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1 - Kanomics - Drunk Streams and Twitch Memes

1h 4m · CuppaCast · 11 Aug 10:14

For the first ever episode of CuppaCast, Ryan is joined by close friend and small streamer Kanomics. The pair have a hilarous conversation discussing cringey old YouTube channels, drunk streaming and the importance of collaboration for their creative journeys.

Check out Kanomics here:

The episode 1 - Kanomics - Drunk Streams and Twitch Memes from the podcast CuppaCast has a duration of 1:04:26. It was first published 11 Aug 10:14. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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1 - Kanomics - Drunk Streams and Twitch Memes

For the first ever episode of CuppaCast, Ryan is joined by close friend and small streamer Kanomics. The pair have a hilarous conversation discussing cringey old YouTube channels, drunk streaming and the importance of collaboration for their creative journeys.

Check out Kanomics here:

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