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Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us

by Mike Henry Sr.

Move from spectator to participant. Join Jesus as he works in our world. This is a show for marketplace Christians to energize and encourage you to live out your faith every day, right where you are. Begin your day with Christ-centered ideas to share your joy with those around you. Add in weekly interviews with other like-minded Christians so you can share in their joy and learn how they make Jesus visible in their workplace every day.”

Copyright: Follower of One


518. Humility Unlocks Joy - 1 Peter 5:6

4m · Published 11 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today, I want to talk about how humility unlocks joy for us. Let's use 1 Peter 5:6 as our verse. “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you at the proper time.” Exalt is one of those words that I don't use very often, but when I look at the word, I see the definition: it's to raise in rank, or to elevate, or to praise. 

We want to experience the exaltation of God. My goal here is to experience this relationship with Jesus, where I experience His joy. I enjoy what He's doing in my life, and it's not a transactional thing. His exaltation and lifting me up, I believe involves me more in the work that He's doing.

I experienced joy when I joined Him in the work that He's doing in and around the people that I'm with, the people that I work with or in my family. When I humble myself under His hand, what I'm doing is I'm realizing my position. My right place in the world is doing whatever God says. He's the one who created me.

He will always be my boss. He will always be my king and my Lord. Those are awkward. Some of those words are awkward for us. We think we're in charge, but when we can humble ourselves under God's mighty hand and do what He says, we experience exaltation. We are lifted up. We are blessed. We are praised. We are exalted.

That's the word. That comes from having a right understanding of what God is doing, and where we are in relation to Him. In relation to God, I'm not that much, yet He died on the cross for me. Jesus died on the cross for me to restore my relationship with Him. And today I, if I can remember who He is, and who I am, it's my job to just shut up and do what He says.

It's my job to listen to Him and do what He says, and then I will get exalted at the proper time. If you've experienced the joy of following Jesus, you know what I mean. And if you haven't, maybe you need to ask God to give you some direction on how you can be humble. How you can have a proper understanding of where you fit in the world.

I believe God will give you that if you ask Him for it. In fact, asking Him for it is our first daily activity. Praying, punching in, telling God that we're on the clock. Here we are. We want to do whatever He has for us to do today. And listening to Him. That's our job. When we do that, we're on a mission trip.

We're on mission with Jesus Christ when we obey God in our world, and in and among the people we meet every day. I want to challenge you today. Stick your foot in the ground, and from here forward, say “I want to do what God calls me to do.” You'll mess up again pretty soon if you're like me. I mess up pretty regularly, but I want to keep trying.

I want to follow God and do what He says. And I'm on this podcast, I'm involved in this ministry called Follower of One, because I believe as I do that, and as we do it together, we help one another. Check us out at where you can practice this a little bit. One of the ways we practice is through our marketplace mission trip.

Trust God today, humble yourselves under His mighty hand, listen to Him, do what He says, and trust that He will exalt you at the proper time. We have a choice to make. Every action is a choice. Make the choices that line you up in the right relationship with God and watch Him exalt you. You will experience joy through that.

Thanks for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for listening to this and for sharing it with people. Let's follow Jesus today and do what He says. Thanks very much.

517. How To Get Right With God Part 2 - Acts 16:31

5m · Published 08 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Let's continue our conversation from yesterday, where we were talking about how to get right with God, so we'll call this episode part two. Today our verse is Acts 16:31. They said: "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household." Yesterday we were quoting from the old Testament in Habakkuk, and it said that the righteous shall live by faith.

Sometimes, we think that all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. That's exactly what this verse says, but this word believe, and sometimes what we translate, what we understand as “believe”, like “I believe that certain things will happen” or I believe this, or I believe that, the way that we hold our intellect and our beliefs in this country, in this culture, in this time, it's a little different than what Habakkuk and the author of Acts are saying.

I believe this word “believe” and this word “faith”, the faith that we live by in Habakkuk, and this belief that the Jews understood when they were being told “believe in the Lord, Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household”, it means the same thing. It means that we must translate our life. We must transform our life.

Maybe even the word “repent” fits in this, because as I believe in the Lord Jesus, I now bend my life to do what He says. Yesterday, or in the previous episode, we heard that as lining up behind Jesus; the righteous will live by faith. And here we're learning it as well. Turn your life, bend your life to follow the Lord Jesus. Believe in Him and do what He said. 

Some of us, we filter, I filter, I do this. I filter my own choices sometimes through the lens of the Lord Jesus. There are times when I choose not to do what He says. There are times when I choose not to tell the absolute truth. That's a full confession. There are times when I want to cut corners on the truth, or make something sound better than it was, just so that I won't irritate someone else.

When I do those things, I'm not believing in the Lord Jesus at that moment, I'm actually trusting myself. I'm following my own instruction. I become an idolater, because I put something else in the place of God. I'm listening to me, instead of listening to Jesus. I want to challenge us as followers of Jesus Christ.

We want to live by our faith from Habakkuk 2 in the previous episode. And we want to bend our life to believe and to live like we know that everything that Jesus Christ said is absolutely true. When we point our lives after Jesus, we are saved, and that salvation, it's dependent upon Him, not us. So it doesn't turn on or off when we stop believing, but the salvation that we experience every day, the salvation that we experience comes because we follow Jesus Christ. Today, you can choose moment by moment, decision by decision, to follow Jesus Christ and do what He says. And you watch, you will make a difference in the lives of the people that you work with.

Don't believe me? Try it out. Try for 30 days, pray for your coworkers every day for the next 30 days, and watch what Jesus does. I hope that every person listening to this podcast can bend their lives and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. But that means that our lifestyle will change, because now, we'll be taking direction from Him.

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for considering daily how you can transform your own life by following Jesus, and making a difference in the lives of your coworkers. Check out the tips that we have and the online community that we've created at, where you can connect with others of us who are trying to do the same thing on a daily basis.

We want to move our faith forward daily by trusting in Jesus and doing what He says. Thanks very much.

516. How To Get Right With God - Habakkuk 2:4

4m · Published 07 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One and today's passage, still in the Old Testament, Habakkuk 2:4, "Behold, as for the proud one, His soul is not right within him, but the righteous will live by his faith." I love the last phrase in that verse. I love an old Rich Mullins song that he wrote that was about this verse: The Just Shall Live.

And, I want to talk today about how we get right with God. I think it's interesting because I always thought that getting right with God meant that I had to live according to a bunch of rules. I had to check the boxes and do the right things. I had to be baptized and go to church and do this and do that.

And I love the way now that I think about this verse, because I think Jesus has flipped it in my mind. When I live by faith, I do what Jesus says. There are days when Jesus tells me I need to go to church, or I need to tell the truth, or I need not to eat that extra dessert. When I'm living by faith, I listen to Jesus. I follow him. I am a Follower of One. 

When I'm living by faith, I'm righteous. I'm doing the things that Jesus would have me do. I'm following Him and I'm in line with Him. I'm in the Jesus groove, doing the things that Jesus would have me do. It's not that I'm trying to obey a certain set of rules. I'm trying to conform my life to the direction set for it by my Creator, by the person who gave me life and who put me here. And we're also told in Ephesians 2:10 that He gives each of us a job to do, that He created us for good works that He prepared beforehand, that we would walk in them. "Behold as for the proud one," the one who goes his own way, which is what I tend to do.

I can be one of the most arrogant, proud people I know, and when I do, my soul is not right within me. I'm wrong, I'm broken, I'm off track. I'm out of the groove. I'm not operating according to those things that I was created to do. But when I live by faith, when I put my trust in Jesus and I do what He tells me to do on a moment by moment basis, I'm righteous.That's how you get right with God. It's not about doing the things, the rules that other people cast on you, it's about following and obeying Jesus. 

Today in our workplaces, I would like to challenge us. Today, let's listen to God, ask him what He would have us do. Remember, our first prayer is to punch in. Here I am lord, put me to work. Let's punch in and ask him to show us what He would have us do for the people that we will interact with today. And then when we hear a word from him, when we get an idea, if you pray and all of the sudden you get this wild idea, you can pretty much bet it was Jesus. If that wild idea lines up with scripture, find a way to do it, find a way to solve for that.

Whatever idea came into your brain, find a way to implement it. You can believe that you're following Jesus. You're living by faith, living by trusting Him. Listen also to other believers in your life, attend church and listen to the leadership of your church. Have other Christians who are involved, and read the scripture.

But when we talk to Jesus and He gives us ideas, let's find ways to do them. Today, give away a little bit of your life to the people that you work with. Ask Him, ask God to show you what to do, and then do it. Thanks for being a marketplace minister. And thank you for following Jesus at work for living by your faith.

That makes us righteous. Let's do that today so that Jesus will be visible in our world. Thanks very much.

515. Where Do You Base Your Faith? 1 Corinthians 2:5

4m · Published 06 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today's episode, I want to talk about where our faith is based, or what is our faith based on, and I'm using a fragment of a sentence. 1 Corinthians 2:5, “so that your faith would not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.” That's from the New American Standard Bible.

What does your faith rest on? Does it rest on the wisdom of man, or does it rest on the power of God? I believe that our faith rests on the power of God, the more we can show that we make choices according to what we know Jesus would have us do. When we go above and beyond what is expected of us at work, because we trust Jesus, we demonstrate that our faith rests on the power of God.

When we can do the right thing and be bent towards serving others on a day in and day out basis, moment by moment, as opposed to trying to serve ourselves, we prove that our faith is based on the power of God. I want my faith to be based on the power of God, not just on the miracles that I see.

Not the flashy miracles. You know, it's a miracle to be- to stay married for a number of years. It's a miracle to avoid sin when sin is very tempting. It's a miracle to avoid shading the truth, or telling a white lie when you have the opportunity. Those things are miracles. We look past them often because they're common.

They're miracles that we're expected to do every day, and we look for the exceptional miracles. We look for the drama and the exceptions, but the miracle of God is that we can live based on His power on a daily basis for the rest of our lives. So we want to base our faith, and I want to base my faith, not on the wisdom of men, not even on my own wisdom or my own understanding, but on the power of God, the ability of God to make His word true in my life, even when I don't see it. 

That's a challenging idea for us, but today I want to challenge you to put it to work. Today in your life, go outside of what's normally expected of you, and serve someone over and above what you might normally do.

Today, you might give a large tip to a waitperson at lunch or at dinner, or you may go out of your way to provide a gift for someone who's a service provider, like the people who clean your office or the people who deliver the mail, or your package delivery person. Let's get outside of our comfort zone and let's go and invest something - some money, some time, some energy - in our own faith. Let's go spend some money to make Jesus visible. When you do that, you're resting not on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God today. Let's do that. 

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. I also would like to challenge you to consider building this into your life. Join us at We have an online community there where we challenge one another to live this way, to live blessing other people so they might know Jesus, and we want to do that on a daily basis. I want my faith to make a difference in every day of my life. And I hope you do too, because then we get to experience the joy of walking with Jesus on a daily basis.

Check out, and also look at the marketplace mission trip. There's always another one about to happen. Sign up for the next marketplace mission trip, and join us as we practice this. Thanks very much.

514. What moves the Needle? - Zechariah 4:6

3m · Published 05 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today, I'm thinking about what makes things happen. What moves the needle in our world? I'm reading from Zechariah chapter 4, verse 6. “Then he said to me, this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel saying, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.”

God is reminding His prophet to go speak to the priest and the king - I think Zerubbabel is the king; I probably should have done a little more research - to say to him it's not might or power that makes things work. It's my spirit. The spirit of God makes things happen in our world. He's what moves the needle.

He's what makes things change. He is the one factor of all the factors. Often, I tend to believe that my actions or my power, my effort, or my energy, my money, or time, or resources are what's needed to make something happen. Often we tend to believe that the government is, or that some other person is supposed to be making something happen.

It's their fault that they didn't do something, or someone else is responsible. We might take responsibility among ourselves, or we might dump it on someone else, but here it's as clear as it is anywhere in scripture. God's saying it doesn't matter what you think you do. It doesn't matter what you think you're doing or how powerful you think you are. It's my spirit that makes things happen, and I wanna remember that today. This could be a short podcast. 

Today God is the one who makes things happen in our world. He was then, and He is now, and we believe that is something else or that we might wring our hands, that something's outside of our control, but today I want to remind myself, and I hope I remind you, the holy spirit is what makes things happen in this world.

And He's working His plan. Nothing, nothing is going to thwart his plan. Nothing will stop Him. We get to relax in that, to trust Him, and to do what He says. Today, let's ask God to show us how we can relax in trust, and then just obey Him and do what He says.

I pray that for you and for me. Let's relax in trusting Him and do what He says today, because He's the one who moves the needle. Thank you for listening to this podcast. Let me give you a minute back today. Also take a minute and check out This is our community; it's a community of believers who come together to try and practice living our faith more on the six days between Sundays.

I hope that you will join us there. Go to, where you can check out more about our ministry, about the online community and join the online community and then you can take part in the next marketplace mission trip too. Thanks very much.

513. How to Create Intentional Legacy - Psalm 78:5-6

5m · Published 04 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today, I want to jump into the Old Testament for a couple of days to get us to think a little bit more strategically and long-term about our faith at work in the practical attitude towards how we live our lives. I'm in Psalm 78, verses 5 and 6 says “For he established a testimony in Jacob and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should teach them to their children, that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children.” This is part of the Psalmist is making a statement about how God has called us to pass down the things that we learn about him. To pass them to the next generation.

And part of how we do this- most of what we talk about in the marketplace mission world that Follower of One is involved in has to do with here and now, at work, how we live our lives today. We want to be very practical. There will be a today application at the end of this recording. 

We have things to do today. But we're also challenged to pay attention to our children, and their children, and their children after them. What are we doing to make sure that we have a legacy that goes forward into the future? And I'm not talking about saving up money for retirement, or building a retirement fund or something that you can allow your children to inherit.

I'm talking about creating the kind of reputation and being the kind of person that makes a difference in the lives of the people around them. Set up a character for your family, for the people that bear your name and the people that are part of your family. We're the kind of people who do X. 

Here, the Psalmist is talking about the people of Israel. He established a testimony in Jacob. He appointed this law in Israel, and he commanded the fathers to live a certain way. Basically, this is an identity statement. We are this kind of people, and you can't see me, but I'm using air quotes again. We are this kind of people.

We are the kind of people who minister to our coworkers, and who make a difference in the lives of every person that we meet. We are the kind of people who help everyone around us move one notch closer to Jesus. I want to challenge you today to begin asking God and praying about how you can live in such a way that the intentionality of your faith, the way that you are purposeful about living and serving others for the sake of making Jesus known.

That way that you live becomes something that even your kids and your grandkids and your great-grandkids pick up. That generations after this one know what kind of person you were, and they try to live up to that standard as well. This is not something that we're trying to project on other people, but it is something that we decide to be on the inside. 

When we choose to be a minister, instead of just choosing to do ministry, we flip a switch. This choice to be a minister makes a difference. It says that we are the kind of person who does certain things, and our identity directs our actions. Today, ask God to show you how your identity in Him might need to transform some part of your life.

It might need to make a difference in the way that you do your work. It might need to make a difference in the way that you interact with your coworkers, or the way you teach your children and grandchildren about these types of beliefs. Let's live intentionally today, so that our faith is making a difference in the lives of our family for generations to come. 

Set a goal now for what you'd like people to say about your family 150 years from now, and see if that doesn't change the way that you do your job. Thanks very much for being a marketplace minister. And thank you for making a difference in the lives of the people that you work with.

Your actions matter. Let's develop an identity that is based firmly in Jesus, and let that identity guide us as we take our faith into the workplace every day. Join us at as well to check out the online community that we have, the next marketplace mission trip, and to connect with others who will help you.

And you can help them as we move forward, being intentional with our faith in the workplace. Thanks very much.

512. Share Your Living Water - John 4:14

3m · Published 01 Oct 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One. Are you the kind of person that makes things better at work, or the kind of person that makes things worse? I feel like I was a negative gloomy creature in some of my jobs. There were times when working with me was difficult and I was, I didn't care. I seem to be difficult to work with.

Some of that took place before I trusted Jesus, but other times, that happened after I trusted Jesus. My challenges in the workplace were born sometimes of my own arrogance. That I would try to just tolerate people who didn't see things my way. And they knew it, and I knew it, that I was being a jerk.

I- the reason why I'm even pointing this out is because I want to talk about John 4:14 today. “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst, but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.” Jesus is basically telling the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman, that He brings a different water. That He refreshes a different way, and the way that He refreshes the people that follow Him, that water refreshes not only them, but the people they're with. A well of water springing up to eternal life.

Our job as followers of Jesus Christ is to take the life that Jesus has given us and go distribute that in our workplaces and among the people that we're with today. We're not bound by whether or not we're remote or local.

We're not constrained in any way, except for our own flesh and our own sin. We can bring the joy of Jesus and the life of Jesus to the people we work with. And we do that by praying for people and appreciating them, by serving them, by knowing what we believe, and being ready to speak about that. Those are our five daily activities.

Today in the workplace, I would like to challenge you. Let's be this eternal life that Jesus gives. Let's demonstrate that with our own life in the workplace today, as we demonstrate our trust in Christ, and as we live according to his commands, and according to what he tells us to do. We make him visible and people get to see and experience this well of water springing up to eternal life.

I want to challenge you not to be the sad Nancy that I was back in the day. Let's bring joy and peace and the fruit of the spirit to our workplaces to make a difference in the lives of the people that we work with today. Ask God to show you where you need to work on this, and then make the change. That can be your first prayer today.

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for listening to this podcast and let's promote it. I want to encourage you to share this with your friends. Let's challenge our believers who are friends in the workplace to live like we follow Jesus so that He gets to make a difference in the lives of the people that we work with. To learn more, check out our website at Join our online community and join us on the next marketplace mission trip. Thanks very much.

511. The Chance to Join Jesus at Work - Matthew 17:24-27

2m · Published 30 Sep 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and for today's podcast, I want to talk about a little interruption of a story in Matthew chapter 17. When they came to Capernaum, those who collected the two drachma tax came to Peter and said, “Does your teacher not pay the two drachma tax?” He said yes.

And when he came into the house, Jesus spoke to him first saying, “What do you think Simon? From whom do the Kings of the earth collect customs or poll tax - from their sons or from strangers?” When Peter said from strangers, Jesus said to him, “Then the sons are exempt. However, so that we do not offend them, go to the sea and throw in a hook and take the first fish that comes up. And when you open its mouth, you will find a shekel. Take that and give it to them for you and me.”

This is Matthew 17:24 through 27 in the new American standard Bible. I am just blown away by this little story. I've been thinking today because I'm listening to audio books and I deal with people who are in the faith at work world and in faith at work ministries.

So many of us seem to aim our energy for the influential and the key people in the business world. We seem to think that the leaders and the people who have discretionary time and the people who have complete an illustration.

Whatever He does, it's for our joy. And I'm talking to me as much as I'm talking to you. So I want to challenge us all today. Let's trust Jesus and do what He says. He's the one who knows what's going on, He's doing his thing and He doesn't need us as much as we need to take part in what He's doing. Thank you for being a marketplace minister.

And if you get a chance, check out all the new things that are happening in Follower of One's online community at Thanks very much.

510. According to His Riches - Philippians 4:19

4m · Published 29 Sep 08:00

Hey, it's Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today I want to focus on Philippians 4:19, "and my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus." When I think about this passage, we've been talking about, Paul is actually building up and thanking the people in Philippi for their donation to him, for their gift to him. They gave to him financially. And he's challenging them a little bit in his giving.

He says, "Thank you for going above and beyond. I didn't need this. I've learned to be content in whatever situation I'm in, but I also am grateful for what credits to your account because of the gift that you give in order to bless others." And then he says, "My God will repay you." That's what I believe he's saying, "My God will meet your needs in response to your gift or not." I believe he's saying that God will meet your needs. Now, he doesn't meet luxuries necessarily, but he does often. But to me, the key phrase in this isn't about meeting needs or luxuries or wants or desires, it's about being according to His riches.

God's riches are unlimited, and when He supplies our needs, according to His riches and not out of His riches, this is a different story. This provides a different opportunity for us. God is going to meet our needs and supply our needs, according to His riches out of His wealth, or rather not out of His wealth, but according to His wealth, He owns everything.

We have much to look forward to, and maybe you don't look forward to the future right now. Maybe you're challenged. This verse, I hope, becomes an encouragement to you. Paul says "I've received everything in full and having abundance in the verse." Before this, "I am amply supplied; having received from Epaphroditus what you have sent. It's acceptable and it's well pleasing to God that you gave this gift to me, and my God will supply your needs, according to His riches." 

Let's watch God today supply our needs. What's our application for today? Ask God to show you where you can give what He's already given you, and create an opportunity for God to supply your needs.

Our job is to ship. Our job is to give things away and to serve others and to be a blessing for them. God's job is to supply our needs, according to His riches. The Lord fills the warehouse and it's our job to ship it empty, and I would like to encourage you today: look around. Pray and ask God to show you the people that you work with and the people that you interact with today.

What can you do to be shipping grace into their situation? Because God will supply your needs. According to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I hope this verse becomes a memory verse for all of us and challenges us. We focus on shipping, let's ship the blessing of Jesus. Our calling is to serve others and to appreciate them for His glory.

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. And thank you for listening to this podcast. I'm grateful for your participation in our ministry. If you'd like to learn more, check out, and join us and take part in the next Marketplace Mission Trip. Thanks very much.

509. Everything Through Jesus - Philippians 4:13

4m · Published 28 Sep 08:00

Hi, I'm Mike Henry with Follower of One, and today we're talking about Philippians 4:13. In our previous episode, we talked about 4:11 about being content in Philippians 4:13. Paul comes back with this statement: “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” What's Paul saying here, and how does this apply to us in the workplace?

I think he's telling us that this is not a statement of that I can do anything I want. There are certain things that I just cannot do. There are things that are not physically possible for me to do. There are things that are not wise for me to do. It's not wise for me at my age to take up playing professional football. There are several things that are just kind of off the table.

This passage, though, I think is important for us because many of us face difficult work situations. Many of us face situations in our lives where we would like the circumstances to change. We would like something else to be different. We would like our employer to be different, or we would like our job situation or our finances to be different. And I believe what Paul is saying here is that anything going on in our lives is within God's control, and we can persist through those things. We can hold on to our faith and we can glorify God and honor Him in anything that happens to us.

He had spoken in the verse before. I know how to get along with humble means. He's, he's thanking them for a contribution that they made to him and he's in prison. And he's saying, thank you very much. I've learned to be content, even in this negative prison situation, I've learned how to get along and humble means, and I've learned how to prosper.

I can do all things. I can do the hard things and the easy things, whatever things Jesus gives me to do, I can do those things because I do them. And it says in my translation, The New American Standard translation, says “through him”, other translations say “in him”. There's a little variety in this word in the Greek, but because of our relationship in Jesus, we can survive the things that He gives us to survive.

We can glorify Him in them, and that's what I believe this verse is telling us today. Today in your work situation, I would like to challenge you. Let's live out our faith in such a way that we glorify Jesus. Let's look for ways to practice those five daily activities: Pray, appreciate others, know what we believe, serve others, and speak for ourselves. 

We can do those five things in any circumstance in any job. We can trust the heart, then trust God, then that he will put us to work. We can trust God, then he will put us to work in the lives of the people that we come in contact with every day. Thank you for listening to this podcast or this video, and thank you for being a marketplace minister.

I would like to challenge you to live your faith daily. Go to I'm on the wrong stuff here. Go to and check out our website and take part in the activities that we practice to help us live our faith every day. Thank you for being a marketplace minister and thank you for making a difference in your workplace.

Follower of One : Missions For The Rest Of Us has 747 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 92:04:37. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on June 1st, 2024 19:40.

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