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Caffeinated With Kas

by Kas Medeiros

The go-to podcast for creatives and entrepreneurs ready to build their bulletproof brand online. All things business to brand building, this is a zero fluff podcast for you to binge and apply to your business.

Copyright: Kas Djordjevich 2021


06. A raw conversation around relationships and business

16m · Published 30 Jan 05:00

It's no secret that relationships change once you start a business. Everything from your romantic relationships to growing out of friendships, and feeling super lonely.

This is a raw conversation of the changes that happen in your relationships in your 20s... AND for all the gals starting a business!



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Multi-Figure Magnet MASTERCLASS

8m · Published 23 Jan 01:49

This masterclass is going to be the kick-start to learning to become a multi-figure magnet, learn emotional sale techniques, create an expressive AF audience that's locked on and obsessed, and ultimately build your direction for this next year of MAJOR growth. I will be giving you dozens of resources, tools, as well as teach you the WHY and HOW to becoming your Multi-Figure Magnet this year.



Want to chat on Instagram? CLICK HERE!

05. Becoming a multi-figure magnet UPDATED

14m · Published 23 Jan 01:43

What is a multi-figure magnet... and how do you become one? We're going over exactly that in this episode. The common theme this year is growth, and you know we're all about sustainable business growth. I'll be telling you all about how your personal magic can be a magnet to attract multi-figures your way.




Want to have a coffee chat? Message me on Instagram 

04. Signs you're stuck in the hamster wheel

16m · Published 16 Jan 05:00

You're in a plateau, energy in a rut, and you can't seem to break this endless cycle of your business habits. In this episode we're going into deep detail of WHAT the hamster wheel is, HOW to get out of it, and how to avoid it.



Episode 04: Signs you're stuck in the hamster wheel

Resources: See our mastermind to sustainably scale your business > Luxe Legacy Mastermind

Have a coffee with me! Message me on Instagram

03. Is your product suite a hot mess?

16m · Published 09 Jan 03:42

Jumping into episode 3. I’ve got a TON of things to cover: from self diagnosing your product suite as a hot mess or thriving, to offer organization and even offer pricing. We will be going through what a nightmare product suite looks like, what a THRIVING product suite looks like, and a lot more.

This episode is a FREE LESSON, so get a notebook and a pen to get all the juicy information down when building your business offers. 



Episode 03. Is your product suite a hot mess?

Resources: See our mastermind to sustainably scale your business > Luxe Legacy Mastermind

Have a coffee with me! Message me on Instagram

02. 2023 Business Trends (online edition)

19m · Published 09 Jan 03:35

We're kicking off this year with the intention of extreme growth, transformation, and sustainability. I know you have EXTREME wins ahead, and we're going to prepare your business for just that.

I'm going to be sharing the top "trends" I know will make you take the front step in your business and thrive this year. Make sure to download this as a guide as you prepare your direction for the next 3, 6, and 12 months.



Episode 02: 2023 Business Trends (online edition)

Resources: See our mastermind to sustainably scale your business > Luxe Legacy Mastermind

2023 Business Trends Instagram post 

Have a coffee with me! Message me on Instagram

01. I disappeared for 6 months to do THIS in my business...

18m · Published 09 Jan 03:31

Season Two Episode One, we're finally back after a long 6 months off. We’re going to go over an investment gone wrong, imposter syndrome, being diagnosed with ADHD… all which ultimately lead to a huge pivot in my business... and the end of Junipr Design.

We have LOTS to share this season. I'm so glad to be back!



Episode 02: 2023 Business Trends (online edition)

Resources: See our mastermind to sustainably scale your business > Luxe Legacy Mastermind

2023 Business Trends Instagram post 

Have a coffee with me! Message me on Instagram

03. Is your product suite a hot mess?

0s · Published 08 Jan 23:56


I’ve got a TON of things to cover this episode, from self diagnosing your product suite as a hot mess or thriving to offer organization to offer pricing and more.

I’m sure many of you are freaking out by some of the terms I used because you have NO idea what that means- and that’s OKAY. I remember when I started my online business and I used to hear terms like systems, funnels, and optimization.

But don’t worry, I’m going to simplify and walk you through.

First I want to go over some basic vocabulary here. For starters, a product suite is multiple offers or products from one vendor. So all of my offers from low ticket to high ticket are my product suite.

Let’s also break down low ticket and high ticket offers. That simply means low-value low -price offer and high-value high-price value. I’m going to break down the price ranges for that at the end so you guys can take notes and keep as a guide when building out your product suite.

OKAY, we’re going to do a little self-diagnosing game. The web-md of business mess ups.

I’m going to mention a list of 10 symptoms, and if you check off 3 or more, your product suite is officially a hot, HOT mess. 

Okay, let's go through the list:

  • Are you energetically drained from your offers? 
  • Are your offers organized throughout the year, or are you confused on what you should be focused on selling?
  • Can your offer easily upsell itself? Meaning if someone goes to invest in one offer, they can easily see the value in the next offer and will other go for the higher value offer, or already have that offer in mind for their next purchase.
  • Does each offer sell the next offer passively? Rather than you manually having to promote and sell each individual offer?
  • Do you have offers for each stage of your client’s journey?
  • Are all of your offers basically the same? Or do you have clear differences that speak to your specific client’s stage?
  • Do you have one offer that takes all of your time and energy?
  • Do you have to launch or promote your offer in order for it to have any sales?
  • Is no one grabbing your offer? Your DMs are just dead.


I could honestly list a few more, but these are the top focuses I wanted to bring up.

You start to have the imposter syndrome, you think you need MORE offers, you think you need to change the branding, the marketing, ect.

Now, if you want to have a sustainable business and make sustainable sales, you need to have offers that can grow with you and SELL themselves while delivering amazing value.

It’s beyond just making the sale, it’s the deliverables inside, the entire client experience from discovering you- to buying from you- to working with you- and finally if your client retention is amazing then they will re-sign with you.

IF you checked 3 or more, I’m sorry but your product suite is a hawt mess. LUCKILY, this can be treated and there is in fact a cure.

I want to paint the picture of a thriving product suite, so you can really visualize the impact your offers should have:

  • Number one: you have a range of low ticket, and high ticket offers. This way you are accessible for all budget ranges. I often see people disregard low or medium ticket, but the reality is that some clients literally CANNOT afford high ticket at this stage and that doesn’t mean they aren’t ready to work hard and invest in what they are able to.
  • Secondly, having offers that directly offer value to each stage of your client’s journey. This way you offer value from beginning to end, and your client feels seen and heard by you through it all.
  • Your client should always have another offer to go to once they are done working with you to continue their journey, typically it will end with your highest support offer possible (1:1 for example, or a high level mastermind)
  • You have a low ticket offer that is passive, and will funnel into your next offers. This is giving you constant income and warming up a client to buy the next offer passively behind the scenes.
  • You have one signature offer that is other evergreen (meaning it is always running, there is no open and close), or you launch it every few months and this is your main source of income and you spend most time on

For me, I have my signature mastermind Luxe Legacy, that is 5 months long. I spend the most time on this offer because it is high level, I provide 1:1 support to my clients and I am always updating the resources inside.

When you have a thriving product suite, you can plan your income and launches/ client capacity for the entire year. You are able to have control over your energy, and make room to take more clients as you feel/ plan for growth when you’re ready.

This is YOU having control over your business vs your business controlling YOU.

I mentioned low ticket, medium ticket, and high ticket offers. I want to go through a quick breakdown of examples and the price range typically that you will see for online service providers. 

Please note that this is a very very broad example, this totally depends on the service provider, the type of service, the type of business, the deliverables and value ect.

BUT this is a great range to have at the back of your knowledge

Starting at low ticket, this is including anything free to under $300. Some examples are any freebies to generate leads or build your email, small courses, e-books, templates, ect. These are AMAZING for quick action content, and getting your leads onto other platforms. You want to make these impactful and short enough to leave them craving more.

Medium ticket offers are between $300 and $800. These are great evergreen options. Many service providers will have a group program that has a facebook group, there is no 1:1 access, it solves 1-3 main problems. These are great for niche specific offers because with the strong messaging it’s a quick no brainer sale to solve a main problem. These are the BEST to upsell to your high ticket offers, or even offer an add-on VIP option to gain extra support or features.

Finally we have our high ticket offers that are over $800. 

These are typically your signature offer, as I mentioned my high level mastermind Luxe Legacy is the prime example of this. 

These are giving that VIP experience and offering high level support.

When you’re planning your direction for the next 6-12 months I love to reverse engineer and start with my capacity for my high ticket offers, then work my way down.

Knowing this information now, I hope you guys have some clarity about what your product suite SHOULD be like, and know that again if your product suite is a hawt mess right now there is a way to turn it into your dream product suite.



Episode 03. Is your product suite a hot mess?

Resources: See our mastermind to sustainably scale your business > Luxe Legacy Mastermind

Have a coffee with me! Message me on Instagram

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02. 2023 Business Trends (online edition)

0s · Published 08 Jan 23:07


You know I’m only interested in sustainably scaling in your biz, so these quote on quote “trends” are actually crucial for business growth in general.

In the last I’d say 5 months I noticed a more obvious shift that these things were here to stay, and I knew I had to make this episode.

If you are a visual person like me, and want a summary version of these trends, I have an Instagram Post you can go save on there.


Starting at #1. Staying in the heavy masculine energy WILL hold you back from scaling. I’ll give a quick recap of masculine energy. This is action driven, goal focused, logic based and DOING THE CONSTANT WORK. This is where hustle culture came from, the idea that we need to be constantly grinding to get results.

All of those coaches and business owners we saw that were masculine energy heavy are now on this “self care and self love journey”, talking about how much burnout they experienced. 

They barely saw their friends, spent time with family, and forgot to do basic things like eat. Their sleep schedules were non-existent. The list goes on.

There NEEDS to be a balance between having the goal, being driven to get there, but also knowing when to listen to your intuition and be in the ebb and flow.

You will achieve SO much more when your energy levels are balanced.

Focus and grind when you need to, then know when to step away and do something to bring your energy up. 

Your brain fog will be gone, your exhaustion will subside, you’ll have time to EAT well and bring movement into your routine ect.

In terms of it not allowing you to SCALE, we need to look at scaling as more than just hustling to get as many sales as possible.

Scaling includes your mental capacity, your capacity as a business owner in taking new clients, creating new offers, REFINING offers, creating flow in the journey, creation direction, levelling up your legacy… all which ultimately lead to consistent sales and growth in numbers.

You CAN’T achieve that long term without having balance. The masculine heavy energy is NOT sustainable, period.


Number 2: We’re going back to the basics here. You WILL get left behind if you don’t build a bulletproof foundation that can adapt and pivot. 

Let’s break this down. I want to start with WHAT your foundation is. We’re talking about your brand direction, your positioning, your pillars, your mission, how you help each stage of your ideal clients, ect.

There cannot be any MISSED areas in your foundation. You need absolute clarity. BECAUSE, when it comes to a launch, an offer, content shifts, ect… YOU as the expert need to be 10 steps ahead of your client and make a quick pivot to continue thriving.

Another thing, looking at reel trends, hopping on TikTok, posting things you think your audience will like, saving OTHER posts/reels for ideas to copy. This is NOT a strategy and holds no real context or foundation- your message will just have zero impact when your audience hears it. 

The reels, posts, ect are an EXECUTION of your foundation. With these external things always changing, you need to know how to truly adapt while staying on track with your direction and keeping your audience locked on.


Number 3: Curation is DEAD.

I actually did a live experiment about a year ago, where I committed to having an extremely curated feed for 30 days to prove how it lowers your engagement. There are a few reasons for this:

1. Your audience aren’t robots. You need to engage with them and truly be in their minds to know how to talk to them and deliver what value they need. A curated feed removes them from experiencing being felt, seen and heard by you.

2. The BIGGEST factor in attraction marketing is your positioning and personal brand. We’re talking about major story-telling, being vulnerable, emotional selling, and how you position yourself as the most suitable option for your client. Having a curated feed fully removes that personal touch, and you can kiss goodbye to having the BFF feel with your audience, let alone them being locked on.

People buy from PEOPLE, you may get away with selling low ticket, but if you want to get into the high ticket sales, you need the personal factor.

You’ll want to start posting those polarizing opinions or deep shower thoughts and really tap into YOUR voice.

I’ve been totally abusing the notes app on my phone, poor thing is just being used every 2 seconds. This is the BEST way to quickly get those thoughts down and share them.

The experiment I did turned out exactly as expected, my engagement completely plummeted and I had followers even message me saying they were no longer seeing my posts come up on their feed. 

Number 4: Boundaries boundaries boundaries.

We’re being clear on WHO we want to work with, HOW we will work with them, and standing our ground with expectations.

I really want you guys to treat this like a business, no matter who you are dealing with. I see time and time again some clients that bend their boundaries for a friend to work with them and it turns into a total nightmare. 

Or they forget to send out a contract, but it’s fine because they’re “nice”.

Or you don’t send a welcome pack outlining the exact expectations on both ends.

The biggest problem I see is the boundaries are created, but not enforced. You create these boundaries for a reason. The SECOND you cross it for whatever reason, that person expects you can do it again and again.

Be clear in your messaging of exactly the person you want to attract. Be VERY clear in your sales pages and contracts of what is included.

Make sure you outline very clearly, WHAT are the appropriate times and places to contact you? What is included with them buying from you? What happens if there is a dispute? Ect.

We’re also enforcing personal boundaries. Protecting your energy is crucial for growing into the next stage of your life.

If there is a person or thing that isn’t inspiring you and serving your highest good then I am giving your permission to LET THAT SHIT GO.

We don’t have time to waste!


Number 5: Sustainably scaling and story-telling is THE WAY to passive attraction. Let’s break down what this means.

Starting with passive attraction… imagine attraction marketing and passive income having a baby. Starting at the beginning of a client’s journey, how are you attracting the new lead to you? How do you lock them on, how do you warm them up to buy… ALL while you aren’t even present.

We’re moving away from the 3 day DM convos with the Linda that doesn’t even buy. We’re moving away from booking 50 sales calls.

I’ve had 10k days and 50k months all from recurring clients and a quick DM convo with women already excited and ready to buy.

Story-telling is a crucial skill in your personal brand, and that is exactly how you get your audience to lock on to YOU and master emotional selling. This way they subconsciously already bought into YOU before they know all the details of the offer or thing.

When we look at sustainably scaling- how does one offer tie to the next. Where you can have a new client STAY with you because each offer works them up a ladder. 

We’re also looking at if your direction and business run like a machine FOR YOU?

I would say the most missed thing with this is just your content in itself. Where you post too much and too many new things rather than keeping your topics around your pillars

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01. I disappeared for 6 months to do THIS in my business..

0s · Published 08 Jan 22:50


I took 6 months off of my business, sorry I ghosted you! But these 6 months off were totally necessary.

I have a lot to catch up with you today: we’re going to go over my investment gone wrong, imposter syndrome, being diagnosed with ADHD… all which ultimately lead to a huge pivot in my business.

Let’s start with a quick re-into… most of you would know me as the designer and brand expert … aka owner of Junipr Design.

As of a few weeks ago, I officially let go of the business name Junipr Design, and we are simply sticking my name: Kas Medeiros… your go-to business coach.

Junipr Design was simply outgrown, what started as a small Etsy shop led me to huge things, and we were ready to fully take on this next stage.



Let’s start at the beginning, I decided to make a huge investment a few months ago that ultimately did not go to plan. Unfortunately over half of the women here were left with major stress, trauma and imposter syndrome from this experience. Of course- I was one of these ladies.

When you put your trust and frankly a lot of money into someone you look up to, it’s soo hard to have that disappointment come through.

You begin to change things in your life and business as this person mentors you, because you believe (obviously) that this is going to bring you amazing results… I mean that IS why we invest in the first place.

I was so SO confused for months truly wondering if I wanted to even be in a space that is 1. Unregulated, 2.  Unfortunately a lot of sliminess goes on.

Like I said, there was a HUGE group of us girls that were experiencing these feelings at the same time, which in a way was a huge blessing where we took this energy and time and created our own little group to help and coach EACH OTHER.. Share out wins, give advice ect.

This created major imposter syndrome, because I realized for months everything that I was creating was in a way influenced by this person that I now had huge disagreements with and I found it hard to basically unlearn what I’ve done in the last few months and erase all of the direction that I’ve mapped out because it was not ME.

I truly truly believe that as a mentor, it is our job to guide and help when people are not quote on quote “in the light” of what is going on. This means directing them to discovering their true pains and providing direction and action steps to walk them through a larger desire.

What this does NOT entail, is guilt appeal, pushing your beliefs as a coach onto someone else, invalidating someone’s goals because they are not in your business model, and frankly being slimy to make a sale.

I KNOW how many of you have gone through super messed up experiences with the coaching space, and how many of you are genuinely scared to invest because of this.

I can only say this:

  • First off, every single one of those ladies including me that had a terrible experience- are genuinely INCREDIBLE coaches that I know personally. 
  • These ladies have the most heartfelt values, truly truly put their clients first, and work their a$$es off to support their clients in every way possible.
  • I also want to say, this experience taught me SO many things in my business- I learned how I never want to make MY clients feel. I learned how important messaging in your marketing is, and how everything you say is creating a promise.
  • I learned the impact and ripple effect you can have on someone’s entire life and business journey.
  • Finally, I learned that these few experiences absolutely do NOT reflect on the entire coaching industry. While there always will be some slimy slimy people (that is absolutely no doubt), there are the most genuine incredible people that are ready to give you everything you need to reach your personal success goals. 
  • I have to tell you: please don’t let this story steer you away from never investing, because I ALSO invested a lot after this that helped me completely nurture and validate my steps moving forward to make a huge impact and make my mark in the space.



Now moving on to my diagnosing process with ADHD. I have to start by saying first and foremost everything I am going to say about this was my personal experience and is in no way speaking on behalf of any other individual who has or is experiencing their ADHD journey. 

I have spoken openly about my struggles in school, dropping out, having major anxiety, being diagnosed with depression. 

NEVER in my mind did I think “hm… you’ve got some ADHD stuff going on in that brain there”. Idk about you, but ADHD in my mind is “squirrel brain and boys not being able to sit still or be quiet”.

It was NEVER in my knowledge that girls experience ADHD differently than boys, and how common it is for girls to go misdiagnosed until our early to mid twenties because of our symptoms being different. 

I’ve always struggled with certain topics at school (math was impossible for me and I struggled with test or exam writing because it took me so long to understand a question I was reading let alone answer it).

Second year of college was especially hard for me- when the classes were no longer hands-on and instead it was more class based on lectures. I COULD NOT focus or care to pay attention to whatever they were teaching- so I dropped out. 

I VERY easily become over stimulated and will shut down- I can’t organize my brain (there’s a million little thoughts going on at once)... the list goes ON.

But I didn’t necessarily fit the stereotype of “adhd”. I went to my doctor multiple times because I couldn’t find motivation or be able to focus for work and I was diagnosed and hopped through meds for treating depression.


In fact, work excited me. But I was so beyond overwhelmed that my brain would shut down and I would be in a state of paralysis and just stay in bed.

FINALLY, about 6 months ago my therapist and a friend suggested I ask to be tested because it got to the point where I was unable to complete daily tasks and I couldn’t work or sleep ect.

After 6 long months of hopping back and forth with diagnosing processes, I finally was diagnosed and began treatment for ADD and ADHD.

Which leads me to this massive business pivot.



I have been THE go-to brand girl since I started my business online. I was the brand EXPERT- everything from branding designs, to brand strategy, to making physical products.

But I took a step back in the 6 months off to reflect and really refine my mission and my pillars. I realized “umm duh… this is way deeper than just brand strategy”.

I’ve been helping women for months create their bulletproof brand to attract clients. Working on attraction marketing, finding a balance between masculine and feminine energy, working on growing a business sustainably…

This is beyond just brand strategy.

I wanted to fully step foot into helping you create a business from the ground up, with every detail and pillar necessary. We're starting at foundations, and we're going all the way to scaling your 6&7 figure business.

Junipr Design has been long gone for a long time, even though I kept the name it felt so strange to pivot because that is how people have associated me for my entire business. 

But hanging on to the name and hanging on to SOME of the brand title really held me back from fully executing the ideas I have for business growth

And lemme tell ya… there are a LOT of ideas.

The incredible thing though about the last two years is just how much context and experience I ha

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Caffeinated With Kas has 31 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 3:35:35. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on March 17th, 2023 07:07.

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