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Ep 2: The Gritty (and possibly falsified) Reality Behind High School Musical 2

0s · CommentFakers · 26 Jun 05:55

Featuring: Bryan playing Vanessa Hudgens on a bad day, Amy lobbying for High School Musical 2 to win an Oscar, Katie being unable to finish a single sentence without a brief but passionate laughing fit, and Andrea being a graceful and wealthy cynicist. WARNING: this one required some careful editing. Vanessa Hudgens has lived a... Continue Reading →

The episode Ep 2: The Gritty (and possibly falsified) Reality Behind High School Musical 2 from the podcast CommentFakers has a duration of 0:00. It was first published 26 Jun 05:55. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Ep 2: The Gritty (and possibly falsified) Reality Behind High School Musical 2

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Every Podcast » CommentFakers » Ep 2: The Gritty (and possibly falsified) Reality Behind High School Musical 2