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The Wellness Project with Dr. Kim Foster

by Kim Foster, M.D.

In the Wellness Project we unpack what wellness really means, with conversations and solo episodes designed to help you live a healthy, beautiful, vibrant life. Hosted by Dr. Kim Foster, MD-turned-coach, wellness expert, and entrepreneur, the show is about helping you cut through the confusion and overwhelm and finding the simple habits that actually fit your lifestyle. Whether you’re building a business so you can create true freedom for yourself, or you’re seeking the tools and strategies that will help you finally achieve your own personal health goals, you’re in the right place. Each week you’ll hear expert advice, inspiring stories, and practical tips that will help you feel better, follow your purpose, and master the art of living well.

Copyright: Kim Foster 2019


141: How To Optimize Your Health Coaching Website w/ Jenny Belanger

33m · Published 22 Mar 10:00

Is your website doing the job you need it to be doing? Specifically, is it acting as a client-attracting machine?

Because I have to tell you, having a "nice" looking website is not enough.

Websites are very important when building your business, but there's very little point to creating and maintaining a website if it's not doing what you need it to do.

So how do you make sure that your website IS a client-attracting machine? What needs to go onto a website that's doing the work of attracting your dream clients and bringing them along a journey toward becoming an actual client, or customer?

My guest on this episode helps us answer these questions, and more. Jenny Belanger is the CEO and Creative Director of JennyB Designs, a website design studio, and she helps entrepreneurs and small businesses build websites that communicate and connect with visitors and attract their ideal clients. 

With Jenny's background in nonprofit and corporate marketing + communications, she has been designing websites for 20 years, and in this episode I pick her brain about all her experiences and the wisdom she's gained when it comes to website function and design.

Full episode notes: 

140: What Stops You From Living An Active Life? w/ Nicola Mercer

55m · Published 08 Mar 11:00

What does being healthy really mean? And perhaps more importantly, how can we each start to pursue our own version of wellness?

This is exactly what my guest and I get into on today's episode.

Nicola Mercer is one of the coaches on my team - she works with me inside the Wellness Coach Academy, supporting all our students and new coaches as they're building their businesses - and before coming onto my team, she was actually a student herself inside my program, and became a certified coach through WCA.

But before THAT, she was a corporate girl, working for Nike for 20 years.

Nicola learned a lot when she worked at Nike, about the power of taking care of both your body and mind, and also why, as adults, we have a responsibility to normalize healthy living for the younger generation.

We get into all of these topics and more in today's conversation.

Full episode notes:

139: Changing Careers From One Industry To Another w/ Jenn Trepeck

49m · Published 01 Mar 11:00

Are you currently working in an industry that's not related to healthcare or the wellness field, but you would really love to make a change and start building a career in wellness?

If you're like many people I talk to, you might have some doubts about your ability to do that.

You might have questioned whether it's something you can even do, or you might have thought things like "who am I to talk to people about their wellness?" because you don't have a background in it.

And if that sounds familiar, then you definitely need to stay tuned for this episode.

My guest today, Jenn Trepeck, runs a thriving business in the wellness space, and has a terrific podcast of her own, called Salad With A Side Of Fries. But she didn't start out that way. In fact, Jenn started moving into the wellness field and started her company as a side hustle, while working full time in hedge funds in New York City.

The wisdom that Jenn shares in this episode can actually apply to anyone who is contemplating a career change, but has some fears and hesitations that are holding them back …no matter what industry you're starting in and what industry you're looking to pivot into…but of course it especially applies if you're feeling called to the wellness space.

Full episode notes:

138: How To Build Coaching Skills And Find Your Tribe w/ Sara Dunbar

42m · Published 15 Feb 11:00

Building a tribe is such a key thing for us all, especially when we’re doing something new, or different, or scary. Having a supportive community that has your back can be the difference-maker you need, in terms of your success and your happiness.

It’s also a key element of living a healthy life, although it’s often not given the importance it deserves. After all, we humans are social creatures. We’ve always depended on our social structures for survival…and we still need them today. 

My guest for this episode, Sara Dunbar, is a member of my team inside the Wellness Coach Academy. She works with our students to support and mentor them as they go through the program, and especially to help them build their own coaching skills, which is something you’ll hear us talk about a lot during this conversation.

A key thing for Sara, one of her core values, is this idea of connecting with other people and building a tribe of supportive people as you’re going through this journey of life. And this is another thing you’ll hear us talk about during this conversation – not only about the importance of creating a community for yourself, but also how to find that community, if it’s something you feel is lacking in your life.

Full episode notes:


Resources Mentioned:

Apply for the Wellness Coach Academy today:


Connect with Sara Dunbar:




More Helpful Resources:


  • Download my FREE Marketing Checklist for Health Coaches: 12 Ways To Get Clients

  • My Free Class: How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program

  • Kim on Instagram:

137: How To Grow On Social Media And Turn It Into A Business w/ Kat Chao

51m · Published 01 Feb 23:16

Let’s talk about the things that hold us back in business. If you’re building a business in the health and wellness industry, I’m willing to bet that the things that you THINK are holding you back aren’t the things that are actually holding you back.

This is true for many of us, but it’s especially true for my guest today, Kat Chao, who has built a huge amount of success growing her social media audience on TikTok and Instagram (to over 100K followers on each of those platforms)…but is still not where she would like to be, business-wise.

And you’re going to get to sit in as I coach her through this issue in real time.

You’ll hear us discuss the reasons behind that amazing success on social media and find out how she managed to accomplish this feat – and I think you’ll be surprised to learn how easily she was able to do it, especially since Kat is a mother of two young kids.

And you’ll also hear as I dig into her business and her mindset around monetizing, and see if we can uncover what’s going on for her and what’s holding her back from taking things to the next level, and I think you’re going to find it fascinating.

Full episode notes:

Where to find Kat:




More Helpful Resources:

  • Download my FREE Marketing Checklist for Health Coaches: 12 Ways To Get Clients
  • My Free Class: How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program
  • Kim on Instagram:


How To Stop Worrying About Critics w/ Julie Doan

51m · Published 18 Jan 11:00

If you’re building a business, do you worry about your critics? When you’re putting content out there or creating a new offer, do you find yourself obsessing over what people might say and think? Are you worried that people are going to come out of the woodwork and criticize your ideas and poke holes in them, and make you feel inadequate, inexperienced, or wrong?

I know a lot of entrepreneurs struggle with this, and I have also seen this fear of criticism hold a lot of people back from doing their good work in the world.

If that sounds at all familiar then you’re going to love this episode because I’ve got a guest with me today who has been struggling with this exact issue, and you’re going to get to sit in as I coach her through it, in real time.

Julie Doan is a previous client of mine, and she has built a very successful health coaching business. She is a pharmacist by training, and she is also a health coach with a very busy and successful practice helping people with their metabolic and hormonal health.

But Julie has been thinking about a new direction for her business for quite some time, and the time is ripe right now for her to start building out this new project, but there are a few things that are standing in her way – probably the biggest is her mindset around this new venture.

So the format of this episode is going to be a little different because I’m going to be coaching Julie on this issue and I think you’ll be really interested to see how it all plays out, and what Julie discovers as we dig into her mindset about her new project for her business. 

Full episode notes:

Where to find Julie:



More Helpful Resources:

  • Download my FREE Marketing Checklist for Health Coaches: 12 Ways To Get Clients
  • My Free Class: How To Build A 6-Figure Health Coaching Business Using One Signature Program
  • Kim on Instagram:

135: How She Built A 7-Figure Health Coaching Business w/ Amanda Nighbert

45m · Published 14 Dec 11:00

I talk to a lot of people who would love to become a wellness coach and build their own business, but a lot of them really struggle with a lot of doubt.

They doubt whether this is really possible. They're maybe even skeptical, because, let's face it, it sounds too good to be true, doesn't it?

When you run a successful business as a wellness coach, you are your own boss. You set your own hours, go on vacation when you want, work from home if you want, or really work from wherever in the world you like. And, even better than all that, you get to wake up every day with the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping people to improve their lives. I mean, it just sounds amazing, right? So I don't blame people for being skeptical. Because it does sound too good to be true.

Which is why I'm so excited to share with you today's conversation with my guest Amanda Nighbert… because Amanda is a registered dietitian who specialized in weight loss nutrition – and she has built, no joke, a 7-figure business out of her area of expertise.

Amanda used to work at a hospital making $66K a year, before following her passion and starting her own business, which is now more successful than she could have possibly imagined when she first started out.

In fact, you'll hear us talk about this during the interview, that all she really wanted to do when she started out was make $1000 extra each month. That was her initial goal. But she has gone way beyond that goal, obviously.

And it's all because she made the decision that she just wasn't going to settle for the status quo. She was willing to try something new, and she has given herself permission to try, and see what happens … instead of worrying about what might go wrong, and thinking that this isn't really possible.

And I'm saying this because I know those doubts and worries are what are stopping a lot of YOU from jumping in and getting moving.

So without further ado, to show you just what is truly possible for you, if you are willing to show up for yourself – here's my conversation with Amanda Nighbert.

Full episode notes:

134: How To Make Your Mistakes Your Greatest Successes w/ Steph Tuss

37m · Published 30 Nov 11:00

Are you afraid of making mistakes? Are you afraid of taking risks because you're worried that you might do it wrong, or mess up, or lose money, or be embarrassed … and whatever other terrible consequences you think might happen as a result of making a mistake.

In this episode, we're going to flip mistakes on their head, and we're going to talk about why mistakes aren't something to be feared – but to be welcomed.

And, as my guest will tell you, mistakes are required for building a business.

Steph Tuss is the CEO of multimillion-dollar global consulting company Life Is Now, Inc., and frequent stand-in cohost of Business Daily News' top-ranked podcast - The Successful Mind.

The first business Steph started was when she was a holistic nutritionist, and as she was building that business, she hired David Neagle and his team at Life Is Now, Inc., to help her grow her business.

As she continued to scale her business, her love for entrepreneurship really took center stage and so she sold her business and joined Life Is Now, Inc. as the Director of Sales in 2009 before taking on the CEO role in 2016.

In her six years at the helm of the company, Steph has become the primary driver behind all of Life Is Now's marketing, business development, and brilliant team culture.

Full episode notes:

133: How To Answer "What Do You Do?" When You're A Health Coach w/ Kris Jones

37m · Published 16 Nov 11:00

If you're building your business, whether it's a side hustle or your main gig, someone has probably asked you: "So, what do you do?"

And this one, seemingly innocent question, can cause a lot of people to feel paralyzed and like a deer in the headlights.

It's so awkward, right?

I mean, you want to talk about what you're doing because you know that it would be beneficial for you in terms of networking and getting the word out, but how do you answer this question in a way that is going to actually sound interesting to people?

Well, if this is something you struggle with, if you DREAD being asked the question "what do you do?" then this episode is definitely for you.

My guest today is Kris Jones, and Kris is a StoryBrand guide & the Founder of Red Door Designs, a website design company. Kris was mentored by the StoryBrand founder - Donald Miller himself, and she has over 20 years of experience and clients like Nike under her belt.

Here are some of the things you'll learn:

  • Why it's so important to have your messaging already ready to go so you can confidently communicate what you do in a clear, engaging & compelling way
  • The fundamental parts you have to figure out before you create your messaging around "what do you do"
  • Kris's 3-question formula for clearly communicating what you do in a way that has people responding, "OOOh, tell me more!"?

…and lots more!

Full episode notes:

132: How To Create A Memorable Brand Voice w/ Lucy Bedewi

37m · Published 02 Nov 10:00

When you're creating your website or building a sales page, you need to write the words that will go on those pages.

The official term for the words that go on your website or sales pages is: copy.

And copywriting is a skillset that most of us are not born with.

But the good news is that you can learn how to write effective copy, and copy that connects and converts!

In fact, you need to learn how to do this.

Because if your words and your marketing language are not crafted to connect with people and motivate them to take action, then your business will really struggle.

To help us with this I have a guest on this episode who is an expert in this field and she's got a lot of great tips and tricks to share. Lucy Bedewi is a personality-driven copywriter who specializes in crafting copy for businesses that want to stand out and scale.

She has worked with a variety of companies, ranging from growing solopreneurs to multi-million dollar brands.

In this episode I sit down with Lucy to pick her brain on a number of topics related to copywriting, like cultivating your brand voice, connecting with your prospects on an emotional level, and the common mistakes she sees people making with their copy – and the very simple fixes that you can do right away.

Full episode notes:

The Wellness Project with Dr. Kim Foster has 158 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 74:58:54. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 31st, 2024 06:41.

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