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Idolatry is not really a thing anymore... Right?

4m · First Friday Fellowship · 01 Sep 23:57

We have all seen the movies where the ancient peoples of this earth would build golden calves, half men half animals, golden demon gods, etc… and they would worship them, make sacrifices to them and pray to them.

We’ve all seen that. But, we don’t that anymore… do we?

This particular little sin, might just be the biggest thing we battle against in our culture today.

What is idolatry, really?

Idolatry is in creating a god, in an image that we're comfortable with.

Today’s Idolatry says: “We define you God. You don’t define us.”

It says that the Bible is good, but it has to change with the times.

Today, idolatry is really about making God in OUR image.

It is making a god that we are comfortable with.

If we can create God in an image that we are comfortable with, then, we can live with that god.

That god won’t put any demands on us, that we are not already more than willing to fulfill.

That god works for us.

But, the God of the Bible? The God who revealed Himself to us over 5,000 years? The God who sent His son to die for us?

That God has already told us who He is. He's already told us, what He expects of us.

We have no right to redefine Him.

He created us.

If we look at God as the creator of all, then we bow our knee, and we accept what he says.

But, if God nothing more than melted gold, that we can mold into whatever we want, well then, THAT god, will do what we say.

Idolatry, says that our culture defines right from wrong; That our culture, our comfort zones and our language define what’s good and bad.

And we will make a god that supports that.

And that’s sin.

Until next time.

The episode Idolatry is not really a thing anymore... Right? from the podcast First Friday Fellowship has a duration of 4:14. It was first published 01 Sep 23:57. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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Every Podcast » First Friday Fellowship » Idolatry is not really a thing anymore... Right?