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5m · Flora之声-英语美文晨读 · 20 Jul 12:27


I wonder if we have ever asked ourselves what education means. Why do we gotoschool?


Why do we learn varioussubjects, why do we pass examinations and compete with each other for better grades? What does this so-called education mean, and what is it all about?


This is really a very important question, not only for the students, but also for the parents, for the teachers, and for everyone who loves this earth.


Why do we go through the struggle to be educated? Is it merely in order to pass some examinations and get a job? Or is it the function of education to prepare us while we are young to understand the whole process of life?


Having a job and earning one's livelihood is necessary - but is that all? Are we being educated only for that?


Surely, life is not merely a job, an occupation; life is something extraordinarily wide and profound, it is a great mystery, a vast realm in which we function as human beings. If we merely prepare ourselves to earn a livelihood, we shall miss the whole point of life;


And to understand life is much more important than merely to prepare for examinations and become very proficient in mathematics, physics, or what you will.


So, whether we are teachers or students, is it not important to ask ourselves why we are educating or being educated?


And what does life mean? Is not life an extraordinary thing? The birds, the flowers, the flourishing trees, the heavens, the stars, the rivers and the fish therein - all this is life.


Life is the poor and the rich; life is the constant battle between groups, races and nations; life is meditation; life is what we call religion, and it is also the subtle, hidden things of the mind - the envies, the ambitions, the passions, the fears, fulfilments and anxieties.


All this and much more is life. But we generally prepare ourselves to understand only one small corner of it.We pass certain examinations, find a job, get married, have 5 children, and then become more and more like machines.


We remain fearful, anxious, frightened of life. So, is it the function of education to help us understand the whole process of life, or is it merely to prepare usfor a vocation, for the best job we can get?


What is going to happen to all of us when we grow to be men and women? Have you ever asked yourselves what you are going to do when you grow up? In all likelihood you will get married, and before you know where you are you will be mothers and fathers; and you will then be tied to a job, or to the kitchen, in which you will gradually wither away.


Is that all that your life is going to be? Have you ever asked yourselves this question? Should you not ask it? If your family is wealthy you may have a fairly good position already assured,your father may give you a comfortable job, or you may get richly married; but there also you will decay, deteriorate. Do you see?


The episode 教育的意义:帮助你自由地做自己 from the podcast Flora之声-英语美文晨读 has a duration of 5:16. It was first published 20 Jul 12:27. The cover art and the content belong to their respective owners.

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I'm particularly rich by societies standards,


but on the front of wealth


measured by experience and valuable lessons,


I would consider myself very wealthy.


On another hand


I would rather say "grateful".


I have almost completely lost interest


in exploring for what I can see,


and I have discovered far more beauty


lying beneath the surface of the people all around me.


Traveling as I am,


staying in each place


for an average of six months


has enabled me


to not only see the beauty of the place lying on the surface,


but also the glories and riches


embedded in the cultures


built by the people dwelling in them.


The call to travel


is definitely one that has addressed my heart unignorably.


But not just for the sights


and the sounds of what is foreign,


but for the hearts of the people there


在我的怀里 在你的眼里

In my arms, and in your eyes

那里春风沉醉 那里绿草如茵

spring breezes and green grasses were intoxicating

月光把爱恋 洒满了湖面

The moonlight full of love was spread upon the lake

两个人的篝火 照亮整个夜晚

The campfire that belonged to us illuminated the whole night

多少年以后 如云般游走

Many years later, we roam like clouds floating in the sky

那变换的脚步 让我们难牵手

Different tracks of lives keep us apart

这一生一世 有多少你我

In this lifetime, how many times have we


tasted the bitterness of loneliness in the night

多想某一天 往日又重现

I wish good old days could come back once more

我们流连忘返 在贝加尔湖畔

Our memory always lingers on the shore of Lake Baikal

多少年以后 往事随云走

Many years later, the memory of old days fades away


The dancing snow is too cold to come with your warmness

这一生一世 这时间太少

The lifetime is so short that you


cannot prove your love deep enough to melt the ice

就在某一天 你忽然出现

Just the other day, you unexpectedly showed up

你清澈又神秘 在贝加尔湖畔

like Lake Baikal, purely and mysteriously

你清澈又神秘 像贝加尔湖畔

by Lake Baikal, purely and mysteriously


Life is so wonderful, never give up.

Not until you realize that life itself is a beautiful thing will you really start to live. Although living combines tragedy with splendor, life is beautiful and even tragedies reflect something engaging. If you were simply to live, do more than that; live beautifully.


Through the sea of darkness, hope is the light that brings us comfort, faith, and reassurance. It guides our way if we are lost and gives us a foothold on our fears. The moment we lose hope is the moment we surrender our will to live.


We live in a world that is disintegrating into a vicious hatred, where hope is needed more than ever but cannot be discerned. Finding that is rare while the world lives in fear, but the belief in something better, something bigger than this, is what keeps life worth living.


Then you hear a baby speaking her first word, you see seniors holding hands, you feel the first spring rain, or smell the pine tree at Christmas, and remember that no matter how awful it is, there is always hope. No matter how weak we are, we will always survive.



「 项脊轩志 」
作者 | 归有光

翻译 |刘士聪


My study Xiangjixuan used to be called South Chamber. It was only ten feet by ten, large enough for one person to live in. As it was nearly one hundred years old, dust and flakes of plaster fell, and the roof let in rain. When I moved my desk, I could find no place to keep it off the rain. It faced the north and the sun could not get inside.Soon after noon it turned dusky.


I did some repairs to the roof to stop it leaking, opened four windows in front and built a wall around. When the sun was reflected from the wall, the room brightened up. I planted orchids, laurels,bamboos and trees about and, therefore, the old railings looked brighter with colors. The bookshelf was filled with books on loan. I read and chanted aloud, beating time by swaying back forth. Sitting in it I could hear various sounds emanating from outside.


It was so quiet round the steps that small birds often came looking for food there, not scared of men's presence. On the fifteenthnight of the lunar month the bright moon flooded half of the wall. When a gentle breeze arose, laurel leaves shimmered flecks of moonlight on the walland it was pleasing to see the shadows dancing and hear the leaves rustling in the wind.


I lived in this room, happy in some ways and sad in others.Previously the courtyard was all the way through from south to north. When my uncles began to live separately, they put up low walls here and there with small doors in them. Dogs in the east barked toward the west. Guests had to go through the kitchen to wine and dine. Sometimes chickens roosted in the hall. The courtyard was first partitioned by fences and later by walls. Such changes had taken place several times.


We had an old maid who once lived in this room. She was the maid of my late grandma. She had nursed two generations of my family. My late mother had been very kind to her. The room related to my mother's bedroom on the west and she once came over. "That's where your mum stood when she came," she would tell me. "I was holding your elder sister in my arms when she cried. Your mum tapped on the door with her fingers, asking: 'Is the child cold or is she hungry? "I answered her from this side…" Before she was finished, I wept and so did she.


Since I was fifteen, I had been reading inthis study. One day Grandma came and said: “I haven't seen you for ages, my child. Why do you shut yourself up in here like a girl?" When she left, she closed the door behind her, mumbling to herself: “Since long none of my family have got anywhere with their studies. Hopefully, this child will be of some promise. " In a few moments she returned with an ivory tablet in her hand, saying: “This is the tablet with which my grandfather Duke Taichang attended court sessions during the years of Xuande. You may have use for it someday."


Looking at it today I felt as if it had occurred just the day before. I couldn't help bursting into tears.


On the east of my study there used to be the kitchen. To get to the kitchen one had to pass my study. Though I livedin it with the windows closed, gradually I learned to tell by the tread who was passing by. The room got fired for several times, but it didn't break down.Maybe it had been protected by gods.


The occupant of Xiangjixuan comments: Widow Qing of Sichuan made so many profits from her mining of cinnabar that she topped the whole country and the Emperor of the Qin Dynasty built a terrace in her honor. When Liu Bei and Caocao were fighting each other for the rule of China, Zhuge Liang emerged from Longzhong. When Widow Qing and Zhuge Liang lived in obscurity in far-off corners, how did they become known to the outside world?


This humble man is now living in this shabby room, but when I raised my brows and look up, I claim to see magnificent prospects in it. People who get to know about it will think I am no more than a frog at the bottom of the well.


Five years after I wrote the above article, I got married. My wife often came to my study, asking about things of old or learning calligraphy at my desk.


When she returned from her visit to herparents, she told m


1/“To acquire the habit of reading is to construct for yourself a refuge from almost all the miseries of life.”


2/“The great tragedy of life is not that men perish, but that they cease to love.”


3/“The only important thing in a book is the meaning that it has for you.”


4/“The love that lasts the longest is the love that is never returned.”


5/“I have an idea that the only thing which makes it possible to regard this world we live in without disgust is the beauty which now and then men create out of the chaos. The pictures they paint, the music they compose, the books they write, and the lives they lead. Of all these the richest in beauty is the beautiful life. That is the perfect work of art.”


6/“There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are.”


7/“As lovers, the difference between men and women is that women can love all day long, but men only at times.”


8/"Haven't you been in love since you came to Paris?"


"I haven't got time for that sort of nonsense. Life isn't long enough for love and art."


Every Podcast » Flora之声-英语美文晨读 » 教育的意义:帮助你自由地做自己