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Handmade & Beyond Podcast

by LL Divens Etsy Entrepreneur Success Coach & Seller

I help other people start, build, and grow their handmade and Etsy businesses so that they can make extra money pursuing their passion. I am a real seller that makes their entire living off Etsy and my handmade business. I teach others how to do the same.

Copyright: All content is copyright of Handmade & Beyond


This Is Why You're "Failing" at Etsy

13m · Published 28 May 11:00

Hey everyone, in today’s episode, we’re diving into why your Etsy shop might not be performing as well as you’d like and what you can do about it.

Etsy has a whopping 7 million sellers and 92 million buyers. That’s a lot of competition, but also a huge pool of potential customers. Your goal is to attract and convert as many of those buyers to your shop as possible. Here’s how:

First, you need to offer something to a clearly defined niche with high demand. If you’re not targeting an in-demand niche, you’re setting yourself up for failure. No demand means no sales—plain and simple.

Next, let’s talk numbers. Even if you have amazing listings, SEO, and photos, you can still fail if you don’t offer enough products. You need to be a noticeable presence in the marketplace, not just a drop of sand on a beach.

For instance, let’s say you sell organic candles. There are about 120,000 listings for organic candles on Etsy. If you only have 20 listings, you’re a tiny fraction of the marketplace. To get noticed, you need more listings—lots more.

Each listing allows you to use around 37 keywords. With 20 listings, that’s 740 keywords. But against 120,000 competitors, that’s not much. The more listings you have, the more keywords you can use, increasing your chances of being found.

Consider aiming for 1,000 listings. If organic candles get about 3,600 searches a month, that’s 43,200 searches a year. With a 3% conversion rate, that’s roughly 1,200 purchases a month. If you represent 1% of the market, that’s about 12 sales a month for just one keyword.

It’s all about playing the numbers game. A clearly defined niche, high demand, quality listings, and a large number of listings all matter.

So, put in the work. Keep adding quality listings consistently, and increase your chances of success.

Don’t forget to get your free trial of Alura here:Alura Free Trial

And snag your free Etsy SEO Success Guide:Etsy SEO Success Guide for tips on how to use SEO to get more traffic and sales.

How I Reached $500K on Etsy with These 13 Steps!

55m · Published 21 May 13:00

🤯🥇Join the #1 Program for Etsy Sellers: Etsy Success Roadmap with Mentorship - 30 Days Free + 50% Off Limited Time Offer: Enroll here: https://www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsysuccessroadmap&mentorship

👨‍💻Alura: Researching new product demand, keywords, and improving your own listings has never been easier. Fantastic Etsy Tool! Get Alura here: https://www.alura.io/?via=LLETSY

In this latest podcast episode, I’m thrilled to share the 13 pivotal steps that propelled my Etsy business to over $500,000 in sales. My primary aim is to streamline your path to success, helping you achieve your goals with greater speed and less frustration. Throughout the episode, I’ll take you on a deep dive into the inner workings of my Etsy shop, revealing exactly how I reached this significant milestone. Expect no fluff or filler—just straightforward, effective strategies that have worked for me and could very well work for you too. Join me as I lay out the blueprint that could help you replicate my success on Etsy.

From Idea to Sale: A Proven Etsy Listing Formula

18m · Published 14 May 13:00

Welcome to "My Etsy Listing Formula," where I share my step-by-step approach to creating successful Etsy listings.

First, I start with my idea of what I want to create. I jot down three variations of the idea in the form of keywords, which can be either specific or broad. For example, I might consider "woods lake painting," "mountain lake painting," or "field lake painting." A pro tip: if a keyword isn't performing well, I might need to alter the format or specific words to see better results. For instance, "field lake painting" might not do as well as "prairie lake painting," even though they're similar types of paintings.

Next, I do product demand research using Alura. I check how much search volume each keyword gets and, more importantly, how many overall sales there are. For instance, "woods lake painting" might have a search volume of 5,000 and sales of 15,000, while "mountain lake painting" has a search volume of 4,000 and sales of 10,000. I don't focus on finding keywords with low competition but high traffic and sales. Instead, I look for enough traffic to get my piece of the pie. It's like setting up a yard sale on a busy street versus a backroad – the busy street will always bring more success.

Based on this research, I pick the winner, which in this case is "woods lake painting."

Then, I create the product. Once the product is ready, I do additional keyword research to find high-value keywords to further enhance my listing. I look for similar keywords with a lot of traffic and sales. For example, "nature painting" might have 90,000 searches and 358,000 sales, or "rustic lake decor" might have 15,000 sales. I use a mix of highly specific and broad high-value keywords to target my audience and fill out the keywords in my listing.

I take all my researched keywords and add them to my title and tags. I do the title first, then copy them to my tags. Not all will fit, so I edit them to fit, breaking them up as needed. A pro tip: if I use commas between keywords, I can copy and paste them, and whatever fits will be input into the tags.

Next, I fill out the rest of my listing with the important information: pictures (including alt text), attributes, a keyword-rich description (AI can help here), and pricing (using Alura to research average prices).

Finally, I list the item and let it sit for 3-6 months before considering any changes. Then, I rinse and repeat for future listings.

Don't forget to get your free trial of Alura here: Alura Free Trial. Join me as I navigate the world of Etsy listings and share my insights with you!

Problem Solved: Expanding Your Niche Without Running Out Of Ideas

13m · Published 07 May 14:49

In the latest episode ofmypodcast,Itackled a question many Etsy sellers ponder: "How do I niche down and list more when my niche seems too specific?" This is a great question because asIdive into the world of niches, the paths can seem limited, but they really aren't.

I started by unpacking why niching down is so powerful. It's about connecting directly and intimately with your target audience. Think about the difference between shouting in a packed stadium versus having a conversation in a quiet room. Niching effectively puts you in that quiet room with your ideal customer.

Many sellers start too broadly, trying to cater to everyone and thus, speaking directly to no one. For instance, selling "shirts" or "jewelry" without a focus is too vague. The trick is to home in on your interests and market demand. For example, I began by targeting men and women interested in CrossFit with my shirt designs, which allowed me to establish a foothold and expand from there.

But what happens when you feel you've niched down as far as you can go? That's where the fun begins! You can always:

  1. Expand Within Your Niche: For example, if you're doing funny shirts for moms, think about new sayings, designs, or even shirt types that cater to evolving trends and humor.
  2. Niche Down Further: Maybe start designing shirts that combine mom-related humor with specific hobbies like wine or coffee, or experiment with different styles of artwork or shirt cuts.
  3. Diversify Product Offerings: Why limit to shirts? Put those popular sayings on mugs, wine glasses, or keychains, considering what your target demographic would appreciate.

This episode not only addresses these strategies but also emphasizes the limitless potential in any niche when you think creatively and multidimensionally. Don't miss this episode if you're ready to explore new depths in your niche and broaden your product offerings!

And remember, for more tips on maximizing your Etsy store through effective SEO and other strategies, grab your free Etsy SEO Success Guide. It’s packed with insights to help you increase traffic and sales on Etsy! www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsyseosuccess

5 Etsy Time Saving Hacks

14m · Published 30 Apr 13:00

In today's podcast episode, I'm excited to share some top time-saving hacks that have revolutionized how I manage my Etsy business. Managing time efficiently is crucial, and with these strategies, you can streamline your operations too. Here are the hacks I covered:

  1. Duplicate Similar Listings: Why start from scratch when you can use existing listings as templates?
  2. Bulk Edit Listings: Take advantage of Etsy's bulk editing tools to update multiple listings simultaneously.
  3. Leverage AI for Descriptions: AI tools can dramatically reduce the time it takes to write product descriptions.
  4. Prepaid Etsy Labels: Skip the post office by printing prepaid shipping labels directly from Etsy.
  5. Batch Social Media and Emails: Prepare and schedule these in advance to save daily time.
  6. Organize Weekly Workflows: Planning your tasks weekly helps maintain focus and efficiency.

Don't miss out on additional resources to boost your Etsy shop's success! Grab your free Etsy SEO success guide at www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsyseosuccess for insider tips and strategies on increasing traffic and sales.

Would You Give Etsy Full Control To Test Your Listing Titles?

13m · Published 26 Apr 13:00

Etsy is known for its continual evolution, always tweaking and testing to enhance the marketplace experience. Recently, they've begun experimenting with altering seller titles—a move that has sparked a mixed reaction within the community. In this podcast episode, we delve into the pros and cons of Etsy's latest strategy and discuss potential solutions for sellers.

Pros of Etsy Testing Titles:

  • Improvement of Poor Listings:By adjusting less effective titles, Etsy aims to help these listings perform better, potentially increasing visibility and sales.
  • Leveling the Playing Field:This change could standardize opportunities for success among sellers, making competition more about product quality rather than just optimization skills.

Cons of Etsy's Approach:

  • Risk to Successful Listings:There's a concern that these changes could disrupt listings that are already performing well, possibly affecting established sales trajectories.
  • Reduced Incentive for Learning:With Etsy handling title optimizations, sellers might become less inclined to learn SEO best practices, potentially stunting their growth and adaptability.
  • Concerns Over Control:This move suggests a significant increase in control over individual shops, which could lead to frustrations among more experienced sellers.

A Constructive Suggestion:To address these issues, why not adopt a strategy similar to Facebook's ad system? Sellers could be given the option to test up to five different titles themselves, tracking which performs best over a designated period. This hands-on approach would allow sellers to stay engaged with SEO practices and better understand what works for their products.

For those looking to dive deeper into mastering Etsy SEO, don't miss out on grabbing your free Etsy SEO Success Guide. This resource is packed with essential tips and strategies to boost your shop's visibility and sales. Check it out atHandmade and Beyond.

In conclusion, while Etsy's title testing initiative aims to help sellers enhance their listings, it's crucial to find a balance that empowers sellers and maintains marketplace integrity. By potentially allowing sellers to conduct their own title tests, Etsy could foster a more knowledgeable and competitive community, aligned with both seller interests and platform goals.

Reference article:https://www.ecommercebytes.com/C/abblog/blog.pl?/pl/2024/4/1712932218.html

How To Deal With Crazy Etsy Customers

17m · Published 16 Apr 13:00

In this episode, I dive into the wild world of customer interactions on platforms like Etsy, where things can get pretty intense! I'll be covering everything from whether you should offer returns and exchanges to who should foot the bill for shipping, and how to tackle refunds effectively. We'll also explore the best ways to correct mistakes and handle scams, including those tricky situations involving QR codes and external links. Plus, I’ll share some personal strategies for dealing with negative reviews that could save your shop’s reputation. Don’t miss out on the actionable insights from our free Etsy SEO Success Guide, packed with tips to boost your traffic and sales. Grab your copy at www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsyseosuccess and take your Etsy business to the next level!

Is Your Etsy Shop A Failure? How To Know

13m · Published 09 Apr 12:31

In today's episode, I want to address a concern many Etsy shop owners face: the fear of failure. I'm here to remind you that you are not a failure. Entrepreneurship is challenging, and it's normal not to see immediate growth or sales. But this doesn't mean you're failing; it means there's more work to be done and more ground to cover on your journey to freedom and success. The time it takes to reach your goals varies for everyone, but the key is to never give up.

Facing no sales can be frustrating, but it's a common issue that can be addressed by examining and adjusting your approach. How much time are you dedicating to your Etsy business? Are you strategic with your efforts? Do you have enough listings, and are they optimized for visibility and appeal? Perhaps your shop suffers from a lack of demand, poor listing setup, no defined niche, or you're spreading yourself too thin across too many objectives.

Today, I'm sharing insights on these common hurdles and how to overcome them, with the ultimate aim of reducing your frustration and channeling your energy into positive, impactful actions. By focusing on what's within your control, you can significantly improve your shop's performance.

And for those looking to enhance their Etsy SEO, don't miss out on grabbing your free Etsy SEO success guide. It's packed with essential tips and strategies to increase your shop's traffic and sales. Visit www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsyseosuccess for your copy and start making meaningful progress in your Etsy journey.

How To Fix Etsy: Solutions Beyond Frustrations

16m · Published 13 Mar 13:00

In the vast, vibrant world of Etsy, it's not uncommon to stumble upon sellers voicing their frustrations. From message boards to forums, and even beneath the threads of my own videos, there's a palpable sense of discontent. But before you reach for the pitchforks, let's take a moment to rethink our approach to this platform we all care deeply about.

Embracing Change: A New Perspective

Etsy's journey from an under-the-radar e-commerce platform to a top-tier marketplace with nearly 100 million buyers is nothing short of remarkable. However, with rapid growth comes inevitable growing pains. Today, I invite you to join me in shifting focus from what's wrong to exploring actionable solutions.

A Lesson from Corporate America

My corporate background taught me the importance of constructive feedback. Complaints were only as valuable as the solutions they prompted. This philosophy underpins my approach to addressing Etsy's challenges. Let's dive into the issues and, more importantly, the solutions.

Solutions for Common Etsy Seller Challenges

Refined Shop Opening Procedures

The Issue: Unregulated shop openings leading to policy violations and scams. The Solution: Implement a rigorous application process, including a small fee and detailed business plans. This approach discourages scammers and ensures a commitment to quality.

Combating Infringements

The Issue: The prevalence of trademarked, copyrighted, and mass-produced items. The Solution: Enhance AI detection methods and establish a clear procedure for sellers to prove licensing. A proactive stance on policing will protect genuine creators.

Revamping Support

The Issue: Inaccessible support and final decisions without appeal. The Solution: Introduce a tiered support system, including phone support, to provide personalized assistance. New sellers receive additional guidance, while veterans enjoy VIP service.

Transparent Fee Structure

The Issue: Confusion and frustration over fees. The Solution: Offer detailed onboarding and business training to explain fees clearly and help sellers understand their impact on profit margins.

Simplified Shipping

The Issue: Complexity in setting up and managing shipping. The Solution: Improve onboarding with comprehensive shipping training and resources, making it easier for new sellers to start on the right foot.

Your Voice Matters

While I've highlighted key areas for improvement, the conversation doesn't end here. I encourage you to share your experiences and solutions. Together, we can foster a more supportive, transparent, and thriving Etsy community.

A Parting Gift

Before you go, don't miss out on your free Etsy SEO success guide. Packed with essential SEO tips and tricks, it's your key to driving more traffic and sales to your Etsy shop. Visit www.handmadeandbeyond.com/etsyseosuccess and unlock the full potential of your Etsy business.

Together, we can turn the tide of frustration into a wave of success. Remember, negativity finds no home in the heart of a problem solver. Let's rebuild Etsy, not just for the platform's sake, but for the community that makes it truly special.

Are Monthly Fees Coming To Etsy?

9m · Published 08 Mar 14:00

Etsy's Monthly Fees: Panic or Progress? Let's Unpack the Buzz!

The word on the street (or should we say, the buzz in the craft room) is that monthly fees may be making their grand entrance to Etsy soon. And just like that, it feels like we're about to "unleash the hounds!" Now, let's be real - the mere mention of fee increases on Etsy can send sellers into a frenzy that rivals the chaos of a dropped stitch in a knitting project.

Remember the uproar when Etsy nudged their transaction fee up to 6.5%? It was as if the crafting world had been asked to sacrifice their beloved glue guns and yarn stashes. But, as a fellow Etsy seller and small business owner, I understand the gut reaction. The thought of parting with more of our hard-earned cash can sting.

The Whispers of Change: Monthly Fees on the Horizon?

So, why the speculation about monthly fees? It seems Etsy has been sending out feelers through surveys to a slice of the seller community, stirring the pot of curiosity and concern.

Decoding the Details

What we know is still shrouded in a bit of mystery. The speculation is that this could mirror eBay's store monthly fees system, offering an optional subscription that could unlock a treasure trove of perks, including listing fee discounts and more. As someone who has navigated the eBay waters, I can attest to the savings that these kinds of subscriptions can offer, particularly for those of us who are prolific listers or high-volume sellers.

The Possible Perks: A Silver Lining?

The rumored benefits of this subscription model could include:

  • Reduced listing fees
  • Lower transaction fees
  • Ad credits to boost your shop's visibility
  • Access to exclusive discounts and perks
  • Enhanced shop customization and promotional tools

Etsy Plus: A Prelude to Change?

For those who might not be in the know, Etsy already dabbles in subscription services with Etsy Plus. For a modest $10 a month, sellers get ad credits, shop customization options, listing credits, and more. It's been a hot topic of discussion, with whispers of a revamp that could potentially be the shape of things to come.

Embracing the Change: A Call to Optimism

Before we sharpen our pitchforks or start hoarding craft supplies in protest, let's take a moment. Change, while daunting, isn't inherently bad. Etsy Plus, for instance, offers tangible benefits that, for many, outweigh its cost. If Etsy is indeed planning to expand on this concept, it could mean even more value for sellers willing to invest a little in their shop's growth.

It's natural to bristle at change, especially when it hits our wallets. However, maintaining a positive, open-minded approach is crucial. After all, the only constant in business (and life) is change. By focusing on what we can control and adapting to the evolving landscape, we position ourselves for success, regardless of what new policies come our way.

So, fellow creators and entrepreneurs, let's watch this space with cautious optimism. Changes may be coming, but so are opportunities. And remember, no matter what Etsy throws our way, the creativity, resilience, and spirit of our community will see us through.

And hey, while we're navigating these changes, don't forget to arm yourself with knowledge. Dive into the world of Etsy SEO with my free guide, packed with tips and tricks to drive traffic and sales to your shop. Check it out at Handmade and Beyond. Here's to not just surviving but thriving on Etsy, no matter what the future holds!

Handmade & Beyond Podcast has 323 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 86:21:00. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 26th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 17:41.

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