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Fitnesspreneur's Life

by Vito La Fata

Launch Your Business, Income and Lifestyle


Episode #41: PopSugar Fitness Host, Anna Renderer Shares Her Content Creation Secrets

48m · Published 23 May 07:37

Anna Renderer is beautiful and brilliant. I’m not just saying that because she’s my wife. Her own brand, Sexy Confident Woman, has a million downloads on PopSugar Fitness. She shared three places that she consistently goes to when looking to create her content. Take a look. 


1 ) Frequently Asked Questions


Knowing your niche is everything. Their mindset is exactly what you’re trying to tap into. So why not use their very words to generate content?


During the course of several interactions with your tribe, you may start to notice that the same questions keep popping up. That’s because your tribe has a specific set of needs that they are hoping to work on.


By paying attention to those questions, you create a Content Cyclone of material that comes directly from what your audience is looking for. 


The best part is, once you have that content, if anyone continues to ask those same questions (which they will because they’re so frequently asked), you can turn around and link to your articles that address those very concerns. It’s what Anna does and it brings her a ton of respect from her tribe.


2) The Questions That Should Be Asked


Of course, people don’t know what they want. That’s the very nature of your expertise. You know stuff and they don’t. So obviously their questions aren’t everything since they don’t know what components they’re missing. If they did, they wouldn’t need you.


So plug those gaps, by doing what Anna does: point out the questions that should be asked.


You are the expert. You are the one who’s seen things and experienced the very cycle that your clients are going through. So take this time to point them in the direction that will help them along their journey of change.


People need to be taught what to look at. That’s why they’re here, they’re looking for your exact expertise. Guiding them to the right direction is essential and creating content from questions they should be asking is a great way to prepare them for the things they haven’t considered.


Best of all, those questions make great titles for articles and newsletters. Shock them if you have to. The sky’s the limit!


3) Survey Your Tribe


Stop playing guessing games! Survey your tribe to find out what they’re looking for!


Hey, anything that takes the guesswork out of planning is aces in my book. And Anna simply asks her clients, through surveys, what kind of content they’re looking for. You don’t ask it explicitly, but you use their feedback to create that content that speaks to them.


Whenever a client joins her Small Steps Planner, a little questionnaire is included. They respond to that and, presto, she’s provided with lots of great comments and feedback.


That kind of feedback is invaluable. Not only is it a great source of content creation, it prevents your programs and services from gathering any rust. You evolve directly with their needs. That’s gold, baby!

Episode #40: Creating Content In a Snap

13m · Published 26 Apr 11:20

Content is what separates one business from another. It’s your authority, your expertise, your positioning in the market.


But, most importantly it’s how you serve your tribe, deliver value far in advance of ever asking for a dollar, and how you build a relationship that eventually earns your more sales. 


The number one excuse I hear about not wanting to put out content is “I don’t have the time to go out and put content on all those different platforms.” 


So, today, I’m sharing one of my best strategies for getting more done in less time, while creating 10x the value by serving in more places than you thought you could ever be.


Here’s my Content Cyclone, a simple 10-step system, which lays out the steps needed to generate the maximum amount of content with the minimal amount of tech expertise.


1) Find your tribe


First of all, let’s begin with some real talk. 


You can’t deliver your message to everyone. Everyone is not going to be your customer. You don’t want everyone to be your customer. 


Let alone you don’t have the money, time or expertise to be something to everyone. 


Getting specific about whom you want to serve is the first sign of a World Class Expert. 


The choice is yours, just look at the intersection of your expertise and knowledge and your passions, and your tribe avatar is waiting for you to uncover. 


In order to rise as an authority in a field, you have to choose the kinds of people you’re speaking to. 


This is the essential first step toward creating content. 


2) Verify


When I talk about creating content, I don’t want you to pull topics out of thin air. 


There’s no need for guesswork anymore, Mr. Googs and search engines exist!


Google, Buzz Sumo, YouTube and other massive search engines exist today that allow you to see what people are specifically searching for, what’s trending, and in need of an answer. 


You’re mission is to research and verify what people are searching for and THEN GO make content that’s specific to the needs of the people you’re trying to serve. 


3) Shoot a video


Don’t make things complicated. Keep it simple. Writing a blog post, recording a podcast, or setting up a website are all way more complicated than shooting a video. So do it.


All you have to do is turn on the camera, hit record, and start talking. We’ll carve it up later, for now, just shoot something.


The technology today is so advanced and looking sharp that even your phone has a great camera. You can spend about a couple hundred bucks to get a quality HD camera, some of which even upload the videos directly through Wi-Fi. 


Do a little research, but don’t get hung up on the specs. What matters is what you say in front of the camera.


4) Transcribe


Now you’ve got a whole video on whatever topic you’ve chosen. Now what? It’s time to get it transcribed so you can get ready to chop it up.


Transcribing your content goes a long way toward carving it up. 


There’s an app for that. It’s called RevRecorder, but honestly I prefer for my money. It’s super duper cheap and easy to use. 


Having that final transcript is important because now you have a quick version of what you can put out there. 


The next step is…



5) Carve it up.


Different channels and outlets require different formats. 


Once you have the transcript of your video simply start carving it up into quotes, blog posts, newsletters, Tweets, video snippets and on and on. 


For every outlet, there’s a format so you’ll be carving it up in many ways.


Use a spreadsheet to keep things organized. If you’d like a copy of our Content Cyclone Spreadsheet you can grab it right here.


Now that you have a bunch of content born out of one single video you’re ready to serve and distribute.


6) Serve & Distribute


Content on your hard drive isn’t serving anyone. Distribution is how you get the content out there.


You have to know what the different channels are to carve up your video transcript so this is where you’re going to repurpose all that content into more content by putting it out there in new and exciting ways.


Here are a few examples:


ï Take your transcript and condense it into a quick and painless 500-word blog post. 


ï Take your video and post it to YouTube, create a 250-word synopsis and use that as the copy under your YouTube post. 


ï Strip out the audio from your video and post it as a podcast.


ï Create a few images and add them to quotes from your transcript and you got Facebook posts.


ï Take another part of the video transcript and now you have an email blast that mentions what you’ve covered in the video.


You do all this for all your various channels and medias your active on and you just saved yourself dozens of hours every month by shooting just one video and using this repurpose method to disperse it all over which is exactly where I got the name Content Cyclone!


7) Drive Traffic


Your mission is to grow your tribe.


That means learning how to run some ads, improve engagement, boost some posts, and get eyes on your content.


The name of the game is to drive traffic back to you. Include a call to action, something like, “You want more? Check out this video.” or “Check out this blog!”.


8) Capture Leads


If you’re going to spend all this time creating content, you have to capture the leads. Don’t let any curious visitors walk away. 


If you’ve created this great content, be sure to include an email opt-in so that people can download free gifts and lead magnets you created that help you keep delivering more value and build the relationship on autopilot.  


You create a greater value to your customers this way.


9) Nurture The Conversation


Any salesperson will tell you that you usually don’t make a sale on the first try. The key is to stay engaged and build on that trust you’ve established.


Studies have found, get this; that the average visitor needs 10.4 online interactions with you before they’re willing to buy anything. What does that mean? It means you need to be everywhere! 


That’s what this Content Cyclone is for. 


Doing the steps above will get you out there and prepare you to nurture the conversation on the back end. 


10) Targeted offers


To bring this home, there’s one thing I would suggest that will immediately put you in a Class of One. 


Go beyond a generic ask and instead anticipate the needs that your tribe will have and package your solutions as specific to the needs of why they got on your list.


If they got on your list because they read your content about running a 5K, they want to run a 5K, create and offer them that specific offer. You will make more sales, serve more people, and they will love you for it.


Well, there you have it, the Content Cyclone ready to go.


All that’s left to do is for you to:


  1. Find your tribe.
  2. Shoot your videos.
  3. Distribute them in every way possible. 
  4. Nurture the relationships. 
  5. Give them what they want.


Content is king. Get your kingdom ready.


Episode #39: 4 Ways to Take Your Best Ideas to the Masses

59m · Published 11 Apr 10:50

Trish Blackwell isn’t your average trainer. She believes that sustainable change comes from within. If you’re not dealing with the stuff that’s underneath, that mental game, then your chances for success are much harder.


I was honored to have her stop by my podcast and share her story. She proves that anyone who comes across a great idea can take it to the masses via lots of platforms and finding their tribe.


Here are four tips she discovered along the road of her unique journey that can help you launch your brand.


Forget Perfectionism


Let’s get rid of the idea that perfectionists are this close to perfect. That’s false. There’s no such thing as perfect. And people who waste their time trying to get to perfect are actually making it harder on themselves.


That quest for perfection can sometimes be used as a crutch. It can keep us from trying things or implementing ideas because we won’t make a move until it’s perfect. 


Instead, just deal with what’s in front of you and move forward.


The saying “Perfect is the enemy of Good” is so true. Don’t be a perfectionist. You’ll let the best in life pass you by. Believe me, your competitors aren’t waiting for perfect. They’re going after it and giving it the best shot they can.


Build Your Platform


If Rome wasn’t built in a day, your business empire won’t be either. That doesn’t mean don’t dream big. It means build it one brick at a time.


Too often we want to jump right in and charge! But what that really does is take us off our game. 


Trish eased into what her business would be. She started simple. She wrote a blog. By the time she decided to make the big push and self-publish, she had a year and a half of writing under her belt. 


Then the floodgates opened and now she has apps, books, detoxes and more.


So build that one thing and do it well. Then the world is yours.


Be Direct With Your Brand


Even for someone as special as Trish, it took her a moment to realize that she was central to her own brand. When I met her, she was putting together Body Beautiful Bistro. That’s a perfectly fine name but once she embraced her own name and put it up on her website, she was able to really distinguish her unique message.


Too many times we think a really clever name or obscure brand will make us seem funny or mysterious. We think people will say to themselves, “I wonder what they do?” and be intrigued enough to find out more.


But those kinds of questions are branding poison. You should never leave it up to a client to figure out what you’re all about. You should have everything ready to be understood in a clear and concise manner. Take the guesswork out because you’ll likely frustrate people that way.


Tighten Up Your Niche


Better to be a big fish in a small pond, than a small fish in a big pond.


Trish provides the perfect example of going for a niche market and solving their unique problems.


Once Trish figured out and locked into the idea of addressing the mindset struggles of women dealing with insecurities and learning to accept yourself, she became a thought leader and a voice that was different than every other fit pro showing up out there. And that made her unique. 


Once you can tighten your message you can transcend training, and go more global. Then your business can touch people anywhere in the world, because it’s not about just training, it’s about changing their story.


Tightening up your branding to go more niche, which contrary to popular belief, doesn’t mean you’ll exclude people, it just means you will rise up to be heard more by the right people is how you can build a business serving the people you love. 



There you have a sweet tight little recap of my time with Trish, but no article can replace hearing us live. Jump on over to The Fitnesspreneur’s Life Podcast in iTunes and soak it all in.


Episode #38: 7 Steps Of Clarity

47m · Published 21 Mar 07:54

Clarity isn’t something you’re born with. It’s a part of life like any other that can be cultivated.


People only remember the clearest, most streamlined brands. They stand out in an ocean of fitness products and services.


Make clarity an important part of your business and personal well-being by incorporating the following seven tips into your business plan. You’ll feel the difference and your work will benefit. 


Step 1: Mission Clarity


The fundamental question of why you’re doing what your doing must be crystal clear in your mind. If you waver on this, so will your ability to maneuver your business.


By getting clear on exactly what your mission is, your journey will gain a roadmap for the hard work ahead. 


Step 2: Goal Clarity


Once you’ve achieved clarity on what the mission of your life’s work is, you'll need to figure out how to get there. Setting fixed goals with concrete timed deadlines is a great way to stay on target.


By attaching your goals to your mission in life, you create an emotional charge and stay motivated. Map out a plan today. 


Step 3: Roadblock Clarity


You know the roadblocks in front of you and feeling good is not the same thing as doing something good for your business. Don’t let distractions delay your success.


Get clear on what’s holding you back and attack.


Step 4: Strength Clarity


We all know what we’re good at. Focus on highlighting those strengths in your quest for success.


Don’t waste time on things that other people can do for you in better ways.


Step 5: Skill Set Clarity


You wouldn’t tell a top athlete to work on their cooking skills. You’d tell them to work on their game!


Likewise, you need to acquire skill sets that help your business directly and disregard the extra stuff. Don’t waste your time learning about generic self- improvement, focus on specific skill sets.


Step 6: People Clarity


Your values aren’t just what you say. They are shown in the people that you surround yourself with.


Make sure your business and brand is connected to people that understand your mission and are aligned with it. Make a conscious effort to stock up on those people. They’ll boost your credibility immensely.


Step 7: Action Clarity


Once you’ve done all these things, and not before, it’s time to test your mettle. Nothing shows the importance of your mission more than taking the necessary small steps toward success.


Achieving clarity in these seven ways makes all the difference. Are we clear?

Episode #37: Preparing Your Online Future

48m · Published 14 Mar 10:36

I love the different kinds of people I meet in my work. Everyone has a story and everyone puts a different meaning on the work they do. 


My latest guest, Khaled El-Masri, is a man who’s taken the bull by the horns and really made an impact in the Northern California fitness business region. 


There’s nothing he hasn’t encountered and he shared three big pieces of advice for anyone looking to make a breakthrough in their own entrepreneurial endeavors.


Get Over Yourself


A lot of us carry around the limiting belief that sales are bad and beneath what we do. We want to help people so we think being a salesperson is something else entirely.


Wrong. If you’re not selling, how exactly are you getting your message out?


Too many of us have been conditioned to believe that sales are a bad thing. We either had a bad experience with salespeople or grew up with little money and see buying things as bad.


But the people who come to fitness experts for help are looking for a significant change in their lives. That outcome is worth more to them than money. It can sometimes even be a matter of life or death.


You are providing them with solutions. You are giving them options. You are saving their lives. But you can only do this if you sell.


So drop that limiting belief. Get over whatever imaginary hang-up you have. 


Embrace your destiny as a salesperson. You have to do it anyway, why not love it?


Find Your Hyper Niche


Everybody that works in every kind of gym, studio or bootcamp is chasing the same dollars. From a consumer’s perspective, it can all seem a little overwhelming.  


If you want to remain competitive, you have to lower your prices. That’s a race to the bottom and a recipe for disaster.


Instead of offering more for less, how about offering more for more?


Niche markets are for specific things that people are looking for. The more specific, the better. Once you have that personalized service, you can charge more because your program is so targeted and so exclusive, you simply can’t get it anywhere else.


Dig deep and find a hyper niche now. The deepest corners that provide the deepest results can yield the highest dollars. 


Know Where Your People Hang


Now that you have a niche in your hand, don’t waste your time advertising in places that your market will never see.


This is the marketing version of your hyper niche. Your audience isn’t a general audience, so why should your marketing be in general places?


Put yourself in the shoes of the people you’re trying to reach. Where do they go? What sites do they visit? What apps do they use?


CEOs aren’t spending loads of time on Snapchat


Know your market and where they hang out. And then go after them right then and there with targeted content that fits their lives and drop your message right in front of them so you can go out and serve the world with your gifts!


Episode #36: 6 Ways To Increase Your Influence

15m · Published 22 Feb 06:00

Lots of people want to become influential and gain followers. But they don’t have a plan on how to do that.


Here are six different practices that you can incorporate into your life, together or separately, to increase your circles of influence.


1. Show Up


Day in and day out, you have to show up and do the work. Even when it’s not sexy. Even when it’s not fun. Even when no one’s looking and you won’t get credit for it. 


You have to grind no matter what and have the discipline to make the struggle personal. It can’t be something you’ll easily walk away from. Making a commitment is what inspires and influences.


2. Be Present


Tune it and don’t get distracted in your personal interactions with people. If you’re face to face with someone, look them in the eye. If you’re on a call, don’t check on your social media during it.


Everyone knows when someone isn’t present or distracted. Give people your full attention if you want to have credibility and influence with them.


3. Be The Success


Your life is ever evolving. So don’t judge it or let yourself get bogged down by unimportant obstacles.


Even when things aren’t going your way, your struggle continues. Others are watching and looking to see how you’ll react. Because they are looking for help too and you might be the one to show them the way. Be the success in order to influence.


4. Teach Them How To Think


People’s minds need as much caring as their bodies. So you need to help them understand their thought patterns as much as their physical progress.


You especially have an obligation if they’re not doing very well in life. Working on details can seem important, but teaching people to understand themselves better is more valuable. Sharing your life’s value, perspectives, discoveries of how you overcame the common obstacles of life are the real gold in the influence mountain.


5. Help People Out Of Their Own Way


Similar to the last idea, help people get out of their own way by observing how their lack of success may be self-inflicted.


Many times we can’t see what’s right in front of us. Our habits and biases keep us in endless cycles of repetition that allow life to pass us by. Your outside viewpoint can help people work on the obstacles put there by them. When you can open someone’s eyes, and then give them a plan on how to get to the next level, you become an influence in that life. 


6. Serve


This one’s the most therapeutic. Help out whenever you can. It’s a great lotion for the soul and you’ll never lack for people to be around.


The mental change that occurs when you serve and help others is alone worth doing this. Practicing this and gratitude will attract the kinds of people for whom those values are considered important. Those are the good people you want in your life.


Gain the spiritual high ground and roll all these steps together. You’ll find your influence and circle of friends growing in no time and the tribe you’re looking to build will pitch a tent and stay right beside you.


Episode #35: Connecting With Your Ideal Client

36m · Published 15 Feb 07:02

Steve De La Torre stopped by my podcast and gave great advice on connecting with your ideal client.


Rather than going after the same general market that everyone else does, he explained the future of niche markets. You should focus on a niche market like a laser and become a leading authority.


Your ideal customer is looking to find someone just like you! Here’s how you set the table and lead them to your specialized (and higher priced!) services.


1) Become a niche authority


There is no limit to the number of niche industries that are out there. So find them!


Don’t get caught up in the rat race of chasing the general market. With so much of the same kinds of gyms, studios and bootcamps offering the exact same services, you’ll quickly stand out by offering a specialized niche program.  Position yourself as the de facto expert on this market. Align your programs to your interests and expertise.


Be as specific as you can and you’ll be well-positioned in no time. And remember, the amount of money you can now charge is directly proportional to how specific and unique your programs are!


2) Become an expert on them


Once you’ve settled on a niche market, you have to anticipate all the concerns that will come from customers in that market. In essence, you have to become an expert on people that you haven’t met yet.


How is that possible?


It requires a little thinking on your part. What are the challenges and obstacles that the people in your niche market face? How will you address them?

That ability to foresee the concerns and solutions of your clients will make you seem like a mindreader, but it’s all in the service of becoming an expert.


In addition to that, publishing articles in places like Forbes, LinkedIn and Huffington Post are great places to boost your profile. But make sure you’re posting in places that your tribe frequents. Don’t waste time, money or energy convincing people outside of your market about things they’ll never use.


3) Go deeper


Don’t push generic phrases like “lose weight” or “get fit”. Be specific in your messaging and go deeper. 


Make a list of ten things that your clients will need, and come up with three to five sub-topics off of that original list of ten. Whenever you find yourself at the limit of what can happen, go deeper!


Smaller concise content will go farther than larger pieces that people won’t read anyway. Pack your content calendar with this and your clients will truly see what an expert you are!


Both Steve and I agree that niche markets are the future and have a tremendous upside on what you can charge them.


Your standing and expertise are waiting to be enhanced within your tribe, so get to it!

Episode #34: 4 Freedoms

11m · Published 25 Jan 08:25

Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Like when a trainer only does one-on-one sessions but wonders, “How come I’m not making any real money?"


I want to scream, “Because being on the floor, trading your hours for dollars, is not a realistic path to wealth!"


Taking your services online, however, changes the game. It grants you four essential freedoms that you can’t get from sessions.


Do these things sound like what you’re needing in your life?


1) Time


Going online means you neutralize the effects of the clock. Simply set up programs that run non-stop, whether you’re awake or not.


People from around the world (that’s around the clock) can now see your programs from their smartphones or computers and purchase them. There’s no extra time commitment from you and you’re not draining yourself from all that unnecessary work.


Time freedom becomes your reality when you automate your systems.


2) Location


For brick and mortar businesses, location is everything because they depend on people walking through their door. That’s an extremely limited market we’re talking about. That's people that live within three to five miles of your business. And every bootcamp and gym in your same area is angling for those same people.


Going online means there’s nothing limiting your market. The whole world is your marketplace. Local trends and demographics become irrelevant.


The map itself no longer matters. The only limit is your ambition.


3) People


Automation and scaling of your services also means that you can look for collaborators beyond the geography of your business. Like location freedom, you gain people freedom, too.


With the world at your fingertips you can reach out and connect with anyone. That means you can bring aboard like-minded individuals who share your passion and worldview.


And because the technology allows for new ways to collaborate, you can work as easily with individuals half a world away as you can for employees that report to work in your building.


Why is anyone satisfied just training one person at a time?


4) Money


Let’s face it, this is the most important freedom to gain. This is the name of the game. Money.


We provide a valuable service, literally saving people’s lives. But when it comes to demanding the right compensation, a lot of trainers get weird.




This is a business and you’re a businessperson. More money means the ability to reinvest in your business. Not having money means you have to work harder. That's stressful and it doesn’t allow you to make sound decisions for your business.


Automating and scaling brings in more money because your programs don’t get tired, they don’t sleep, and they can’t get sick. Day in and day out, people lock into your services and putting money into your vision. 


These four important freedoms await you. Stop driving yourself crazy by expecting new results from the same old game plan.

Episode #33: Big Box, Studio or Boot Camp, Get Paid Your True Value

58m · Published 18 Jan 14:22

My latest guest on The Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show podcast, Dennis Dumas, went from working in a big box gym to owning three businesses and helping fit pros increase their incomes.


He understands that the opportunity to create wealth in our profession is available to all us if we let go of some limiting beliefs.


Here are Dennis’s three steps for unlocking your full earning potential.


Step One: Know Your Value


Doctors, lawyers, and electricians know they’re worth every penny, so why don’t fit pros? Too many of them undervalue what they do and lowball their fees.


Well, guess what? If you don’t value what you do, no one else will.


Before you open your mouth with a customer for the first time, you arrive with knowledge, training, and experience. That in itself is so valuable.


The services you offer are life-changing, and until you see the importance in what you do, you can’t begin to achieve your dreams.


Just make sure you have the training and bona fides to back that claim up. If you don’t (like you’ve just started out) get to learning!


Step Two: Find Your Goal Number


Making money isn’t a real goal. It’s a generic thought that everyone has.


Just like you wouldn’t take a big road trip without a destination in mind or plan to get there, you need a concrete goal if you want to succeed in this industry. 


Most trainers think that just working hard will get them to the and of milk and honey. But smart trainers reverse engineer their success by coming up with a number and then breaking it down by month, week, and even down to the hour.


So sit down and generate that number for yourself.




Step Three: Figure Out Your Services


You’ve got your hourly target. Now it’s just a matter of finding the right combination of services that will get you to that number.


Combination is the key. Remember, we’re getting rid of the idea of one client, one session. That’s too risky.


For Dennis, his success came naturally once he put together group sessions. Smart move because he’s providing value for his customers in ways that most trainers don’t think about.


Most trainers think that by getting more certifications or learning the latest trends, they’ll provide more value to their clients. But clients find value in things they need, like systems where they can keep up with and push each other. Think outside the box when you’re putting together services. 


That’s added value. That’s money in your pocket.


So whether you’re working in a park with your own boot camp or, like Dennis, you’re training in a well-known big box chain, the opportunity is there for you to take control of your financial well-being. Wealth and happy entrepreneurship are both waiting for the trainers who are willing to go that extra mile and plan their future. 


Episode #32: 3 Steps To Champion Any Cause With Your Business

41m · Published 21 Dec 13:52

When Danielle Hagenrader, The Diabetes Dominator, stopped by the latest Fitnesspreneur’s Life Show podcast she shared some valuable advice about how she used her struggle with diabetes to become the Diabetes Dominator and create an Amazon Best Seller. 


Here’s her advice about the importance of taking your expertise to the next level within your own communities. Check it out!


1 - Change Your Mindset


The most important battle that may determine your success from the get-go happens inside your mind. Because things emanate from intention, if you don’t believe in your success, it’s unlikely that success will find you.


In Danielle’s case, this is very much a matter of life and death. 


You see, diabetics are often told the entire story of their disease taking over their body. Being told how your life will play out is enough to make you want to give up.


But Danielle didn’t give up she changed her mindset.


She reasoned that the outcome of her life would be significantly altered if she changed her mindset into a positive one. Rather than think of herself as this passive being having these things happen to her, she took charge of her destiny and decided to live a healthier happier life. 


How she did that became the backbone of her wellness system, The Diabetes Dominator. 


2) Become an expert in the community


It’s one thing to be told what to do by a doctor. It’s quite another to get advice from someone who’s living the experience. 


That’s exactly why Danielle realized that not only does she bring a lifetime of experience handling her diabetes to the table, but also that her experience gives her credibility within the diabetic community.


Communities are often built around shared struggles and that’s where niche markets spring up. You should look for opportunities to engage the very community of people that your programs help.


Danielle created a series of web interviews with thought leaders that helped her build credibility by leveraging their tribe. You should look for ways to establish your authority and expertise in similar markets.


3) Build Your Community


Once you’ve gained a foothold in the respective community that you’re trying to help, engage in the law of reciprocity. Basically, put out a lot so that you get a lot in return.


That help and desire to help will come back to you in the forms of everything from email addresses, cross promotion, to sounding boards for your new ideas.


Stay engaged and follow-up on your interactions. A year after her interviews, Danielle asks guests if they want to blog on her site. They jump at the opportunity. She exposes them to her followers and the guests bring their followers with them and that grows her list.


Communities grow in such ways. It’s up to you to capitalize on them. Nowadays with so many social media outlets, the chance to build your community is easier than ever!


You’ve got that good idea and now find the community that needs it and go from there!

Fitnesspreneur's Life has 85 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 47:19:25. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on April 6th, 2024 22:12.

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