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Money Loves Happy People

by Christy Rutherford

Money Loves Happy People is the #1 podcast for professional women who want to advance in their careers without sacrificing their mental and physical health. Wholeness is the NEW RICH! Christy has assisted her clients with earning over $12 million dollars in salary raises SINCE 2020. Yes, women are still getting paid in these tough economic times. Are you next?

Copyright: @2023 Christy Rutherford


E43 Depression is Destiny Suppression

16m · Published 12 Aug 14:00

Christy addresses the desire among many working women to transition from corporate careers to entrepreneurship. She advises that while the shift can be daunting, the key is to identify what truly makes you happy and harness your natural talents. Entrepreneurship should be a path that aligns with your authentic self and serves your unique purpose.

Anxiety often arises when our inner being yearns for growth and expansion, yet we resist change and play it safe. Christy highlights the conflict between staying within our comfort zones and the inherent need for personal evolution. She suggests that anxiety can be viewed as a catalyst for positive transformation.

To find fulfillment, Christy emphasizes the need to bridge the gap between our job and our deeper aspirations. She encourages listeners to identify their natural talents, consider what makes them happy, and explore ways to transform these aspects into marketable skills.

Christy explores the struggles of ambitious individuals who feel like misfits in their families. She points out that breaking generational patterns often leads to inner conflict, seeking validation from others, and striving for acceptance and advocates that embracing your destiny requires aligning with your inner being and focusing on your unique calling.

Christy discusses the power of the law of attraction and the importance of clearly defining what you desire. Writing down your goals, visualizing them, and sharing them with others can align your circumstances with your intentions. She emphasizes that prosperity is rooted in embracing your purpose and solving the problems you were meant to address.

Listen to “Depression is Destiny Suppression” and discover that pursuing happiness and success doesn't have to be a binary choice. By aligning with our true selves and embracing our unique purpose, we can reduce anxiety and lead lives of genuine fulfillment and prosperity.

E42 Redefining Success as a Woman In Senior Leadership with Aruna Tikaare

49m · Published 05 Aug 14:00

Aruna reflects on her professional achievements and academic success but reveals the missing piece – feeling successful. She discusses the challenges of balancing rational thinking with embracing her emotions and how it impacted her overall fulfillment.

Through Vision Finders International, she learned to let go of societal expectations and embrace her true self. By breaking free from the need to fit into predefined boxes, she discovered her authentic leadership style and how it positively influenced her interactions with others.

Being in senior leadership positions often comes with unique challenges for women. Aruna discusses her experiences as a woman in a male-dominated field and the importance of owning her strengths and expertise, regardless of external perceptions.

Through her transformative journey, Aruna recognized the significance of acknowledging and embracing emotions. By connecting with her feelings, she developed a deeper sense of presence, patience, and understanding with herself and those around her.

Listen to Episode 42 entitled “Redefining Success as a Woman In Senior Leadership with Aruna Tikaare” and discover the power of embracing one's true self, understanding personal strengths and uniqueness, and breaking free from societal expectations to find genuine fulfillment and success.

E41 Challenges Ambitious Women Have at Work

55m · Published 29 Jul 14:00

In this insightful episode, Christy Rutherford, Executive Coach and Women’s Leadership Expert, delves into the challenges ambitious women encounter in the workplace.

Many women fall into the trap of playing it safe and staying in undervalued positions, reflecting patterns ingrained from childhood and societal expectations. 

Christy encourages listeners to redefine their self-worth and embrace their skills and experiences fully.

The discussion also touches on the power of personal development and the necessity of shedding old narratives and beliefs that hinder growth. 

Christy shares anecdotes of her clients who experienced transformational shifts in their careers and lives by reconnecting with their passions and authentic selves.

Christy emphasizes the significance of aligning personal goals with the organization's objectives and seeking input from supervisors on specific actions to take to achieve desired results.

Join this empowering conversation as Christy Rutherford guides ambitious women on a journey of self-discovery, helping them overcome barriers, define their value, and step into a brighter, purpose-driven future.

E40 Ask and It's Given with LaNelle Owens

54m · Published 22 Jul 15:00

The truth LaNelle teaches us is simple yet transformative: ask boldly for what will truly fulfill your soul, and believe you deserve to receive it. For years, LaNelle defined her joy through job titles that left her feeling "blah" and unfulfilled.

Through Vision Finder International, she learned to stop seeking completion outside herself. She focused instead on how she wanted to feel - joyful every single day. And she started acting as if she'd already received the life that matched that joyful state. LaNelle asked while believing she'd be given. And suddenly, a dream job appeared offering that daily fulfillment she'd envisioned.

LaNelle's story reveals an exhilarating truth: true abundance comes from within. When we ask from that place of inner fullness, believing we deserve to receive, the outer circumstances mysteriously reshape to match our elevated vibration. But first, we must give ourselves permission to boldly ask for - and receive - the life that lights our soul on fire. Only then can we truly win.

Listen to Episode 40 entitled “Ask and It's Given with LaNelle Owens” and discover the power of asking for what you want and then truly believing you will receive it. 

E39 Why Am I Here?

49m · Published 15 Jul 14:00

In this episode, Christy explores why we are here and how to reach our full potential. She explains that you came into this life to be great but childhood experiences can shape who you become and cause you to forget your true self. Through personal development, renewing your mindset, and forgiving the past, you can transform and reconnect to the light within you.

Your light, peace, and love already exist within you. The shift begins with accepting that this is possible for you. When triggered at work or in conflict, the root issue may lie in unhealed trauma from your past. Forgiving those who hurt you can help avoid reacting from a wounded place.

It's a lifelong process of renewing your mind through reading, listening, and applying information. Mastering one book that you read again and again will have more impact than reading a thousand books superficially. This inner transformation is how we reconnect with our true selves and rediscover our purpose in life.

E38 A Mom's Needs with Diana Pode-DeGroot

1h 0m · Published 08 Jul 14:00

Welcome to Why She's Winning! I'm your host, Christy Rutherford, and today I am thrilled to have the incredible Diana Pode-DeGroot. With over 20 years of experience at Eaton Academy, Diana has transformed the lives of students and families. From her upcoming book on parenting children with disabilities to her advocacy for inclusivity, Diana's passion for creating a more loving and valued society shines through. 

Get ready for an inspiring conversation filled with insights and empowering stories of triumph. Don't miss this episode as we celebrate Diana's incredible journey and her commitment to making a difference.

E37 How to Say No in a Nice Way

47m · Published 01 Jul 14:00

Welcome to Money Loves Happy People! I'm your host, Christy Rutherford. In today's episode, we're diving into the topic of how to say "NO" in a nice way. It's a challenge many of us face, with a staggering 8.2 billion monthly searches on this subject alone. 

Join me as we explore the art of gracefully declining requests. We'll discuss key points, including examining who truly benefits from our "YES," the impact of sacrificing our own happiness for others, and finding the balance between respecting others and respecting ourselves. 

Get ready for an insightful discussion on navigating the delicate art of saying "NO" with kindness and assertiveness.

E36 Shifting From Grief to Gratitude

47m · Published 18 Jun 23:15

In today's episode of Why She’s Winning Podcast, we sat down with Renee Turner, a successful Corporate Litigator, to discuss her experience dealing with grief and “the” imposter syndrome, while maintaining a demanding career. Renee shares her journey of learning to be vulnerable, seeking support, and coping with grief and childhood trauma. Through her story, Renee emphasizes the importance of taking time to heal and finding resources to assist in the process. She talks about the importance of self-care and finding support from friends, family, and professional therapy.


As a self-care advocate, Renee shares practical tips and insights for listeners who may be struggling with grief or childhood trauma. She discusses the transformative power of vulnerability and seeking support and how these practices can lead to personal and professional success.


This episode is a powerful reminder that healing from grief and childhood trauma is an ongoing journey and that seeking support is an important part of that process. Whether you're dealing with these challenges in your personal or professional life, this episode offers valuable wisdom and inspiration for anyone seeking to heal and grow.


Key Points from this Episode:

●        Healing from grief and childhood trauma is an ongoing journey that requires taking time to heal and finding resources to assist in the process, such as therapy and support from friends and family.


●        Practicing self-care is crucial in managing and coping with grief and childhood trauma. This includes finding ways to prioritize rest, relaxation, and activities that bring joy and peace.


●        Vulnerability and seeking support can be transformative in personal and professional success.





"What I've learned is I had to learn how to give myself grace and compassion." - Renee E. Turner.


"What I changed was being vulnerable and being like, here's where I am in my life. Here's what I'm going through, and hopefully, you can be understanding about that, but I have to set boundaries for myself so that I can continue to survive and be the woman I wanna be for myself, the mom I wanna be for my children." - Renee E. Turner.


"You have survived a hundred percent of your worst days." - Renee E. Turner.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Christy Rutherford Website

Get a 30% Raise Without Getting Another Degree. -

Resume Course - How to Use the Superpower Method to Write an Irresistible Resume to Land You a High-Paying Job -

Money Loves Happy People Private Community -

How to Reduce Anxiety - MLHP

49m · Published 17 Jun 13:00

The Money Loves Happy People podcast episode tackles lessening anxiety and shares valuable insights and advice for professional women who want to advance in their careers without sacrificing their mental and physical health. The host, Christy Rutherford, highlights the importance of taking action and coming up with decisions rather than being overcome by fear and anxiety. She provides five key points to reduce anxiety, such as to move, think that one isn't born anxious or depressed, get off social media, prioritize self-care, and change one's phone number. Rutherford also shares personal anecdotes and experiences, including how she overcame depression by deciding to resign from her toxic job and answer the call to her destiny. 

Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and advice for anyone struggling with anxiety and depression. Rutherford's emphasis on taking action and making decisions is particularly inspiring and empowering. By following her five points and prioritizing self-care, listeners can take the first steps towards reducing anxiety and living a happier, more fulfilling life.

Key Points from this Episode:

  • Move and Don't Die in the Fire, that is, coming up with decisions and putting into action things that must be done to reduce anxiety and depression.

  • Anxiety is a Man-Made Condition; it isn't natural but considered to be man-made, and that this is adapted by people from their environment.

  • Get Off of Social Media is one of the five key points if one wants to reduce anxiety, including its negative impact on mental health. 

  • Stop pouring and fill your cup, emphasizing the need to take care of oneself first and fill your own cup before thinking of others.

  • Changing your number is a good way to disconnect from people who are using and draining one's energy.  

  • The Importance of Meditation, ways on how to do it, and the benefits it can bring to your life, like happiness, joy, and peace. Guided Meditation, in particular, helps one's mind, removes negative energy and reduces anxiety.

  • Letting Go of Negative Habits, including its patterns, can prevent high-achieving women from accessing their full potential and eventually can lead to success. 

  • The presence of supportive people is essential because they are genuinely supportive of you rather than just interested in what you can do for them.

Tweetables by Christy Rutherford: 

"I'm frustrated from listening to women talk about ending up in the hospital having blood transfusions being in the hospital ICU for two weeks because they were unwilling to do anything about what they have been complaining about for years. This is a life and death situation."

"Get off social media and save your own mental health first. Because you're looking at everybody, you're comparing yourself to other people, and you're not being who you are."

 "You're not in alignment with who you are, the great woman that you are, and you're pretending to be somebody else so you can be liked."

"Depression is when you relive your past more than you focus on where you're going in your future."

"Those same people cared about me; a hundred people cared about what I could do for them. They didn't look for me past outside of what I could no longer serve them in. So are y'all only giving away your gifts and what you can do for other people, and you leave nothing for yourself?"

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Christy Rutherford Website

How to Ask for a Raise - MLHP

49m · Published 13 Jun 14:00

In this episode of "Money Loves Happy People," host Christy Rutherford discusses the topic of getting a raise and shares five points to consider. She emphasizes the importance of owning your value and building relationships with decision makers. Three guests were given their moments to discuss and share their career paths, one of which is from finance and teaching to real estate and pottery, highlighting the overlap between real estate and finance. Christy gives  advice to listeners to be crystal clear on their value and ask for what they deserve. Encouraging words were also given by Christy to the listeners to be specific about their goals and attach a burning desire to achieve them. Overall, the episode aims to empower high-achieving women to ask for and receive the pay they deserve.

Key Points from this Episode:

  • There are five points to consider when asking for a raise such as owning your value, quantifying your contributions, asking largely, being consistent with the positive mental attitude, and finally asking for what you deserve.

  • The importance of getting a raise and the three essential points to remember such as getting clear and honest about how you're showing up, owning your value, and building relationships with decision makers.

  • Owning your value is such an important factor as well as adequately calculating how much you should be making and an encouragement to stop hiding their achievements and own how great they are.

  • One must be aware of the need for building trusted relationships with decision makers including the tips on how to do so effectively.

  • One must always be on the lookout to calculate one’s worth and the presence of belief in your own value is a requisite when asking for a higher salary.

  • One should focus on expressing own value and highlight what can be offered to the organization in the event of a higher salary negotiation.   

Tweetables by Christy Rutherford: 

“Celebrating high-achieving women who know their worth and ask for what they deserve!”

“Empowering women to negotiate a higher salary and advance in their careers!”

“Recognizing your value and owning your badass qualities is key to getting the pay you deserve!”

“Breaking the cycle of not making enough money and giving your family and the world the gifts they deserve!” 

“Celebrating victories in negotiating a higher salary and finding a new career path!”

Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

Christy Rutherford Website

Also, follow Christy Rutherford on her socials/sites:

Instagram: Christy Rutherford

LinkedIn: Christy Rutherford

Facebook: Christy Rutherford

Website: How to Calculate Your Value in the...

Money Loves Happy People has 82 episodes in total of non- explicit content. Total playtime is 61:58:27. The language of the podcast is English. This podcast has been added on November 21st 2022. It might contain more episodes than the ones shown here. It was last updated on May 29th, 2024 22:40.

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