendar can help. In the “new normal”, you have to have an online presence and stand out among the crowd. Kirk and Christina discuss how an investment in a social media strategist can help you to gain more business. We hear about how to drive traffic towards your website.

To finish up the episode, Christina gives us a gift: her “Top Digital Tools for Social Media Success.” She would love it if you could subscribe to her e-mail list. Simply send her an e-mail to get your free copy.

Find out more about Kirk White: https://www.goaltosucceed.com

Find out more about Christina Sheer: https://www.christinasheer.com

Christina’s “Top Digital Tools”: http://www.sheerwisdom.co/tools

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