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Be Fabbo - A Business + Personal Growth Podcast for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

by Bobbi Brinkman

Welcome to the Be Fabbo Podcast, where doers, dreamers, and changemakers tune in to fuel their growth professionally and personally. Dive into a world rich with actionable insights, mindset shifts, and motivational stories of courage designed to propel you toward building a thriving business and a fulfilling life. From overcoming that negative talk in your head to mastering self-care, knowing you are more than enough, to leadership dynamics and becoming your biggest fan, we cover the essential topics that resonate with doers, dreamers, and changemakers alike. 

Hosted by Bobbi Brinkman, a catalyst for confidence and motivation, empowering speaker, energetic emcee, transformational leader, Fabbo connector, and unwavering champion of your joy and success.

The Be Fabbo Podcast is your beacon in the world of entrepreneurship, leadership, and the vibrant arena of women in sports. It's dedicated to those ready to embrace their unique fabbo-ness—being Focused, Authentic, Brave, Bold, and Open to opportunity—align with their core values and unleash their fullest potential. Bobbi extends her reach as your guide and cheerleader, leaning into the power of you, with a mix of solo insights and guest experiences from the forefront of entrepreneurship, leadership, and sports.

So, if you’re ready to take action on this transformational quest, grab your earbuds, tune in, and, together, build a fabbo community of heart-centered, confident entrepreneurs, leaders, and women in sports. With a steadfast commitment to empowerment, mindset, motivation, and momentum, we'll pave the way for the thriving business and life we genuinely deserve. Time to motivate, educate, and celebrate being authentically who you are and where you are with the Be Fabbo Podcast.

Photo: Meredith Ryncarz

Copyright: © 2024 Be Fabbo - A Business + Personal Growth Podcast for Entrepreneurs and Leaders


75: Prioritizing Your Mind and Energy for Better Management and Increased Well-Being

22m · Published 22 Mar 02:00

Discover the power of prioritizing your mind and energy for increased focus, productivity, and well-being. Listen in to explore proven strategies for better management and a happier life.

Grab your fave ☕, ✒️, 📝, or 💻, take some notes and let's dig in!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Key Takeaways:

I do believe friends, I do believe with all my heart, that your mindset and how you feel about yourself and how you talk about yourself matters.

Today on episode 75... prioritizing your mind and your energy. And this episode is really all about empowering yourself and taking control of your mind and your energy.

Another key to empowering yourself is taking control of your energy. And that means being intentional about how you spend your time, where you put your attention and the mental and physical resources that you use. How empowering is it when you sit intently and just sit? And sometimes friends, when we don't have the answer to something, and we just can't seem to figure out why something isn't working. We just need to sit with it.

 A strategy that can help you do this is to set those clear goals, for your work for your relationship for your personal lives, and then prioritize the activities and the task around those goals.

Don't dwell on your weaknesses, know your weaknesses, embrace your weaknesses, but overall, and embrace what makes you fabbo.  So that you can find a way for them to contribute to the world in the most meaningful way. Because we need you, not just our industry, not just your local wedding community, your creative community, our community, whatever community you're in, more than your family, the world needs you. We need your gifts. And you can really, really share.

Remember, the key is to be mindful, intentional and persistent in your approach and believe in your own potential and the positive impact that you're making. Alright, until next time, friends, continue to be Babel. Stay positive, stay focused, stay empowered. I believe in you believe in yourself.

Alright, that's what I want you to take away from Episode 75 today. And as a simple reminder, if you need help, if you are struggling, I am here to empower you, my friends. Let's sit down let's get a fabbo chat. Think of it as me being a coach in your back pocket. But come to me. Let me know your struggles. Let me know where your doubt is. Let me know what the Negative Nancy's are telling you. And let's sit down and create a strategy. Let's sit down and have some actionable steps to take you from here to there. Let's transform your business into the thriving business and life that you want and you deserve. I'm here for you. Reach out.

Voxer 1:1 Coaching Day program is the fabbo solution for you. Think of it as "coach on call", a full or half day with me. We'll work together in real-time during the course of the day to tackle your current business + personal growth challenges and develop a plan for the day to get you unstuck and moving forward. ⁠

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74: Ready to pursue your next big goal? Here are 15 things you'll need to give up!

31m · Published 15 Aug 19:00

How many of you have a vision board of what your next set of goals looks like? Maybe you have a journal. You know, we talked about journaling a lot here. Maybe you've wrote down your your next steps. If you're like me- I have an idea book. I'm always writing ideas down. So how many of you are ready for that?  My my philosophy is, embrace where you are right now. Be proud of where you are right now. Right? But you need to be looking towards the future. Not too far away, though, right? I want you to look at the year coming up, maybe the next few years coming up. I want you to focus on where you want to take your business and your life. Where do you want to thrive where you have to have some goals...bigger goals, maybe than the ones that you're working on daily. That's our topic today on Episode 74 of the Be Fabbo Podcast. Ready to Pursue Your Next Big Goal? Here Are 15 Things You'll Need To Give Up. And I bet they're not what you think. 

Grab your fave ☕, ✒️, 📝, or 💻, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Key Takeaways:
If you want to accomplish big goals, you'll need to give up a few things

  1. Worrying about what's outside of your control.   
  2. Worrying about what others think. 
  3. Wasting your time on things you can delegate or outsource.  
  4. Getting lost in the scroll.  
  5. Binging the latest whatever.  
  6. Distraction on your phone.  
  7. Interacting with the noise around you.  
  8. Looking for the easy route.  
  9. Worrying you will fail.  
  10. Be around or listen to those not doing what you want to do. 
  11. Being an exact copy of someone else blueprint.
  12. Procrastination.  
  13. Let your emotions guide you when logic should lead.  
  14. Keep making the same mistakes.  
  15. Seeking getting it done faster versus seeking progress. 



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Are you ready to unleash your inner creative genius and thrive in business and life?

Here is your invitation to work with me in my 1:1 coaching program, 'Motivated to be Fabbo: Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs Who Want to Thrive in Business + Life.' Transform your mindset, elevate your confidence, and accelerate your success with personalized guidance, support, and powerful strategies tailored just for you. So take the first step towards becoming the unstoppable creative entrepreneur you're meant to be. Click HERE to learn more and sign up today. Then, let's get started; it's time to embrace your fabbo future!"

74: Ready to pursue your next big goal? Here are 15 things you'll need to give up!

31m · Published 15 Aug 19:00

How many of you have a vision board of what your next set of goals looks like? Maybe you have a journal. You know, we talked about journaling a lot here. Maybe you've wrote down your your next steps. If you're like me- I have an idea book. I'm always writing ideas down. So how many of you are ready for that?  My my philosophy is, embrace where you are right now. Be proud of where you are right now. Right? But you need to be looking towards the future. Not too far away, though, right? I want you to look at the year coming up, maybe the next few years coming up. I want you to focus on where you want to take your business and your life. Where do you want to thrive where you have to have some goals...bigger goals, maybe than the ones that you're working on daily. That's our topic today on Episode 74 of the Be Fabbo Podcast. Ready to Pursue Your Next Big Goal? Here Are 15 Things You'll Need To Give Up. And I bet they're not what you think. 

Grab your fave ☕, ✒️, 📝, or 💻, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Key Takeaways:
If you want to accomplish big goals, you'll need to give up a few things

  1. Worrying about what's outside of your control.   
  2. Worrying about what others think. 
  3. Wasting your time on things you can delegate or outsource.  
  4. Getting lost in the scroll.  
  5. Binging the latest whatever.  
  6. Distraction on your phone.  
  7. Interacting with the noise around you.  
  8. Looking for the easy route.  
  9. Worrying you will fail.  
  10. Be around or listen to those not doing what you want to do. 
  11. Being an exact copy of someone else blueprint.
  12. Procrastination.  
  13. Let your emotions guide you when logic should lead.  
  14. Keep making the same mistakes.  
  15. Seeking getting it done faster versus seeking progress. 



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73: 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth

23m · Published 09 Aug 15:00

The power of saying yes versus the power of saying no. Quite often as creative entrepreneurs, we're the pleasers, right? We want to say yes to everyone. We want to help everyone, we have that servant heart, right? We want to serve by sharing our gifts. But if you ever thought about it, or maybe you've looked at your stats, or you've looked at your your outline in your analytics, and you realize that every time you say no, you're not seeing much business growth. Maybe there's a reason for that. 

We're going to talk about the power of saying no, on today's Episode 73 here on the Be Fabbo Podcast, where our topic is 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth. 

I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

 Grab your fave ☕, ✒️, 📝, or 💻, take some notes and let's dig in! 

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Key Takeaways:
1. Will this be the best use of my time?
2. Is there more investment or adding team members?
3. Any red flags visible or hidden?
4. Does this opportunity get you excited?
5. Will clients' and your professional and personal lives be affected if you take this?
6. Is this something different from your business?
7. Would this impact YOU in a negative way?
 8. Have you talked this out with others you respect and your family?

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73: 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth

23m · Published 09 Aug 15:00

The power of saying yes versus the power of saying no. Quite often as creative entrepreneurs, we're the pleasers, right? We want to say yes to everyone. We want to help everyone, we have that servant heart, right? We want to serve by sharing our gifts. But if you ever thought about it, or maybe you've looked at your stats, or you've looked at your your outline in your analytics, and you realize that every time you say no, you're not seeing much business growth. Maybe there's a reason for that. 

We're going to talk about the power of saying no, on today's Episode 73 here on the Be Fabbo Podcast, where our topic is 8 Reasons Why Saying No to New Opportunities is Important for Business Growth. 

I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

 Grab your fave ☕, ✒️, 📝, or 💻, take some notes and let's dig in! 

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Key Takeaways:
1. Will this be the best use of my time?
2. Is there more investment or adding team members?
3. Any red flags visible or hidden?
4. Does this opportunity get you excited?
5. Will clients' and your professional and personal lives be affected if you take this?
6. Is this something different from your business?
7. Would this impact YOU in a negative way?
 8. Have you talked this out with others you respect and your family?

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Are you ready to unleash your inner creative genius and thrive in business and life?

Here is your invitation to work with me in my 1:1 coaching program, 'Motivated to be Fabbo: Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs Who Want to Thrive in Business + Life.' Transform your mindset, elevate your confidence, and accelerate your success with personalized guidance, support, and powerful strategies tailored just for you. So take the first step towards becoming the unstoppable creative entrepreneur you're meant to be. Click HERE to learn more and sign up today. Then, let's get started; it's time to embrace your fabbo future!"

72: Turn Your Thoughts Into Action

17m · Published 13 Jun 17:00

We're kicking off with Episode 72:Turn Your Thoughts Into Action. I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

You pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business so how do you maximize every effort?

Grab your fave ☕beverage, ✒️pen, 📝paper, or 💻laptop, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Essential Takeaways:
0:00   Goals, vision boards, whiteboards, boxes of journals, blueprints, all the visions and plans that you have for your business and your life. Oh, trust me, I'm sure they're all amazing. But did you know that there's an easier way to achieve all these thoughts and ideas that you write down? Now, if you've followed the podcast for any length of time, you know, I'm all about mindset that I believe mindset is a strategy. And that with the right mindset, you can achieve anything that you set out to do.

3:36   I want to share three steps with you to help you become more efficient, be more effective in turning your thoughts into actions, all those things that you have running around all those ideas, positive ones and negative ones, how to turn these thoughts into actions. 

6:14   Getting these thoughts out of your mind and done on paper, will help you find the right place to start, right and how to turn these thoughts that you have into action, because you can now break them down into smaller, more manageable steps that you can start implementing and seeing some instant gratification.

7:20   I'm all about you know, future planning. But I also don't want you to think about the things in the past, right? I want you to put your energy, where you can adjust your thoughts and your plans to the present. Because when you do that, you'll actually move closer, faster to achieving your overall bigger goals. 

9:15   I mean, heck, My motto is to always be more, be more adventurous, you know, do more, you know be be more of whatever you want to work on that living in that zone---have more and be more sometimes falls in that overthinking zone because you're constantly wondering, Will this be enough?

10:49   Once you complete these first few steps, you might find that you still have trouble turning your thoughts into an action. So let's see if we can determine what's stopping you. No fear, no distraction, it's time to shift that mindset and remove these limiting beliefs. There is no better time than the present to start reframing and rethinking your thoughts.

13:30   Sometimes we work so hard in our future. And we get we want to get somewhere so fast, and we get there. And we're disappointed. So I want you to hone in on what you're working on right now. Because you might just have a new vision, you might just find out that when you write all these things down, it can be a new, a new vision for a new business. Maybe it's a new product that you want to offer. Maybe it's something else when you look at this list that you can get excited about. And as I mentioned staying present with your thoughts, and meeting them where you are. Remember, you are right where you're supposed to be and you're doing fabbo at that.
16:20   You'll be amazed how much more you can accomplish if you just do what you say you're going to do. Rather than getting stuck in a thought loop or overwhelming or overthinking or the I can't stay out of that negative space. 

Full Shownotes at

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72: Turn Your Thoughts Into Action

17m · Published 13 Jun 17:00

We're kicking off with Episode 72:Turn Your Thoughts Into Action. I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

You pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business so how do you maximize every effort?

Grab your fave ☕beverage, ✒️pen, 📝paper, or 💻laptop, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this time in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!


Essential Takeaways:
0:00   Goals, vision boards, whiteboards, boxes of journals, blueprints, all the visions and plans that you have for your business and your life. Oh, trust me, I'm sure they're all amazing. But did you know that there's an easier way to achieve all these thoughts and ideas that you write down? Now, if you've followed the podcast for any length of time, you know, I'm all about mindset that I believe mindset is a strategy. And that with the right mindset, you can achieve anything that you set out to do.

3:36   I want to share three steps with you to help you become more efficient, be more effective in turning your thoughts into actions, all those things that you have running around all those ideas, positive ones and negative ones, how to turn these thoughts into actions. 

6:14   Getting these thoughts out of your mind and done on paper, will help you find the right place to start, right and how to turn these thoughts that you have into action, because you can now break them down into smaller, more manageable steps that you can start implementing and seeing some instant gratification.

7:20   I'm all about you know, future planning. But I also don't want you to think about the things in the past, right? I want you to put your energy, where you can adjust your thoughts and your plans to the present. Because when you do that, you'll actually move closer, faster to achieving your overall bigger goals. 

9:15   I mean, heck, My motto is to always be more, be more adventurous, you know, do more, you know be be more of whatever you want to work on that living in that zone---have more and be more sometimes falls in that overthinking zone because you're constantly wondering, Will this be enough?

10:49   Once you complete these first few steps, you might find that you still have trouble turning your thoughts into an action. So let's see if we can determine what's stopping you

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Are you ready to unleash your inner creative genius and thrive in business and life?

Here is your invitation to work with me in my 1:1 coaching program, 'Motivated to be Fabbo: Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs Who Want to Thrive in Business + Life.' Transform your mindset, elevate your confidence, and accelerate your success with personalized guidance, support, and powerful strategies tailored just for you. So take the first step towards becoming the unstoppable creative entrepreneur you're meant to be. Click HERE to learn more and sign up today. Then, let's get started; it's time to embrace your fabbo future!"

71: 6 Reasons Why Failure Is Just As Important As Success

16m · Published 18 May 14:00

Here we go with Episode 71: 6 Reasons Why Failure Is Just As Important As Success---- wait, what? I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

You pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business so how do you maximize every effort?

Grab your fave ☕beverage, ✒️pen, 📝paper, or 💻laptop, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this half hour in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!

The Essential Takeaways:

2:12    Two things that every creative entrepreneur is going to experience as they build their careers. Two things, success and failure.

2:45    you have the choice by friends to dust yourself off and move forward, or stay stuck and dwell because you got knocked down. This is where having that successful growth mindset plays a significant role.

11:59    It's important to realize that failure is part of being a creative business owner, just as it is as being a human. But you cannot let them define you please do not let any failures define you. The chapter on right now is not your whole story.

12:18    Now, if you're ready to shift your mindset, and crush your business goals, and be empowered to lead and grow a thriving business with confidence and clarity, I'm here for you.



Book Bobbi to speak!

Grab my 10 Ways To Develop a Successful Mindset Guide

Grab a Fabbo Chat with Bobbi   **SPECIAL FOR LISTENERS: AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES!

Be Fabbo Workshops Coming to a City Near You! Get on the Email List!

Looking for group coaching to refresh & re-energize you and your business? Get on the Group Coaching Waitlist!

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Are you ready to unleash your inner creative genius and thrive in business and life?

Here is your invitation to work with me in my 1:1 coaching program, 'Motivated to be Fabbo: Coaching for Creative Entrepreneurs Who Want to Thrive in Business + Life.' Transform your mindset, elevate your confidence, and accelerate your success with personalized guidance, support, and powerful strategies tailored just for you. So take the first step towards becoming the unstoppable creative entrepreneur you're meant to be. Click HERE to learn more and sign up today. Then, let's get started; it's time to embrace your fabbo future!"

71: 6 Reasons Why Failure Is Just As Important As Success

16m · Published 18 May 14:00

Here we go with Episode 71: 6 Reasons Why Failure Is Just As Important As Success---- wait, what? I know you want to hear more, and find ways to continue to strive for business and personal growth. 

You pour your blood, sweat, and tears into your business so how do you maximize every effort?

Grab your fave ☕beverage, ✒️pen, 📝paper, or 💻laptop, take some notes and let's dig in!

Then, listen with an open mind and 😍 open heart!

Put your notifications on silent, invest this half hour in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!

The Essential Takeaways:

2:12    Two things that every creative entrepreneur is going to experience as they build their careers. Two things, success and failure.

2:45    you have the choice by friends to dust yourself off and move forward, or stay stuck and dwell because you got knocked down. This is where having that successful growth mindset plays a significant role.

11:59    It's important to realize that failure is part of being a creative business owner, just as it is as being a human. But you cannot let them define you please do not let any failures define you. The chapter on right now is not your whole story.

12:18    Now, if you're ready to shift your mindset, and crush your business goals, and be empowered to lead and grow a thriving business with confidence and clarity, I'm here for you.



Book Bobbi to speak!

Grab my 10 Ways To Develop a Successful Mindset Guide

Grab a Fabbo Chat with Bobbi   **SPECIAL FOR LISTENERS: AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES!

Be Fabbo Workshops Coming to a City Near You! Get on the Email List!

Looking for group coaching to refresh & re-energize you and your business? Get on the Group Coaching Waitlist!

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69: Take Your Own Damn Advice with Jenny + Jai Holla

1h 15m · Published 04 Apr 20:00

April continues Mindset Month (yeah, I am claiming it!) Please join Bobbi for this 5 week series on Mindset with fellow mindset coaches Jenni + Jai Holla.

The Hollas are creating a life fueled by freedom, fun and adventure on your terms.

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You'll find this series on the social audio app Clubhouse in the Wedding Pros Club


The 3 of us guide the audience through a series of questions, sharing insights and then do some live coaching with the audience.

So grab your fave beverage, pen, paper, or laptop to take notes or fill out the worksheet.

Put your notifications on silent, invest this hour in yourself and let's work together to shift your Mindset!

  •  A Better Business Starts With A Better You!
  •  Are You Ready?
  •  Grab your earbuds, and Let's get started!

Grab Week 1 worksheet here if you like to follow along to help move you and your business forward and create the life and business you deserve!

                                                 Link for WK 5 Worksheet                                                                                                     The Essential Takeaways:

 19:00 Have you actually tried to implement somebody else's advice? And it's failed? Have you tried to implement somebody else's advice and said, Oh, my gosh, thank you for that. And it was a skyrocket, and it put you on a new course. It opened up windows and opportunities. Have you done that in business and in life? 

 56:15 if you don't fail, how do we know we succeed? Is that is that old adage, right? And again, when you when you win, and when you let's say fail or lose? It's a lesson. What are you going to take from that? 

 1:10:33 I want you to really consider leaning into that thing that your gut is telling you, or maybe the thing you've been avoiding doing, that can unlock everything for you. 

                                      SPECIAL OFFERS FOR FABBO LISTENERS

Book Bobbi to speak!

Grab my 10 Ways To Develop a Successful Mindset Guide

Grab a Fabbo Chat with Bobbi   **SPECIAL FOR LISTENERS: AN EXTRA 30 MINUTES!

Be Fabbo Workshops Coming to a City Near You! Get on the Email List!

Looking for group coaching to refresh & re-energize you and your business? Get on the Group Coaching Waitlist!

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Be Fabbo - A Business + Personal Growth Podcast for Entrepreneurs and Leaders has 179 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 156:04:03. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 20th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 7th, 2024 19:40.

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