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Product Pioneers

by Product Management Department @ CODE University of Applied Sciences

Product Pioneers is a Product Management Podcast that helps spread awareness on Product Management-related subjects. We are a student lead podcast powered by CODE University of Applied Sciences Our topics are diverse - from exploring new technologies, tools or methods, talking to experts, and market leaders to showcasing our students’ semester projects! Connect with us: Visit our website for show notes, updates, feedback and more: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on LinkedIn: CODE University of Applied Sciences: Thanks for your support! Enjoy listening.

Copyright: CODE University of Applied Sciences


Navigating AI regulation: On the spotlight - The EU AI Act

1h 5m · Published 24 Apr 07:00

🚀 Navigating the New Terrain: The EU AI Act & Its Impact on AI Safety 🚀

As the digital frontier expands, the European Union takes a significant step forward with the introduction of the EU AI Act, setting a new benchmark for AI safety and regulation on a global scale. This groundbreaking legislation brings both opportunities and challenges for businesses and developers operating in the AI space. Here's what you need to know:

🌐 The Importance of AI Safety: At its core, the EU AI Act underscores the critical importance of safety, transparency, and accountability in AI development. It aims to foster innovation while ensuring AI systems are developed and deployed in a way that respects human rights and ethical standards.

⏳ Timeline & Risk-Based Approach: The Act introduces a phased, risk-based framework, categorizing AI applications into different levels of risk—from minimal to high. This approach allows for a tailored compliance strategy, focusing regulatory efforts where they are most needed to protect public interests and safety.

🚧 Challenges in Implementation: Despite its noble intentions, the EU AI Act presents significant business implementation challenges. These include navigating complex regulatory requirements, ensuring data privacy, and adapting to a dynamic legal landscape. The need for clarity and guidance has never been more pronounced.

💰 Severe Penalties for Non-Compliance: The stakes are high, with severe penalties looking for those who fail to comply. Penalties could reach up to 6% of global turnover for breaches, underscoring the EU's commitment to enforcing the Act rigorously.

🔍 Future-Proofing Strategies for AI Businesses: To navigate these waters successfully, AI businesses and developers must:

  • Stay informed about the evolving regulatory landscape.
  • Conduct thorough risk assessments of their AI systems.
  • Invest in transparent and ethical AI development practices.
  • Engage in open dialogue with regulators and stakeholders.
  • Consider the establishment of dedicated compliance and ethics teams.

The EU AI Act is not just a regulatory hurdle; it's an opportunity to lead in the ethical development of AI technologies. By embracing these principles, companies can avoid severe penalties, build trust with users, and establish themselves as pioneers in the responsible use of AI.

Sebastian - History, future of generative AI, focused on ChatGPT and its societal impact

1h 25m · Published 24 May 17:00

The episode of the Product Pioneers Podcast featuring Sebastian, a philosopher and senior lecturer of the Science, Technology, Society program at CODE University, provides an insightful exploration of artificial intelligence (AI), with particular emphasis on ChatGPT and generative AI. Sebastian delves into their societal and individual impacts, sharing a unique educational experiment involving ChatGPT. He also presents a brief history of AI, touching upon its origin, decline, and resurgence due to advancements in computing power and the internet.

Natural language processing (NLP), he asserts, is integral to AI because language is a cornerstone of human interaction. This leads to a discussion on generative AI, bringing us closer to machines understanding and generating human-like language. The workings of ChatGPT, a large language model trained on extensive amounts of human language data, are also discussed.

Sebastian reflects on the cultural significance of AI and human fascination with intelligent machines. Despite the seeming humanlike understanding or consciousness of large language models like ChatGPT-4, he stresses that they merely follow programmed patterns and statistical probabilities based on their training data.

Ethical and societal challenges of AI are explored, particularly the risk of misuse and the perpetuation of biases inherent in the training data. He emphasizes the need to remember the limitations of these models, insisting they are tools designed to assist us, not autonomous entities.

The philosopher further explores the effects of AI interactions on our social lives and views on reality. He notes the risk of manipulation of user behavior, pointing to instances of surveillance capitalism and social media algorithms that influence user preferences. He also discusses the implications of integrating ChatGPT with personal devices and software, raising concerns about control loss and potential manipulation.

Sebastian acknowledges the impact of AI on employment, but anticipates the creation of new jobs requiring new skills. He expects generative AI to enhance human creativity and emphasizes the need for continual learning and adaptation.

The legal and ethical implications of AI are not overlooked, and the importance of striking a balance between individual privacy and technological development is highlighted. He advocates for the equitable distribution of wealth generated by technological advancements.

He stresses the need for everyone to understand AI systems and their potential societal impact. He also sees a potential role for generative AI in simplifying academic language and assisting in academic writing and various aspects of working life.

Finally, Sebastian outlines potential future roles for ChatGPT and generative AI, focusing on augmentation, specialization, cohesive interaction with other AI forms, and ethical considerations around biases, misinformation, and manipulation. He notes the ongoing debate about AI in the arts and creative industries, insisting that the source of innovation and originality will remain innately human.

As a key takeaway, Sebastian urges shifting focus from marveling at AI capabilities to appreciating human intelligence, as humans are the architects of these amazing technological advancements. Instead of just learning from machines, he encourages learning from diverse human experiences, knowledge, and creativity. Building a sustainable business with generative AI

36m · Published 23 May 10:57

In this insightful episode of our generative AI podcast season 3, serial entrepreneur Henri discusses his journey and the pivotal role of business models in shaping successful ventures in the era of generative AI.

Beginning with the inception of his AI-powered publishing house, Henri details how perfect timing and CODE facilitated the realization of his dream of writing books with AI. He provides a deep dive into the founding journey of Mailwrite, a company inspired by ChatGPT for writing customer emails. The episode intricately traces the path from initial API exploration to roadmap building, stumbling blocks, eventual launch, and the formidable challenges that led to a fresh start.

The episode pivots to the crucial subject of crafting effective business models in the context of generative AI. Henri compares ChatGPT to a gatekeeper, using companies like Amazon and Google as illustrations. In a thought-provoking segment, he brings up the challenges of constructing moats, instituting network effects, and blitzscaling, weighing the necessity of defending such strategies. The open-source vs. closed-source debate is broached as a strategy to stave off competition from ChatGPT.

The narrative moves on to the dichotomy between expectations and the actual capabilities of creative AI. Henri stresses that AI should be viewed as a smart assistant only, not a world-changing creator. Despite AI's ability to synthesize data and demonstrate creativity, it lacks the deep understanding of customer needs and a level of novelty originating from lived experiences, revolutionary ideas, or paradigm shifts. He suggests that AI companies' competitive edge lies in niche expertise fields and edge cases. 

In the closing segment, the focus shifts to understanding customers and their use cases, the necessity of a robust business model, and the proactive initiative to exploit APIs to develop products. Henri also lays out the next steps, encompassing the accumulation of relevant resources such as books and tools.

Throughout the episode, Henri underscores various methods and tools, like hypothesis-driven business model design, the Business Model Canvas, the Four Box Model, and the Business Model Navigator. He also poses strategic and tactical questions around experimenting with different business models in the market, defending against competition through network effects and gatekeepers, user acquisition, economic viability, alternative business models, and anticipating potential future disruptions.

Henri also elucidates the opportunities for startups to monetize relationships through B2B, B2C, or two-sided relationships. The episode emphasizes the necessity of speed, scale, and deep customer understanding, along with the concept of user-based moats. It further explores pricing strategies for B2B models, including API costs and code.

In conclusion, this episode offers profound insights into the importance of business models, along with the challenges and opportunities associated with building companies in the era of generative AI.

Creating at the speed of thought: Revolutionizing human-computer interaction with

45m · Published 06 Apr 12:14

In this episode, we discussed the following: 
- How artificial intelligence and cognitive science come together to redefine automation and productivity

- Revisiting the history of human-computer interaction and the future of brain-machine interfaces

- How integrates into your daily workflow and revolutionise the way you work 


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Building the product organisation of Gorillas during hyper growth (Europes fastest ever Unicorn) - Patrick Haede, Head of Product from Gorillas, on building great teams, hiring, product fundamentals and the exit of his previous company Mapify + Celebrating our last episode of Season 2 + our first Product Hunt launch.

1h 6m · Published 15 Feb 08:00
**Welcome to this very special episode.** + Our guest is Patrick Haede, the head of product from Gorillas the 10 Minute Grocery delivery app (Europes fasted ever unicornI) + We celebrate the last episode of season 2🙏 + We are live on Product Hunt today🚀 We appreciate your support: 👉 **More about our guest+ the episode :** Our guest today is Patrick, the head of product from Gorillas - The 10 Minute grocery delivery app (Europes fasted ever Unicorn). He started at Gorillas as one out of two product people about a year ago and built, together with Barbara, head of design, the product organisation to about 30 people today and more than 10.000 employees. Before that he founded and sold Mapify. A travel app that allows you share your travel experiences, get inspired for your next trip and easily book these complex roundtrips. We will briefly talk about mapify and his exit but mainly focus on the the insane growth that he witnessed at Gorillas. We talk about, hiring, building great teams how he built the product organisation, and generally about the all the different moving pieces that are needed to create a service like Gorillas. Visit the shownotes here: **About Season 2 and the Product Hunt Launch: ** This episode will mark one of the last episodes of season 2. As you know this podcast is run by a team of CODE University students and now has a total of 34 episodes with 13 episodes in Season 2. Simon, our host, will need to focus on his bachelor thesis in the coming months and also wants to pass this incredible opportunity of podcasting on to new students, so they can take it to new heights! To celebrate it we are live on Product hunt today. Product hunt is a platform where people can vote for products. The more people vote the more people see it and have the chance to get value out of each episode. If you liked and got value out of at least one of our episodes we would highly appreciate your support. 🚀 If you want to show some love and dont already have an account on Product Hunt you can create one in under 5 minutes with Apple, Google, Twitter or Facebook sign-in. Please upvote Product Pioneers, it would mean allot to everyone on the team! And of course you can also support us on LinkedIn or Instagram. 🙏 Huge thanks to Patrick our guest today, all guests that have been on the show and made each episode possible, the entire team from Season 1 and Season 2, and of course our dear listeners! If anyone from the CODE students listening are interested to join the fun for Season 3 please get in touch. Thanks for being on the ride with us! Follow us here: **Instagram**: **LinkedIn:**: **Our Website with Shownotes:** **Support us on Product Hunt today:**

Noah Bragg on bootstrapping (a Notion website builder) to over $4.000 in MRR as a solo entrepreneur while growing his Twitter audience to over 8.000 followers by building in public.

53m · Published 23 Dec 12:00


For the last episode of the year we open a new category on this podcast: Solo entrepreneurship, bootstrapping and indie-hacking.

Our guest today is Noah Bragg the founder of He is the perfect person to speak about this. Before he built and sold two businesses. is a Notion powered website builder that allows for custom domains, custom CSS styling and more. Since he started with this project roughly a year ago he reached $4.000 in monthly returning revenue and grew his Twitter following to over 8.000 followers by building in public, all while still having his day job.

I hope you will enjoy this episode. Happy holidays! 

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How to develop robots that grow carbon negative food + Hardware design advice for different scales + Insights into managing multiple teams + Working at Apple - Tom Kendall Director of Hardware Engineering at IronOx

1h 34m · Published 09 Dec 07:00
This episode covers allot off ground, because our Guest today no other than Tom Kendall, Director of hardware engineering at IronOx. IronOx is a US based indoor farming startup "solving global climate through our food, grown renewably, using technology". They use greenhouses, robotics, automation and AI to optimise everything about the plant growth process including energy consumption. Tom Kendall is the director of hardware engineering at IronOx. He oversees multiple teams at IronOx and has over 10 years of experience building/managing hardware. He also worked as a process engineer at Apple. In this episode we talk about: - IronOx and what makes them unique in their farming approach. - The development process of their new farm robot Grover. - The daily life of a director of hardware engineering & how to manage multiple teams. - What it was like to work at Apple as a process engineer on the Iphone. - Advice to build hardware at different scales & more. Tune in to get all the details Jump to major sections: Apple: Minute 0. IronOx and his role: Minute 20 Developing robot Grover: Minute 39 Managing Teams & General learnings: 108. Follow us on: Instagram: Linkedin: Website:

Scaling hardware production - How to bring a hardware product from idea to mass production using manufacturers in china - Joshua Fairbairn (MorphoMFG)

36m · Published 25 Nov 07:00
In this episode we take a closer look at what is needed for a successful crowdfunding campaign via Kickstarter or Indigogo and look at the different steps needed if you want to bring your hardware product to life. Our guest is Joshua Fairbairn CEO MorphpMFG, a turnkey solution provider offering a start-to-finish product experience including prototyping, sourcing, mass manufacturing, IP protection, and more for production in China. We also look at how he started the company and their secret for success - the Component Control Method. This episode is special because it adds insights into the later product development cycle especially when it comes to hardware based products. If you want to work with them, make sure to use this email and subject line to get a discount: [email protected] | Subject-line: CodeBerlinXMorphoMFG21. Let's tune in together. **Follow us on:** **Instagram** **LinkedIn** **Our Website:**

Using Human Centered Design to build the leading green finance brand - Jessica Carta Treecard

37m · Published 14 Oct 06:00
In this episode we have the Head of Product from Treecard Jessica Carta on the show. TreeCard is a debit card that puts 80% of profits directly to responsible reforestation projects through the help of Ecosia. By 2026, they aim to plant one billion trees. Jessica is a passionate payments and fintech product professional with **10+ years creating, building, and launching fintech products across the globe.** In this episode we look at the story of Treecard, why they choose treeplanting as a mean to tackle climate change, talk about Human Centered Design and how Treecard uses it to build the leading green finance brand. Tune in to learn more. Follow us on: Instagram: Linkedin: Website:

Product Pioneers has 38 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 28:06:26. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on August 30th 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 17th, 2024 12:16.

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