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The Imperfekt Podcast

Meditations, music and stories from the flow…


The Art of Mindful Storytelling

0s · Published 03 Aug 20:40

Just be. That’s it. So simple, yet we make it so complicated. I had to do 3+ years of intense inner work to realize that being in fight or flight wouldn’t get me anywhere. I am light, I am love, I am music, I am whatever I want to be. The labels don’t matter. Simply being my authentic self, allows for others to be themselves. Now, how do I make a living by just being me? Guiding others to be themselves.

The Art of Flowing

0s · Published 25 Jul 11:33

The story of how I discovered my authentic voice in the jungles of Costa Rica. With all my learnings, the most important lesson of them all was to put myself first. To reframe negative beliefs, rewrite my story and let the world see me as I am. Even if it feels uncomfortable every time I share my voice. Because I know it allows me to guide and inspire others to step into their full potential.

The Art of Being Alive

0s · Published 21 Jul 23:01

I am no longer the girl who holds back worrying what others may say or think of her. I’m no longer the girl who wakes up still drunk on a Sunday telling herself “I’m never drinking again… and btw, what the fuck happened last night? I am no longer the girl who spends endless nights overthinking meaningless scenarios. I am no longer the girl who’s afraid of the unknown. I am no longer the girl who will allow a man to have power over her. I am now the woman who doesn’t even blink when people ask her who she is…

The Art of Grieving

0s · Published 16 May 15:00

We are so quick to attach to labels. But that’s all they are, just labels. Our thoughts are stories, and most of the time they are not even true. Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, so it is crucial that we consider how to rewrite the stories replaying in our minds. It starts with the mind and ends with the mind. Once we understand that we are both the problem creator and solver, life becomes a Nintendo game. Trust the process, level up and believe that you can beat the biggest baddest boss on top. You got this.

The Art of Self Love

0s · Published 03 May 14:01

The moment you decide to trust and to go within and heal what needs to be healed then you can love. But until you’ve done the work until you can say that you truly love yourself and you’re not scared of being who you really are… You love all of the darkness and the shadows and the wounds and the trauma, the triggers and everything… all of the imperfections. All of the shitty things that happened to you. All of the stories. Once you can love that and let go. Then you’re on the right track. But if you’re always trying to be something else. And you’re always trying to be something more. And you think that there’s a point in life that you’re going to be healed — you’re wrong. Because healing happens when you love yourself.

The Art of Being Imperfekt

0s · Published 22 Apr 11:20

Learning to be your most authentic self and loving every imperfection and flaw will help you realize that we are all the same, we are just programmed to believe we have to be more than that to be successful in life. The truth is your success depends on your own goals and dreams. Not the expectations of others or society’s guidelines. Success doesn’t equal happiness, and when we learn to embrace the process of failing and being imperfect, starting where we are, knowing it’s okay to not get it right the first time, we can achieve much greater things in life than if we remain stuck in the same place with our fear of failing. All it takes is that first step into the unknown, letting go of control and learning from every experience.

The Art of Letting Go

0s · Published 28 Feb 13:46

Letting go means accepting who you are. All of you. When you finally accept the parts of you that kept you running. When you’re so in love with life that nothing can stop you from being the most authentic version of yourself. Letting go is the practice of saying no to what no longer serves you. To break old patterns of thinking, believing and behaving. Letting go can be challenging because it requires practicing gratitude, acceptance and trusting that whatever is meant to be will still happen.

The Art of Finding Peace

0s · Published 07 Feb 08:01

Movement is my element, if it’s yours too please don’t force yourself to stay put. You’ll notice that your body is giving signs of needing a change. And it could be as simple as a trip abroad and coming back to reset, but listen to your heart. Listen to your body, you always have the answer deep within you. Unfortunately we were taught to “work hard” and not chase our dreams. So why even bother trying right? But what if you could actually achieve your dreams simply by thought? What if you could rewire your brain to believe that anything is possible? What if you were not afraid of failing? What if…

The Art of Being Grateful

0s · Published 23 Jan 01:15

I will choose myself everyday for the rest of my life. I will love myself fully and first, so I can attract the same into my tribe. I will be there holding the torch for those who need the light. And if someone is triggered by me holding it, I say thank you and goodbye. Luckily, I’ve got enough love for myself to love those who dislike.

The Art of Finding Purpose

0s · Published 17 Jan 14:58

You don’t always find purpose, sometimes your purpose finds you. The universe always wants you to be the best version of yourself and to live your purpose. Whenever you feel stressed, anxious and depressed — your soul is trying to communicate with you that something isn’t aligned. That there’s an imbalance, and that you may not be on the path that serves you the best. So stop being so hard on yourself and start to look in different directions — do more things that nourish your body, mind and soul.

The Imperfekt Podcast has 17 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 0:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 16th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on August 16th, 2022 19:11.

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